New to the board with Inflammatory Breast Cancer



  • Texasgirl10
    Texasgirl10 Member Posts: 668
    cahjah75 said:

    Hi Texas girl
    you've come to a good place for encouragement and support. Ask questions when you want and post often. BC is scary especially about the unknown. Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
    {{hugs}} Char

    Thank You
    Thank You all for the warm welcome. It is a comfort to know that there are people out there that honestly know how I am feeling and understands what I am going through. You all are an inspiration.
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member

    Thank You
    Thank You all for the warm welcome. It is a comfort to know that there are people out there that honestly know how I am feeling and understands what I am going through. You all are an inspiration.

    Warm Welcome, Texasgirl10...
    We're all here to support & encourage each other. Glad you found us, though regret the reason. Here, you will find others like you - new to the journey, just beginning the emotional "rollercoaster ride"... Many currently undergoing invasive treatments, some of us finished long ago (am a 7+ year survivor).

    This site is your "safe zone" - for questions & answers, venting, and even celebrating victories. We share the good & the bad.

    Kind regards, Susan
  • Texasgirl10
    Texasgirl10 Member Posts: 668

    From another Texas girl
    Welcome to the board. Sorry that you need to be here at all but you will be glad you found it. There are so many wonderful people here willing to share all they have learned on this journey. My cancer was IDC so different type from you. I have been through the surgery (lumpectomy) chemo and rads. I am now on month 4 of tamoxifen. I remember the fear but, it is all doable. You will find strength you did not know you had. Please drink lots and lots of water before during and after chemo it helps a lot! Feel free to ask anything someone always has an answer. God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice

    I am in the central part of TX, what part of the state are you in?

    Me too
    Hi there fellow central Texan. Gotta love this crazy weather we are having today. Yesterday I wore capri's, today I feel like I need a parka lol
  • Texasgirl10
    Texasgirl10 Member Posts: 668
    sea60 said:

    We all hear you Pink Sister
    and we so understand what your feeling. We are all in this together no matter the distance. This place just brings us all together like some "cyber" living room where we can vent, cry, laugh, share and just be there for one another. So never forget, you're just a "send" button away from us.

    God bless you!

    What part of Texas are you from?


    Central Texas
    I'm from a small town in Central Texas. Are you from Texas also?
  • Texasgirl10
    Texasgirl10 Member Posts: 668

    Warm Welcome, Texasgirl10...
    We're all here to support & encourage each other. Glad you found us, though regret the reason. Here, you will find others like you - new to the journey, just beginning the emotional "rollercoaster ride"... Many currently undergoing invasive treatments, some of us finished long ago (am a 7+ year survivor).

    This site is your "safe zone" - for questions & answers, venting, and even celebrating victories. We share the good & the bad.

    Kind regards, Susan

    congratulations on 7 years and I'm praying for many more years for you.
  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    Welcome Texasgirl,

    Welcome Texasgirl,
    I also have IBS ( Inflammatory Breast Cancer ) I was Dx's May 4Th 2010. I had chemo ( Herceptin taxotere carboplatin ) 6 rounds every 3 weeks. My tumor was large about 2X3 inches right breast. It came up fast as IBS can do. I was swollen red and very sore. But by the time I got to the 3rd chemo I could not find the tumor any longer. Nor could my Dr. After chemo was over I had surgery ( Modified radical mastectomy right side )When the pathology came back there was NED ( No evidence of disease )I still have to do Radiation but I have been declared cancer free. and in the beginning I was told it was a very aggressive cancer but they would do there best. so try not to get to scared it does get better. You will learn allot here And we will all be here for you all the way. What ever you need just ask and you got it.
    If I can help please let me know Take care darlin Kay
  • Boppy_of_6
    Boppy_of_6 Member Posts: 1,138

    Me too
    Hi there fellow central Texan. Gotta love this crazy weather we are having today. Yesterday I wore capri's, today I feel like I need a parka lol

    Crazy crazy weather
    You just never know here do you?!?! I am going to send you a PM so check your CSN mail ok, God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    cahjah75 said:

    Hi Texas girl
    you've come to a good place for encouragement and support. Ask questions when you want and post often. BC is scary especially about the unknown. Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
    {{hugs}} Char

    Hi Texas Girl! Yes, we
    Hi Texas Girl! Yes, we understand! Glad you found us and hope that your treatments go easily and well for you.

