Matthew 17:20

bruins1971 Member Posts: 227
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

Matthew 17:20


  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member
    the last time
    When is the last time some one informed you that you looked like "Cliff" the postman on Cheers? I hate to be repetitive.
  • dianetavegia
    dianetavegia Member Posts: 1,942 Member
    I was never able to find a forum for Christians with cancer. Found lots of 'blogs' but no forums. There's a thread on Colon Club where you can share verses and type out prayers without offending.

    Have you joined FAITHWALK Click here Those fine folk prayed for me every other Wednesday while I had chemo, claiming the verse:

    Mark 16:18 "They will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover."
  • PGLGreg
    PGLGreg Member Posts: 731

    I was never able to find a forum for Christians with cancer. Found lots of 'blogs' but no forums. There's a thread on Colon Club where you can share verses and type out prayers without offending.

    Have you joined FAITHWALK Click here Those fine folk prayed for me every other Wednesday while I had chemo, claiming the verse:

    Mark 16:18 "They will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover."

    Handling snakes will prevent chemo side-effects? That sounds promising.

  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    it keeps me going

    I appreciate this verse & I know that you are trying to encourage people here. When people don't believe the same, however, you will discover that many people get offended and even angry with verses and statements about faith. I just noticed and read a post in response to yours of someone who became upset with you for posting this. Perhaps the reaction is due to the thought that people feel like they are being told they have cancer because they don't have faith. I know that is the way many will interpret it.
    As a Christian myself, I have a lot of faith and have believed several times that I would be healed and yet I still have cancer. I know that because people who seem to have faith and are prayed for still often die from cancer, people have a hard time with believing and understanding it when people then tell them they need to have faith. Maybe they feel judged or maybe just even angry at God for allowing people of faith to still die. I know I had a hard time with that one for quite a while, but I do still believe in a very real and personal God. I believe and feel that my reason for existing is to bring glory to God in all I do and say. I know that I have many, many people praying for me & I believe that God hears their prayers as well as my own and that the fact that I still have cancer does not mean that God is ignoring the prayers. I believe I may be healed at some point and that is still my prayer and my hope, but I will also accept that there is a plan for my life. I believe that since I became ill with cancer, that I have been given a forum among my friends and family that I would not have had otherwise. People often will listen to my thoughts and words more seriously than they did before. I had a man who I used to work with who did not believe in God tell me that He now believes and it's because of what I have said and how I still give glory to God even "in the storm of life".

    A word of advice to you & not meant to discourage you in your own faith in any way... I have seen people get upset at others for what they say was preaching a few different times in the 2-1/2 yrs I've been coming on this CSN board. Some people have even left the board over it. I personally have decided that to tell people I am going to pray for them (when I really do mean it- not just saying it in the same way as saying "I'm thinking happy thoughts for you") is who I am. I am not going to stop being who I am, but posting specific verses really meant for fellow believers is probably not going to go over well with non believers. And we must remember this site is for everyone. Please don't change who you are here, but let's try to not start a riot (which has definitely happened here before in response to someone posting verses). It makes me sad that some people react so strongly and get so offended when I don't believe the intention was to offend or judge, but to encourage others to have faith. I guess my advice to you would be do not allow others to discourage you in faith, but perhaps think of how what you write and post here can encourage others, not cause a backlash against Christians and to the Lord himself.
    It just always makes me sad when a Christian shares his/her faith and it ends up making others angry. I suppose by its very nature, it's hard to not do that. Maybe by phrasing such statements as "I believe..." or "I think..." will have it come across as you stating a personal belief, not being judgemental. I will state to anyone who asks how I get through having cancer that I believe God put me on earth for a higher purpose than just for fulfilling my own needs and the needs of my immediate family- I believe I am here as one of God's created beings who is on earth to give praise back to our creator. Yes, I DO believe that faith can produce amazing and very supernatural results for various things in life. Even though I still have cancer, I believe the Lord has done amazing things for me. My faith has actually been strengthened during this ordeal. I do not believe God caused my cancer, but I believe He is allowing it for awhile & while I will never believe anything about my actual cancer itself is good, I do believe some good has come out of it. As frustrating as that can be, I will continue to be looking for miracles all around. I am strong, still fairly healthy in spite of cancer, still functioning as a wife and mother of three and so I think that is a miracle in itself. Ok- now I am probably opening my own can of worms with these statements- but I'm just stating it here on this thread- not wanting to start anything with anyone- really- just sharing my thoughts here on your post and also on another post that is a reaction to this post. What I believe can't be argued with, but I guess the argument some will have is where our beliefs are being stated- on a public cancer board that is for everyone, regardless of their beliefs. Great thing about America, huh- that we get to state our beliefs and our non beliefs! Well, that about sums up what I'm thinking at the moment-

