Wondering about MRIs

Sher43009 Member Posts: 602 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Of all our sisters and brothers with recurrences, how many had MRI's as a regular scan? My oncol. and surgeon tell me that having the MRI could open me up to more biopsies as it shows everything. I have very dense tissue and my lump (2+cm)was felt first but not seen on the mamogram. It did show up on the ultrasound. I am being checked (examined) every 3 months for 5 years so I don't know if I should have the MRI or not. What are your thoughts on this?



  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    Hi Sher
    I, too, have dense breast tissue. My yearly mammo in June of '09 was "normal" but in October, 09--I have Stage 3 IDC with 10 positive lymph nodes!! So, I will never trust in just a mammo again. I've just celebrated a year since my diagnosis. My surgeon just wanted another mammo. I said NO! I don't feel that by getting a "normal" report on a mammo I will be at ease ever again. I really had to fight him on this--he said the same thing--the MRI will show everything and could cause an unnecessary biopsy. We're sort of between a rock and a hard place. While I certainly do not want another biopsy--in my mind, what's worse--an unnecessary biopsy or another missed cancer?

    My mammo, ultrasound and MRI are scheduled for Dec. 8th. I'm scared and can't wait till they're behind me.

    Good luck on your decision.

    Hugs, Renee
  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    I fall in this camp too. I
    I fall in this camp too. I am waiting to schedule my breat MRI. My doctor told me that I will be getting MRI's and mammograms every six months. Not sure if this will be for the next four years. I celebrated my 1st Survivorship Anniversary on June 1st. My lump was 2cm, but could not be felt. A mammogram picked it up, thank goodness.
  • Sher43009
    Sher43009 Member Posts: 602 Member
    missrenee said:

    Hi Sher
    I, too, have dense breast tissue. My yearly mammo in June of '09 was "normal" but in October, 09--I have Stage 3 IDC with 10 positive lymph nodes!! So, I will never trust in just a mammo again. I've just celebrated a year since my diagnosis. My surgeon just wanted another mammo. I said NO! I don't feel that by getting a "normal" report on a mammo I will be at ease ever again. I really had to fight him on this--he said the same thing--the MRI will show everything and could cause an unnecessary biopsy. We're sort of between a rock and a hard place. While I certainly do not want another biopsy--in my mind, what's worse--an unnecessary biopsy or another missed cancer?

    My mammo, ultrasound and MRI are scheduled for Dec. 8th. I'm scared and can't wait till they're behind me.

    Good luck on your decision.

    Hugs, Renee

    WOW! Your story is an eye
    WOW! Your story is an eye opener. I have mammos every 6 months but last May I had an ultrasound but my last one I didn't have the ultasound as there was no change since May. My next mammo in May of 2011 is for my effected breast only. I'm having less tests instead of more.
  • Sher43009
    Sher43009 Member Posts: 602 Member

    I fall in this camp too. I
    I fall in this camp too. I am waiting to schedule my breat MRI. My doctor told me that I will be getting MRI's and mammograms every six months. Not sure if this will be for the next four years. I celebrated my 1st Survivorship Anniversary on June 1st. My lump was 2cm, but could not be felt. A mammogram picked it up, thank goodness.

    My oncol. told me he's
    My oncol. told me he's having problems getting MRI's approved by insurance co. but left it up to me. Oh boy!
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    Sher43009 said:

    My oncol. told me he's
    My oncol. told me he's having problems getting MRI's approved by insurance co. but left it up to me. Oh boy!

    My lump was not seen on
    My lump was not seen on mammo. Lobular is not picked up on mammography as easily. so I would have a mammo once a year and a MRI once a year (every 6 month) if I had it to do over again.
  • 24242
    24242 Member Posts: 1,398 Member
    Sher43009 said:

    My oncol. told me he's
    My oncol. told me he's having problems getting MRI's approved by insurance co. but left it up to me. Oh boy!

