Emotional Rollercoaster

Jean T. Szabo
Jean T. Szabo Member Posts: 193
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Just wondering...Yesteday was crying about just everything. #2 Chemo completed, slowly getting some energy back; more than halfway finished. Then 33 rads. Am happy about that. By afternoon felt better and started to do more things around the house. This emotional rollercoaster .... normal? Joining a local support group in the near future. So many side effects to deal with each time different. Feel tired, sore angry, relieved that it's almost over, body stressed out.


  • joannstar
    joannstar Member Posts: 403 Member
    Boy can I relate
    I'm having that kind of a day today. Feeling overwhelmed -- too much to do and no energy to do it with.
    My newest side-effect is burning soles (of my feet) making walking difficult.
    I'm half way through 6 chemo treatments before my 33 rads and I'm wondering what side-effect will rear its nasty head next????
    I guess this is fairly normal, but I wish it would settle down so I can resume some sort of normalcy.
    Good luck...may we both do better tomorrow!

  • cavediver
    cavediver Member Posts: 607
    it will get better.......
    Yes, the journey will take you up and down....the trick is to ride it out and know the end of the tunnel is not that far away. Good luck with the treatments and congrats on being halfway through...you should celebrate that!!! Hugs
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    Oh, Jean, it's so normal
    The side effects alone can make you crazy--not to mention the fatigue and emotional drain. I remember in the days right after chemo, some nights I'd just sit on the side of the couch with my head in my hands and cry. And, when I thought about it, I was crying for a lot of reasons: the pain from the Neulasta shot, the crappy metallic taste in my mouth, the fatigue, the enormity of this disease and mourning the loss of my old life.

    But, things got better--honestly. You're half done with chemo, you'll breeze through rads and you'll start to get your mojo back.

    I'm sending my best positive energy your way.

    Hugs, Renee
  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Hi Jean,
    Yes, this journey is definitely a roller coaster. Ups and downs. Lucky for me, mine have been mostly ups, because I have tried so hard to keep such a positive attitude and have convinced myself that I am not going to let this beast get the best of me. When I do have "one of those days", I usually cry a lot, but after I get it out, I'm fine. I guess you just have to get it out, instead of keeping it in. Hang in there. Hugs, Jean
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    Hang in there with ALL your strength Jean!
    Cancer conjures up just about every feeling known to man...all at once!

    Keeping you in prayer,

  • Sher43009
    Sher43009 Member Posts: 602 Member
    sea60 said:

    Hang in there with ALL your strength Jean!
    Cancer conjures up just about every feeling known to man...all at once!

    Keeping you in prayer,


    Yup, it was the same with
    Yup, it was the same with me. I'd get chemo on Wed. and knew Sun. was my "cry" day. This was the only "same" thing that happened with each treatment; with each treatment the side effects were different.

    You will get through it. Take a deep breath.
  • Hubby
    Hubby Member Posts: 325
    Note My Profile Pic
    I'm on the ride, and I didn't even have breast cancer. It gets better. Not only do you have to deal with the beast, treatments, surgeries... but there are medical bills, household chores, relationships, work, life...

    The ride does slow down after a while.

  • ms.sunshine
    ms.sunshine Member Posts: 707 Member
    Hubby said:

    Note My Profile Pic
    I'm on the ride, and I didn't even have breast cancer. It gets better. Not only do you have to deal with the beast, treatments, surgeries... but there are medical bills, household chores, relationships, work, life...

    The ride does slow down after a while.


    Jean I'm sorry, it gets better
    It will take some time. Everyday brings you that much closer to kicking that beast to the curb. This time last year I was doing good making it from my bed to the recliner to the bathroom. I was so tired. Now I'm doing really good. Almost feel like I can run, almost.
    Be patient with yourself, and be kind to yourself.
  • Fokelina
    Fokelina Member Posts: 1
    Jean, get off the rollercoaster...
    Hi Jean,
    So recognizable, your words. Try not to spill your precious energy on this rollercoaster but save it in a box to use it only for things YOU find important and YOU wish to do. Accepting how it is now will give you peace and confidence that better days will come. Even after finishing treatment you may need to use this box for a long time.
    Be strong, love Ineke
  • hopeful girl 1
    hopeful girl 1 Member Posts: 454
    Fokelina said:

    Jean, get off the rollercoaster...
    Hi Jean,
    So recognizable, your words. Try not to spill your precious energy on this rollercoaster but save it in a box to use it only for things YOU find important and YOU wish to do. Accepting how it is now will give you peace and confidence that better days will come. Even after finishing treatment you may need to use this box for a long time.
    Be strong, love Ineke

    Jean, it has been the same for me

    I just finished my treatment plan for uterine cancer 3C, which included, two surgeries, and sandwich therapy of 6 chemos and 25 radiations. My last chemo was Nov 2nd. I still feel the emotional rollercoaster. I seem to get more emotional lately at the end like it is all catching up with me. Sometimes they are gratitude tears as well, to have survived so far. I am still dealing with low blood counts right now-I had a hemoglobin transfusion about a week and a half ago, and am being monitored for my platelets-white cells low as well. Even though I am done with therapy, and once counts return I am told my restrictions will be lifted, it is still hard emotionally.

    Getting used to the "new normal" and wanting our old lives back.

    On the positive side, I am very very grateful to be alive, and I have met some wonderfully kind people during my journey, and have received a lot of support from even some unexpected sources.

    Please know that you are totally normal. Just go ahead and let it out when you need to.
    And try to surround yourself with positive vibes, funny tv shows, rent movies that lift your spirits, watch comedians on You Tube etc. I am currently reading the Chicken Soup book "Think Positive" that has inspirational stories in it. These boards help me alot, to know I am not alone, and that others have gone thru' this and so can I.

  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    Hi Jean,
    I'm having one of

    Hi Jean,
    I'm having one of those days today. Done with chemo, 12 days past my exchange surgery, and all I've been doing is crying today. Crying because I'm sore, because I don't have the energy to do ANYthing today. It's like I didn't allow myself to have any negative thoughts or fear during my treatment, and now that I'm done I'm sad & scared. I'm hoping this is just a "bad day" but I'm calling my cancer center tomorrow - they offer counseling there & I think I need to take them up on it.
    Im sorry - i dont want to sound like a complete downer. My experience has definately had more "ups" than "downs" - but today just seems to really be a down day.
  • Annette 11
    Annette 11 Member Posts: 380

    Hi Jean,
    I'm having one of

    Hi Jean,
    I'm having one of those days today. Done with chemo, 12 days past my exchange surgery, and all I've been doing is crying today. Crying because I'm sore, because I don't have the energy to do ANYthing today. It's like I didn't allow myself to have any negative thoughts or fear during my treatment, and now that I'm done I'm sad & scared. I'm hoping this is just a "bad day" but I'm calling my cancer center tomorrow - they offer counseling there & I think I need to take them up on it.
    Im sorry - i dont want to sound like a complete downer. My experience has definately had more "ups" than "downs" - but today just seems to really be a down day.

    You have been such a trouper through this. You have been an inspiration to many. You deserve to feel down, it's only normal. That is wonderful that your cancer center offers counseling. Do take advantage of that...I wish mine offered this service.
    Keep us posted as to how you are feeling.
    Hugs to you,
  • Annette 11
    Annette 11 Member Posts: 380
    Hi Jean,
    Yes, been there. I think it's the steriods,they play with our emotions and the chemo makes us tired. All these chemicals makes us nuts! Hang in there! I think you have 2 more chemo's left, right? It will go fast.
    Hugs to you,