How many found their own BC as opposed to a Mammogram finding?



  • joannstar
    joannstar Member Posts: 403 Member
    Mammogram found mine
    My annual mammogram showed microcalcifications. After another closeup mammogram and a stereotactic core biopsy, it proved to be breast cancer, stage 1B. Thank God for annual mammograms and the insurance that covers it!!!
  • weazer
    weazer Member Posts: 440
    joannstar said:

    Mammogram found mine
    My annual mammogram showed microcalcifications. After another closeup mammogram and a stereotactic core biopsy, it proved to be breast cancer, stage 1B. Thank God for annual mammograms and the insurance that covers it!!!

    I found mine!
    Went for my annual the week before, my Dr gave me breast exam etc... and set me up for my yearly mamo.
    well about a week after my Drs, visit I was laying in bed and found the lump!
    I was shocked because it showed up so quickly and it was a very aggresive type of Breast Cancer.

  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    TLynn0102 said:

    Found Mine
    I found mine one morning doing the routine exam in the shower. It was about the size of a pea. At first I didn't think anything of it because it hurt really bad. I had the hubby check it and sure enough he said call the doctor. The rest is history. Because of my family history I started having mamograms at the age of 30. During that time I had 2 biopsy's because the mamos were showing calcifications. All this was in the right breast. When the lump appeared it was also in the right breast very close to the first biopsy 10 years earlier. I am an advocate of self exams. My best friend and her daughter both got an ear full when I found out neither did the exams. Since my diagnosis both of them routinely check.

    Found on a mammogram and
    Found on a mammogram and confirmed by needle core biopsy.
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    TLynn0102 said:

    Found Mine
    I found mine one morning doing the routine exam in the shower. It was about the size of a pea. At first I didn't think anything of it because it hurt really bad. I had the hubby check it and sure enough he said call the doctor. The rest is history. Because of my family history I started having mamograms at the age of 30. During that time I had 2 biopsy's because the mamos were showing calcifications. All this was in the right breast. When the lump appeared it was also in the right breast very close to the first biopsy 10 years earlier. I am an advocate of self exams. My best friend and her daughter both got an ear full when I found out neither did the exams. Since my diagnosis both of them routinely check.

    Seems like so many found
    Seems like so many found their bc themselves. Self exam is huge in this fight.

    So, keep feeling those ta ta's. hehe
  • warrrior3
    warrrior3 Member Posts: 92
    Screening mammogram
    found by BC. When I was called after mammo and told I needed further testing due to a "shadow" at the 12 o'clock position I felt my breast continually during the 24 hrs. until my next mammo and could not find anything unusual. My screen mammo saved my life!
  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    My skin got very itchy for a
    My skin got very itchy for a couple of days. I couldn't figure out why. Then I got up one morning and had a very large lump top of right breast it was about 2.5 to 3 inches by about 2 inches. Painful, and red. I called my Dr seen him that day. Had Mammo and ultrasound the next morning. By the time I got home from that I had a message on my machine. My Dr wanted me back in his office right now. I went back and he told me I had cancer. My husband was with me this whole time. And then My Dr did something I never expected. He spent two hours on the phone with My now cancer center getting me in and setting everything up. Because as he said without insurance nobody would want to treat me. So thanks to My Dr, and Moffitt cancer center I did get treatment. And am now cancer free. I had Inflammatory breast cancer. The oncologist told me it was bad because it came up so fast. The surgeon told me I probably had it for about 5 years. 5 YEARS! and didn't know it. It was also in my lymph nodes. But the chemo did its job pathology after surgery came back NED. Yippee
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    TraciInLA said:

    First mammogram
    I turned 40 this past year, and my OB/GYN sent me for my first, baseline mammogram, which is where my 4 tiny tumors introduced themselves.

    They were never palpable -- and, after my diagnosis, just about every medical professional in the San Fernando Valley tried to find them during breast exams!

    So, even though I'm young, have never had babies, and still have fairly dense breast tissue, I'm one of the lucky ones for whom mammography is very successful.


    It was found on a mammogram.
    It was found on a mammogram. I hadn't felt anything.
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930

    First time I
    had an abnormal mammo,they wrote it off as fibroid tissue. A few months after that,one of those spots started getting rock hard-but I let it go. A year later after every one including me felt a definate lump-they did a mammo and ultrasound followed by a biopsy and after a lumpectomy it was determined-cancer.

