Reconstruction problems, what do you think?

lovs2decorate Member Posts: 44
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi Everyone!

I'm struggling with a problem with my reconstruction. Any thoughts or experiances you can share would be helpfull.

I had a bi-laterial masc. on 4/30/10. I came out of surg. with fat necosis on one breast and a "hole" on the other. I waited 6 months to see if the necosis would go away on its own. It did not and on 11/11/10 they scrapoed out the necosis and graphed fat from both hips to fill in the "hole" on the other breast. Now the breast that had the necosis has a "goose egg" that sticks out of my upper chest wall. I see it when my bra is off but not when its on because of the style I wear.

Am I being unrealistic to think that I should be able to have smooth, uniform breasts? Am I being overly sensitive? Would you discuss it with your surgen to see if there is anything else that could be done?

Thank you!



  • Different Ballgame
    Different Ballgame Member Posts: 868
    Talk to your plastic surgeon

    Talk to your plastic surgeon. If you need to, seek a 2nd or 3rd opinions from different plastic surgeons. Someone has to have the skill to help you. Also, how's your diet and are you exercising?

    Lots of Hugs,
  • mariam_11_09
    mariam_11_09 Member Posts: 691 Member

    Talk to your plastic surgeon

    Talk to your plastic surgeon. If you need to, seek a 2nd or 3rd opinions from different plastic surgeons. Someone has to have the skill to help you. Also, how's your diet and are you exercising?

    Lots of Hugs,

    As Janelle suggested talk to
    As Janelle suggested talk to you plastic surgeon or get a second or third opinion.

    Here is my story. I had DIEP flap in Jan on the left side only. I did have fat necrosis and for me it did go away, well almost it slowed down when I had rads. I massaged daily with Vit. E oil at my doctor's suggestion. Still do. g My recon. breast is very high, the plastic surgeon said he will need to remove some of the fat at the top of my breast. I have not had the second surgery yet to remove and reshape my breast, create the nipple and lift my right breast to create symmetry. My plastic surgeon is really bent making sure I am happy with the end result. He seems to know more than I do about what needs to be done.

    Remember you have to live with these breasts for the rest of your life. Now is your chance to make sure you are happy with them and have something done about it if you are not.

    Take Care!
  • webbwife50
    webbwife50 Member Posts: 394
    grumpy girls
    I agree with the other ladies with regard to having a discussion with your plastic surgeon. Perhaps there is a reason for waiting, but my experience has also been that my ps wants me as happy as I can possibly be with my new girls. I still have another procedure or two before they are done and I am taking my time as I'm not real interested in any more "proedures" right now. I had bilat mast in June 09, with delayed recon. done a year ago this month. I had problems with fluid build up on my chest for months after mastectomy. I'd be lookin for a second opinion for sure. God bless...alison
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member

    Talk to your plastic surgeon

    Talk to your plastic surgeon. If you need to, seek a 2nd or 3rd opinions from different plastic surgeons. Someone has to have the skill to help you. Also, how's your diet and are you exercising?

    Lots of Hugs,

    Call your plastic surgeon
    Call your plastic surgeon and make an appointment to talk to him. Good luck!
  • lovs2decorate
    lovs2decorate Member Posts: 44

    grumpy girls
    I agree with the other ladies with regard to having a discussion with your plastic surgeon. Perhaps there is a reason for waiting, but my experience has also been that my ps wants me as happy as I can possibly be with my new girls. I still have another procedure or two before they are done and I am taking my time as I'm not real interested in any more "proedures" right now. I had bilat mast in June 09, with delayed recon. done a year ago this month. I had problems with fluid build up on my chest for months after mastectomy. I'd be lookin for a second opinion for sure. God bless...alison

    Saw my plastic surgeon, feeling much better!!
    Thank you for all your feedback!

    I saw my surgeon on Tuesday. He said things were healing very well. He explained why I had a lump, took out some stiches and said 2 weeks the rest will come out. I then will wait untill March for the swelling to go down and see if another fat graph is needed.

    He has grounded me from all exercise for a month now. That's making me nuts, but I understand the importance of it. He said no tight bras. That's a comment only someone who has never worn one could make.

    I was so afraid that he was going to leave me this way and say he was done. I hear on the news and such about plasitc surg. gone wrong and have been scared on some level that that was going to happen. I realize that its my fears and not anything that the doctor has said or indicated that would happen.

  • Dawne.Hope
    Dawne.Hope Member Posts: 823

    Saw my plastic surgeon, feeling much better!!
    Thank you for all your feedback!

    I saw my surgeon on Tuesday. He said things were healing very well. He explained why I had a lump, took out some stiches and said 2 weeks the rest will come out. I then will wait untill March for the swelling to go down and see if another fat graph is needed.

    He has grounded me from all exercise for a month now. That's making me nuts, but I understand the importance of it. He said no tight bras. That's a comment only someone who has never worn one could make.

    I was so afraid that he was going to leave me this way and say he was done. I hear on the news and such about plasitc surg. gone wrong and have been scared on some level that that was going to happen. I realize that its my fears and not anything that the doctor has said or indicated that would happen.


    Fear is sometimes so subtle that we don't realize how much we're in the throes of it until we're almost overwhelmed by it.

    Sooooo glad your appt. with the doc went well. One of the hardest things about this journey is the patience and that waiting that is required. I so understand the frustration with no exercises ... that's one reason I'm concerned about the nips ... I'm slowly getting back into the gym and former way of life. I don't want to be sidelined! We have to remind ourselves that our patience now will pay off later. Glad he's not done, he's given you the 'why' of some of the things you're worried about, that is good! Hang in there!

    Bless you!
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member

    grumpy girls
    I agree with the other ladies with regard to having a discussion with your plastic surgeon. Perhaps there is a reason for waiting, but my experience has also been that my ps wants me as happy as I can possibly be with my new girls. I still have another procedure or two before they are done and I am taking my time as I'm not real interested in any more "proedures" right now. I had bilat mast in June 09, with delayed recon. done a year ago this month. I had problems with fluid build up on my chest for months after mastectomy. I'd be lookin for a second opinion for sure. God bless...alison

    You need a talk with your
    You need a talk with your plastic surgeon. Good luck!