    This is interesting
    After my own battle 14 years ago I was having lots of problems and MRI was not used and it was suggested then though I had head aches and lots of pain issues that having MRI's could be exposing me to more radiation and it wasn't advised. Though it could have shown then what it showed now that there are leasons and demylation and excemia. Instead learn to live with dragging leg and headaches something I never suffered before. Bad enough had side affects from hell didn't need more.
    My first lump in breast I found but not on mammography and it was seen but still didn't think it was cancer after altra sound. I have had several MRI's this year but only parts of me so I don't know if they think that minimizes the exposure.
    I had many lumps grow fast soon after chemo done and almost to the day one year after first mastectomy removed the other one after several benign biopsies. The could not say the lumps would not turn into cancer they did not know but at that time didn't feel removing them or having mastectomy was necessary. I had wanted a double mastectomy from the first day I was diagnosed but was talked out of it due to my stage 3 with 11 out 21 nodes positive. I didn't have MRI's until this year never had one before but I had CT scans.
    I have found every lump that has grown in this body at a very small size only to see some of them grow to alarming sizes that no one cares about but me. They don't want to surgery to remove even the benign ones now so I too have got to come to grips with these lumps inside of me after they let the last lump go because they felt a fibrous cyst. My brain still has a hard time with every lump found.
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    I had visit w/gyn first, then mammo/ultrasound, then biopsy to determine malignancy, then I had a breast MRI. It showed the size of my malignant tumor and what was in my other breast. Then I had a stereostatic MRI assisted biospy of the other breast. Once I had all the information I was able to decide on the bilateral mastectomy.
  • Mariannemm
    Mariannemm Member Posts: 136
    cahjah75 said:

    I had visit w/gyn first, then mammo/ultrasound, then biopsy to determine malignancy, then I had a breast MRI. It showed the size of my malignant tumor and what was in my other breast. Then I had a stereostatic MRI assisted biospy of the other breast. Once I had all the information I was able to decide on the bilateral mastectomy.

    My dr said the samething. He won't do MRI's unless I have a pain that lasts longer than 2 weeks. So I have had a pain since last June when my chemo was complete and they found a spot on my t-spine. So since then I had an MRI 2 months ago and next I will have another one at the end of November. Due to having expander put in on Dec. 14th. After that I can't have another until the expanders are out. If this MRI show the spot has grown a bunch then I won't have surgery and go in for treatment.
  • sal314
    sal314 Member Posts: 599 Member
    I've Been Cancer Free for 9 Years
    I've been going between my oncologist and breast surgeon every 4 month since I was diagnosed in 2001. During the last 9 years I've only had 1 MRI because my back was hurting and I was paranoid that the cancer had returned and gone to my bones. My onc. agreed to give me an MRI because my symptoms were waranted. Turns out it was a minor disc and arthritis issue. Go figure! I'm suppose to be happy about that I guess?! LOL.

    Anyway, my onc. said that it's not a good idea to do MRI's routinely because they can end up causing more harm than good. He'll only do them if there is a serious complaint that he feels should be checked out further.

    I am now seeing him every six months for routine exams. I'm not seeing my surgeon anymore, as he's moved out of state. And I see my ob-gyn once a year. Along with my own self-exams.

    My onc. said that unless the pain is severe and doesn't go away after two weeks, he won't do any major tests for it. He also does my blood work every 6 months, so he said if there was something major going on, it would show up in the blood work. SO...I feel ok with that.

    I know it's hard NOT to want things check out every time you feel a ache or pain, but like he said to me MANY times "not every little pain you have means cancer"!

  • Sher43009
    Sher43009 Member Posts: 602 Member
    sal314 said:

    I've Been Cancer Free for 9 Years
    I've been going between my oncologist and breast surgeon every 4 month since I was diagnosed in 2001. During the last 9 years I've only had 1 MRI because my back was hurting and I was paranoid that the cancer had returned and gone to my bones. My onc. agreed to give me an MRI because my symptoms were waranted. Turns out it was a minor disc and arthritis issue. Go figure! I'm suppose to be happy about that I guess?! LOL.

    Anyway, my onc. said that it's not a good idea to do MRI's routinely because they can end up causing more harm than good. He'll only do them if there is a serious complaint that he feels should be checked out further.

    I am now seeing him every six months for routine exams. I'm not seeing my surgeon anymore, as he's moved out of state. And I see my ob-gyn once a year. Along with my own self-exams.

    My onc. said that unless the pain is severe and doesn't go away after two weeks, he won't do any major tests for it. He also does my blood work every 6 months, so he said if there was something major going on, it would show up in the blood work. SO...I feel ok with that.

    I know it's hard NOT to want things check out every time you feel a ache or pain, but like he said to me MANY times "not every little pain you have means cancer"!


    Thanks everyone. I feel
    Thanks everyone. I feel better now not having the MRI. I go between my gyn. and oncol. every 3 months while I'm on Tamoxefin so I'm being checked and have to trust them.