New Here ...

mellk Member Posts: 10
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi all I am Melissa, but everyone calls me Mel. I am new here and I guess I just needed to vent to anyone who 'gets it".

I am 35, I have been married for 15 years, no children. It has been 9 months now since I first found the lump in my breast, 6 months of that fighting just to get someone to look at it and not tell me I am "too young" (but that is a whole other can of worms).

Since July I have:
had 4 total mammograms
had 3 ultrasounds
had a PET scan and a breast MRI
had 3 biopsies
found out I had grade 9 stage II breast cancer
had a port put in
been told the agressive treatment will leave me "infertile"
had 4 cycles of chemo (every other week)
started menopause
had a partial mastectomy and removal of some lymph nodes. (on 10/12)

Add to that the general fear of not knowing what the chemo was going to be like, the nightmares I had for weeks after I found out I had cancer, worry about losing my new job or not, losing my hair, my grandparents health in rapid decline etc ... It is so overwhelming. Up until now I have taken everything in and dealt with it without too much negative emotion. As my family keeps telling me I have "been so strong".

Now facing 4 more cycles of chemo, 35 radiation treatments and then hormone treatment for at least 5 more years... it is just getting to me. I can't sleep, whenever I have time when I am not busy I just dwell on morbid things. I am sick of seeing my bald head, although I never wanted kids I am angry that the chemo has made me "infertile", I miss going to work (I am working from home now), I am sad that so many of my "friends" seem to have vanished off the Earth.

I am hoping that connecting with others who have been there will help ...

Thanks for letting me vent.


  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    Welcome Mel,
    I can't tell you how sorry I am for what you are going through. But you are in the right place. We have all been there or are going through it right now. I my self have finished chemo 3 weeks ago just had surgery on Mon the 1st of Nov (right side mastectomy). I have 6 weeks of rads to do once I get my drain out. What you are feeling is perfectly normal, There is nothing wrong with you at all. And your family is right you are a amazingly strong woman. But we all need a shoulder some times to lean on. Well you have just been adopted by about 5000 sisters. We all understand how you feel. And we will all be here for you all the way through your journey. The best thing you can do at times is talk to others that know were you are coming from. That is because until you have had cancer and everything that goes with it you really don't understand. I am sorry to hear about you grandparents. How are they doing? It sounds like you have the support of your family right? I understand what you mean about friends walking away. You really find out what people are made of when things get tough. I think they just don't know how to handle it or what to say. Others just go on with their life's because it isn't them. I don't spend my time worrying about all that. You shouldn't either. Have you talked to your Dr about not sleeping? Or tried Tylenol P.m. I have used it it helps at times. I to am tired of being bald. I will never complain about my hair again, once I get it back that is LOL. Well I am about to fall asleep here. Remember you can come here any time and ask anything you want. We all care and are with you all the way. Any thing you need at all just holler OK...Best of luck to ya Take care Kay
  • MomMichelle
    MomMichelle Member Posts: 93

    So sorry you are here but you found a wonderful resource. The ladies and gentlemen on this board are fabulous. I am 37 (36 when diagnosed) and I am looking at chemo #5 next week. I do know how overwhelming things can be. I too am tired of my bald head - especially with it getting colder here! It sounds like you are on the right road though and are getting through the treatments. There is an end in sight...just keep your eyes on the prize at the end. If you need to vent, ask questions, or just want to talk, come here. Feel free to email me on the boards too.

    Hope you have a good day.
  • RooDee
    RooDee Member Posts: 21
    Welcome Mel
    When I felt a lump (right breast) while I was taking a shower, I was instantly going through so much emotions, was panicked, started crying and thought to myself oh my god what is this? Am I going to die soon? I didn't know how to tell anyone or if I should even tell or do something about it and thought maybe it will go away and even try to convinced myself " I'm healthy and no family history, so it shouldn't be anything". It took me a week to even tell my husband about the lump. He was mad at me and told me to have it check right away. On Sept. 1st, I had a mammogram and ultrasound sound done in the morning, came back "highly suspicious", that same afternoon I had the biopsy done. On Sept 3rd., biopsy results says I have Grade 2 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, more crying, more tests ( MRI, Chest X-ray, Bloodwork) and more bad news, MRI results says I have " highly suspicious" lesion in my left breast, so I had another ultrasound and biopsy done. So I made a decision to have both breasts removed, October 7th was the big day....sentinel node biopsy, bilateral mastectomy, axilliary node dissection & latissimus dorsi flap recon, you know how everybody keep saying to think positive? sometimes you can't help it...I really thought that I wasn't going to wake up from the surgery...but here I am, I'm still sore and still healing but I'm alive and I'm very thankful for surgery path report T1N1M0, yesterday I had a complete abdominal ultrasound and bone scan done and another bloodwork this week. Now I'm waiting for the results of these tests so I can decide if I even want chemo or just do hormone therapy. It is overwhelming and sometimes when I'm alone I cry.....but I know that I will get through this, that I will fight and beat this disease. You're not alone.**hugs**
  • roseann4
    roseann4 Member Posts: 992 Member


