expanders yesterday

kms3566 Member Posts: 57
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I had my expander surgery yesterday, man i think it is worst than the mastectomy! How did any of you decide between silicone or saline? Any info would be greatly appreciated!


  • LadyParvati
    LadyParvati Member Posts: 328
    Wish I could help, but I
    Wish I could help, but I didn't have this done. I just wanted to commiserate with you about the pain--no matter what causes it, pain/discomfort is *never* fun! Hope it becomes more comfortable quickly!

    Hang in there! Sandy
  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    Hi-do you mean you had the
    Hi-do you mean you had the surgery to have the expanders put in? I also had that done, but they placed mine when i had my double mastectomy.
    As far as the regular implants go, I'm having high profile silicone gel implants put in. They're what were recommended by my plastic surgeon for the look and size I was wanting. I think the silicone ones have a more natural look & shape & are less prone to rippling & are softer. I don't have much info on the saline ones because I knew from the get-go I wanted silicone ones so I didn't research on saline much.
    I'm so excited I got my exchange surgery date today & I'm having surgery on Nov 16th! Can't wait to get these expanders out, when they're filled up all the way (mine are WAY overfilled) they are a pain!!
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    sorry to hear
    I have not had this done..just read post...sorry for the pain & HOPE you feel better soon!
  • kms3566
    kms3566 Member Posts: 57

    Hi-do you mean you had the
    Hi-do you mean you had the surgery to have the expanders put in? I also had that done, but they placed mine when i had my double mastectomy.
    As far as the regular implants go, I'm having high profile silicone gel implants put in. They're what were recommended by my plastic surgeon for the look and size I was wanting. I think the silicone ones have a more natural look & shape & are less prone to rippling & are softer. I don't have much info on the saline ones because I knew from the get-go I wanted silicone ones so I didn't research on saline much.
    I'm so excited I got my exchange surgery date today & I'm having surgery on Nov 16th! Can't wait to get these expanders out, when they're filled up all the way (mine are WAY overfilled) they are a pain!!

    i did not have the expanders
    i did not have the expanders put in when I had my double mastectomy, kinds wish i did, but i moved forward ASAP has soon as i was told it was cancer. My mastectomy was done jan 29
  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175

    Hi-do you mean you had the
    Hi-do you mean you had the surgery to have the expanders put in? I also had that done, but they placed mine when i had my double mastectomy.
    As far as the regular implants go, I'm having high profile silicone gel implants put in. They're what were recommended by my plastic surgeon for the look and size I was wanting. I think the silicone ones have a more natural look & shape & are less prone to rippling & are softer. I don't have much info on the saline ones because I knew from the get-go I wanted silicone ones so I didn't research on saline much.
    I'm so excited I got my exchange surgery date today & I'm having surgery on Nov 16th! Can't wait to get these expanders out, when they're filled up all the way (mine are WAY overfilled) they are a pain!!

    I was similair to Heather on
    I was similair to Heather on this...i had my double mastectomy with expanders put in at that time...yes its painful.
    I think i knew i wanted the silicone allthough saline was also discussed with my doc. She showed me the difference between them and the different effects when they are placed in your body. They use to say that saline was safer than silicone...if one burst your body would absorb the saline and the silicone would cause major problems. But now its a little different...when my doc was showing me the silicone implant they had an example one for showing us patients...it was cut in half...the gel was like the gummy bear candy. It didnt leak all over the place. She also showed me what happens when you puncture one...nothing really just a hole, then she sqeezed it and barely anything came out of the hole. In reality if you have an injury bad enough to hurt the implant i think that your implant is going to be the least of your worries. But i think from what my doc showed me that in case one just happens to leak (by defective implant or something like that) that yes the saline you would know cuz it will get smaller cause your body is aborbing the saline...with the silicone they test for leaks i believe its yearly with an MRI? Chemo brain just hit, hope im correct on that.
    Im with Heather on the silicone...i think it feels more natural, softer ect. I like mine but im no way near Heathers size...lol!
    Good luck in what you deside to do!
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    sorry to hear
    I have not had this done..just read post...sorry for the pain & HOPE you feel better soon!

    Out here in Southern California ... I opted for the 'saline'
    based on safety factors. I look and felt both options - Hubby did as well, and we reviewed research - saline vs silicone for 5 months before I reached my decision. Form, fit and function is just about the same, minor differences -- I am a solid 'C' cup, 1080 cc each breast. My new ta-ta's are soft, supple and stand at attention - no sagging, or dragging to speak of. LOL

    Bottom line: If there is a leak with Saline - the solution will dissolve within your body, without any side efforts .. fixing the breast / leak can be accomplished in your doctor's office .. no surgery needed to fix or repair saline breast.

    It's all personal perference. Good Luck - with your decision.

    Strength and Courage

    Vicki Sam
  • JanInMN
    JanInMN Member Posts: 149
    I had expander surgery
    6 months after my mastectomy, and it DID hurt a lot! I felt like i had been hit by a truck! Luckily the pain went down dramatically after a few days. I chose Saline for my implants (surgery in december)because I am a natural born worrier, and felt like I would worry about the silicone, eventhough my head knows that they are safe :-). Best of luck!