Poster Child for Bad Luck!

Sharon968 Member Posts: 10
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I think every single time I start half way feeling better, something happens and it smacks me right back down again. Had mastectomy and placement of tissue expanders on October 8th. Finally start feeling a little more human a couple weeks later and started running a fever. Both doctors felt breasts looked good (healing normally) and felt like maybe I had picked up the flu....GREAT! Two days later, breast turns blood red and infection dripping from incision. Back to the hospital we go and right tissue expander comes out..big infection. Two weeks out from that now...Left looking good, Right side has a small hole next to incision about the size of a pencil eraser and is leaking. Back to doctor and find out that the top side is healing great but bottom size has a rather large open cavity that is not healing properly. Now I'm looking at some vaccum apparatus and nurse visits 3 days per week to take care of this thing. Does this happen to anyone else? My husband is loving getting to come home and "work on me", but I just sit and cry because I feel like a freak of nature. I have chemo to look forward to at the end of November, I'm assuming provided all of this other has healed up. This is sooooo Not fun and I don't want to play anymore.


  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    I am very sorry that you have complications from your surgery. Unfortunately, not everyone has a smooth ride through cancer. Moreover, it is a very long journey with many disappointments and huge victories. You need to believe in yourself and your medical team, ask tough questions and demand answers. You are right cancer is not fun. You husband is by your side and together you will succeed.
    It did happen to some of us. I had DIEP reconstruction in 2008 (8 hours surgery). two hours later somehow Flap stopped breathing and I was returned back to the operation room for another 3 hours, opened, blood flow was restored. Two days later I got a pathology report, which indicated that even with mastectomy I did not get clear margins and two day later was brought again for the third surgery skin-re-exision on reconstructed breast. I know my story cannot make you feel better.
    Please try to focus on healing, eat well, including protein which will help better healing and fast recovery.
    Wishing you the best
    New Flower
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    sorry to hear
    I wish you the best in your treatment & recovery
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member

    I am very sorry that you have complications from your surgery. Unfortunately, not everyone has a smooth ride through cancer. Moreover, it is a very long journey with many disappointments and huge victories. You need to believe in yourself and your medical team, ask tough questions and demand answers. You are right cancer is not fun. You husband is by your side and together you will succeed.
    It did happen to some of us. I had DIEP reconstruction in 2008 (8 hours surgery). two hours later somehow Flap stopped breathing and I was returned back to the operation room for another 3 hours, opened, blood flow was restored. Two days later I got a pathology report, which indicated that even with mastectomy I did not get clear margins and two day later was brought again for the third surgery skin-re-exision on reconstructed breast. I know my story cannot make you feel better.
    Please try to focus on healing, eat well, including protein which will help better healing and fast recovery.
    Wishing you the best
    New Flower

    sharon: sorry to hear of your difficulties
    So sorry, I know that doesnt' help much-but I will be thinking of you and hoping all going well now..
  • Different Ballgame
    Different Ballgame Member Posts: 868
    I also got infections
    Both tissue expanders became infected. First one happened 5-1/2 weeks after surgery. Buttocks was hurting (not breast) 4 days prior to infection shooting out of my body. 7 weeks after surgery the other tissue expander became infected. Again, buttocks hurt (ached) but this time I ran to the plastic surgeon within hours. Tissue expander removed and showed signs of infection developing. I asked my plastic surgeon what more could I do to be successful with the tissue expanders as I am a healthy eater and take many vitamins. He told me diet and exercise. That is exactly what I did. Now have 2 perky reconstructed breasts (Mentor Gel).

    Don't give up. Hang in there. You will eventually end up with 2 wonderful breasts. It is just going to take you longer, like me, to get them.

  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    I also got infections
    Both tissue expanders became infected. First one happened 5-1/2 weeks after surgery. Buttocks was hurting (not breast) 4 days prior to infection shooting out of my body. 7 weeks after surgery the other tissue expander became infected. Again, buttocks hurt (ached) but this time I ran to the plastic surgeon within hours. Tissue expander removed and showed signs of infection developing. I asked my plastic surgeon what more could I do to be successful with the tissue expanders as I am a healthy eater and take many vitamins. He told me diet and exercise. That is exactly what I did. Now have 2 perky reconstructed breasts (Mentor Gel).