    Take care Bobby & God bless-
  • Kerry S
    Kerry S Member Posts: 606 Member
    lisa42 said:

    it keeps me going

    I appreciate this verse & I know that you are trying to encourage people here. When people don't believe the same, however, you will discover that many people get offended and even angry with verses and statements about faith. I just noticed and read a post in response to yours of someone who became upset with you for posting this. Perhaps the reaction is due to the thought that people feel like they are being told they have cancer because they don't have faith. I know that is the way many will interpret it.
    As a Christian myself, I have a lot of faith and have believed several times that I would be healed and yet I still have cancer. I know that because people who seem to have faith and are prayed for still often die from cancer, people have a hard time with believing and understanding it when people then tell them they need to have faith. Maybe they feel judged or maybe just even angry at God for allowing people of faith to still die. I know I had a hard time with that one for quite a while, but I do still believe in a very real and personal God. I believe and feel that my reason for existing is to bring glory to God in all I do and say. I know that I have many, many people praying for me & I believe that God hears their prayers as well as my own and that the fact that I still have cancer does not mean that God is ignoring the prayers. I believe I may be healed at some point and that is still my prayer and my hope, but I will also accept that there is a plan for my life. I believe that since I became ill with cancer, that I have been given a forum among my friends and family that I would not have had otherwise. People often will listen to my thoughts and words more seriously than they did before. I had a man who I used to work with who did not believe in God tell me that He now believes and it's because of what I have said and how I still give glory to God even "in the storm of life".

    A word of advice to you & not meant to discourage you in your own faith in any way... I have seen people get upset at others for what they say was preaching a few different times in the 2-1/2 yrs I've been coming on this CSN board. Some people have even left the board over it. I personally have decided that to tell people I am going to pray for them (when I really do mean it- not just saying it in the same way as saying "I'm thinking happy thoughts for you") is who I am. I am not going to stop being who I am, but posting specific verses really meant for fellow believers is probably not going to go over well with non believers. And we must remember this site is for everyone. Please don't change who you are here, but let's try to not start a riot (which has definitely happened here before in response to someone posting verses). It makes me sad that some people react so strongly and get so offended when I don't believe the intention was to offend or judge, but to encourage others to have faith. I guess my advice to you would be do not allow others to discourage you in faith, but perhaps think of how what you write and post here can encourage others, not cause a backlash against Christians and to the Lord himself.
    It just always makes me sad when a Christian shares his/her faith and it ends up making others angry. I suppose by its very nature, it's hard to not do that. Maybe by phrasing such statements as "I believe..." or "I think..." will have it come across as you stating a personal belief, not being judgemental. I will state to anyone who asks how I get through having cancer that I believe God put me on earth for a higher purpose than just for fulfilling my own needs and the needs of my immediate family- I believe I am here as one of God's created beings who is on earth to give praise back to our creator. Yes, I DO believe that faith can produce amazing and very supernatural results for various things in life. Even though I still have cancer, I believe the Lord has done amazing things for me. My faith has actually been strengthened during this ordeal. I do not believe God caused my cancer, but I believe He is allowing it for awhile & while I will never believe anything about my actual cancer itself is good, I do believe some good has come out of it. As frustrating as that can be, I will continue to be looking for miracles all around. I am strong, still fairly healthy in spite of cancer, still functioning as a wife and mother of three and so I think that is a miracle in itself. Ok- now I am probably opening my own can of worms with these statements- but I'm just stating it here on this thread- not wanting to start anything with anyone- really- just sharing my thoughts here on your post and also on another post that is a reaction to this post. What I believe can't be argued with, but I guess the argument some will have is where our beliefs are being stated- on a public cancer board that is for everyone, regardless of their beliefs. Great thing about America, huh- that we get to state our beliefs and our non beliefs! Well, that about sums up what I'm thinking at the moment-

