Chemo #2

Jean T. Szabo
Jean T. Szabo Member Posts: 193
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
My #2 Chemo treatment is next Tuesday. Already having feelings of dread. Am a very positive thinking person. Got my head buzzed and am learning how to wear scarves and hats. Think I am coming down with a cold because have watery eyes, runny nose and all of a sudden a loss of appetite. Had a good appetite up until yesterday. Can't believe how long I sleep in the morning. Woke up at 10:30 Is this all normal feelings?


  • webbwife50
    webbwife50 Member Posts: 394
    Everything you describe sounds normal to me. Watery eyes, loss of appetite, wearing scarves and the such, sleeping until all hour of the morning, dreading the next round, yup..thats chemo. You sound like you are holding up so far, will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. love..alison
  • QuiltingMama123
    QuiltingMama123 Member Posts: 124
    It's okay to feel what you feel.
    What I have learned from cancer (and chemo)... Every feeling you have is normal. It is normal to be afraid, brave, sad, at peace, angry, grateful, tired, strong, weak, etc. - sometimes at the same time. Honestly, if you weren't apprehensive of your second treatment, it might be something to worry about.

    Also, don't be surprised if each treatments side effects are somewhat different. Weird, but true.
  • webbwife50
    webbwife50 Member Posts: 394

    It's okay to feel what you feel.
    What I have learned from cancer (and chemo)... Every feeling you have is normal. It is normal to be afraid, brave, sad, at peace, angry, grateful, tired, strong, weak, etc. - sometimes at the same time. Honestly, if you weren't apprehensive of your second treatment, it might be something to worry about.

    Also, don't be surprised if each treatments side effects are somewhat different. Weird, but true.

    Each treatment was different for me too..and they became progressively more tiring. Just to give you a heads up. Hopefully, you will do better than I did!!
  • Scotch Freckles
    Scotch Freckles Member Posts: 273 Member
    Be Positive
    The more positive you are about how your treatments will help you the better you will do. I can't express how much a positive attitude gets you through. Your desire for food and types will change after each chemo. Stock up popsicles, fruit juice, ice, ingredients for fruit smoothies. I lived on mashed potatoes and peas between my 2nd & 3rd chemo, my husband didn't do so well, he had to cook his own meals. Just remember we are here to cheer you along.
  • Scotch Freckles
    Scotch Freckles Member Posts: 273 Member
    Be Positive
    Geez, double post
  • Jean T. Szabo
    Jean T. Szabo Member Posts: 193

    It's okay to feel what you feel.
    What I have learned from cancer (and chemo)... Every feeling you have is normal. It is normal to be afraid, brave, sad, at peace, angry, grateful, tired, strong, weak, etc. - sometimes at the same time. Honestly, if you weren't apprehensive of your second treatment, it might be something to worry about.

    Also, don't be surprised if each treatments side effects are somewhat different. Weird, but true.

    Thank you
    Was glad to hear these things are "normal" for Chemo Chicks. That is what I call myself now, Chemo Chick. Officially a member since hair loss on day 12. This "board" gives me great advice and great comfort. Prayers to all.
  • Scotch Freckles
    Scotch Freckles Member Posts: 273 Member
    Be Positive
    Third times a charm.
  • phoenixrising
    phoenixrising Member Posts: 1,508
    Sounds like you're coming
    Sounds like you're coming down with "chemo" LOL. Food may taste funny, some get a metallic taste but for me everything was salty. I got very spacey (sp?) (more than usual) but one thing I remember (2007) was having funny dreams on the first regime. (Fluoracil, epirubicin and cyclophosphamide) and I never have funny dreams. The taxotere, well...I got through it. Hope the time flies and before you know it it will be all over and you will be joyfully dancing with NED.
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    I had that same sinking
    I had that same sinking feeling of dread before number two. Was it going to be worse? the same? How much worse? You will get through it, in my case the dread was worse than the treatment. It was about the same as the first one for me.

    Know that if anything gets bad, call your doctor. Also remember to come here. Between all of us, there is someone who can give you advice or has been there. I hope your second is smooth sailing.


  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    You have many reasons to
    You have many reasons to feel down, cancer, hair gone, But treatment will kill the cancer and your hair will grow back!! the scarfs and hats get easier with practice. And the watery eyes and nose may be from chemo. Sleep is always good,
    If your tired your tired right.. Your appetite will come back don't worry about that. You sound perfectly normal to me. try to stay positive Honey, it really helps. Keep your eye on you goal. and soon you will be Dancing with Ned. Take care and have a great weekend! Kay
  • TxRn64
    TxRn64 Member Posts: 26

    You have many reasons to
    You have many reasons to feel down, cancer, hair gone, But treatment will kill the cancer and your hair will grow back!! the scarfs and hats get easier with practice. And the watery eyes and nose may be from chemo. Sleep is always good,
    If your tired your tired right.. Your appetite will come back don't worry about that. You sound perfectly normal to me. try to stay positive Honey, it really helps. Keep your eye on you goal. and soon you will be Dancing with Ned. Take care and have a great weekend! Kay

    Also second chemo

    I just finished my 2nd round last Thursday. I think I actually felt worse after the first round than I do this time. I still feel a little weak, but I've been up doing my normal routine. My body doesn't feel as heavy as it did after the first round. I'm a little lazier than normal before any chemo started but at least I'm up and doing. We all have different side affects after each round so it's almost hard to predict how you will feel. Stay positive and that will help!

    I'm looking foward to the end of the week when I'm hoping I will feel completely normal again.

    Watery eyes, I hear some chemo esp Taxotere causes that. Runny nose, I've heard many loose their nose hairs and that causes a watery nose. I'm not saying you don't have a cold, but it could be chemo related.

    Good luck tomorrow and I'll be thinking of you!
