My story

sleepy524 Member Posts: 20
edited March 2014 in Caregivers #1
In July of 08 I packed up my children & left a horribly abusive man. My 3 children all boys, 1 disabled & I started a new life, raising them alone, no help financially or emotionally. Not long after this I met Brian. Starting as friends, I always remember thinking, Why can't I find a man like this? It all changed 1 night, he confessed his feelings for me & I knew I'd have married him that very day. I cant explain it, just knew that this felt right & nothing in my life had ever felt right before. I knew that Brian did motivational speaking for Amer Cancer Society. I'd heard his story was so inspired by him. I knew he lived with an ostomy after surviving colon/rectal cancer. I did my homework, learned what an ostomy entailed, about the medical supplies, what it looked like, how it functioned. He kept asking me, "Are you sure you want me, I'm a broken man, you realize that?" There was no doubt. My every waking second I thought about him. Sometimes we would talk on the phone till 5AM when it came time to go to work, then text all the next day.

Our biggest struggle was the distance he lived 11 hrs away & couldn't find work in FL. He flew down & proposed on a dirt road. I couldn't say yes fast enough, loud enough. A week after proposing his PET scan was done & the results were spots in his abdomen. I sobbed, my heart broke, I cried so hard I couldn't stand. I didn't want him spending that night alone so I flew out immediately we held onto eachother and cried together. We left the next day to move him to FL. Doctors wanted to wait several months to recheck him before starting treatments.

We often laid there next to eachother, in awe of what we had found, the strength of our feelings, the passion, the bond. We hold onto eachother & cry. But we were optomistic still planning our future. Wedding plans started, we bought a home. The kids adore him. We spend every waking second together. Simple trips to get gas or pick up milk we stay together. Still flirting with eachother like teenagers. Everyone in our lives has been amazed at the difference in us, at our happiness, admired our affection.

Time went on & CEA numbers climbed. Tumors tripled in size. Doctors said treatable but not curable. Said he'll possibly continue his fight throught out his life. He cried, I held it in, explaining to the kids what to expect w/ treatments. Spent time disinfecting, researching, anything I could think of. One day he said if you don't let it out, when I need you to be strongest you won't have any strenght left. I smiled & nodded, went on about my business. I was cracking, hurting 24/7, terrified is a good word. This was the first time I had felt complete my entire life, I miss him when I pull out of the driveway for work. I can't lose him, it just cant happen. I begged & bargained with God. That night as I swept the floors after hours of cleaning, Brian closed our bedroom door, took the broom away, pulled me close & began dancing slowly to music playing in the background. I had nothing left, I broke down, sobbed, clenching onto him for dear life. Begging him not to leave me. I felt like the dam had broke and the pain was pouring out.

Today we are at advanced Stage III Colon Cancer. Chemo every other week, radiation every day. Today we are even closer then yesterday. He still lays next to me, touches my face and asks "How did I ever land a woman like you?" I still think I have found the type of man every woman dreams of. I blush at how he looks at me. Miss him the second he leaves the room. We were voted Tampa Bay's Most Romantic Couple on Facebook and won free wedding photography. Pictures have become priceless to us. No second is taken for granted. He is my every dream come true. I will marry him soon, even in a hospital bed if need be. I'm exhausted, I'm consumed, I'm hurting but I'm incredibly blessed.


  • 3Mana
    3Mana Member Posts: 811
    Great story!
    Your story was so great! It's such a shame after what you've gone through with an abusive man and now found the love of your life that this had to happen. It sounds like you both love each other so much, so just cherish every day that you have together.
    I lost my husband of 46 years in March and he was the love of my life. You couldn't find a better husband, dad & "Papa". It's just not fair cause we were supposed to grow old together and now I'm alone. We knew each other since 1st grade but didn't date till our senior year in high school. Good luck to both of you!!! "Carole"
  • lovingwifedeb
    lovingwifedeb Member Posts: 183
    A Great Love Story
    You are going to need great strength in this relationship, as lover, as caretaker, as friend and as mother. I wish you the best as you deserve as much happiness as you can find in this world and your children deserve even more. Please remember they see "everything", and I only remind you that your sadness will be overwhelming at times so hold them tight and reassure them that you are there to stay if you know what I mean?

    With that said, love is crazy and we take it when it comes to us. Sometimes it doesn't make sense does it? Keep writing your love story, add pictures with lots of smiles.

    You won't see much talk on this board about nutrition for cancer patients but my husband and I are learning a lot these days... take care of his body, learn everything you can about his disease so you can help him fight it.

    AND take care of yourself.

    lovingwife to Bob, melanoma stage 3c
  • grandmafay
    grandmafay Member Posts: 1,633 Member
    Life is so complicated at times. I lost my husband to colon cancer a year ago. He lived six years after his original dx of stage 4, longer that we expected, but not long enough. It is never long enough. We were also told that his disease was treatable but life shortening. No one expected him to live as long as he did, but we were determined to buy as much time as we could. I can't tell you how much those six years mean to me. We were married for 42 years and he was the love of my life. First remember there are new treatments coming down all the time. People are living longer than ever with cancer. You do have a fight on your hands and I know you have children who need your care as well. None of us knows how long we will be here. We should all try to live each day the best we can. You are right to celebrate the love you have found. Hold on tight. Take things one day at a time. Cherish the good times. Hopefully, you will have many good years and good times ahead. Take care, Fay
  • Carrie King
    Carrie King Member Posts: 48
    Your story
    Your story hits so close to home with me. I also met the man of my dreams who accepted my two kids as if they were his own. He is a motivated, outgoing, christian man. 3 months after we married, he suffered a seizure in his sleep only to find out he has/had a brain tumor.

    I too feel so blessed, but also hurt equally as much.

    My husband is the most positive person I know. He truly, truly is. I try to match that positiveness but know I fall short at times with worry and fear of the unknown.

    I have read your posts over and over and can relate to you so much.

    My husband and I have experienced a miracle (tumor is now gone)! I pray you will too!!

  • sleepy524
    sleepy524 Member Posts: 20

    Your story
    Your story hits so close to home with me. I also met the man of my dreams who accepted my two kids as if they were his own. He is a motivated, outgoing, christian man. 3 months after we married, he suffered a seizure in his sleep only to find out he has/had a brain tumor.

    I too feel so blessed, but also hurt equally as much.

    My husband is the most positive person I know. He truly, truly is. I try to match that positiveness but know I fall short at times with worry and fear of the unknown.

    I have read your posts over and over and can relate to you so much.

    My husband and I have experienced a miracle (tumor is now gone)! I pray you will too!!


    Thank you so much for
    Thank you so much for sharing that and giving me a glimmer of hope. Thank you Carrie.
  • rankind
    rankind Member Posts: 36
    What words could be said about what you and your man have found. WOW. You are in my thoughts and prayers.