    Take care Bobby & God bless-

    Thanks for saying it the way you just did.
    Thanks for saying it the way you just did. You are a wonderful wordsmith.
    I am just too blunt at times.

  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
    Kerry S said:

    Thanks for saying it the way you just did.
    Thanks for saying it the way you just did. You are a wonderful wordsmith.
    I am just too blunt at times.


    I believe
    Great job Lisa. The spiritual forum was made up for this purpose.
  • John23
    John23 Member Posts: 2,122 Member
    Kerry S said:

    Thanks for saying it the way you just did.
    Thanks for saying it the way you just did. You are a wonderful wordsmith.
    I am just too blunt at times.


    Too blunt?

    No, not really, Kerry.

    One person here had once referred to organized religion as
    "just so much crapola", and started a riot.

    We're all sensitive to what we believe in, and many of us
    don't like to have what we believe in mocked.

    It doesn't matter if it's Jewish vs Catholic vs Hindu, vs whatever,
    or if it's TCM vs Chemo vs Juicing... no-one desires to be mocked,
    and will usually become offended and defensive when they feel
    it happening.

    Citing a bible passage, and insinuating that if one is to be cured,
    one -must- be a believer, is insulting to a lot of people. Perhaps
    not to me, since I have pretty thick skin (as you do), but others
    do get offended.

    There's a time and place for certain things, and a public forum
    designed for the problems of "cancer", and the various treatments
    for it, isn't the greatest place to discuss one's religion and how it
    is the -only- thing that can make one better.

    Saying "I'm praying for you", is fine. I don't think anyone becomes
    offended with someone praying to whoever they want to pray to,
    in their personal effort to be of help.

    But claiming that only a belief in their own religion will cure,
    can be very insulting to others with a differing belief, and deemed
    as rude by those feeling offended.


  • bruins1971
    bruins1971 Member Posts: 227

    the last time
    When is the last time some one informed you that you looked like "Cliff" the postman on Cheers? I hate to be repetitive.

    I have never heard I look like him but people have said I look like the qb for the Steelers Ben Rothlesberger...
  • bruins1971
    bruins1971 Member Posts: 227
    As a Christian Man
    It is my duty to spread the word of God to whom ever is willing to learn the word of our Lord. I usually post in the subject like don't open if you are not a believer in God or something to that effect as that way I will not offend a non believer. If they choose to open it then they must respect the Christians on here that enjoy reading christian posts. I would NEVER want to offend anyone but at the same time I feel I have the right to talk about the things that are helping me beat cancer and one of them being my faith in the Lord. We who believe in God have a responsibility to spread his word to anyone willing to listen. Again this is why my subject line shows it's a religious post and if you're not a person who believes in God then don't open the post. That way nobody get offended and all we do is support one another.
  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member
    lisa42 said:

