Help, please

linpsu Member Posts: 747
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Ladies - I need your advice. A woman who is on my staff (I am a director of a private preschool) has been a thorn in my side for a long time. I have been her co-worker for 15 years, but her boss for only 6. Over the years she has complained continuously about everything, she has tried to get other staff members in trouble, she has sent "anonymous" hateful emails to people (never proven or she would have been fired immediately). During the past few years, I've not stood up to her as I haven't wanted to rock the boat (she has never done anything so bad as to get her fired. She has mostly been nice to my face, but hateful behind my back. However, my attitude about a lot of things have changed since I've had cancer. Now I say what I think and don't take much crap from anyone. Well, recently she again complained about another staff member (it was an unwarranted complaint) and my response to her was direct, to-the-point, and I don't think it was at all inappropriate what I said. So tonight I am reading Facebook, and she has a post where she goes off to everyone on FB about this "person" who is nasty and snippy and how she is done trying to please this "person". I am 100% certain that the person she is talking about is me (she knows I'll see it, as I called her on something else nasty she said on FB a few weeks ago). I know, I know, this sounds like immature junior high school stuff and I should just let it drop. What would all of you do???? I can't fire her for writing nasty stuff about me on FB, but it's just the icing on the cake of a long list of crap I've had to deal with from her. I just don't have the patience anymore. Is this the chemo-brain talking?


  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    It probably isn't
    It probably isn't chemo-brain talking! Chemo brain would make you more likely to forget what she said, or exactly just what you said to her! LOL

    I agree with you~ Cancer does often make us a bit more "direct", and we speak our minds more freely. WE cut through the nonsense and tell it like it is, don't we? Sometimes we surprise ourselves!

    It seems to me that you have done pretty much all you can with this co-worker, now subordinate. She is one of those walking whirlwinds, never satisfied unless commotion, gossip, drama and dirt are in her path. From what you described, she walks a fine line...disruptive enough to cause exactly what you see at work, but with just enough
    caution to NOT be reprimanded or lose her job.

    As far as FB is concerned~ yes! yes! yes! 8th grade antics! If you were in middle school I dare she she would be classified a bully! You may have to just avoid fueling your own emotional fire and stop reading her posts. They can do nothing but serve to raise your blood pressure and hinder your personal growth as an amazing, strong, survivor-warrior!!!

    Take comfort in knowing that every day, you put your head on your pillow and wake up in the morning being YOU~whereas your employee wakes up every day being HER, and pity this obviously unhappy woman with little self worth. People who make it their life's mission to bring others down generally do so to hopefully raise themselves up. They rarely succeed.

  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    Oh, Linda,
    I know what you're dealing with. Document everything. Give this person enough rope, and hopefully, she'll hang herself. It's an extremely difficult position to be put in and I'm sure that you are not her only target. She is a very unhappy person, however, no one should be at her 'mercy'.

  • Mama G
    Mama G Member Posts: 762
    chenheart said:

    It probably isn't
    It probably isn't chemo-brain talking! Chemo brain would make you more likely to forget what she said, or exactly just what you said to her! LOL

    I agree with you~ Cancer does often make us a bit more "direct", and we speak our minds more freely. WE cut through the nonsense and tell it like it is, don't we? Sometimes we surprise ourselves!

    It seems to me that you have done pretty much all you can with this co-worker, now subordinate. She is one of those walking whirlwinds, never satisfied unless commotion, gossip, drama and dirt are in her path. From what you described, she walks a fine line...disruptive enough to cause exactly what you see at work, but with just enough
    caution to NOT be reprimanded or lose her job.

    As far as FB is concerned~ yes! yes! yes! 8th grade antics! If you were in middle school I dare she she would be classified a bully! You may have to just avoid fueling your own emotional fire and stop reading her posts. They can do nothing but serve to raise your blood pressure and hinder your personal growth as an amazing, strong, survivor-warrior!!!

    Take comfort in knowing that every day, you put your head on your pillow and wake up in the morning being YOU~whereas your employee wakes up every day being HER, and pity this obviously unhappy woman with little self worth. People who make it their life's mission to bring others down generally do so to hopefully raise themselves up. They rarely succeed.


    Chen said it all
    I couldn't Agree more, but I don't know if I could do it.... I'd be soooooo pissed!!!!
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    sbmly53 said:

    Oh, Linda,
    I know what you're dealing with. Document everything. Give this person enough rope, and hopefully, she'll hang herself. It's an extremely difficult position to be put in and I'm sure that you are not her only target. She is a very unhappy person, however, no one should be at her 'mercy'.


    all great advice.

    all great advice.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    sbmly53 said:

    Oh, Linda,
    I know what you're dealing with. Document everything. Give this person enough rope, and hopefully, she'll hang herself. It's an extremely difficult position to be put in and I'm sure that you are not her only target. She is a very unhappy person, however, no one should be at her 'mercy'.


    all great advice.

    all great advice.
  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175
    Linda your story reminds me
    Linda your story reminds me of one of my sisters co-workers. She would tell me about all the 8th grade stuff this person would do and she took turn on all her co-workers. Well it eventually caught up to her that nobody would associate with her or even as far as refusing to work with her ...then this person screwed up just enough to finally get fired. One day your co-worker being as inmature as she sounds will screw up enough to hang herself and wont be able to blame anyone but herself. So just have patience she will hang herself soon enough, then you wont have to feel guilty that you fired her.
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    would ignore
    IT"S not right...but life has those who like to make drama etc. I tell my girls when someone says or dose something don't let them know it bothers you. They get off on drama...I HOPE it gets better for you -work and health wise!
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    She does sound like one
    She does sound like one unhappy individual. That's too bad but don't let her drag you down to her level. I think if she is given just enough rope, she will hang herself. I personally wouldn't give her the satisfaction of knowing that I even read her trash posted on FB. Once we have gone through the journey of bc, I think we value life that much more and also are less tolerable of some people. I always like to treat the grumpy, unhappy individuals with kindness. Who knows what is going on in their lives to make them so unhappy???? It doesn't justify their actions but perhaps it could explain them.

