Questions to ask Doctor

Chefrox Member Posts: 32
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I was diagnosed with BC last friday. On the 22nd I see a BC specialist and other than what stage is it and what are my chances, what are some questions I need to ask?

I figured all my sisters here have had this first appointment and could help me with this list of questions....

Chef Rox


  • mickeymom
    mickeymom Member Posts: 117
    Write it down
    I'm sure everyone can give you advice on what questions to ask, but my suggestion is to get somekind of notebook to write it all down in. The first appointment is really overwhelming and they give you so much information that keeping it all in your head can be impossible. My cancer center even recorded the appointment so I could review it later. After that, I got a notebook and jotted down the questions that came to be after I left - and there were a lot. I took it with me when I had appointments so I would remember all the things I wanted to ask and wrote down the answers so I would remember it later. It also gave me a place to keep Dr. names, phone numbers, email addresses, etc. so I always knew where it was.

    What questions to ask? Be sure to ask who you contact with other questions later. It seemed like everything took so much time in the early stages and the waiting was horrible. I was glad to know who I could call and ask questions before the next appointment.

    I'm sorry for the reason that you're here. But this is a great place for information and venting and somehow just getting through with people who've been there. Good luck with your appointment. You're in my prayers.
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    At the ACS home page, type
    At the ACS home page, type in the search box "what to ask my doctor". That will give you links to several articles, if I recall they had a printable list of questions that you can take to your doctor.

    In my cancer binder I keep blank pages where I write questions as they come to me. If it's not urgent enough for a phone call or email, I save them for my regular appointments.

    I agree the most important question is how do I ask questions between, email?

    Also, my onc office has a separate phone number for an oncology advice nurse, that's who I call when I have questions about side effects.

    You've found a great place for support, please let us know how everything goes on the 22nd.


  • Different Ballgame
    Different Ballgame Member Posts: 868
    Mickeymo and Linda gave
    Mickeymo and Linda gave excellent advice. Find out how fast it is growing. There are three speeds (growth rates). If you don't have the third speed, then you have some time to do your research and time to come to terms with your cancer.

    First thing to do is to purchase Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book, 5th Edition. It is a bible for breast cancer women and will help you understand your tests, your status, and everything connected to breast cancer. You can buy this book at your bookstore or order it on Amazon. THIS BOOK IS A MUST!!!!

    Always keep business card of all your doctors in your purse. I also have a set that never leaves the house.

    Lots of Hugs,
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member

    Mickeymo and Linda gave
    Mickeymo and Linda gave excellent advice. Find out how fast it is growing. There are three speeds (growth rates). If you don't have the third speed, then you have some time to do your research and time to come to terms with your cancer.

    First thing to do is to purchase Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book, 5th Edition. It is a bible for breast cancer women and will help you understand your tests, your status, and everything connected to breast cancer. You can buy this book at your bookstore or order it on Amazon. THIS BOOK IS A MUST!!!!

    Always keep business card of all your doctors in your purse. I also have a set that never leaves the house.

    Lots of Hugs,

    Janelle is so right--
    My surgeon recommended that book when I was first diagnosed and I read it from cover to cover and referred to it many, many times in the past year since my diagnosis.

    Along with keeping all the team's business cards, my husband put all of their phone numbers into my cell phone--that helped a lot.

    Come to this site often--I actually got better advice here from the sweet, brave women who have been through this--especially when I had a problem along the way.

    Good luck--we're here for you.

    Hugs, Renee
  • Chefrox
    Chefrox Member Posts: 32
    missrenee said:

    Janelle is so right--
    My surgeon recommended that book when I was first diagnosed and I read it from cover to cover and referred to it many, many times in the past year since my diagnosis.

    Along with keeping all the team's business cards, my husband put all of their phone numbers into my cell phone--that helped a lot.

    Come to this site often--I actually got better advice here from the sweet, brave women who have been through this--especially when I had a problem along the way.