    Don't give up. Hang in there. You will eventually end up with 2 wonderful breasts. It is just going to take you longer, like me, to get them.


    In the middle of this is
    In the middle of this is just seems like it will never get better but it does. I was pretty sick during chemo, and had other complcations causing extreme pain, I never thought i would get through it, but I did. sometimes one minute at a time. You are not a freak, or unlucky, you just are having a hard time. God Bless
    P.S thank goodness for loving husbands
  • Tinabug
    Tinabug Member Posts: 158
    Cancer sucks
    I am so sorry you are having such a difficult time. Please know, it will get better. I had to have 2 biopsies, had a hematoma after 2nd one, mastectomy was delayed 2 weeks, & it went on & on all throughout chemo & reconstruction...I wasn't the luckiest person during treatment. However, I did survive & I am alive one year later. Please Hang Tough & continue to play!!! Of course, it did help to scream every once in a while. Battling the beast is truly a roller coaster ride from hell. You will look back in a year & realize you are so strong your nick name could be Hercules. You are in my prayers.
  • Sharon968
    Sharon968 Member Posts: 10
    Tinabug said:

    Cancer sucks
    I am so sorry you are having such a difficult time. Please know, it will get better. I had to have 2 biopsies, had a hematoma after 2nd one, mastectomy was delayed 2 weeks, & it went on & on all throughout chemo & reconstruction...I wasn't the luckiest person during treatment. However, I did survive & I am alive one year later. Please Hang Tough & continue to play!!! Of course, it did help to scream every once in a while. Battling the beast is truly a roller coaster ride from hell. You will look back in a year & realize you are so strong your nick name could be Hercules. You are in my prayers.

    Bad Luck
    Thank you all! I'm hanging in there and so is my hubby. haha He continues to doctor my "Holes" and I continue to cry while he does it. I tell him he is my hero and he tells me I am his. I know, I know it will get better. It helps tremendously to come here and have you all to remind me of that! Thank you again and God Bless you ALL!

  • webbwife50
    webbwife50 Member Posts: 394

    I also got infections
    Both tissue expanders became infected. First one happened 5-1/2 weeks after surgery. Buttocks was hurting (not breast) 4 days prior to infection shooting out of my body. 7 weeks after surgery the other tissue expander became infected. Again, buttocks hurt (ached) but this time I ran to the plastic surgeon within hours. Tissue expander removed and showed signs of infection developing. I asked my plastic surgeon what more could I do to be successful with the tissue expanders as I am a healthy eater and take many vitamins. He told me diet and exercise. That is exactly what I did. Now have 2 perky reconstructed breasts (Mentor Gel).

    Don't give up. Hang in there. You will eventually end up with 2 wonderful breasts. It is just going to take you longer, like me, to get them.


    I agree with Janelle!
    Don't give up. Hang in there. I had problems also post mast, pre chemo, and know it is very depressing. But, this too shall pass, and perky little boobies will be yours too! God bless you with courage and strenth when you need it and hugs.alison
  • seof
    seof Member Posts: 819 Member
    Sharon968 said:

    Bad Luck
    Thank you all! I'm hanging in there and so is my hubby. haha He continues to doctor my "Holes" and I continue to cry while he does it. I tell him he is my hero and he tells me I am his. I know, I know it will get better. It helps tremendously to come here and have you all to remind me of that! Thank you again and God Bless you ALL!


    I can tell you that the wound vac will work!!!! I had reconstruction with the DIEP procedure and the abdominal incision became infected. The Dr. put in more drains, that didn't work. He opened the incision, cleaned it out, and sewed it back up, that didn't work. We packed it with antibiotic gauze, that didnt work. Finally he hooked up the wound vac and home health came to check on it every 3 days. it worked! Ask your Dr. about taking this nutrition boost combo too: Proteien boost drink (20 grams/day, can get it at CVS/WalMart...helps build new cells) 1000 mg vitamin c (helps the body fight infection), Zinc (Helps fight infection) and vitamin E (helps skin cells). I took all these when I started on the wound vac and healing was MUCH faster.

    hope it works fast for you too. seof
  • Sharon968
    Sharon968 Member Posts: 10
    seof said:

    I can tell you that the wound vac will work!!!! I had reconstruction with the DIEP procedure and the abdominal incision became infected. The Dr. put in more drains, that didn't work. He opened the incision, cleaned it out, and sewed it back up, that didn't work. We packed it with antibiotic gauze, that didnt work. Finally he hooked up the wound vac and home health came to check on it every 3 days. it worked! Ask your Dr. about taking this nutrition boost combo too: Proteien boost drink (20 grams/day, can get it at CVS/WalMart...helps build new cells) 1000 mg vitamin c (helps the body fight infection), Zinc (Helps fight infection) and vitamin E (helps skin cells). I took all these when I started on the wound vac and healing was MUCH faster.

    hope it works fast for you too. seof

    Wound Vac
    Yes, It's definately working. I have been on it for 2 weeks now. I just went in this past Thursday and had the remaining left expander taken out. For now, he has just sewed me up..we are hoping that works and there won't be a need to connect the vac to that side as well. I know I am ready for all of this to be done. Ready to heal and feel somewhat normal for a while atleast until I have to dive into the chemo, that is!

    Thank you!
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    What a nightmare you've been through. I certainly hope your drs are able to help with your breasts healing. I had bilateral mastectomy in June and have opted not to have reconstruction because the mastectomy was my 12 surgery in the past 4 years. I'm afraid of all that could go wrong in reconstruction because I'm a high risk for infection. Besides, I'm 61 and don't mind wearing prosthetics. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers as your journey continues. It's very possible that you might not be able to start chemo until your infection is gone but I'm not sure. Have you met with your medical oncologist yet and do you have a start date?
    Sending gentle cyber {{hugs}} your way, Char
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    cahjah75 said:

    What a nightmare you've been through. I certainly hope your drs are able to help with your breasts healing. I had bilateral mastectomy in June and have opted not to have reconstruction because the mastectomy was my 12 surgery in the past 4 years. I'm afraid of all that could go wrong in reconstruction because I'm a high risk for infection. Besides, I'm 61 and don't mind wearing prosthetics. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers as your journey continues. It's very possible that you might not be able to start chemo until your infection is gone but I'm not sure. Have you met with your medical oncologist yet and do you have a start date?
    Sending gentle cyber {{hugs}} your way, Char

    Sharon ... Same thing happened to me back in April of 2010
    however, I ended up in the hospital for 5 days with STAPH infection, and no idea on where I contacted STAPH .. family and I went on vacation from Southern California to Grand Canyon .. I was extrememly cautious and careful about my surroundings and limited myself to outside activities, and contacts.. Go Figure! Emergency surgery removed right .. beet red breast .. walked around with 1 tissue expander - fully extended and 1 flat right breast for weeks .. then 2nd surgery to replace infected expander .. usually 2 to 3 months of a wait time for my Plastic Surgeon .. re-fill of solution .. weeks of crying, but 6 months later .. new wonderful ta-ta's .. C cups.

    I have been advised by Infectious Diease Doctor - Dr. Arman of St. Joseph's, not to leave the U.S. for 3 years -- lite to little travel withinn the US.

    4 days B4 Thanksgiving .. mild sore throat .. then it turned into upper chest infection .. blah.blah.blah ..

    It never quits with me, so this is something I fight, but have to live with .. taking it easy, often watching from the side lines of life! In time, it will get better for us all.

    Best of luck,

    Strength and Courage

    •☆.•*´¨`*••♥ Vicki Sam ♥••*´¨`*•.☆•
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    Sharon968 said:

    Wound Vac
    Yes, It's definately working. I have been on it for 2 weeks now. I just went in this past Thursday and had the remaining left expander taken out. For now, he has just sewed me up..we are hoping that works and there won't be a need to connect the vac to that side as well. I know I am ready for all of this to be done. Ready to heal and feel somewhat normal for a while atleast until I have to dive into the chemo, that is!

    Thank you!

    You have been living a
    You have been living a nightmare! Praying for sunny days ahead for you! I love your picture.

    You are beautiful. Good luck!
  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    Im sorry Sharon
    I havent had to go through what youre having to, but had a little scare with infection to breast. Came from an abcessed tooth and settled on fresh surgical mastectomy.
    I'll be praying for you. Its cool your husband wants to "fix" you. Please keep getting better. Your not a freak. Your a wonderful woman thats having a bad turn of events. Positive thoughts and prayers to you. Katz