    it keeps me going

    I appreciate this verse & I know that you are trying to encourage people here. When people don't believe the same, however, you will discover that many people get offended and even angry with verses and statements about faith. I just noticed and read a post in response to yours of someone who became upset with you for posting this. Perhaps the reaction is due to the thought that people feel like they are being told they have cancer because they don't have faith. I know that is the way many will interpret it.
    As a Christian myself, I have a lot of faith and have believed several times that I would be healed and yet I still have cancer. I know that because people who seem to have faith and are prayed for still often die from cancer, people have a hard time with believing and understanding it when people then tell them they need to have faith. Maybe they feel judged or maybe just even angry at God for allowing people of faith to still die. I know I had a hard time with that one for quite a while, but I do still believe in a very real and personal God. I believe and feel that my reason for existing is to bring glory to God in all I do and say. I know that I have many, many people praying for me & I believe that God hears their prayers as well as my own and that the fact that I still have cancer does not mean that God is ignoring the prayers. I believe I may be healed at some point and that is still my prayer and my hope, but I will also accept that there is a plan for my life. I believe that since I became ill with cancer, that I have been given a forum among my friends and family that I would not have had otherwise. People often will listen to my thoughts and words more seriously than they did before. I had a man who I used to work with who did not believe in God tell me that He now believes and it's because of what I have said and how I still give glory to God even "in the storm of life".

    A word of advice to you & not meant to discourage you in your own faith in any way... I have seen people get upset at others for what they say was preaching a few different times in the 2-1/2 yrs I've been coming on this CSN board. Some people have even left the board over it. I personally have decided that to tell people I am going to pray for them (when I really do mean it- not just saying it in the same way as saying "I'm thinking happy thoughts for you") is who I am. I am not going to stop being who I am, but posting specific verses really meant for fellow believers is probably not going to go over well with non believers. And we must remember this site is for everyone. Please don't change who you are here, but let's try to not start a riot (which has definitely happened here before in response to someone posting verses). It makes me sad that some people react so strongly and get so offended when I don't believe the intention was to offend or judge, but to encourage others to have faith. I guess my advice to you would be do not allow others to discourage you in faith, but perhaps think of how what you write and post here can encourage others, not cause a backlash against Christians and to the Lord himself.
    It just always makes me sad when a Christian shares his/her faith and it ends up making others angry. I suppose by its very nature, it's hard to not do that. Maybe by phrasing such statements as "I believe..." or "I think..." will have it come across as you stating a personal belief, not being judgemental. I will state to anyone who asks how I get through having cancer that I believe God put me on earth for a higher purpose than just for fulfilling my own needs and the needs of my immediate family- I believe I am here as one of God's created beings who is on earth to give praise back to our creator. Yes, I DO believe that faith can produce amazing and very supernatural results for various things in life. Even though I still have cancer, I believe the Lord has done amazing things for me. My faith has actually been strengthened during this ordeal. I do not believe God caused my cancer, but I believe He is allowing it for awhile & while I will never believe anything about my actual cancer itself is good, I do believe some good has come out of it. As frustrating as that can be, I will continue to be looking for miracles all around. I am strong, still fairly healthy in spite of cancer, still functioning as a wife and mother of three and so I think that is a miracle in itself. Ok- now I am probably opening my own can of worms with these statements- but I'm just stating it here on this thread- not wanting to start anything with anyone- really- just sharing my thoughts here on your post and also on another post that is a reaction to this post. What I believe can't be argued with, but I guess the argument some will have is where our beliefs are being stated- on a public cancer board that is for everyone, regardless of their beliefs. Great thing about America, huh- that we get to state our beliefs and our non beliefs! Well, that about sums up what I'm thinking at the moment-

    Take care Bobby & God bless-

    Well Said
    That was very well said Lisa.
    Winter marie
  • greta
    greta Member Posts: 237 Member

    As a Christian Man
    It is my duty to spread the word of God to whom ever is willing to learn the word of our Lord. I usually post in the subject like don't open if you are not a believer in God or something to that effect as that way I will not offend a non believer. If they choose to open it then they must respect the Christians on here that enjoy reading christian posts. I would NEVER want to offend anyone but at the same time I feel I have the right to talk about the things that are helping me beat cancer and one of them being my faith in the Lord. We who believe in God have a responsibility to spread his word to anyone willing to listen. Again this is why my subject line shows it's a religious post and if you're not a person who believes in God then don't open the post. That way nobody get offended and all we do is support one another.

    Site terms and conditions
    Many members, including some who chimed in, share your religious beliefs but have found a way to belong to this community without violating any of them.

