I hate being lied to( venting)

canjuncutie Member Posts: 131
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
At the being of this journey,I was told dont worry everything will be covered. Now I have found out that it is not at all covered.The people that be the ones thats know looked me straight into my face and told you have nothing to worry everything you need will be covered. lol. In truth unless i pay I dont get things To look like I normal again to pass for being good . I wish this ugly head of cancer had never come to me. I count myself lucky to have my office visits and chemo plus the meds paid for by insurance.Finding out no one wants to work for them until the chemo done is no fun. I have bills that have to be paid.


  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    I know what you mean. The
    I know what you mean. The first Dr I had lie too. I hate it when some one lies to me. No second chances. Not with me anyway.. And I think your right reconstruction should be covered. You go ahead and vent we are here to listen as long as you need. Breath deep and try to relax. Take care Kay.
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    I know...
    It's hard enough having to deal with cancer and now we have to deal with medical bills. It's just hard (sigh).


  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    I also wish this ugly cancer had never come to you, or for that matter to any of us!!

    I found this information about the Cancer Rights Act of 1998, which is the law that was passed to require plans to cover reconstruction. Here's the web address to the Department of Labor Website with information about these protections:


    It says that almost all plans (the exceptions are some government and some church plans) must cover "reconstruction and surgery to achieve symmetry between the breasts, prostheses and...complications resulting from a mastectomy, including lymphedema.

    Are they telling you they won't pay for reconstruction at all? Have you tried appealing to the insurance company yet?
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    I also wish this ugly cancer had never come to you, or for that matter to any of us!!

    I found this information about the Cancer Rights Act of 1998, which is the law that was passed to require plans to cover reconstruction. Here's the web address to the Department of Labor Website with information about these protections:


    It says that almost all plans (the exceptions are some government and some church plans) must cover "reconstruction and surgery to achieve symmetry between the breasts, prostheses and...complications resulting from a mastectomy, including lymphedema.

    Are they telling you they won't pay for reconstruction at all? Have you tried appealing to the insurance company yet?

    Cindy Flynn .. Thank you for this excellent source
    of information! Along with such sound advice -)

    Vicki Sam
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    I'm sorry that you're dealing with all this, on top of BC....It's been my experience NEVER EVER take the word that "things will be covered" from anyone but your insurance company!!!! Had a call last week (had to have a test done) from the office of the breast center where I was having the test done.......the woman said, "you haven't met your deductable for this year so there will be out of pocket expenses." I said......."Oh yes I have, my deductable is carried over from year to year because my plan considers BC to be a "chronic disease." She called back later and said, "You are correct, there is no out of pocket expenses." So it always pays to deal directly with the insurance company.

    I wish you well
  • leabow
    leabow Member Posts: 28

    I also wish this ugly cancer had never come to you, or for that matter to any of us!!

    I found this information about the Cancer Rights Act of 1998, which is the law that was passed to require plans to cover reconstruction. Here's the web address to the Department of Labor Website with information about these protections:


    It says that almost all plans (the exceptions are some government and some church plans) must cover "reconstruction and surgery to achieve symmetry between the breasts, prostheses and...complications resulting from a mastectomy, including lymphedema.

    Are they telling you they won't pay for reconstruction at all? Have you tried appealing to the insurance company yet?

    I was told the Cancer Rights Act of 1998 would pay for my reconstruction. However when I went to the computer to research this I found out that is if you have insurance. It does not apply to the gov. run medicare which I am on. I saw a plastic surgeon, but when I started asking questions, he could not assure me that implants , infections, and leaking implants in the future would be covered. His business manager said that they had no comtrol over what Medicare would cover and ask for money up front.
    Everyone seems younger than me, but for those who are 65, please check first before you commit.