taken to court...don't they know you can't get blood from a turnip??

Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I'm being sued by my dentist's office! I have to go to small claims court in a week and a half. I'm behind a total of 3 payments, and the total amount I owe them is less than $1,000. The thing that really gets me is, I never got anything from them before I got the summons. A bill collector called me after my 2nd payment was late, which was right after I started chemo. I explained to the lady that I was diagnosed with breast cancer, had surgery & chemo, etc, and that we had alot of financial difficulties because of that, but that we would send out a payment as soon as we could. After I told them I had cancer, I didn't hear anything else from them, until I got the summons.
I just can't believe they would take me to court knowing this, and for being 3 months behind. You know I'm showing up in that court room, bald with no makeup on. I don't have a job, it's a month away from Christmas, i have 2 kids.....what are they going to do, put me in jail? I just want whoever is in that court room representing them, whether it's someone from the office or their lawyer - to feel like a big greedy piece of crap. It just really bothers me -businesses and their bottom line. This is a HUGE dental office - they are not hurting from those $400 in payments that I haven't been able to pay....
Im not wanting sympathy or anything, just kind of venting about the greed of it all. I understand that I received their services, am on a payment plan, and am responsible for this bill. But I'm in awe of the lack of compassion. I mean, just 3 payments, they KNOW of my cancer diagnosis, and a month before christmas they want to take me to court.
ok -vent over - thanks for listening. I hope you all enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving with your loved ones!


  • ScubaGirl
    ScubaGirl Member Posts: 32
    Throw up on their desk.

    What a a shame. My first thought when I was diagnosed was "this will bankrupt me". How cruel to battle this and get sued by your dentist of all people.

    Good luck!
  • KayNYC
    KayNYC Member Posts: 495 Member
    today seems as good as any to rant
    I am so sorry that this is happening to you. What a bummer. Sometimes it feels as though nothing is going right.. Yes, you go to court without the make-up or head cover and just let them know that you are going through enough already with your cancer treatment. Bring whatever documentation you have to support your statements about medical condition/treatment and your financial crisis. No, they cannot take blood from a rock but they will certainly try to find some assets that will insure that you pay them what they say you owe.
    Let this go and have a good day of Thanksgiving with your family tomorrow. They are not going to put you in jail. It would cost them more to jail you, care for your kids etc.I will be thinking about you and pray you have a compassionate and fair judge.
    Hugs, K
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    ScubaGirl said:

    Throw up on their desk.

    What a a shame. My first thought when I was diagnosed was "this will bankrupt me". How cruel to battle this and get sued by your dentist of all people.

    Good luck!

    I think that you should call
    I think that you should call the dental office and talk to someone there about all of this. It may not stop the small claims court but you never know. If they are using a collection agency it may be that they are the ones that have initiated this. Ask to have the payments lowered to $20. a month until you can catch up and that you will increase the payments when you are able to. It can't hurt. My dentist office is a dream. When I was first diagnosed I had a early morning appointment and when I went in I explained to the bookkeeper that I was being treatment for cancer and finances were tight. She said they would work with me in any way they could. I paid a mininimal amount ($20.) monthly until I was able to pay more. And in addition, that afternoon when I went home, the doorbell rang and there was a floral arrangement from the dental office with good wishes for me during treatment. I stood there and cried and when I called the office I could barely get out a thank you between the tears. Now that is an office with a heart. Although I have been with the practice for 30 years, my current dentist is new to the group as all of the old timers have retired.
    Again, try calling the practice direct and explaining your circumstances. I hope they will understand. And if you do this maybe when you go to small claims court, they will see what you have been up against, that you tried to resolve it and work out a better repayment plan for you. It's enough dealing with all the other crap without having this as well.
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Heather, this is just
    Heather, this is just wrong!! I agree with Stef and perhaps a call to the actual dentist office will yield some help. I sure hope so.

    In the meantime, forget about that and enjoy your Thanksgiving with your family and friends. You have been through a lot worse things in the past year than a greedy dentist and you came through with flying colors. Good luck!
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    It does sound like this
    It does sound like this automatically (some computer program) got turned over to a collection agency, they are notorious for their lack of compassion and understanding. It is likely the judge or arbitrator will help the two of you come to a payment plan that is manageable. The dental office doesn't want you to go to jail, because then they absolutely will not get their money. And the state/county/city doesn't want to pay for your room and board either. So if you go into it prepared to work out a solution, and use your best negotiating skills (along with the bald head and no make-up) it will likely work out.

    I do agree that you should try to contact the dental office before the court date and try to work out a solution. You might try setting an appointment with the office manager, and seeing him/her in person (bald, and no make-up of course). If you can do this, you avoid the hassle of having to appear in court and the possibility of additional court costs. (That's not meant to scare you, sorry.) Remember, taking you to court costs them money they don't want to spend, and they can drop the case if you can come to an agreement.

    I hope you are able to set this worry aside and enjoy Thanksgiving with your family.

    A big hug for you,

  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Sorry Heather,
    When it rains, it pours, doesn't it. You might want to get a letter from your oncologist stating that you are under their care for cancer and send it to the court. It worked for me when I was summoned for jury duty. I was excused for a year. Maybe they will postpone your case. If so, I'd make every attempt to at least send the dentist something every month, to show that you are trying to pay. It's worth a try.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you dear Heather.

