First Chemo

kya911 Member Posts: 157
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I go Nov 10th for my first chemo.
At that time I will have;

Taxotere and Carboplatin.

Getting nervous.
I am thinking that after the first infusion, the scary stuff is over
That nothing new (unknown) will happen.
How about it ladies tell me it is true?


  • Boppy_of_6
    Boppy_of_6 Member Posts: 1,138
    For me it was
    That is pretty much how I felt. That first one was by far the worst, because of the unknown. I did not exactly look forward to the others but did not dread them near like that first one. I had Taxotere and Cytoxin, I did well through all of my txs and praying you will too. Remember to drink lots and lots of water! God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice
  • TxRn64
    TxRn64 Member Posts: 26
    No to bad!
    Hi Kya911:

    My first chemo experience was not to bad at all! I was more nervous than anything! I had a little nausea but I think it was mostly from my nerves. The day after, I felt completely normal except for some constipation. The second day I made the huge mistake of working a 12 hr shift...I still have no idea how I got through it! My body was aching a little from the Neulasta shot and my whole body started feeling heavy and weak. My brain wasn't tired but very foggy. I'm not sure how I drove home. I have my infusions on Thursdays and by Sunday I was less tired and Monday was better. Besides having a cold and laringitis prior to starting chemo I felt great after that! Back to normal.

    My second infusion was yesterday and the only problem I had was nausea. They gave me Compazine, Aloxi, and Decadron but I was still a little nauseated for the afternoon/evening. I think next time I'll take the Compazine prior to infusion. Today I'm a little tired but not enough to be laying around sleeping. I'm up doing my normal routine.

    My hair started thinning about 17 days after the first infusion and it's thinning more and more daily.

    I think like me you are probably scared of the unknown and will relax a lot more once you get though that first infusion. The unknown and out of control feeling your having is normal. It's all scary and on November 10th you will have accomplished a huge step in this journey. You will then know what to expect the next time, however, as our bodies accumulate more Chemo treatments, you may experience different side effects and become weaker.

    Good Luck and I hope this helps!

  • cookie97
    cookie97 Member Posts: 200
    It is true that the anxiety will lessen after the first infusion, but things change constantly. I did the Taxotere as well but with the Cytoxan. I handled that combo pretty well. It took me about 3 treatments to regulate the antinausea meds so that I wouldn't get that medicine hang over on Monday, I did treatments on Friday's. Ask your onc for some anxiety meds, that really helped me on my first visit and I take them prior to every scan! There were a couple of times when I went for treatment that I had sooo much energy I could barely stand having to sit there for 5 hours and I wondered why everyone looked so tired. Well then I had my turn; fell asleep onc nurse had to wake me to take my blood pressure. Then there have been times when all wanted to do was read a book. At any rate it all works out in the end and for the most part it is all doable.
    I will have the last of 9 on the 12th, I can't wait! I will be thinking of you on the 10th and sending positive vibes your way.

    Best of luck,
  • mwallace1325
    mwallace1325 Member Posts: 806
    You're right
    the first one is the worst. The fear of the unknown is more terrifying than anything. While you may notice side effects come after several treatments, after you've gotten thru the first one, most of the fear will be gone.
    Besides that, there's a whole gaggle of us here who will testify that while chemo sucks big time, it's doable. We know cause we've done it and you will too.
    Drink lots of water, keep comfort snacks around and be good to yourself.
    We're here for you any time you need us.

  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175
    I think the first one was
    I think the first one was the hardest cuz you dont know what to expect (fear of the unknown) then after your first one your a little more prepared as long as there are no complications. Each chemo treatment i had was a little different each time yet the same...hard to explain. I also had just saying everyone handles it differently. I wish you luck with all your chemo treatments...keep us updated on how your doing with it.
  • Just right behind you
    I've got your back Kya -- I start my tx's on the 22nd of Nov. (differnt cocktail of TC though). We'll double whammy the beast and kick it's tail together!!

