Thursday what's on Tap....( little humor)

On tap
Ouch,on tap alright. Talking about lighting up like a xmas tree. When I lived in Md. a bunch of the guys I worked with used to go cat fishing in the chesapeake bay. One of the guys called in one day and said he was going to be out because he was so tired. He said he was cat fishing all night. I asked why at night,because I heard the early afternoon is best for that. He said its better at night cause they glow green and you can see them better.I almost crapped when he said that. Just think, people eat the fish and crabs from that radioactive dumping ground. John (FNHL-1-4A-5/10)0 -
yuck!COBRA666 said:On tap
Ouch,on tap alright. Talking about lighting up like a xmas tree. When I lived in Md. a bunch of the guys I worked with used to go cat fishing in the chesapeake bay. One of the guys called in one day and said he was going to be out because he was so tired. He said he was cat fishing all night. I asked why at night,because I heard the early afternoon is best for that. He said its better at night cause they glow green and you can see them better.I almost crapped when he said that. Just think, people eat the fish and crabs from that radioactive dumping ground. John (FNHL-1-4A-5/10)
and we wonder why cancer is on the rise!!!!!!!0 -
Makes you wonderCOBRA666 said:On tap
Ouch,on tap alright. Talking about lighting up like a xmas tree. When I lived in Md. a bunch of the guys I worked with used to go cat fishing in the chesapeake bay. One of the guys called in one day and said he was going to be out because he was so tired. He said he was cat fishing all night. I asked why at night,because I heard the early afternoon is best for that. He said its better at night cause they glow green and you can see them better.I almost crapped when he said that. Just think, people eat the fish and crabs from that radioactive dumping ground. John (FNHL-1-4A-5/10)
Hi John,
We live fairly close to Hanford...use to be one of the nations biggest nuclear facilities. I'm sure you've heard of it as it is now closed down and being cleaned up costing tax payers billions of dollars. Hanford sits right along side of the Columbia River which is one of the main rivers in Washington State stretching from the Pacific ocean all the way into Canada. The stretch of river along side of Hanford has some of the best fishing in the Pacific Northwest, but there has always been rumors that toxic waste from Hanford has been dumped in that stretch of the river. We quit fishing there about 10 years ago as soon as the clean up started because we have no doubt the fish that swim through there (if truth be known) were probably so radioactive you could light up a small city with them. The scary part for us is that we fished that stretch of water for at least 10 years prior to the clean-up and shut down of Hanford. As a matter of fact our sons caught their first salmon as young boys right out in front of the N-Reactor where a large metal drain pipe stuck out from the shoreline dumping "something" into the river. Scares the beegesses out of us, but hey...the damage is already done. Time will tell I far I'm the only one with cancer, so God willing...I'll be the last! Our Govt sucks the big one when it comes to back door short cuts tht end up costing us our health. It's the "proving" it thats impossible to do. off topic...but "oh well"!..ha!
Sue...(FNHL-2-3A-6/10)0 -
Hi Vinny,
I have no idea if 3 month scans are normal or not, but it sure sounds like alot. I guess you will just have to trust that it is necessary. What kind of work are you going back to doing? I'm glad your happy about it...I for one "NEVER" want to go back to work..."been there, done that for 33 years", and now enjoy my retirement, even with having cancer...ha! Sure has saved me a bundle on make-up and hair product by staying home...ha! I'll be sending positive thoughts your way "Always"! Let us know how next Thursdays spinal tap goes...keeping you in my daily prayers buddy! Love..Sue (FNHL-2-3A-6/10)0 -
work!allmost60 said:Yikes..