    Members of this site must agree to adhere to its terms and conditions for usage if they wish to continue their membership.

    Simply ignoring certain posts is not an acceptable solution. CSN is not a religious forum. Members are not prohibited from simple expressions of faith, as has been pointed out above. However, proselytizing is prohibited.

    Best regards,
    Your CSN staff
  • bruins1971
    bruins1971 Member Posts: 227
    greta said:

    Site terms and conditions
    Many members, including some who chimed in, share your religious beliefs but have found a way to belong to this community without violating any of them.

    Members of this site must agree to adhere to its terms and conditions for usage if they wish to continue their membership.

    Simply ignoring certain posts is not an acceptable solution. CSN is not a religious forum. Members are not prohibited from simple expressions of faith, as has been pointed out above. However, proselytizing is prohibited.

    Best regards,
    Your CSN staff

    Ok I will limit my religious
    Ok I will limit my religious beleifs as to not offend others. Funny how our country was founded on christian beleifs but now we do nothing but allow a simple few change things. But again I will respect the system as I am in it for helping me with my stage 4..

  • taipei
    taipei Member Posts: 33 Member
    lisa42 said:

    it keeps me going

    I appreciate this verse & I know that you are trying to encourage people here. When people don't believe the same, however, you will discover that many people get offended and even angry with verses and statements about faith. I just noticed and read a post in response to yours of someone who became upset with you for posting this. Perhaps the reaction is due to the thought that people feel like they are being told they have cancer because they don't have faith. I know that is the way many will interpret it.
    As a Christian myself, I have a lot of faith and have believed several times that I would be healed and yet I still have cancer. I know that because people who seem to have faith and are prayed for still often die from cancer, people have a hard time with believing and understanding it when people then tell them they need to have faith. Maybe they feel judged or maybe just even angry at God for allowing people of faith to still die. I know I had a hard time with that one for quite a while, but I do still believe in a very real and personal God. I believe and feel that my reason for existing is to bring glory to God in all I do and say. I know that I have many, many people praying for me & I believe that God hears their prayers as well as my own and that the fact that I still have cancer does not mean that God is ignoring the prayers. I believe I may be healed at some point and that is still my prayer and my hope, but I will also accept that there is a plan for my life. I believe that since I became ill with cancer, that I have been given a forum among my friends and family that I would not have had otherwise. People often will listen to my thoughts and words more seriously than they did before. I had a man who I used to work with who did not believe in God tell me that He now believes and it's because of what I have said and how I still give glory to God even "in the storm of life".

    A word of advice to you & not meant to discourage you in your own faith in any way... I have seen people get upset at others for what they say was preaching a few different times in the 2-1/2 yrs I've been coming on this CSN board. Some people have even left the board over it. I personally have decided that to tell people I am going to pray for them (when I really do mean it- not just saying it in the same way as saying "I'm thinking happy thoughts for you") is who I am. I am not going to stop being who I am, but posting specific verses really meant for fellow believers is probably not going to go over well with non believers. And we must remember this site is for everyone. Please don't change who you are here, but let's try to not start a riot (which has definitely happened here before in response to someone posting verses). It makes me sad that some people react so strongly and get so offended when I don't believe the intention was to offend or judge, but to encourage others to have faith. I guess my advice to you would be do not allow others to discourage you in faith, but perhaps think of how what you write and post here can encourage others, not cause a backlash against Christians and to the Lord himself.
    It just always makes me sad when a Christian shares his/her faith and it ends up making others angry. I suppose by its very nature, it's hard to not do that. Maybe by phrasing such statements as "I believe..." or "I think..." will have it come across as you stating a personal belief, not being judgemental. I will state to anyone who asks how I get through having cancer that I believe God put me on earth for a higher purpose than just for fulfilling my own needs and the needs of my immediate family- I believe I am here as one of God's created beings who is on earth to give praise back to our creator. Yes, I DO believe that faith can produce amazing and very supernatural results for various things in life. Even though I still have cancer, I believe the Lord has done amazing things for me. My faith has actually been strengthened during this ordeal. I do not believe God caused my cancer, but I believe He is allowing it for awhile & while I will never believe anything about my actual cancer itself is good, I do believe some good has come out of it. As frustrating as that can be, I will continue to be looking for miracles all around. I am strong, still fairly healthy in spite of cancer, still functioning as a wife and mother of three and so I think that is a miracle in itself. Ok- now I am probably opening my own can of worms with these statements- but I'm just stating it here on this thread- not wanting to start anything with anyone- really- just sharing my thoughts here on your post and also on another post that is a reaction to this post. What I believe can't be argued with, but I guess the argument some will have is where our beliefs are being stated- on a public cancer board that is for everyone, regardless of their beliefs. Great thing about America, huh- that we get to state our beliefs and our non beliefs! Well, that about sums up what I'm thinking at the moment-

