Holding my breath, waiting for my sister's news.

sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Due to my dx, a lump & a bump in one breast and a discharge in the other....She had a mammo and ultrasound. Because she is uninsured, it went through a local program. ACS contacted her - she needs an MRI. She has an appt with a social worker. I'm scared to death. Se has applied for Medicaid in the past, but makes something like $8.00 too much.

Does anyone know how this works in New York State? Will she automatically be covered? What about SSI? Help! ACS told her people can quickly get in over their heads - they have nothing to begin with, so nothing to lose. I imagine a lifetime payment plan. But her husband was disabled in botched surgery and their income is low.

She is our parents primary care giver. With our parents it is way more than full time.

Thank you,



  • roseann4
    roseann4 Member Posts: 992 Member
    Every state is different but...
    I would contact the state ins commissioner to see if they have a reinsurance plan available. CT has one but if you are without ins. for more that 90 days, tere is a pre-existing condition clause.

    Are you near a teaching hospital? They often have free care options.

    I hope someone from NY will have more information for you. I hope she gets good news.

  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    Sue, I will keep her in prayer
    and hope everything will work out.


  • weazer
    weazer Member Posts: 440
    Sorry about your sister!
    Wow what a hard spot to be in!
    When I got BC I was'nt working so I was able too get the medicade, because Troy and I are'nt legaly married, on paper.
    Thank Goodness, thats terrible to say but he had been laid off his job, and had to find another one at half of what he was making and we were' and are' barely getting by.
    If we would of been maried I would not of been able to get the help that I needed, that was my understanding of it, and I think they would of maybe?
    considered Troy responsible for my bills.
    Lets hope and pray Sue that your sisters MRI comes out with Great news.
    Take care and please let us know what happens.
  • webbwife50
    webbwife50 Member Posts: 394
    weazer said:

    Sorry about your sister!
    Wow what a hard spot to be in!
    When I got BC I was'nt working so I was able too get the medicade, because Troy and I are'nt legaly married, on paper.
    Thank Goodness, thats terrible to say but he had been laid off his job, and had to find another one at half of what he was making and we were' and are' barely getting by.
    If we would of been maried I would not of been able to get the help that I needed, that was my understanding of it, and I think they would of maybe?
    considered Troy responsible for my bills.
    Lets hope and pray Sue that your sisters MRI comes out with Great news.
    Take care and please let us know what happens.

    Yes, let pray for a good MRI, and the proper care to be provided. God bless you and your sister..alison
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member

    Yes, let pray for a good MRI, and the proper care to be provided. God bless you and your sister..alison

    Wish I had some answers, Sue
    All I can do is pray that your sis has a good result from her tests and that some way you find the help you need. You have so much on your plate right now. I haven't lived in NY for a long time--there have to be some resources available.

    Sending positive energy and prayers.

    Hugs, Renee
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    shortly after my issues
    my cousins had lump/ mammo and went for biopsy etc...and she was fine..she thought for sure something was wrong..so happy she was wrong

    good luck to your sister
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    sea60 said:

    Sue, I will keep her in prayer
    and hope everything will work out.



    Putting your sister in my
    Putting your sister in my prayers.

  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    Morning Sue,

    Morning Sue,
    I received disability social security for my cancer ( inflammatory breast cancer ). I went to the SS site and filed out the forms getting it wasn't to hard but I did have to wait 5 months for the first check. I don't know why they do that. I have applied for medicaid but to this date have not got it. I will be praying for your sister and your family. Can the program she is in keep helping her? I to am uninsured and the cancer center were I go ( Moffitt ) does charity for low income people. You may want to check and see if there is some place in your state that does this. also try cancer.org and see if they can suggest anything. I wish her all the best. God bless Kay
  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    She has appt with a surgeon on Friday.
    The local program paid for the mammo and ultrasound. They will pay for the surgeons visit, but not MRI or surgery. Once she sees what the surgeon says, we'll figure out what to do next for help.

    Thank you.

  • AnneyRae
    AnneyRae Member Posts: 1
    Check out this website...

    Sue, I am so sorry to hear about your sister. I was just diagnosed with Breast Cancer on Nov 5th. I was so fearful because I have no health insurance. My husband was laid off from his job in Sept. I had gone through our local health dept for my screenings. Because of that I was state eligible for medicaid. As long as you are within 250% of poverty level. Normal medicaid offices are not always aware of the breast cancer program. I had to apply through my local health department. I am going to have a modified radical mastectomy on November 23rd.
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member

    shortly after my issues
    my cousins had lump/ mammo and went for biopsy etc...and she was fine..she thought for sure something was wrong..so happy she was wrong

    good luck to your sister

    Sending prayers for your
    Sending prayers for your sister!