    Sue :)
  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003

    Welcome Texasgirl,

    Welcome Texasgirl,
    I also have IBS ( Inflammatory Breast Cancer ) I was Dx's May 4Th 2010. I had chemo ( Herceptin taxotere carboplatin ) 6 rounds every 3 weeks. My tumor was large about 2X3 inches right breast. It came up fast as IBS can do. I was swollen red and very sore. But by the time I got to the 3rd chemo I could not find the tumor any longer. Nor could my Dr. After chemo was over I had surgery ( Modified radical mastectomy right side )When the pathology came back there was NED ( No evidence of disease )I still have to do Radiation but I have been declared cancer free. and in the beginning I was told it was a very aggressive cancer but they would do there best. so try not to get to scared it does get better. You will learn allot here And we will all be here for you all the way. What ever you need just ask and you got it.
    If I can help please let me know Take care darlin Kay

    I also have IBC. I was
    I also have IBC. I was diagnosed on July 7, 2008. Right now, I have had a reoccurance so i am in chemo again. I know that there is a lot of scary things out there about IBC, so I do not blame you for being terrified! But, as you can see by the above post, there is hope for us. I am sure that your treatment plan will be chemo, then masectomy, then radiation. You will need to be diligent about follow-up since there is a high reoccurance rate. Take care
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    meena1 said:

    I also have IBC. I was
    I also have IBC. I was diagnosed on July 7, 2008. Right now, I have had a reoccurance so i am in chemo again. I know that there is a lot of scary things out there about IBC, so I do not blame you for being terrified! But, as you can see by the above post, there is hope for us. I am sure that your treatment plan will be chemo, then masectomy, then radiation. You will need to be diligent about follow-up since there is a high reoccurance rate. Take care

    Chemo, Surgery, Chemo, Rads
    I had a different TX plan for my IBC. I've recently seen several who said that they had had 2 different types of Chemo before surgery. I did have 2 different Chomos but only 1 before surgery. I had 4 A/C two weeks apart first but then 2 weeks after last infusion I had mod. rad. mast.. 3 weeks after surgery, I started Chemo again - 12 weekly Taxol. Rads started 1 week after last Taxol and started Femara 1 - 1 1/2 weeks after starting rads. I've seen a lot who didn't start anything for being ER+ til after rads were over. Even within the same type of BC there are different TXs.

  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613

    Central Texas
    I'm from a small town in Central Texas. Are you from Texas also?

    I'm from San Antonio :D

    PM me if you're ever here and we can meet for coffee :)
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991

    Welcome Texasgirl,

    Welcome Texasgirl,
    I also have IBS ( Inflammatory Breast Cancer ) I was Dx's May 4Th 2010. I had chemo ( Herceptin taxotere carboplatin ) 6 rounds every 3 weeks. My tumor was large about 2X3 inches right breast. It came up fast as IBS can do. I was swollen red and very sore. But by the time I got to the 3rd chemo I could not find the tumor any longer. Nor could my Dr. After chemo was over I had surgery ( Modified radical mastectomy right side )When the pathology came back there was NED ( No evidence of disease )I still have to do Radiation but I have been declared cancer free. and in the beginning I was told it was a very aggressive cancer but they would do there best. so try not to get to scared it does get better. You will learn allot here And we will all be here for you all the way. What ever you need just ask and you got it.
    If I can help please let me know Take care darlin Kay

    Welcome! I have invasive bc
    Welcome! I have invasive bc and had a lumpectomy. Then, I had rads.

    We are here for you, so, feel free to come back and post to let us know how you are doing.

    Good luck!
  • Texasgirl10
    Texasgirl10 Member Posts: 668

    Welcome Texasgirl,

    Welcome Texasgirl,
    I also have IBS ( Inflammatory Breast Cancer ) I was Dx's May 4Th 2010. I had chemo ( Herceptin taxotere carboplatin ) 6 rounds every 3 weeks. My tumor was large about 2X3 inches right breast. It came up fast as IBS can do. I was swollen red and very sore. But by the time I got to the 3rd chemo I could not find the tumor any longer. Nor could my Dr. After chemo was over I had surgery ( Modified radical mastectomy right side )When the pathology came back there was NED ( No evidence of disease )I still have to do Radiation but I have been declared cancer free. and in the beginning I was told it was a very aggressive cancer but they would do there best. so try not to get to scared it does get better. You will learn allot here And we will all be here for you all the way. What ever you need just ask and you got it.
    If I can help please let me know Take care darlin Kay

    Hi Smalldoggroomer,
    congratulations on being cancer free!!! I can't wait to hear those words. I start chemo on Tuesday. I'm not looking forward to it but at the same time I'm ready to get started so I can be cancer free too :) My Dr has said that I will do chemo, surgery, then radiation. I am trying not to think about the fact that IBC is very aggressive. If I start thinking about it I get scared and start thinking negative thoughts, which I know isn't going to help me get better. I have read so many positive stories on this board and I know that there is tons of hope. I'm so glad that I found this group. Thank You for welcoming me. I will probably ask you a million questions during all of this and you will probably get tired of me.
  • racergirl
    racergirl Member Posts: 50

    Hi Smalldoggroomer,
    congratulations on being cancer free!!! I can't wait to hear those words. I start chemo on Tuesday. I'm not looking forward to it but at the same time I'm ready to get started so I can be cancer free too :) My Dr has said that I will do chemo, surgery, then radiation. I am trying not to think about the fact that IBC is very aggressive. If I start thinking about it I get scared and start thinking negative thoughts, which I know isn't going to help me get better. I have read so many positive stories on this board and I know that there is tons of hope. I'm so glad that I found this group. Thank You for welcoming me. I will probably ask you a million questions during all of this and you will probably get tired of me.

