Can I write off toilet paper as a medical expense?

Lori-S Member Posts: 1,277 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Don't know if there are any accountants onboard but, I absolutely, positively know that if it weren't for my medical condition I wouldn't be buying half as much toilet paper. And excuse me but, I have to have the good stuff or I'd be using waaaaay more.

Day 9 after infusion and I thought I was going to get to skip this side effect but, should have known when the stomach cramps starting interferring with my sleep last night, the diarrhea has started! Geez ... Chemo is such an adventure, you never know what's going to happen next.


  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Don't Think So
    Don't think so or that would have been one of my first deductions on my tax form. Charmin ultra soft is my choice. I'm still able to use the regular stuff until it starts getting raw. Hope you feel better soon.

  • pepebcn
    pepebcn Member Posts: 6,331 Member

    Don't Think So
    Don't think so or that would have been one of my first deductions on my tax form. Charmin ultra soft is my choice. I'm still able to use the regular stuff until it starts getting raw. Hope you feel better soon.


    Lori you are so fun! hahahaha!
  • AnneCan
    AnneCan Member Posts: 3,673 Member
    Good luck, Lori!
    Let us know what the accountant says.
    LOUSWIFT Member Posts: 371 Member
    tax code
    If you have an HSA (Health Saving Account) and the HSA allows the purchase under thier guide lines you should be able to deduct the purchase cost. Of course you may need to prove how much only you used (not others) and that it was used specifically for the side effect that you mentioned and not other purposes such as blowing your nose or nail polish remover. As such you may be required to produce the amount of toilet paper used for the condition and display the tissue that was in fact used for that purpose (IRS guide lines). Sounds kind of messy and smelly to me for the cost involved. How about just getting a coupon?:)
  • Lori-S
    Lori-S Member Posts: 1,277 Member
    LOUSWIFT said:

    tax code
    If you have an HSA (Health Saving Account) and the HSA allows the purchase under thier guide lines you should be able to deduct the purchase cost. Of course you may need to prove how much only you used (not others) and that it was used specifically for the side effect that you mentioned and not other purposes such as blowing your nose or nail polish remover. As such you may be required to produce the amount of toilet paper used for the condition and display the tissue that was in fact used for that purpose (IRS guide lines). Sounds kind of messy and smelly to me for the cost involved. How about just getting a coupon?:)

    Ha Lou!
    See you have a great sense of humor. I think the whole producing the evidence thingie for the IRS might be fun. I know it would be a quick interview.
  • ketziah35
    ketziah35 Member Posts: 1,145
    I once tried to get tax
    I once tried to get tax write off for supplying the ladies room at work. It didn't work.
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    I like Northern brand toilet paper- lol!
    I know it- should invest stock in toilet paper companies.
    Are you getting lomotil prescribed? It is my saving grace, especially when I'm heading out for the day and know that I'll be eating out or whatever.
    I take two in the a.m. if I'm going to be gone then, if I'm eating at a restaurant, I'll take another two right before eating.
    That reminds me- I'm almost out & have no refills left- time to call the oncology office and ask them to call in another prescription of it to my pharmacy!
  • ktlcs
    ktlcs Member Posts: 358
    lisa42 said:

    I like Northern brand toilet paper- lol!
    I know it- should invest stock in toilet paper companies.
    Are you getting lomotil prescribed? It is my saving grace, especially when I'm heading out for the day and know that I'll be eating out or whatever.
    I take two in the a.m. if I'm going to be gone then, if I'm eating at a restaurant, I'll take another two right before eating.
    That reminds me- I'm almost out & have no refills left- time to call the oncology office and ask them to call in another prescription of it to my pharmacy!

    You are a riot, however that is an interesting idea. I know we must have spent a fortune on toilet paper. And I agree with Lisa42 Norther is the best!

  • jararno
    jararno Member Posts: 186
    Toilet Tissue
    I always said I should have gotten stock in a toilet paper company! We use tons of it!

    We were in Japan last April for my son's wedding and found that they don't always have toilet paper in their public or home toilets as you usually bring your own with you. Many toilets have all kind of buttons to spray the "offending" areas !! ( I was too chicken to try them ) They even have fake flushing sounds that cover up any noises! I carried a small roll of toilet paper with me and prayed that I wouldn't need tons. We did buy some for the apartment that we rented....kinda hard to know which is the best brand when you are in a foreign country!

