New Here

sheryl912 Member Posts: 19
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Hi everyone, I just joined up today. Am working on reading through posts, but wanted to post and get involved in the community.

I am 44 yrs old, I was originally diagnosed with fallopian tube cancer actually, but the docs say it's rare but basically the same as ovarian, and that is how they are treating me. I was diagnosed 3c in april of 2008, had a total hysterectomy w/debulking, then 6 rounds of carbo/taxil treatments. I was in remission until probably march this year, although at first when they suspected a possible recurrence but they weren't sure, so they let it slide until may :/ In June I had a 2nd surgery to remove a tumor that was growing outside my bladder. Again started on the carbo/taxil treatments, at first they seemed to be working but halfway thru a cat scan showed the damned tumor is growing in spite of the chemo.

My doc took me off treatment 3 weeks ago, and I just got back from a trip to Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa (I live in Florida). They suggested a clinical trial of a drug called AMG 386 along w/doxil treatments. I am waiting for them to call me with an appointment for the physical screening.

The Dr seemed pretty passionate about his work and optimistic of the possibilities, my hubby and I agreed I have to go for it, but I am scared to death. The hospital is 3.5 hours from my home one way, so I will have at least one week a month when I have so many blood draws for the research that I will have to live there for a week. My husband has to keep working of course, so I am going to have to manage that drive back and forth on my own :( I have been so extremely fatigued by the carbo/taxil treatments, I just don't know how I am gonna cope out there in tampa on my own, although I have been told the doxil shouldn't be as fatiguing, and the study drug doesn't seem to be as bad either. Plus I am just not a patient person, sitting around waiting for them to call me with an appointment is frustrating, although I understand they can't do it until at least next week due to what they call a 'wash out' of my old chemo treatment, I still would like to know. I have to enter the trial within so many days of the screening (assuming I pass it) and with the holidays around the corner I would like to get on with some planning. Not to mention I hate sitting here while the cancer grows and not be taking anything to combat it.

I have a 14 year old daughter, and I really thought God would give me enough time to get her graduated from high school but now after reading all the grim statistics for the first time (I have refused up until now to see 'how long' I supposedly have to live) I am not at all sure. I just need 5 more years. I was happy to see a few posts about some folks known to have survived 10 years or so, but that seems to be an anomaly, doesn't it? I just keep telling myself I have to make it till tomorrow, because they might find a cure.

Well anyways, thanks for letting me vent.



  • Lisa13Q
    Lisa13Q Member Posts: 677
    Dear Sheryl
    welcome to an amazing place...I am so sorry you had to join this club though. I am caretaker for my mother was diagnosed with stage IIIC July 25th 2009. She's still fighting and kicking, as many many women on this board are..don't give up hope...everyday they are developing new treatments...and the fact that you had such a nice remission is also hopeful!! IN no time, I am sure you'll hear from some very wonderful and experienced ladies here who are fighting the fight and doing great!! Welcome and please come often and keep us posted....Lisa
  • kikiz
    kikiz Member Posts: 94
    Lisa13Q said:

    Dear Sheryl
    welcome to an amazing place...I am so sorry you had to join this club though. I am caretaker for my mother was diagnosed with stage IIIC July 25th 2009. She's still fighting and kicking, as many many women on this board are..don't give up hope...everyday they are developing new treatments...and the fact that you had such a nice remission is also hopeful!! IN no time, I am sure you'll hear from some very wonderful and experienced ladies here who are fighting the fight and doing great!! Welcome and please come often and keep us posted....Lisa

    Cancer and your kids
    I was diagnosed when my twins were in 8th grade. They are now in 10th grade. I am currently NED but know the odds. Yes, I want to watch my children graduate, get married ect, but also know that it might not happen. We have learned instead to make each achievement in our lives a memory. The first football game, the first honor roll ect. The main difference Cancer has made for me is an awareness of my mortality. Life could have ended at any time before cancer but now I am just more aware of it. Don't give up hope of seeing your child grow up. Remember the odds also have to do with age ect. Just read Carlene's post's, she is are awesome "Go To Girl". All the best

  • LPack
    LPack Member Posts: 645
    clinical trial
    Hi Sheryl,

    Weloome! I am 54 and on a PARP inhibitor trial for recurring OVA. I am stage 3c. Diagnosed January 2008.

    My first line of treatment was doxil/carbo but never finished my last two treatments as my bone marrow became toxic. Then went on Hexalen (maintenance) and was on for 2 rounds (toxic again)and had to stop. Was declared NED (sometimes I wonder). Went on cisplatin/gemzar for recurrence (July 2009-April 2010) and became allergic to cisplatin in February and switched that to carbo (bone marrow also became worn out), so went for second opinion as requested by my onc/gyn and am now on Doxil (July 2010) (did not draw the inhibitor). But the dose is higher than normal.

    You are correct the doxil is not as invasive. Have had 3 rounds on schedule and had 4th round 2 weeks late due to blood counts. And yes riding to get all those tests every week is a bummer! It is a commitment for sure. It does slow done after 9-10 weeks. ☺

    I am a fighter. I don't live cancer. As someone has already said you are just more aware now of how fragile life is. I desire to make the best of all my time as if it my last. And that is how I should have been living anyways. None of us are guaranteed our next breath.

    Keep us updated!!

  • Hi there, Sorry you have
    Hi there,

    Sorry you have had to join us girls here. I am not fighting cancer myself but my mum has PPC, and I have been terrible reading every statistic that I can find on it. I really scared myself to death, them someone said to me ignore the statistic, the only statistic that matters is your mum, that statistic is 100%, there has to be people that make up the good part of the numbers why not my mum, why not you?
    I had never looked at it like that and I am so glad this lady said it to me, it brought me out of a very dark place.
    Take inspiration from the ladies on this board they are amazing and very knowledgeable.

