Another question!!

ccincin Member Posts: 82
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
After chemo I felt ok until really yesterday. Yesterday and today I just feel out of my body. Dizziness of sorts. I can't take this feeling!!! I feel like I let my oldest daughter down yesterday for her 20th birthday! I had the first one last thurs. Is this normal? Will it go away??????????


  • Snowkitty
    Snowkitty Member Posts: 295
    It's only Monday. You will
    It's only Monday. You will certainly feel better in a couple days. For me, any side effects didn't even hit me till Sunday (I had my chemo on Thursdays also). By Wed, I was starting to feel almost human, except for taste buds. You will know your "not feeling well" schedule soon and plan accordingly.

    Take care, Cindy
  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Hi ccincin,
    Did you take steroids with your chemo? I took them the day before, the day of, and the day after. The 3rd day after chemo was what I called my "crash day". Did nothing that day. After that it was uphill. Hugs, Jean
  • ccincin
    ccincin Member Posts: 82
    Snowkitty said:

    It's only Monday. You will
    It's only Monday. You will certainly feel better in a couple days. For me, any side effects didn't even hit me till Sunday (I had my chemo on Thursdays also). By Wed, I was starting to feel almost human, except for taste buds. You will know your "not feeling well" schedule soon and plan accordingly.

    Take care, Cindy

    Hoping that it passes soon!! I don't like the out of body feeling!
  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    I always had the same thing
    I always had the same thing happen to me. I would feel good for a couple days after. Then feel crappy for 2 or 3 days. But then I would feel better again. it is normal and it will go away Promise. Take it easy on yourself. Don't feel bad I'm sure you daughter understands. We're with ya every bit of the way. Take care & pamper your self. Kay,
  • joannstar
    joannstar Member Posts: 403 Member
    4th & 5th days were the worst
    Each time I have chemo, it is a it different and so are the side effects, but one thing that has been consistent is feeling exhausted and crummy on day 4 & 5. It could be the Nulasta shot that I get on Sunday (Chemo is on Friday), but whatever it is, I don't plan anything for day 4 & 5. By 7-10 days later I'm usually feeling better and by day 17 or so, I feel almost like my old self.
    Good luck.
  • CC, I get your feeling...
    CC, I get your feeling... just started my TC today and I feel, well, surprisingly great BUT I've been alittle "loopy" since the cocktail. Thinking it's the anti-nausea (they gave me Zofran and Decadron)???

    We'll float together for the next few days. Believe me, if my 9-year old gets it then your daughter is so undertstanding you right now... Find the silver lining (i.e., I've got so much energy I was cleaning cleaning cleaning to the new songs on my iPod!!)

    Blessings and hugs (and for you personally, a wish for some "grounding":p)
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Just like others...
    Because of the steroids for the nausea, I was GREAT the day of and the day after infusion...end day 3, all day 4...ewwww...WORST time for me. I spent the day on the couch (and bathroom...ROFL!). The next day, I recovered. Day 6, I was back to work!!!

    You will find a rhythm, if you are like I was. I KNEW day 4 was rough for me...lucky it was on Saturday. But then I also knew the next day would be MUCH better!!!

    Hugs to a very brave warrior!!!

    Hugs, Kathi
  • seof
    seof Member Posts: 819 Member
    everyone has a different
    everyone has a different rhythm of good days and bad days. You will learn what yours is and will learn to schedule more active things for the better days. Just remember that the chemo is killing the cancer. It is temporary. The chemo will be over one day, then you will have the rest of your life with your daughter.

    Take care, seof
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    Chemo was Wednesday for me.
    Chemo was Wednesday for me. I was OK on Thursday, but by Friday I started s...l...o...w...i...n...g down. Saturday and Sunday were yuk days. Monday I was back at work. You'll find your own rhythm. Before you know it, it will all be in your past! xoxoxo Lynn
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    lynn1950 said:

    Chemo was Wednesday for me.
    Chemo was Wednesday for me. I was OK on Thursday, but by Friday I started s...l...o...w...i...n...g down. Saturday and Sunday were yuk days. Monday I was back at work. You'll find your own rhythm. Before you know it, it will all be in your past! xoxoxo Lynn

    sounds familiar, I just
    sounds familiar, I just learned to go with it, rest when I needed it. Remember to keep hydrating. I am sure your daughter understands, chemo is very powerful and somewhat toxic not a medicine to be taken lightly.