just wondering

heidijez Member Posts: 441
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
is everyone told their doctor is the best? both my surgeon and radiation oncologist have the credentials to back up their reputations, but i am wondering if others do. . .


  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    I would like to think that most all Oncologists and Surgeons have great credentials. However, it's not just about credentials that make a doctor or surgeon excellent, it's their care and bedside manner. I've heard a few horror stories about some of the Sisters firing their doctors because they just weren't happy with the treatment they were given. And the treatment I'm talking about INCLUDES the emotional, empathetic side.

    It's important to really like your doctor. And it's important that not only do you feel you're getting the best quality care but that you can approach this person with your fears, cares and concerns.

    I've been really blessed to have an Oncologist who sits, takes the time to listen to me, asks ME questions, gives me answers to my questions and always greets me with a hug. That is equally as important as the quality of medicinal care she gives me.

    My surgeon and Radiologist were also wonderful.

    Blessings and hugs to you,

  • seof
    seof Member Posts: 819 Member
    I was satisfied with mine
    I went to general practitioner who referred to ultrasound who referred to first surgeon for biopsy who referred to Oncologist who referred to radiologist, back to surgeon who referred to first plastic surgeon, then secon plastic surgeon for bilateral DIEP reconstruction procedure. It each case the only research I did was to see whether our insurance covered the Dr. and what I could find out on the website of the hospital he/she was affiliated with. All of them had a place where former patients had posted comments. All of them had more postive than negative. The Oncologist had been at MD Anderson, which is the leading cancer reasearch facility in Texas, and he has several articles published in medical journals. I figured that he must know a thing or two. We did have some initial difficulty learning to communicate (I had to learn to be specific in what I was asking and he had to learn to "dumb it down" for me), but he got used to my orange spiral and the lists of questions. He even got used to giving me time to write down his answers. So, I agree that credentials are not all it takes to be a good Dr. The other Docs. were better at "speaking my language" from the outset.

    Hopefully you are having a positive experience with your team. seof
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    I've been very happy with my
    I've been very happy with my Onc...he listens carefully to my questions, both medical and emotional. He's also very available via email and phone, and the nurses are also great. However, I wasn't thrilled with the surgeon when I met him. I asked to meet another surgeon, and am happy so far. (Surgery isn't till Jan, so I'll know more as time goes on.)

    But to give the first surgeon credit, he was the one who noticed some slight redness and did the biopsy for IBC. So even though I didn't like the way he communicated with me, I'm still very thankful to have seen him because he put me on the right course.

    The center where I go does about 60 chemo treatments every day, so everyone there is very practiced at all this stuff. They do have a very "western" approach to treatment, they're not open to alternative or complimentary treatments. Financially it's been very good as well, I only have a copay for Dr. visits and prescriptions.

    So overall, I've been quite happy with my docs.

  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    I think Sylvia said it all
    I think Sylvia said it all very well. My husband went to a Dr of cardiology once and he had credentials on top of credentials. But that is all he talk about.. Were he went to school, who he knew, what he had done. even showed us all his plaques, awards, certificates. But one thing he never did was listen. We never went back.
  • webbwife50
    webbwife50 Member Posts: 394

    I think Sylvia said it all
    I think Sylvia said it all very well. My husband went to a Dr of cardiology once and he had credentials on top of credentials. But that is all he talk about.. Were he went to school, who he knew, what he had done. even showed us all his plaques, awards, certificates. But one thing he never did was listen. We never went back.

  • ms.sunshine
    ms.sunshine Member Posts: 707 Member


    I was told that about my onc.
    I tell people if she is the best then I would hate to see the worst. I have another doc.