worring about going back to work!

mollyz Member Posts: 756 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi,I need some advice, now that my chemo is doable I'm thinking about going back to work, I've been out of work since May 28,2010. I have my own cleaning business(self employed)well you know we have to watch out for germs well my job is the most germiest(is that a word lol)but you understand what i mean I've been doing this for 19Yrs. I had children and wanted to be with them but wanted to work and get full time pay well the opportunity came knocking and i let it in didn't really mean to stay in it this long but when you go to work in the morning at 7:30 and be on you way home by 11:30 and made as much as somebody been to work all day long i got hooked but now I'm confused need some advice I wear gloves and mask but I'm still scared. thanks in advance.MollyZ


  • GayleMc
    GayleMc Member Posts: 311 Member
    Hi. I had a small cleaning
    Hi. I had a small cleaning business some years back and did it for the same reasons you like it, my kids. I'm not an expert about the risks of germs, but I would say, take it slow, as I recall it was very physical. ( I was in terrific shape when I did that kind of work). It's great that you are feeling well enough to consider going back. I now work with the public and don't know what's worse. These people hack and cough all over you and then put their money in their mouth and give it to you. YUCK!!! I'll be interested to know what others on the board think. Take Care and Good Luck.
  • seof
    seof Member Posts: 819 Member
    My experience
    I work in a public school with elementary students. I was fortunate that chemo did not prevent me from working full time, and I did not have trouble eating, so did not have to alter my diet much. I talked to Drs. about it first. Onc. said as long as white cells did not get extremely low,nutrition stayed good, and I took sensible precautions he was not worried. I got a big bottle of hand sanitizer and lysol wet wipes. We all made a habit of cleaning hands before entering the room and I wiped down tables and chairs every day. Anyone with a cough, sneeze, or snotty nose wiped it themselves and washed hands immediately. At home, I kept on cleaning as usual, including cat litter, bathrooms, etc.
    Here's what I think in your case: Talk to your Doctor first. Then, if you are generally healthy and you use gloves, you should be OK. You are using substances designed to kill germs in all your cleaning, trust that those chemicals are working. Just be careful that you don't get too tired. If you are concerned, maybe avoid houses where you know someone is sick until after your treatments are over. Explain that your immunity may be compromized while you are on chemo, and you do not want to take the chance of getting sick while you are on chemo, but you will be happy to come back later.

    You will figure out what works for you, seof
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    seof said:

    My experience
    I work in a public school with elementary students. I was fortunate that chemo did not prevent me from working full time, and I did not have trouble eating, so did not have to alter my diet much. I talked to Drs. about it first. Onc. said as long as white cells did not get extremely low,nutrition stayed good, and I took sensible precautions he was not worried. I got a big bottle of hand sanitizer and lysol wet wipes. We all made a habit of cleaning hands before entering the room and I wiped down tables and chairs every day. Anyone with a cough, sneeze, or snotty nose wiped it themselves and washed hands immediately. At home, I kept on cleaning as usual, including cat litter, bathrooms, etc.
    Here's what I think in your case: Talk to your Doctor first. Then, if you are generally healthy and you use gloves, you should be OK. You are using substances designed to kill germs in all your cleaning, trust that those chemicals are working. Just be careful that you don't get too tired. If you are concerned, maybe avoid houses where you know someone is sick until after your treatments are over. Explain that your immunity may be compromized while you are on chemo, and you do not want to take the chance of getting sick while you are on chemo, but you will be happy to come back later.

    You will figure out what works for you, seof

    I agree...talk to your doc....
    I am a small business owner (computer consulting), so I HAD to work....or I didn't have money...during both cancer treatments. My onc knew I was working. She was fine with it except one day...lol...

    My phone rang, I was at a client site. She asked "Where are you?" I said "working". She asked "How many people are around you?" "Oh, 50-75". "Can you reschedule?" "Yes, why?" "Well, just looked at your latest labs...your white count is so low that all it would take would be someone's sneeze, and you would be in the hospital battling pneumonia". All calm. And, I was surprised, because I actually felt really good! But, I rescheduled. Went home....

    Hugs, Kathi
  • mollyz
    mollyz Member Posts: 756 Member
    KathiM said:

    I agree...talk to your doc....
    I am a small business owner (computer consulting), so I HAD to work....or I didn't have money...during both cancer treatments. My onc knew I was working. She was fine with it except one day...lol...

    My phone rang, I was at a client site. She asked "Where are you?" I said "working". She asked "How many people are around you?" "Oh, 50-75". "Can you reschedule?" "Yes, why?" "Well, just looked at your latest labs...your white count is so low that all it would take would be someone's sneeze, and you would be in the hospital battling pneumonia". All calm. And, I was surprised, because I actually felt really good! But, I rescheduled. Went home....

    Hugs, Kathi

    wanting to return to work
    I really thank everyone,I do need to talk to my onc.Dr. it's scary to think about I haven't been to work since May so it could be germs there and when i dust it could stir them up,I've gotten sick that way before cleaning,plus it's getting cold and with no hair even with my wig on my head feels cool, I had a friend dye in October who had chemo with me (she had throat cancer )she was doing well i got up one Friday and saw the obituaries i saw her name it just tore my nerves up come to find out she had caught pneumonia within the week i had saw her, my blood work comes back good,now that I'm on taxotere i don't get the neulasta shot anymore but my red count is just a little low they said so i had to start eating more red meat and green leafy vegetables so far i haven't got in the danger zone. MollyZ