    Good luck--we're here for you.

    Hugs, Renee

    I knew my sisters here would tell me what I needed to know...I doubt there will be a day that I won't be in this room..unless they won't let me have my laptop in the hospital.LOL

    I will buy the book tomorrow and get my binder organized and ready to go.

    I'll watch for more answers.....

    Chef Rox
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    Chefrox said:

    I knew my sisters here would tell me what I needed to know...I doubt there will be a day that I won't be in this room..unless they won't let me have my laptop in the hospital.LOL

    I will buy the book tomorrow and get my binder organized and ready to go.

    I'll watch for more answers.....

    Chef Rox

    Chef Rox ... I took my sister, and a girlfriend NOT my
    husband to my first appointment with my Breast Cancer Specialist out here at St. Joseph's. A tape recorder is the upmost important item I found that help me figure out which path I wanted to pursue. After my first meeting, my girlfriend was numb and forgot to write much down - my sister was pretty much on target with a lot of the information .. and me and my note taking - forget about it .. but the tape recorder had all pertain information relating to all my questions asked. .. I elected not to take my husband to my first appointment .. because emotionally, he was all over the place -- and he asked the same questions over and over and over again -- he could not deal with my diagnosis the first few months .. he was extremely supportive, took a leave of absence from his job - became the father and mother to our 2 children .. but just could not separate his emotionals from our everyday life -- it took Barb, my ONCO RN to snap him out of it...!

    Path report: what does it really say .. size of cyst, Her2 positive or negative --
    lumph node involvement - ?

    recommendation: lumpectomy or bilateral mact'my

    chemo therapy .. type of cocktail - chemo drug name
    length of treatment ..

    radiation therapy required after chemo

    recent stats of recurrence after both chemo and rad

    'Bell Standard' information regarding your chemo side efforts, and radiation side efforts .. please don't let anyone tell you all that will happen to your body and soul is that you will lose your hair (yes, this is a big deal --) and that you may be tired .. okay .. I was experienced extreme fatigue, and was fainting several times a day -- the last 6 weeks of my TCH chemo cocktail treatments.

    Good luck, and my God be with you!

    Strength, Courage and Peace.

    Vicki Sam
  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    Hi Chef
    I'm so happy that you sound better not as afraid am I right? I hope so. Anyway there are so many questions to ask but you need the right ones for you. So make sure you write everything down and get phone #'s you can call you nurses with questions. And of course you can always come here. We got your back will hold you up or carry you when ever you need. They will offer allot of information and give you literature to read. You will feel better and better the more you know. And just imagine in a short time you will be helping others too. And that really feels good. So let us know what you need and you got it. Take care sweetheart Kay
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    I was every so grateful my husband (of course came along) and good friend (breast cancer 2 x) came along. Just 2 more sets of ears. I heard all he was saying, asked a couple questions-then WHEN I heard him say "survival rate" I LOST IT...and everything we talked about. So if you have someone to go along with you..I highly suggest it for moral support, hand holding and remembering things said!
  • Chefrox
    Chefrox Member Posts: 32

    I was every so grateful my husband (of course came along) and good friend (breast cancer 2 x) came along. Just 2 more sets of ears. I heard all he was saying, asked a couple questions-then WHEN I heard him say "survival rate" I LOST IT...and everything we talked about. So if you have someone to go along with you..I highly suggest it for moral support, hand holding and remembering things said!

    Seeing Doc
    My sister is going with me....She is a department head at this hospital and helped me find Dr. Momanus. She has worked with him on several projects and is very impressed with him. This Doctor is only a breast Cancer Doctor. They have a whole center fo him just for the BC patients. He just got a big award from Susan G. Koman for additional research.
    I'm super comfortible going to this doctor and my sister is Miss efficient so she will handle alot for me. She and I are 12 yrs apart and I really raised her alot when she was younger.

    Thanks for giving me a hand in here...

    Chef Rox