    ((hugs)) Liz x
  • Mwee
    Mwee Member Posts: 1,338 Member
    Welcome, Sheryl
    Sorry we have to meet this way, but you have come to the right place. Many of us have "done" doxil and can help you with what to expect and all of us are facing statistics, family issues, fears of recurrances etc. and
    welcome, new friend.... Maria
  • srwruns
    srwruns Member Posts: 343
    Welcome. I am fairly new
    Welcome. I am fairly new also. Had surgery three weeks ago and will start Chemo on Nov. 19th. While "waiting" I have started to have clotting issue which has resulted in daily blood thinner injections. the fun never seems to stop, and I have found reading and contributing to these posts has been a great support to my spirit and attitude. Good luck with everything. You are facing alot. You've made it this far...keep on keeping! Susan
  • nancy591
    nancy591 Member Posts: 1,027 Member

    You are definately NOT alone. I was diagnosed stage 4 at the age of 41yrs. My children were 3yrs, 5yrs and 21yrs at the time of diagnosis. I've been fighting for 2yrs now and till going strong.

  • sheryl912
    sheryl912 Member Posts: 19
    Thank you all for the kind
    Thank you all for the kind words and encouragement! It's so good to be able to talk to people who know what I'm going through! I'm glad I found this forum.
  • kayandok
    kayandok Member Posts: 1,202 Member
    And I'm so sorry that you had to join the club. What really stood out to me in your post was the part about your daughter. I have twin 12 year olds and a 19 year old. They were 9 and 16 when I was diagnosed 3 1/2 years ago. I have done a lot of processing and this board has really helped me a lot. There are some very amazing women who will be there when you need it.

    Come back anytime and as often as you need to.

  • sarah0909
    sarah0909 Member Posts: 2
    kayandok said:

    And I'm so sorry that you had to join the club. What really stood out to me in your post was the part about your daughter. I have twin 12 year olds and a 19 year old. They were 9 and 16 when I was diagnosed 3 1/2 years ago. I have done a lot of processing and this board has really helped me a lot. There are some very amazing women who will be there when you need it.

    Come back anytime and as often as you need to.


    New too-my mom just dx last week
    Hi to all,
    It's is wonderful to see information and discussion posted. I feel lucky to have found you. My mom just had surgery for what they though was diverticulosis caused mass causing obstruction All diagnostics ruled out cancer, but they were wrong....stage 3C, and still waiting for final pathology confirmation, but they are saying fallopian. I've been researching and discover that fallopian tube cancer is quite rare, or possibly previously misdiagnosed ovarian. I congratulate everyone I've read about for their great spirit and strength. I'm hoping to bolster my mother's spirit to fight this, but she's kind of shutting me out right now. I notice most women dx with fallopian have colon obstruction. They wouldn't re-attach her colon because they said it would delay the start of chemo. Has anyone else experienced that scenario? She's quite upset about the ostomy. Also, when I saw oncologist the day after surgery she couldn't tell me if they took any lymph nodes or even looked at them. Doesn't stage 3C mean involvement of the lymph nodes? Thank you for any information!
  • Nat671
    Nat671 Member Posts: 9
    Same Boat
    Hi Sheryl,
    I too have OVC and I just transfered my care to Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philly. I am also scheduled to start the clinical trial AMG 386 coupled with Doxil. There isn't much data on this new drug. I'm eager to know how it works for you once you start. So, keep me posted as I will keep you posted once I start my trial.
    Grace & Peace
  • sheryl912
    sheryl912 Member Posts: 19
    Nat671 said:

    Same Boat
    Hi Sheryl,
    I too have OVC and I just transfered my care to Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philly. I am also scheduled to start the clinical trial AMG 386 coupled with Doxil. There isn't much data on this new drug. I'm eager to know how it works for you once you start. So, keep me posted as I will keep you posted once I start my trial.
    Grace & Peace

    Hi Nat! Good to hear of
    Hi Nat! Good to hear of someone else in this trial. Although, I don't know for sure I'll get into it as I still have to do the screening physical. Which they haven't even scheduled me for yet, as I am still in the 4 week cooldown from my previous chemo regimen. I am hoping they call me monday to schedule, it should be later this week or early next week. *crosses fingers* But if I get in I will definitely post, you do the same ok?
  • vj1
    vj1 Member Posts: 150
    sheryl912 said:

    Hi Nat! Good to hear of
    Hi Nat! Good to hear of someone else in this trial. Although, I don't know for sure I'll get into it as I still have to do the screening physical. Which they haven't even scheduled me for yet, as I am still in the 4 week cooldown from my previous chemo regimen. I am hoping they call me monday to schedule, it should be later this week or early next week. *crosses fingers* But if I get in I will definitely post, you do the same ok?

    welcome Sheryl
    As you have already read, you have joined a group of strong ladies. I recently joined a few months ago and have been inspired by it all. I will repeat for you to stay in touch.

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  • Disneynutt
    Disneynutt Member Posts: 134 Member
    Hi Sheryl,
    I'm sorry you

    Hi Sheryl,
    I'm sorry you have joined us. Cancer stinks.. but we all know that already. I live in Florida too about an hour North of Tampa in Ocala. Which direction are you from Tampa? Since you are 3 1/2 hours away you are probably in the south. If I can do ANYTHING to help you please let me know. If you are close to me I could help you with rides or company or something else maybe. It's just a suggestion and might not work out but let me know where you are.

    Take heart... we are young and strong warriors!!!
