
sbteres Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Caregivers #1
I am new to this group. Having spent the past two years taking care of my husband as he battles ALL. At age 32, we never thought we would be experiencing this. We have recently been told that he is terminal after two BMTs, the cancer is back again. He is choosing not to go forward with anymore treatment.

I have started blogging about our life in hopes that as I share our story, it will help not only us through this process, but help our friends and family in understanding his decision. I also hope as I reflect on the past two years, that somehow my words will help another couple, caregiver, and/or family as they struggle with this disease. I know that I have gained comfort in reading other caregivers blogs, knowing that I am not alone and others share in feelings and frustrations.

Thank you!


  • 3Mana
    3Mana Member Posts: 811
    You'll get support here!
    Sorry to see you on this board, but glad you shared your story. It's not fair that you are so young and are having to watch your husband go through this. It's so hard watching someone you love go through this terrible dissease. My husband passed away this passed March. He had been diagnosed in January with nsclc which had spread and had lesions in his brain & spine. This was a shock to us since he had only had a back ache since August. Thought it was just from all the work he had done in the yard. He had one chemo treatment with 3 chemos, one of which was Avastin. First he had 2 weeks of radiation to his brain & spine. The rad seemed to be shrinking the tumors, and we were so happy. But after his first chemo treatment, he started coughing up blood. So they only gave him his next treatment with 2 chemos minus the Avastin which was causing the problem. But it was too late and the damage was done. This was a RARE side effect, and it was traumatic the way he died, but he did.
    Anyhow, this will be the 1st Christmas without him and can't wait till it's over. Thanksgiving was hard enough to go through. I sure hope 2011 will be a better year. It's so hard adjusting to a new life, but there's no choice.
    So, as you can see, we all are in this together and it's good to share our feelings.
    Good luck to you & your husband. Keep in touch! "Carole: