Gynecomastia and Tamoxifen

stratplayer Member Posts: 42 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I was Dx with Colorectal Adenocarcinoma in June 2009. I had surgery in November and I started Folfox chemo in January. I took 3 treatments of Folfox due to bad side affects.
I stopped short on the chemo and I noticed my right breast getting tender and beginning to swell.
Jump ahead to now. I had a mammogram and Ultra sound done on my right breast. The doctors says it looks like Gynecomastia. They did not request a biopsy.
Now my GP wants me to take Tamoxifin for the swelling in my right breast.

I think I should speak to Oncologist about this.
What do you think.
Please, anyone with this experience give me your thoughts.



  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    perhaps there is a hormaonal
    perhaps there is a hormaonal embalance and the tamoxifen will decrease the effects of estrogen on your breast. I take tamoxifen but not for that reason.
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    Hope this helps
    Have you seen an endocrinologist? That might be the logical starting place.

    "Aside from the psychological trauma it can cause (in some cases, accompanied by transient breast pain or tenderness), gynecomastia is generally a benign condition. But after adolescence, it can be evidence of a serious underlying disorder, such as low testosterone (hypogonadism), an overactive thyroid, cirrhosis of the liver, a genetic abnormality, or cancer of the breast, lung, adrenal gland, or testes. For this reason, experts say it's prudent to have a board-certified endocrinologist evaluate male breast enlargement, even if it hasn't been particularly bothersome."

    See link below.

    Male Breast Enlargement
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294

    Hope this helps
    Have you seen an endocrinologist? That might be the logical starting place.

    "Aside from the psychological trauma it can cause (in some cases, accompanied by transient breast pain or tenderness), gynecomastia is generally a benign condition. But after adolescence, it can be evidence of a serious underlying disorder, such as low testosterone (hypogonadism), an overactive thyroid, cirrhosis of the liver, a genetic abnormality, or cancer of the breast, lung, adrenal gland, or testes. For this reason, experts say it's prudent to have a board-certified endocrinologist evaluate male breast enlargement, even if it hasn't been particularly bothersome."

    See link below.

    Male Breast Enlargement

    Breast surgeon consultation
    Before starting Tamoxifen you need to see a breast surgeon. 1% breast cancer who occurs in males. Even your conditions benign Good breast surgeon will give you advice and refer you to the specialist.