So po'd at my sister!

sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I have been after her for the last year to have a mammo ( I was dx'd last Oct). She has lost her health ins, missed the free mammo's during Oct, and now finally, thinks it's time. Did I mention she has felt 'frozen pea' on the right and something like a swollen gland on the left? And, no, it's not a gland. She had cervical cancer and an affected ovary - a complete hysterectomy about 10 yrs ago. She is 50.

When I had my mammo Friday, I picked up a flyer about help for the uninsured and she called about it today - waiting for a call back. Her PCP told her to just get on a payment plan and get it done. I am unable to help her financially and I understand her plight. If she doesn't get assistance by Friday, she will (she says) have it done & get on a payment plan.

But, what if? Will she qualify for medicaid (we're in NY). Where can she find out?

As you all know, she is the main caregiver for our parents. They told us to call Hospice for Dad Monday, so at least we know where we are with him. I don't know what it will do to Mom.

Thank you!


  • LadyParvati
    LadyParvati Member Posts: 328
    Oh, you have such a full
    Oh, you have such a full plate! It sounds as if your sister really wants to pretend that those lumps are nothing, and you're more realistic and really scared for her. Add your parents to the load---wow.

    I wish I had some helpful info to share, but I don't. I will add you all to my prayers, though.

    Take five deep breaths, and hang in there. I hope you get some good news soon!

    Blessings, Sandy
  • seof
    seof Member Posts: 819 Member
    don't know
    I don't know much about how to locate financial help for medical issues either, but you could look into COBRA (like insurance for those who are unemployed) or contact your local American Cancer Society, or ask the billing department at the facility that will be providing the care, sometimes they have financial counsellors that can put you in touch with folks who can help. I know there are folks on this site who know too, maybe one of them will respond.

    I hope you can get help soon.
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    OMG, when it rains, it
    OMG, when it rains, it pours. If it is a mammogram only that she needs, I would call around as many hospitals in my area are advertising $50 mammograms in October. Ultimetely though, she has to take care of herself and you can only encourage her. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175
    Bumping cuz of spammer

    Bumping cuz of spammer
  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    There may be a BCCP (Breast
    There may be a BCCP (Breast & Cervical Cancer Program) in your state. It's a Medicaid program for women with breast or cervical cancers. It's the coverage I have now, as I didn't have insurance when I was diagnosed. It's like a temporary medicaid that covers your cancer treatment, surgery, reconstruction. The income guidelines are not as strict as regular Medicaid. I'm sorry I dont have a link to check, but you could google "Medicaid programs New York" and it should lead you in the right directions.
    Prayers & best wishes to you & your family, you guys are dealing with alot, aren't you?
  • canjuncutie
    canjuncutie Member Posts: 131
    She could try
    The MVP program that helps with mammograms. I can also help her file for mediciad.
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    so sorry to hear
    My daughter is young but lost job with benefits in NYS-low income two small boys and can't get MEDICAID-(her or boys)it's terriable. I wish her luck getting coverage and having her test done asap!

    Sorry to hear about your dad!
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    seof said:

    don't know
    I don't know much about how to locate financial help for medical issues either, but you could look into COBRA (like insurance for those who are unemployed) or contact your local American Cancer Society, or ask the billing department at the facility that will be providing the care, sometimes they have financial counsellors that can put you in touch with folks who can help. I know there are folks on this site who know too, maybe one of them will respond.

    I hope you can get help soon.

    Very expensive as far as I know when I wanted to add someone to mine...IN NYS from my experince there is not much help for medical. I have contact Board of Healt (for clinics), contacted congressman, United Way, 211 etc to try to get my employee yet low income daughter with two young boys-and still no insurance for them 3 yrs of trying..

    I wish her luck-I wish I could give you some good advice to help her..

    Does she live in Dutchess County by any chance?
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    so sorry to hear
    My daughter is young but lost job with benefits in NYS-low income two small boys and can't get MEDICAID-(her or boys)it's terriable. I wish her luck getting coverage and having her test done asap!

    Sorry to hear about your dad!

    I hate to add to your stress .. I too feel a frozen pea
    in my left breast while on vacation 6/09 .. diagnosised with breast cancer - stage 1 on 8/14/09.

    My frozen pea area of my left breast hurt when pressed. Please note that I also had an lumpectomy in this same area .. cyst removed 5 or 6 years earlier. 17 years ago -- my OBGYN inserted a needle and extracted blood .. which she stated was a good sign - non cancerous. Same breast, same area.

    It sounds like you may have to make mom's appt'mt yourself, and drive her - otherwise, ? My mom is the same way, however, she does have insurance - and it drives my sister and I crazy.

    Strength and Courage

    Vicki Sam
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000

    She could try
    The MVP program that helps with mammograms. I can also help her file for mediciad.

    Maybe she could contact the
    Maybe she could contact the cancer center, if you have one, and, see if they will give her a free mammo? And, contact the American Cancer Society. I am sure that someone will help your sister out.

    Hugs, Megan
  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    Thank you all so much!
    She was able to get a mammo sheculed for 11/8 free. However, they stated no diagnostics - so guess just the usual no frills. I'm not sure if they will tell her anything or if they'll notify her PCP. I'm sure they will get good pics of both areas of concern. It will be digital, too.

    I have an appt with my surgeon that day - right upstairs, so I can be there for her (& maybe be a squeeky wheel, if necessary).

    If it's not good news, we will truck right down to the ACS in the same bldg and go from there. Yikes, I'm more scared for her than I ever was for myself. As they say, if it wasn't for bad luck, she wouldn't have any luck at all. She lost her 16 year old daughter 17 yrs ago and every one of her 3 other children have major health issues. Her hubby is native american so he & the kids have good healthcare, but she's not entitled. I think they make $7.00 to much for medicaid.

    Disneyfan - I work at a prime care clinic in upstate NY and we assist children under 19 with insurance. I actually think that all children in NY are eligible, even if the parents aren't. Healthy NY is the program (??)

    Anyway, your prayers and positive energy have helped me and now I'm asking for her.

    With deep affection and much appreciation,