Hi Vinny,
I have no idea if 3 month scans are normal or not, but it sure sounds like alot. I guess you will just have to trust that it is necessary. What kind of work are you going back to doing? I'm glad your happy about it...I for one "NEVER" want to go back to work..."been there, done that for 33 years", and now enjoy my retirement, even with having cancer...ha! Sure has saved me a bundle on make-up and hair product by staying home...ha! I'll be sending positive thoughts your way "Always"! Let us know how next Thursdays spinal tap goes...keeping you in my daily prayers buddy! Love..Sue (FNHL-2-3A-6/10)
Hey Sue, don't get me wrong I would love to be retired!!!!!!! hahahahaha I work at a building supply business. We sell roofing, siding, lumber... I'm a manager there. Been their now for seven years, they stuck by me thru two cancers now, great bunch of people. Sue it's great to hear you did not loose all your hair!!!! I'm having such a problem with my finger nails!!!!!!!! Oh well it could be alot worse..... Talk to you soon!0 -
yes it makes you wonderallmost60 said:Makes you wonder
Hi John,
We live fairly close to Hanford...use to be one of the nations biggest nuclear facilities. I'm sure you've heard of it as it is now closed down and being cleaned up costing tax payers billions of dollars. Hanford sits right along side of the Columbia River which is one of the main rivers in Washington State stretching from the Pacific ocean all the way into Canada. The stretch of river along side of Hanford has some of the best fishing in the Pacific Northwest, but there has always been rumors that toxic waste from Hanford has been dumped in that stretch of the river. We quit fishing there about 10 years ago as soon as the clean up started because we have no doubt the fish that swim through there (if truth be known) were probably so radioactive you could light up a small city with them. The scary part for us is that we fished that stretch of water for at least 10 years prior to the clean-up and shut down of Hanford. As a matter of fact our sons caught their first salmon as young boys right out in front of the N-Reactor where a large metal drain pipe stuck out from the shoreline dumping "something" into the river. Scares the beegesses out of us, but hey...the damage is already done. Time will tell I far I'm the only one with cancer, so God willing...I'll be the last! Our Govt sucks the big one when it comes to back door short cuts tht end up costing us our health. It's the "proving" it thats impossible to do. off topic...but "oh well"!..ha!
You are not getting off the subject at all. It is something to really wonder about when this crap hits home. It is a fact that the cancer rate is a lot higher in industrial areas. Md is an industrial town and the cancer rate is thru the roof. I lived there most of my life and heard it everyday that someone I knew has cancer. As industry boomed ,so did the cancer rate. Then it makes us think about our kids being brought up in the same place. Another worry for everyone. The University of Md hosp. has cancer wards that started back in the early 60's. You never really give it a lot of thought at the time.Like I was telling Vinny about the glowing catfish in the Chesapeake Bay. That was no joke. The guys actually thought it was a new breed of catfish. Another thought it was something they were eating that made them glow. They bought some in once they had cooked at home for lunch. I saw the fish myself. The gills actually had a yellowish-green tint to it. Never seen a catfish that big in my life.Then they ate it for lunch. The crabs the bay is so famous for is being shipped all over the world. Dupont Chemical is being fined daily for the dumping in the bay. They pay it because it would cost more to have it disposed of the right way. The everyday person winds up having to suffer the consequences. To me I think we can't get more on the subject than that. It is scary thats for sure. Oh yea, I do not miss working either. John(FNHL-1-4A-5/10)0 -
Nuke testingCOBRA666 said:yes it makes you wonder
You are not getting off the subject at all. It is something to really wonder about when this crap hits home. It is a fact that the cancer rate is a lot higher in industrial areas. Md is an industrial town and the cancer rate is thru the roof. I lived there most of my life and heard it everyday that someone I knew has cancer. As industry boomed ,so did the cancer rate. Then it makes us think about our kids being brought up in the same place. Another worry for everyone. The University of Md hosp. has cancer wards that started back in the early 60's. You never really give it a lot of thought at the time.Like I was telling Vinny about the glowing catfish in the Chesapeake Bay. That was no joke. The guys actually thought it was a new breed of catfish. Another thought it was something they were eating that made them glow. They bought some in once they had cooked at home for lunch. I saw the fish myself. The gills actually had a yellowish-green tint to it. Never seen a catfish that big in my life.Then they ate it for lunch. The crabs the bay is so famous for is being shipped all over the world. Dupont Chemical is being fined daily for the dumping in the bay. They pay it because it would cost more to have it disposed of the right way. The everyday person winds up having to suffer the consequences. To me I think we can't get more on the subject than that. It is scary thats for sure. Oh yea, I do not miss working either. John(FNHL-1-4A-5/10)
Hi John and Sue,
Let me add my two cents worth.
After I had tyroid cancer the first time I started doing research, since the Drs kept asking me if I had rad tx as a child. I didn't.