    Keep your positive attitude and continue to enjoy life. I truly believe that she will take care of herself as time goes on.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    MyTurnNow said:

    She does sound like one
    She does sound like one unhappy individual. That's too bad but don't let her drag you down to her level. I think if she is given just enough rope, she will hang herself. I personally wouldn't give her the satisfaction of knowing that I even read her trash posted on FB. Once we have gone through the journey of bc, I think we value life that much more and also are less tolerable of some people. I always like to treat the grumpy, unhappy individuals with kindness. Who knows what is going on in their lives to make them so unhappy???? It doesn't justify their actions but perhaps it could explain them.

    Keep your positive attitude and continue to enjoy life. I truly believe that she will take care of herself as time goes on.

    Chen and MyTurnNow .. give 2 positive scerino's ..
    I've been there in your shoes .. document, document, document if you plan on letting her go -- Please make sure nothing personal (your feelings) are part of any action taken here. B4 breast cancer, I was the type of person who would kill them with kindess, intellect, integrity and Class .. After breast cancer, chemo and 8 surgeries -- I choose to ignore .. and zap them right out of my life.

    I know my soul is harden by this dreaded beast, and my goal is to life each day bring peace and strength to my love ones, friends and myself. I no longer find it healthy for me personally to get everyone to like me, or even enjoy being around me.

    I have also found that unhappy people - are just unhappy with themselves and their lives.

    Hoping the best for you.

    •☆.•*´¨`*••♥ Vicki Sam ♥••*´¨`*•.☆•
  • TereB
    TereB Member Posts: 286 Member
    I agree with Chen
    It's not chemo brain. When we become cancer warriors, our priorities change and many times we become more direct in how we deal with others and there is nothing wrong with that. About your co-worker, I think it is the seesaw effect. Some people feel so bad about themselves that the only way they can feel good is when they are at the top of the seesaw and to be there they have to put someone down.

    Don't look at her Facebook page, don't give importance to what she says, it's not worth it. I'm sure all the other employees know her for what she is.
  • ms.sunshine
    ms.sunshine Member Posts: 707 Member
    TereB said:

    I agree with Chen
    It's not chemo brain. When we become cancer warriors, our priorities change and many times we become more direct in how we deal with others and there is nothing wrong with that. About your co-worker, I think it is the seesaw effect. Some people feel so bad about themselves that the only way they can feel good is when they are at the top of the seesaw and to be there they have to put someone down.

    Don't look at her Facebook page, don't give importance to what she says, it's not worth it. I'm sure all the other employees know her for what she is.

    You are a director of a
    You are a director of a private school. You have bigger issues to deal with than this immature worker. Stop reading her FB, now you know she has nothing good to say about you, and I'm sure not about anyone. Conduct yourself like the professional that you are, and keep on smiling.
    If you have to fire her, don't feel guilty. She did it to herself.
  • Wolfi
    Wolfi Member Posts: 425
    Add some sugar....

    How about writing something nice about "an employee" every time she posts something nasty? If she knows you read her Facebook she is probably reading yours. I think that may derail her if you just happen to post nice comments every time she takes a jab at you.

    If that doesn't work, have her file big piles of stuff you have been accumulating for years - it will keep her busy and out of your hair. (Sorry, that wasn't very nice but some days......)
  • Scotch Freckles
    Scotch Freckles Member Posts: 273 Member
    Bad Memories
    I worked with a gal like your friend, what bad memories. She carried a bible in one hand and a knife in the other. She had management douped that she was miss goodie, did a wonderful job, but let her get down the hall to other departments and wham. She would stick the knife in your back, verbally that is, and act like nothing happened. We all knew her style and just let her to herself which made for a very lonely person. Eventually I moved on to a better job and left her and her nasty disposition behind. Just smile, and think of great friendly come backs. That really confuses nasty people. What ever she writes on FB is to be ignored, she has to rant to someone since no one at work will listen to her. Relax, let it go, but do document her negative responses as to how it effects her job and everyone elses.

  • linpsu
    linpsu Member Posts: 747
    Pink ladies - I really appreciate all of your very helpful comments on here. It gave me a lot to think about.
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    I'm sorry you have to deal with that Linda.
    That behavior is all too common as I also, worked with someone who loved to rattle a hornet's nest then run.

    Documenting is always a good idea just in case she goes a little too far. This person that I worked with made just about everyone cry, including me. But sooner or later, as was the case with this person, she closed too many doors and burned too many bridges. She ended up leaving. I was so happy to hear later through a friend that she turned her life around and was an entirely different person. Thank God for His Grace!

    I'll be praying that you find the strength and discernment in handling this person.

    Blessings and hugs,

  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175
    Bumping cuz of spammer

    Bumping cuz of spammer