Not my wife, but that of a good friend

lindachris Member Posts: 173
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
A couple weeks ago the wife of my freshman year college roommate passed away from ovarian cancer. How strange that two young men should grow up to share this challenge with their wives in middle age.

I finally talked with him as I could not attend the funeral in Iowa as my wife was in throes of treatment here at home. But this is what he said about his wife, and I thought it was so beautiful.

"Well, we've known each other since 4th grade, and we started dating as sophomores in high school. Then we got married and had 29 years together. And a lot of people don't get that much time on this earth together, so I really look at that as a blessing."

This friend of mine lost his mother to cancer years back as well. And our college coach lost his wife to cancer too.

I was worried how he'd take losing his amazingly sweet wife. She truly was a gift of God on this earth, with beautiful daughters and her own healthy lifestyle of running and such. She lived a full life and none of us is guaranteed anything more than that.

So live fully. Breathe happily. Love well. And be not anxious.

Much love to all.

Christopher Cudworth


  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    Thank you so much for sharing your friend's beautiful words. And how true - every moment should be considered a blessing, as we never know how many of those moments we will have. It is a reminder, not just this Thanksgiving, but to every day be thankful of what we have. I am so glad for your friend that, even in the midst of his grief he can look on all the wonderful gifts that he and his wife have shared. Her memory will live on in him and their children. Luv to you and Linda.

  • nancy591
    nancy591 Member Posts: 1,027 Member
    yes, thanks
    Thank you for sharing. Wow, what a story.