Turns out, that in the 50s in New Mexico they were testing nukes. It has since been proven that the radiation spread to Northern Calif and also got into the dairy cattle grazing at the time. So now the Gov. says that children who drank milk in the 50s in N. CA were exposed to radiation. And they say that this type of radiation causes thyroid cancer. Which tends to take at least 20 + years to show up. Makes me wonder how many folks in their 40s,50s ,60s got exposed through the milk. WE ALL drank milk. I was 22 when I first had cancer. I was born and raised in San Francisco. At least the Gov. is admitting to the exposure, sad that no one knew the dangers of Nuclear testing.
I'll step down now from my soapbox...
Lisha0 -
NUKESforme said:Nuke testing
Hi John and Sue,
Let me add my two cents worth.
After I had tyroid cancer the first time I started doing research, since the Drs kept asking me if I had rad tx as a child. I didn't.
Turns out, that in the 50s in New Mexico they were testing nukes. It has since been proven that the radiation spread to Northern Calif and also got into the dairy cattle grazing at the time. So now the Gov. says that children who drank milk in the 50s in N. CA were exposed to radiation. And they say that this type of radiation causes thyroid cancer. Which tends to take at least 20 + years to show up. Makes me wonder how many folks in their 40s,50s ,60s got exposed through the milk. WE ALL drank milk. I was 22 when I first had cancer. I was born and raised in San Francisco. At least the Gov. is admitting to the exposure, sad that no one knew the dangers of Nuclear testing.
I'll step down now from my soapbox...
I hear exactly what you are saying. Bet you never gave it a second thought till you got thyroid cancer. Thats usually the way it is. I know it was for me. Then it hits home and our minds really start to work overtime. Then when its all said and done we can't do anything about it one way or the other.We are stuck with the treatments and (maybe I shouldn't say it)the gov't couldn't care less. John(FNHL-1-4A-5/10)0 -
Tapvinny59 said:work!
Hey Sue, don't get me wrong I would love to be retired!!!!!!! hahahahaha I work at a building supply business. We sell roofing, siding, lumber... I'm a manager there. Been their now for seven years, they stuck by me thru two cancers now, great bunch of people. Sue it's great to hear you did not loose all your hair!!!! I'm having such a problem with my finger nails!!!!!!!! Oh well it could be alot worse..... Talk to you soon!
Hi Vinny,
Liked the Tap humor - you/ve got the best attitude! Good luck, hope all goes well. I know what you mean about work. I went back 3 weeks ago part time at first and am full time now . It has been great being back (I'm a bank manager). I really missed my staff and clients . However, I have to say it's really hard physically. I was home today because of a throat infection and rib pain. My PCP and physical therapists both think I now have fibromyalgia or lupus. She wants me to follow up with my onc when I see her next week. She said that those disorders can go hand in hand with lymphoma. Great- what next?? We are still waiting to see how the Rituxan therapy did with the lymphoma, I'll find out next week.
Whats up with your nails? Mine are spitting. And I'm not losing my hair in clumps but it is really thinning, although my doc said rituxan isn't supposed to do that. This sure is an exhausting process!! To say the least ! haha
So it's been a challenge but since I love what I do and I'm not quite ready to retire, work has been good for me. Hope it's the same for you! I'll keep you in my prayers - esp on Thursday.0 -
Tapvinny59 said:work!
Hey Sue, don't get me wrong I would love to be retired!!!!!!! hahahahaha I work at a building supply business. We sell roofing, siding, lumber... I'm a manager there. Been their now for seven years, they stuck by me thru two cancers now, great bunch of people. Sue it's great to hear you did not loose all your hair!!!! I'm having such a problem with my finger nails!!!!!!!! Oh well it could be alot worse..... Talk to you soon!
Hi Vinny,
Liked the Tap humor - you/ve got the best attitude! Good luck, hope all goes well. I know what you mean about work. I went back 3 weeks ago part time at first and am full time now . It has been great being back (I'm a bank manager). I really missed my staff and clients . However, I have to say it's really hard physically. I was home today because of a throat infection and rib pain. My PCP and physical therapists both think I now have fibromyalgia or lupus. She wants me to follow up with my onc when I see her next week. She said that those disorders can go hand in hand with lymphoma. Great- what next?? We are still waiting to see how the Rituxan therapy did with the lymphoma, I'll find out next week.