    Blessings and hugs,
  • kjrpcb
    kjrpcb Member Posts: 41
    Everyone is different
    But that said, I have completed 2 rounds of TH. I go every week. I have had no complications, no nausea just mild fatigue. I have worked the entire time. I just learn to adjust and rest when my body tells me to rest. The worst has been the weekly blood draws. They can only draw from the right side and my veins are getting tired and I have developed some scar tissue as a result. All things considered,it's really not that bad. I expected much worse. As someone mentioned,drink lots and lots of water and bring something to munch on while you are in the chemo suite. Good luck!
  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    I think the first one is the
    I think the first one is the worst because you don't know what to expect. None of my infusions were bad. No nausia or anything like that. But I did take compazine before chemo. I wasn't working and was glad I didn't try too. The worst part for me was 2 or 3 days later. I got the Neulasta shot the day after chemo. That did cause some bone pain, I also had some muscle cramps in my sides but they didn't start until the 3rd chemo. I took Tylenol for them and that worked for me. The fatigue got worse the last 2 or 3 chemo. By the 5Th to 7Th day I was feeling better. Just remember to take care of yourself. You will find what works for you best. Be kind to your self. And any questions or problems we are all here to help you. Drink allot of water after chemo to flush it out of you kidneys and liver, you don't want it sitting in there. Take care and if I can help you holler I'm here all the time. Kay
  • kya911
    kya911 Member Posts: 157

    I think the first one is the
    I think the first one is the worst because you don't know what to expect. None of my infusions were bad. No nausia or anything like that. But I did take compazine before chemo. I wasn't working and was glad I didn't try too. The worst part for me was 2 or 3 days later. I got the Neulasta shot the day after chemo. That did cause some bone pain, I also had some muscle cramps in my sides but they didn't start until the 3rd chemo. I took Tylenol for them and that worked for me. The fatigue got worse the last 2 or 3 chemo. By the 5Th to 7Th day I was feeling better. Just remember to take care of yourself. You will find what works for you best. Be kind to your self. And any questions or problems we are all here to help you. Drink allot of water after chemo to flush it out of you kidneys and liver, you don't want it sitting in there. Take care and if I can help you holler I'm here all the time. Kay

    Thank You
    All so much. That's one of the scary things we all handle (Our bodies) differently
    no way to tell. Thanks again for being here for me.
    Judy / Kya
  • webbwife50
    webbwife50 Member Posts: 394
    kya911 said:

    Thank You
    All so much. That's one of the scary things we all handle (Our bodies) differently
    no way to tell. Thanks again for being here for me.
    Judy / Kya

    I didn't read all the responses. Are you having a port. put in? We have all felt like you do, at least those who have done chemo. I just thought about it as time invested in my own potencial longevity! God bless..alison
  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Hope everything goes well
    It's only natural to be nervous. Everyone is different. I hope that you are one of the lucky ones with little or no side effects. Hugs, Jean
  • TxRn64
    TxRn64 Member Posts: 26
    Thinking about you!
    Thinking about you and your first cycle tomorrow! Good luck and know this is doable! You will get through this and have so much relief tomorrow when your finished! You are a warrior and can beat this thing! Stay strong and positive. Praying for you!

  • carriesoup
    carriesoup Member Posts: 144
    break a leg :)
    the first one is the worst :( like others have said, i had so much anxiety leading up to the first treatment, that i think i made it worse. it left me so emotionally exhausted! i also did the race for a cure the morning after my first treatment. (i get mine on friday) walking 3 miles didn't help my exhaustion. lol. go figure!

    hopefully, they will give you some good anti-nausea meds. i had no upset stomach at all. in fact, through out my whole A/C treatments i was ravenous from the steroids!

    i just had my second taxol this friday, and it's so much easier!! 1 down 11 to go.

    you can do this!! it's tough at times, but hang in there!


    carrie :)

    ps- get stool softener! the constipation was so bad for me! best to just have them on hand.
  • anaumann
    anaumann Member Posts: 60 Member

    break a leg :)
    the first one is the worst :( like others have said, i had so much anxiety leading up to the first treatment, that i think i made it worse. it left me so emotionally exhausted! i also did the race for a cure the morning after my first treatment. (i get mine on friday) walking 3 miles didn't help my exhaustion. lol. go figure!

    hopefully, they will give you some good anti-nausea meds. i had no upset stomach at all. in fact, through out my whole A/C treatments i was ravenous from the steroids!

    i just had my second taxol this friday, and it's so much easier!! 1 down 11 to go.

    you can do this!! it's tough at times, but hang in there!


    carrie :)

    ps- get stool softener! the constipation was so bad for me! best to just have them on hand.

    thoughts and prayers for you..
    and all, ann
  • chriskaput
    chriskaput Member Posts: 109
    Yes..that is true. I was a nervous wreck the first day of chemo. After that it kinda becomes routine. Pay attention to your body and your symptoms, drink lots of liquids and hopefully you wlll be able to realize what foods make you sick or give you diarrhea, etc.

    Wishing you an easy transition into chemo with minimal symptoms and the strength to get you through it! We are all here for you!