    I sound like everyone else
    I sound like everyone else practically, something suspicious showed up on my mammo and it was bc. :(
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    mammo detected mine
    could not be felt or noticed in any way....I am just very happy I go faithfully for my annual tests!
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member

    My skin got very itchy for a
    My skin got very itchy for a couple of days. I couldn't figure out why. Then I got up one morning and had a very large lump top of right breast it was about 2.5 to 3 inches by about 2 inches. Painful, and red. I called my Dr seen him that day. Had Mammo and ultrasound the next morning. By the time I got home from that I had a message on my machine. My Dr wanted me back in his office right now. I went back and he told me I had cancer. My husband was with me this whole time. And then My Dr did something I never expected. He spent two hours on the phone with My now cancer center getting me in and setting everything up. Because as he said without insurance nobody would want to treat me. So thanks to My Dr, and Moffitt cancer center I did get treatment. And am now cancer free. I had Inflammatory breast cancer. The oncologist told me it was bad because it came up so fast. The surgeon told me I probably had it for about 5 years. 5 YEARS! and didn't know it. It was also in my lymph nodes. But the chemo did its job pathology after surgery came back NED. Yippee

    nice story
    good to hear such a kind Doctor to help you in your need
  • canjuncutie
    canjuncutie Member Posts: 131
    Try this
    It took me an eight year fight to get a mamo. Even then I got told it would be nothing. I had bleed for two day through my left breast. I was 35 when I found it. Surprize it was something.
  • Boppy_of_6
    Boppy_of_6 Member Posts: 1,138

    Try this
    It took me an eight year fight to get a mamo. Even then I got told it would be nothing. I had bleed for two day through my left breast. I was 35 when I found it. Surprize it was something.

    The mammo found mine. I have gone for several years for mammos because I have a cyst that has been there for years. I was called back for ultra sound and compression spot mammo, then the sterotactic biopsy. I never could feel the lump it was small. So glad I have been faithful about getting them yearly. God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice
  • Had Calcification
    Since mine was calcification, it was found via mammogram.

  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member

    Had Calcification
    Since mine was calcification, it was found via mammogram.


    year prior I was called right back for another mammo
    it was due to car accident and seat belt left calcification or something-so when they called me back for Breast cancer I said AHHH no biggie...they said yes it's something..but caught early...
  • vjcrocker
    vjcrocker Member Posts: 11
    I found my Lump
    I found my Cancer myself. I am still a firm beleiver of Mamograms because it found my Mothers.
  • QuiltingMama123
    QuiltingMama123 Member Posts: 124
    They found it on my yearly. I had found a lump a few years ago and ended up having a needless cyst removal, so I quick trusting my self checks and soon quit doing them. I am doing them again - and trusting myself I lot more.
  • Huskymac
    Huskymac Member Posts: 12
    When I raised my arm there was a dimple next my nipple. My gut told me that I had BC! I immediately went to my GYN, he felt nothing. Mammo and Ultrasound showed nothing...six months later another ultrasound...nothing...six months again...nothing. Finally after 12 months my BC showed up on the mammo and ultrasound. The radiologists went over my last 3 years of mammos and there was no evidence. The dimpling was a clear sign that something was brewing but it did not present itself and it could not be felt even a week before surgery. My message to every women is do not ignore a dimpling on your breast!!!
    I ended up with Invasive Mammary Carcinoma 2.5 cm One positive lymphnode. 16 removed.
    StageIIB. I had a lumpectomy, chemo and halfway through radiation.

    I have never missed a mammo in 25 years. It is so immportant to do BSE and visually note any changes.

    I don't always post on this but I read it all the time. It has helped me during so many hard times. I finally feel like I am out of the dark phase and moving on to a new normal life. If anyone is just starting this journey...It does get easier! I wouldn't have believed that 6 months ago but it does happen!
  • cwillnow
    cwillnow Member Posts: 12
    Mine was found on my yearly
    Mine was found on my yearly mammogram. Too small to find myself...only 6mm. Thank God for mammograms!

  • joyyee1
    joyyee1 Member Posts: 31
    Finding own BC as opposed to mammo
    I found my own tumor and then the radiologist found another with an ultrasound . Then I went to MD Anderson in Houston and the radiologist there found a third one through an ultrasound! I had 3 altogether- and 2 of them were NOT detected on a mammogram- they were so small.

    I would recommend older ladies to have ultrasounds in place of /or in addition to mammograms!!
  • lovs2decorate
    lovs2decorate Member Posts: 44
    I found mine!
    I was at work and reached across from my left to right to get a stapler. I had pain on the side of my breast. I first thought it was from bowling on the Wii that I had done earlier that week.

    Sadly that was not the case. I checked my breast that night and sure enough, there she was. I heard everything from "people your age don't get breast cancer, tumors don't hurt, its probabbly nothing" and so on.

    I had not yet had a mammogram. I was scheduled for my well woman visit in August to establish my 40 year old baseline. April 1st was told had bc, stage 2, invasive.

    I have learned from those moments that lead up to hearing those words an important lesson. When someone tells me something is going on, I don't say "it's prob. nothing". I say "what ever it is, I'll be there for you".



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