Eyelashes and eye brows.

kit kat
kit kat Member Posts: 56
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
It'll be 2 months since last chemo. Hair lokks like a #2 buzzcut ,very baby soft hair. But the last of my eyelashes are falling out and eyebrows. Did anyone have this problem? Will they grow back? Had bc. Kit


  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    They'll Return!
    Eyelashes and eyebrows, from what I was told during chemo are the last to go.. and they were...I lost all the eyelashes on my left eye but not my right..go figure......my eyebrows thinned but I never lost them completly...They will grow back, I promise! The "life span" of an eyelash is only 10 days to begin with.....It's another one of those things, like your hair growing back, it takes time......Hang in there!

    Wishing you the best,
  • Boppy_of_6
    Boppy_of_6 Member Posts: 1,138
    MAJW said:

    They'll Return!
    Eyelashes and eyebrows, from what I was told during chemo are the last to go.. and they were...I lost all the eyelashes on my left eye but not my right..go figure......my eyebrows thinned but I never lost them completly...They will grow back, I promise! The "life span" of an eyelash is only 10 days to begin with.....It's another one of those things, like your hair growing back, it takes time......Hang in there!

    Wishing you the best,

    Agree with Nancy
    Mine were the last to go too. Eyelashes or eyebrows neither one all fell out but thinned a lot. I am 4 1/2 months out of chemo and they are growwing back nicely now. God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice
  • tgf
    tgf Member Posts: 950 Member

    Agree with Nancy
    Mine were the last to go too. Eyelashes or eyebrows neither one all fell out but thinned a lot. I am 4 1/2 months out of chemo and they are growwing back nicely now. God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice

    My eyelashes were still coming out months after chemo. I didn't think my eyes would ever stop watering and itching. There was never a time when I had NO eyelashes ... but it's just that the "original/longer" lashes took so long to come out ... and the new ones seemed to take forever to grow. I can remember trying to put mascara on those new little lashes and I'd end up with mascara all over my eyelid. I've never had much in the way of eyebrows ... and always have had to use and eyebrow pencil ... so not much changed there.

    It's just one big long interesting adventure ... isn't it?

  • jessiesmom1
    jessiesmom1 Member Posts: 915 Member
    Eyelashes and Eyebrows
    My last chemo (4 A/C and 12 Taxotere)was on August 4th. I also had a mastectomy prior to the chemo.

    At one point during my treatment I lost ALL my eyebrows and eyelashes as well as the hair on my head and everywhere else. It is quite an unusual look. Now that I am almost 4 months post-chemo my eyelashes and eyebrows have begun to grow back - not completely, but I am getting there. For the 1st time in 9 months I have to shave my legs, too. While the hair on my head is growing back I still do not feel comfortable going out without a wig or head scarf on. I am thinking that by Xmas I won't look quite so weird and will be able to go out without a head covering of any sort.

    Believe me, you are by no means the only one with this problem and it DOES grow back. \

    Happy Thanksgiving.
  • hopefulwhumor
    hopefulwhumor Member Posts: 45

    Eyelashes and Eyebrows
    My last chemo (4 A/C and 12 Taxotere)was on August 4th. I also had a mastectomy prior to the chemo.

    At one point during my treatment I lost ALL my eyebrows and eyelashes as well as the hair on my head and everywhere else. It is quite an unusual look. Now that I am almost 4 months post-chemo my eyelashes and eyebrows have begun to grow back - not completely, but I am getting there. For the 1st time in 9 months I have to shave my legs, too. While the hair on my head is growing back I still do not feel comfortable going out without a wig or head scarf on. I am thinking that by Xmas I won't look quite so weird and will be able to go out without a head covering of any sort.

    Believe me, you are by no means the only one with this problem and it DOES grow back. \

    Happy Thanksgiving.

    I'm glad someone asked this, I was also wondering
    I just had my second T/C treatment yesterday, and shaved my head the day before. Still had a lot of hair, but was coming out way fast! Had to brush the bed, and so on, so decided it was time to go, but was wondering about the eyelashes and brows.... Glad all of you have responded, now I have something else to look forward too, LOL. Happy Thanksgiving.
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    I have one more chemo. Some of my buzzed hair grew 1/2 " and is white. There are bald spots and one area in the back of my head has dark hair. However, my pubic hair, hair on arms and legs although slight is still there. Underarm hair disappeared. My eyebrows & lashes are definitely thinned out and I've heard they may fall out after I'm done with chemo. But, as my sister said, they'll all grow back in, it just takes time.......
    {{hugs}} Char
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    Okay, mine couldn't decide
    My lashes started coming out...then decided to stop. So I have them, but not as long as I did before. And I lost the outer part of my brows and they never really grew back so thank God for brow pencil :D
  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    cahjah75 said:

    I have one more chemo. Some of my buzzed hair grew 1/2 " and is white. There are bald spots and one area in the back of my head has dark hair. However, my pubic hair, hair on arms and legs although slight is still there. Underarm hair disappeared. My eyebrows & lashes are definitely thinned out and I've heard they may fall out after I'm done with chemo. But, as my sister said, they'll all grow back in, it just takes time.......
    {{hugs}} Char

    I'm still losing them.
    My last chemo was Sept 23. I didn't lose my eyebrows and eyelashes until about 4 weeks after my last chemo. One day they just sort of jumped off my face. And they're still falling out! In fact, I lost one of the 4 remaining eyebrow hairs over my right eye today and yesterday, I lost 4 of the 8 eyelashes on that eye. My left eye has more lashes - maybe 10? It's really annoying and looks pretty strange. I pencil on my eyebrows and use eyeliner, but it's still really pathetic. I read some time ago that false eyelashes don't work when you don't have any of your own, but I'm sure tempted to try them.

    My head hair is finally starting to come in. That started November 15, 7 1/2 weeks after my last chemo. It's still just peach fuzz, but it's exciting. Some leg hair is returning as is facial hair (swell!). No pubic hair, no underarm hair yet.

    I know all the hair will return, but it sure is cold with no hair this winter.

  • pattimc
    pattimc Member Posts: 431
    sea60 said:

    Okay, mine couldn't decide
    My lashes started coming out...then decided to stop. So I have them, but not as long as I did before. And I lost the outer part of my brows and they never really grew back so thank God for brow pencil :D

    I lost my eyelashes about a month after chemo ended (October of 2009). Since then I have had them grow back and lose them again 2 times! I am now on Arimedex and am losing them AGAIN! Don't know if it's the drug or still from chemo. My eyebrows thinned but I never lost them completely. But the hair on my legs..ugh!! I'm shaving way more than I ever did before chemo!!

    Oh, hair on my head has been back for awhile. Getting haircuts every 4 weeks like before!

  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    cahjah75 said:

    I have one more chemo. Some of my buzzed hair grew 1/2 " and is white. There are bald spots and one area in the back of my head has dark hair. However, my pubic hair, hair on arms and legs although slight is still there. Underarm hair disappeared. My eyebrows & lashes are definitely thinned out and I've heard they may fall out after I'm done with chemo. But, as my sister said, they'll all grow back in, it just takes time.......
    {{hugs}} Char

    You are almost done Char!
    You are almost done Char! That will be a big celebration!