Whats up with your nails? Mine are spitting. And I'm not losing my hair in clumps but it is really thinning, although my doc said rituxan isn't supposed to do that. This sure is an exhausting process!! To say the least ! haha
So it's been a challenge but since I love what I do and I'm not quite ready to retire, work has been good for me. Hope it's the same for you! I'll keep you in my prayers - esp on Thursday.0 -
workonlytoday said:Tap
Hi Vinny,
Liked the Tap humor - you/ve got the best attitude! Good luck, hope all goes well. I know what you mean about work. I went back 3 weeks ago part time at first and am full time now . It has been great being back (I'm a bank manager). I really missed my staff and clients . However, I have to say it's really hard physically. I was home today because of a throat infection and rib pain. My PCP and physical therapists both think I now have fibromyalgia or lupus. She wants me to follow up with my onc when I see her next week. She said that those disorders can go hand in hand with lymphoma. Great- what next?? We are still waiting to see how the Rituxan therapy did with the lymphoma, I'll find out next week.
Whats up with your nails? Mine are spitting. And I'm not losing my hair in clumps but it is really thinning, although my doc said rituxan isn't supposed to do that. This sure is an exhausting process!! To say the least ! haha
So it's been a challenge but since I love what I do and I'm not quite ready to retire, work has been good for me. Hope it's the same for you! I'll keep you in my prayers - esp on Thursday.
you have a lot going on! I hope everything goes well.... my nails are separating from my finger tips, it's mainly on my thumbs and index fingers. I know it's going to be a challenge making it thru a full day of work, but I can't wait to give it a try!!!!! Good luck!!! Vinny0 -
Finger Nailsvinny59 said:work
you have a lot going on! I hope everything goes well.... my nails are separating from my finger tips, it's mainly on my thumbs and index fingers. I know it's going to be a challenge making it thru a full day of work, but I can't wait to give it a try!!!!! Good luck!!! Vinny
Hi Vinny,
I'm so glad your feeling well enough to be going back to work soon. Just please please remember not to push it. It takes a really long time to come back from all the nasty drugs and complications we experience on this road to remission.
My nails, both finger and toe, were really discolored and strange during chemo and after treatment were pulling away from my nail beds. I had to have some toe nails removed because I got an infection under one of the loose nails. I finished chemo in Feb and just last month had to have another nail removed. My doctor thinks because there was some neuropathy I didn't know when I damaged my nails and that played into the problems I had.
Also love the picture of you and you lovely wife.
Leslie0 -
Thanksyesyes2 said:Finger Nails
Hi Vinny,
I'm so glad your feeling well enough to be going back to work soon. Just please please remember not to push it. It takes a really long time to come back from all the nasty drugs and complications we experience on this road to remission.
My nails, both finger and toe, were really discolored and strange during chemo and after treatment were pulling away from my nail beds. I had to have some toe nails removed because I got an infection under one of the loose nails. I finished chemo in Feb and just last month had to have another nail removed. My doctor thinks because there was some neuropathy I didn't know when I damaged my nails and that played into the problems I had.
Also love the picture of you and you lovely wife.
Thanks Leslie!!!!0 -
I second Leslievinny59 said:Thanks
Thanks Leslie!!!!
Hi, Vinny,
I agree with Leslie that you have a nice picture. You look like nothing happened to you, ha ha!
Speaking of going back to work, I understand you continuing to do that because it keeps you up mentally and physically. I am currently reading a book "Never Give In" by Arlen Specter. Wow, he is a real doer and never sits down but takes breaks when need to - he had Hodgkins plus previous heart disease and another disease, etc. He exercised too. Did you ever?
I am now trying to go back to using a treadmill once it is fixed.
Go easy at work.
Liz0 -
treadmilltruckingalong said:I second Leslie
Hi, Vinny,
I agree with Leslie that you have a nice picture. You look like nothing happened to you, ha ha!
Speaking of going back to work, I understand you continuing to do that because it keeps you up mentally and physically. I am currently reading a book "Never Give In" by Arlen Specter. Wow, he is a real doer and never sits down but takes breaks when need to - he had Hodgkins plus previous heart disease and another disease, etc. He exercised too. Did you ever?
I am now trying to go back to using a treadmill once it is fixed.
Go easy at work.
Hi Liz,this is an old picture!!! hahahaha I wan't to go back to working out and loose the weight I put on during the presidone treatments, but I have no energy yet. I'm trying to ween myself of the naps first!!!! LOL I say if you can do it, go for it...... Vinny0
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