    You also have to wear special bathroom slippers, so it was kinda funny trying to quickly jump out of the household slippers and into the bathroom slippers while having a major case of "the trots"! ( Then you have to remember to change the slippers as the bathroom ones can't be worn in the house area!! )

    I do like Charmin and Cottenelle the best. Scott is the very worst!

    Sure wish we could come up with a medical deduction!

    Have a great day!!

  • mommyof2kds
    mommyof2kds Member Posts: 519
    jararno said:

    Toilet Tissue
    I always said I should have gotten stock in a toilet paper company! We use tons of it!

    We were in Japan last April for my son's wedding and found that they don't always have toilet paper in their public or home toilets as you usually bring your own with you. Many toilets have all kind of buttons to spray the "offending" areas !! ( I was too chicken to try them ) They even have fake flushing sounds that cover up any noises! I carried a small roll of toilet paper with me and prayed that I wouldn't need tons. We did buy some for the apartment that we rented....kinda hard to know which is the best brand when you are in a foreign country!

    You also have to wear special bathroom slippers, so it was kinda funny trying to quickly jump out of the household slippers and into the bathroom slippers while having a major case of "the trots"! ( Then you have to remember to change the slippers as the bathroom ones can't be worn in the house area!! )

    I do like Charmin and Cottenelle the best. Scott is the very worst!

    Sure wish we could come up with a medical deduction!

    Have a great day!!


    BAHABAHA yeh that would be
    BAHABAHA yeh that would be great. Medical need to keep the butt clean. LOL
  • stratplayer
    stratplayer Member Posts: 42 Member
    Write off Toilet paper,
    How about all the accessories that goes along with the stay at the Potty Inn?
    Toilet paper, Gloves, Ointments, Lomotil, Imodium, Plungers, Reading lights, Reading material, intercom, Big Screen TV... And the list goes for Miles and Miles and Miles.
  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    Write off Toilet paper,
    How about all the accessories that goes along with the stay at the Potty Inn?
    Toilet paper, Gloves, Ointments, Lomotil, Imodium, Plungers, Reading lights, Reading material, intercom, Big Screen TV... And the list goes for Miles and Miles and Miles.

    Oh yes, my husband has had to plunge several times for me. Golly, never really realized how much toilet paper has a use in our life. Tonight is one of those nights though. I'm keeping Charmin factory very happy tonight.

  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    I'm sorry, but I'm laughing!!!!
    I, too, ran thru the toilet paper during my treatments...WHEW! I threatened to buy stock in Kimberly/Clark!!!

    Hugs, Kathi
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    jararno said:

    Toilet Tissue
    I always said I should have gotten stock in a toilet paper company! We use tons of it!

    We were in Japan last April for my son's wedding and found that they don't always have toilet paper in their public or home toilets as you usually bring your own with you. Many toilets have all kind of buttons to spray the "offending" areas !! ( I was too chicken to try them ) They even have fake flushing sounds that cover up any noises! I carried a small roll of toilet paper with me and prayed that I wouldn't need tons. We did buy some for the apartment that we rented....kinda hard to know which is the best brand when you are in a foreign country!

    You also have to wear special bathroom slippers, so it was kinda funny trying to quickly jump out of the household slippers and into the bathroom slippers while having a major case of "the trots"! ( Then you have to remember to change the slippers as the bathroom ones can't be worn in the house area!! )

    I do like Charmin and Cottenelle the best. Scott is the very worst!

    Sure wish we could come up with a medical deduction!

    Have a great day!!


    Your story reminds me of a Seinfeld....
    Where George took a book in a bookstore to the toilet...

    Got caught, and was forced to buy the $30 book....tried to return it, it had been marked 'unreturnable' "bathroom book"....

    I laughed!

    Hugs, Kathi
  • thxmiker
    thxmiker Member Posts: 1,278 Member
    I use baby wipes on the first round and then TP. This has saved me TP and it is a lot easier on me.

    The diarrhea is the worst side effect. I take immodium and eat a banana after, and that seems to make me feel better.

    I just finished my third round of FolFox Chemo. Only 9 more to go. my Doc said 9-10 is the usual dose and 12 is the max dose. I just keep it in my mind that it is not that much longer for this to be over with.
    Have Fun!