A question about chemo

CMorgret Member Posts: 13
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I have a question. I have read that some people only get one drug for chemo. I get Carboplatin, Trastuzumab (Herceptin) and Docetaxel (Taxotere) one after the other each time I go in for chemo. I am wondering if this is "normal" or if other people out there get multiple drugs each time they go in for chemo...


  • seof
    seof Member Posts: 819 Member
    What's Normal?
    There are as many different treatment plans as there are patients. Each one is individual. I had one round of chemo with 2 drugs (can't remember which) then radiation, then chemo with 2 different drugs, then Herceptin. It is common to have one drug at a time, and it is also common to have more than one. You can go to chemocare.com to look up specific drugs and what they are used for, or ask your Doctor about why he/she is using your specific drugs. The drugs you mention are some that many people who have posted on this site have used. It sounds like your Doctor is giving you good care.

  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    Hi :)
    I had 4 rounds of

    Hi :)
    I had 4 rounds of andriamycin and cytoxan, 1 after the other, followed by 2 rounds of just Taxotere. I think chemo combos are really common.
    How are you doing with you chemo? I hope you're tolerating it well :)
  • Grandma X 6
    Grandma X 6 Member Posts: 135
    Yes it is normal I was on the same chemo drugs three weeks apart for 6 treatments finished January this year than had 33 radiation treatments.The Herceptin was for a year just finished in Sept. The chemo was hard but doable.We are all in this together. You will be in my prays. Cindy
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    A/C first then Taxol
    I had 4 doses of A/C (Adriamycin and Cytoxan) 2 weeks apart. Then had mod. rad. mast. followed by 12 weekly Taxol. I'm HER2- so no Herceptin for me. Have been on Femara for 8+ months now and will be for 5 years.

    We're all different with different forms of BC that have different protocols/tx's.

  • CMorgret
    CMorgret Member Posts: 13

    Hi :)
    I had 4 rounds of

    Hi :)
    I had 4 rounds of andriamycin and cytoxan, 1 after the other, followed by 2 rounds of just Taxotere. I think chemo combos are really common.
    How are you doing with you chemo? I hope you're tolerating it well :)

    How things are going
    Not bad. Every "round" has brought something new: Shingles, headaches, colds, etc. However, it has not been as bad as I feared. I think that the worst thing has been the metallic taste in my mouth. It starts immediately after chemo and lasts for at least a week and a half. The fatigue isn't great especially since I am used to doing about a million things a minute! But like I said it could be a lot worse... :) I have gotten through 4 of 6. Day after tomorrow is #5! Almost there... (except for 11 extra treatments of Herceptin)
  • CMorgret
    CMorgret Member Posts: 13

    Yes it is normal I was on the same chemo drugs three weeks apart for 6 treatments finished January this year than had 33 radiation treatments.The Herceptin was for a year just finished in Sept. The chemo was hard but doable.We are all in this together. You will be in my prays. Cindy

    the same
    It sounds like you and I have/had the same treatment schedule!
  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    I also had Herceptin,
    I also had Herceptin, carboplatin, taxotere one after the other. I think the fatigue was the worst for me. It is cumulative. Make sure you use the alcohol free mouth wash. I used drops for me eyes, ( dry eyes ) and lotion for dry skin. Took Vits some extra iron. Ate protein bars and drank Ensure. That all helped me out allot. You will have to find what works for you the best. But there are things you can do that will help you feel better during treatment. By the time I was done with my treatment the Dr. couldn't even find my tumor any more!! I hope the same happens for you. Take care Kay
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    CMorgret said:

    How things are going
    Not bad. Every "round" has brought something new: Shingles, headaches, colds, etc. However, it has not been as bad as I feared. I think that the worst thing has been the metallic taste in my mouth. It starts immediately after chemo and lasts for at least a week and a half. The fatigue isn't great especially since I am used to doing about a million things a minute! But like I said it could be a lot worse... :) I have gotten through 4 of 6. Day after tomorrow is #5! Almost there... (except for 11 extra treatments of Herceptin)

    I hope the last two
    I hope the last two treatments are the easiest ones for you!

    I get three drugs also...taxotere, adriamycin, and cytoxin. I'm on a three week schedule, and like you I've completed 4 of 6. It's nice to have the end in sight!

    If I understand it correctly, each of the drugs attack the cancer using a different method to kill it. I don't remember anymore which one uses which method, but I do like knowing I'm doing everything I can to win this battle.


  • iaelituuao
    iaelituuao Member Posts: 19
    The same
    I had the same chemo drugs TCH (taxotere,carboplatin and Herceptin) x 6 rounds every 3 wks.
    I just finished the 6 rounds on 10/29/10 and will be starting the herceptin alone this friday 11/19/10 for a yr. Good luck.
  • CMorgret
    CMorgret Member Posts: 13
    Thank you
    Thanks to everyone! This has been very informative. It is nice to know that there are others out there going through the same or similar things! :)