    I am also IBC
    I was diagnosed in late July, started chemo on 4 Aug, last chemo 10 Nov. For me it was not too bad, I made it through with only minimal side effects. I Just had a Mod Rad Mast on the right side on 23 Nov, and am in the healing process as I type this. My PET CT scans that we had done after my last chemo came out clean. Onc wants to start radiation asap, just to make sure we get any residual little buggers that might be wanting to come back.

    What all of this means for you Texasgirl is that it is doable, it is a journey, and it take time and effort. I had to think of it in stages, because if I tried to think of the whole thing it was too overwhelming. Good luck to you and stay in touch. Patti.
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000

    Hi Smalldoggroomer,
    congratulations on being cancer free!!! I can't wait to hear those words. I start chemo on Tuesday. I'm not looking forward to it but at the same time I'm ready to get started so I can be cancer free too :) My Dr has said that I will do chemo, surgery, then radiation. I am trying not to think about the fact that IBC is very aggressive. If I start thinking about it I get scared and start thinking negative thoughts, which I know isn't going to help me get better. I have read so many positive stories on this board and I know that there is tons of hope. I'm so glad that I found this group. Thank You for welcoming me. I will probably ask you a million questions during all of this and you will probably get tired of me.

    Good luck with your first
    Good luck with your first chemo next Tuesday!

    Hugs, Megan
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member

    Hi Smalldoggroomer,
    congratulations on being cancer free!!! I can't wait to hear those words. I start chemo on Tuesday. I'm not looking forward to it but at the same time I'm ready to get started so I can be cancer free too :) My Dr has said that I will do chemo, surgery, then radiation. I am trying not to think about the fact that IBC is very aggressive. If I start thinking about it I get scared and start thinking negative thoughts, which I know isn't going to help me get better. I have read so many positive stories on this board and I know that there is tons of hope. I'm so glad that I found this group. Thank You for welcoming me. I will probably ask you a million questions during all of this and you will probably get tired of me.

    Ask all of the questions you
    Ask all of the questions you want. Someone here always seems to be able to answer any question. Stay positive! You will be cancer free and dancing with NED before you know it!

    Hugs, Debby
  • ladybug22
    ladybug22 Member Posts: 646
    I B C
    TEXASGIRL. hang in there its ok to be terrified. i was dx with i b c in aug of 07. Jan 1 2011 i will have 3 years clean just wanted to let you know we can make it . hugs and love to you
  • ladybug22
    ladybug22 Member Posts: 646
    meena1 said:

    I also have IBC. I was
    I also have IBC. I was diagnosed on July 7, 2008. Right now, I have had a reoccurance so i am in chemo again. I know that there is a lot of scary things out there about IBC, so I do not blame you for being terrified! But, as you can see by the above post, there is hope for us. I am sure that your treatment plan will be chemo, then masectomy, then radiation. You will need to be diligent about follow-up since there is a high reoccurance rate. Take care

    I am sure glade to see your post. sure nhope you are getting along good. have ask about in the chat room. hugs and love to you
  • Texasgirl10
    Texasgirl10 Member Posts: 668
    ladybug22 said:

    I B C
    TEXASGIRL. hang in there its ok to be terrified. i was dx with i b c in aug of 07. Jan 1 2011 i will have 3 years clean just wanted to let you know we can make it . hugs and love to you

    I have hope
    Hi ladybug, Ya'll have given me tons of hope. I am excited to hear the success stories from everyone here. I can't wait to hear the words " you are cancer free" & I will hear those words :) Thank You for making my night brighter
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    missrenee said:

    You're in the right place, TexasGirl
    This board has been a Godsend for me and so many others. We all know the fear you're experiencing right now. I am a year post-diagnosis and there are still times (less and less)that I think, "is this really happening?!" You WILL get through this. Latch on to whatever comforts you--be it family, friends, prayer, music, yoga, and this board. Take all the help that is offered. I found through my journey that people can be so helpful and comforting--and, they really want to help. I think it's their way of coping with your diagnosis--just feeling as if they're doing something for you.

    I'm sending you so much positive energy today and many prayers. Chemo was a very scary thought for me--I'm the girl who won't even take an aspirin. But, guess what--I had 6 rounds of Taxotere, Adriamycin, Cytoxan (a very agressive treatment) and it wasn't nearly as bad as I imagined. Everyone is different and there are many side effects--but it's very likely that your side effects will be minimal and manageable.

    Good luck on your journey. Stay in touch with this board--it really helps. No question is off limits and you can feel free to vent, rage or just tell us how you're doing.

    Hugs, Renee

    Just saying hi and to
    Just saying hi and to welcome you also to the greatest board! Everyone here can help you with information, comfort you and let you vent whenever you want.

    You are in good hands!

    Hugs, Leeza