    Take care Bobby & God bless-

    Hi Lisa
    You are a beautiful person, and very well said, : This is a public cancer board that is for everyone, regardless of their beliefs, Great thing about America, that is why I have been living in this country since 1963, I read lots post, and reply some, history: DX CC in Jun 2003 met to liver and lungs 3 1/2 years of chemo 5 surgeries, NED since AUG 2007, last cheom treatment was DEC 2007, I beliefs my faith got me through, Reply on the Bobby's post, it is shame got deleted.

    GOD bless you for took you time to write this post.

    Winnie in Houston
  • bruins1971
    bruins1971 Member Posts: 227
    taipei said:

    Hi Lisa
    You are a beautiful person, and very well said, : This is a public cancer board that is for everyone, regardless of their beliefs, Great thing about America, that is why I have been living in this country since 1963, I read lots post, and reply some, history: DX CC in Jun 2003 met to liver and lungs 3 1/2 years of chemo 5 surgeries, NED since AUG 2007, last cheom treatment was DEC 2007, I beliefs my faith got me through, Reply on the Bobby's post, it is shame got deleted.

    GOD bless you for took you time to write this post.

    Winnie in Houston

    Hey Winnie I wanted to say thanks for your words and yes it was a shame that my post was removed but it's all good. Congrats on your being NED since 2007 and you are so right that your faith was a big part of you getting through this terrible time in your life. Now you are free of this disease and God willing it will NEVER return so from your brother in Dallas to his sister in Houston like Tim Mcgraw sings so beautifully Live Like You Were Dying.....Get out there and enjoy every moment of everyday and let the people in your life know how much you mean to them.

    Bobby in Dallas
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jeremiah 30:17
    This verse I wrote on my wall after my dx and meditated on it daily while I nursed my 20 month old baby. To that I added verses that comforted me or spoke to me at that dark time. (Thankfully it was old, ugly, tacky wallpaper).

    The other thing that got me through was coming on these boards and sharing with others who understood, who "got it". That was 9 years ago (December 2001).

    It's been quite a trip.

    Happy Hanukkah!

    peace, emily the juice chick
  • Rayman
    Rayman Member Posts: 11
    My favorite Bible verse
    My favorite Bible verse Matthew 17:20,it was one of the first thoughts after dx.
  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member

    Ok I will limit my religious
    Ok I will limit my religious beleifs as to not offend others. Funny how our country was founded on christian beleifs but now we do nothing but allow a simple few change things. But again I will respect the system as I am in it for helping me with my stage 4..


    A Common Misconception
    A common misconception that America was founded on Christian beliefs*. Most of the Founding Fathers were deists - they believed in God but rejected as superstitious mythology crucial Christian dogmas such as the Incarnation.

    You may find the religion forum interesting as others have mentioned. At least when someone visits there they know what topics are discussed.

    Be well,
    *there are plenty of other sites that back up my comment if you care to do a search on it.
  • christinecarl
    christinecarl Member Posts: 544 Member
    Hosea 6:1
    I always liked Matthew 17:20 too
  • sasjourney
    sasjourney Member Posts: 395 Member
    One of my favorites
    This is one of my favorites, too. Good luck finishing your last two rounds. You will do fine!