    Hugs, Jean
  • mollyz
    mollyz Member Posts: 756 Member
    Hi Heather, I've been their this summer I haven't answered my house phone since the summer until yesterday,my husband had a cancer policy on me and i forgot all about it until the middle of the summer so i filed,in the midst of waiting hospital bills,you name it bills where coming in and with one income it is rough cause with my cleaning service i wasn't getting any income so my husband has been the soul bread winner like your husband my kids are 13 and 19 boys the older in college so I feel you, well when i finally filled out the claim forms for the cancer policy i had to get all kinds of paper work pathology reports,Dr reports etc.. well my Dr. mailed his reports to the insurance company 2 times and each time they would (the insurance co.)would send a letter saying they never received anything so i went to my Dr.office and requested the forms and i mailed it with insurance and requesting a signature from the someone actually receiving the forms well in a week i was sent a check thank God but these bill collectors are not compassionate at all even the insurance company not one time said they were sorry to hear that or anything. I had said the same thing they'll get it when i do local people we paid and of course we focused on the light bill, car insurance etc... we didn't eat what we wanted we ate what we could.but we made it and that I'm thankful for so happy thanksgiving. thanks for letting me vent with you. MollyZ oh yes one more thing once they turn it over to a collection agency you mainly have to deal with them but you can make arrangements with them to make payments ones that you can work with
  • lizzie17
    lizzie17 Member Posts: 548
    so sorry
    It certainly is unkind and thoughtless of those people! I have been a single parent since my 24 yr. old was only 10 months old. It has been a financial struggle and one thing I have learned is that people can be so cruel when it comes to money. Try to relax and take care of yourself and enjoy your family on Thanksgiving!
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    I am so sorry
    with them knowing...it's not like lazy, not working, going on cruises etc...you have medical bills...i am sure missing work-etc..etc..

    could you send letter to Dentist (hand delivery to make sure they get it)? I thought even if you made tiny payment...few $ a month they can't sue you...no idea if true but heard that..

    good luck
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    I too think it automatically went to collections. Some offices have automatic billing. I would call your dentist before the court date and see if they can't lower your payments so that you could pay a minimal $20 a month until your finances are in a better place. If they want to keep your business they should be willing to work with you. Hope it all works out. Otherwise do your bald thing in the courtroom :-)
    Happy Thanksgiving, Char
  • GayleMc
    GayleMc Member Posts: 311 Member
    cahjah75 said:

    I too think it automatically went to collections. Some offices have automatic billing. I would call your dentist before the court date and see if they can't lower your payments so that you could pay a minimal $20 a month until your finances are in a better place. If they want to keep your business they should be willing to work with you. Hope it all works out. Otherwise do your bald thing in the courtroom :-)
    Happy Thanksgiving, Char

    This is really aggravation
    This is really aggravation you don't need right now. The advice given here is excellent and I hope you can put this worry on a shelf and concentrate on you. I'm sure it will work it's way out. The economy is bad enough on a lot of people, but those of us fighting cancer, and maybe not able to work as hard are feeling it doubly. Have a great holiday.
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    Gosh Heather,
    I am so sorry there doesn't seem to be compassion here. I've said this time and time again, it's not enough that you have to endure cancer but it brings on finacial woes as well!

    I pray you'll be blessed to have someone compassionate to work with you when you go.


  • Dawne.Hope
    Dawne.Hope Member Posts: 823
    Dear Heather,

    You've received good advice. I just want you to know that I'm praying for you and your family. I'm so sorry. I've had my own insurance and financial woes. Ended up on the phone sobbing after talking with someone to figure out why my insurance has been dropped. It's reminded me of one of C.S. Lewis' books where he describes hell as a bureacracy. I believe him. Absolutely no compassion, no mercy. Grrrrrrrr.

    Praying for you!
    Much Love,
  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    Thank you all!!
    Well my

    Thank you all!!
    Well my husband Tim came to the rescue and talked to the dentist and their lawyer yesterday & it looks like I dont have to go to court if we bring them $120 next week. That's the lowest they will take!
    But, at least I don't have to go to court, and I don't have to worry about it again (until next month!)
    Needless to say I won't be going back to this dental office, or recommending it to anyone I know!
    Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Thank you all!!
    Well my

    Thank you all!!
    Well my husband Tim came to the rescue and talked to the dentist and their lawyer yesterday & it looks like I dont have to go to court if we bring them $120 next week. That's the lowest they will take!
    But, at least I don't have to go to court, and I don't have to worry about it again (until next month!)
    Needless to say I won't be going back to this dental office, or recommending it to anyone I know!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

    I'm too late to jump on the "puke on their desk" wagon and that's exactly what I would have said too!

    Loved the idea of showing up "free and breezy" and would have made the trek south to join you in the courtroom -- the audacity of people is infuriating!!

    Ok - so I'll go have a cup of Joe and try and not get all keyed up on your behalf as it seems as though you've caught a reprieve for a month or so. BUT that being said, you need bald and bitchy support YOU JUST GIVE A CALL... I'm right there beside ya sister!!

    Blessings and hugs,
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    sea60 said:

    Gosh Heather,
    I am so sorry there doesn't seem to be compassion here. I've said this time and time again, it's not enough that you have to endure cancer but it brings on finacial woes as well!

    I pray you'll be blessed to have someone compassionate to work with you when you go.



    I am sorry Heather that this
    I am sorry Heather that this has happened to you. I hope it can get resolved easily for you.

    Hugs, Megan