    So sorry you are here but you found a wonderful resource. The ladies and gentlemen on this board are fabulous. I am 37 (36 when diagnosed) and I am looking at chemo #5 next week. I do know how overwhelming things can be. I too am tired of my bald head - especially with it getting colder here! It sounds like you are on the right road though and are getting through the treatments. There is an end in sight...just keep your eyes on the prize at the end. If you need to vent, ask questions, or just want to talk, come here. Feel free to email me on the boards too.

    Hope you have a good day.

    Hi Mel.
    You're in the middle of the fight right now and I don't blame you for being angry and disappointed. It sounds like you fought hard to get the attention you deserved and are responsible for saving your own life. If you are not sleeping, ask you doctor to give you something to help you sleep. This is a difficult time and getting our sleep is very important. It is natural to experience all sorts of emotions and at your young age you have lost a lot. Getting bc is a complete loss of control. We start to follow a path we would have never chosen and yet we are asked to make decisions on treatments we don't even completely understand. However, it is doable and we will be here to give you support if you need it. I hope you will let people know that being strong has nothing to do with it. You are doing what you need to do to get well and you can use their support. Please ask for help when you need it. Hugs.

  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    Hi Melissa :) Sorry that you
    Hi Melissa :) Sorry that you have to be here but glad that you have found us. This site is a great spot for answers & information, hope, reassurance, and just venting. We're here for you.
    It seems overwhelming how much happens so FAST with a BC diagnosis, doesn't it? And I'm 35 also, and I'm so SICK of hearing "you're too young for this" - well, obviously and apparently i'm NOT. I hear the "you're so strong" all the time too - well yeah, what other option do I have? It's easy to get irritated with life with cancer, and other people, too. It's normal. And I'm with you - i absolutely HATE my head being stubbly :(
    The chemo just wears you out, not only physically, either. I was very emotional when going through chemo -i just finished 3 weeks ago. The clouds do lift. Every day I'm feeling a little bit better & am getting used to my "new normal". You have every right to feel angry & overwhelmed. I felt extremely betrayed by my own body. By my breast that decided to turn on me, then once i started the chemo, by my entire body that felt like it was 70 even though I'm still in my 30's, that wouldn't keep up with my kids & could no longer do the things it needed or wanted to do.
    Coming on here will help. Talking to others who are in your same boat, or who have gone through it, will help. We have some wonderful people on here who will lift your spirits & encourage you, celebrate your victories with you & let you vent your frustrations.
    Hang in there sister, you're halfway through your chemo. Almost done. That's the hardest part. We're here for you!

  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    I get it!!
    Mel, you have come to the right place filled with amazing individuals that do get it and are here to help our sisters and brothers get through this time in their life. As my sisters have said, we'll be with you through every step of your treatments to offer encouragement and support or just knowledge to help you through your journey. It is all do-able even though it seems like that's not the case, at times. Continue to post and ask ANY questions you have and someone will be along to share their experience. Good luck and you can do it!!
  • Boppy_of_6
    Boppy_of_6 Member Posts: 1,138
    MyTurnNow said:

    I get it!!
    Mel, you have come to the right place filled with amazing individuals that do get it and are here to help our sisters and brothers get through this time in their life. As my sisters have said, we'll be with you through every step of your treatments to offer encouragement and support or just knowledge to help you through your journey. It is all do-able even though it seems like that's not the case, at times. Continue to post and ask ANY questions you have and someone will be along to share their experience. Good luck and you can do it!!

    Welcome Mel! Sorry you need to be here but glad you found us. There is so much info here from wonderful people who have been there done that. I have had questions answered before I even knew I needed to ask them. Someone always has an answer. Sorry for all you have been through to get answers. God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    sorry for all you are going through
    Also sorry about friends vanishing at your time of need. I must say I had great friends and family. Vent away-

    I have said a few times on this site JOURNALS helped me. I did not think at the time they did...but on occassion I look back and read them. I kept in in my car (my down time when alone) & jotted things before work, lunch break etc. Can't hurt to give it a try.

    I'll be thinking of you!
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    Welcome to the bc network but after reading what you've already been through, OMG, you need to take a deep breath. We are all sisters in this bc fight. I'm the 5th in my family and so I guess it came as no surprise. I was dx in May and had bilateral mastectomy in June. Started chemo in Aug, 2010. I will have my 6th grandchild tomorrow (my dil will be induced). I know even though you didn't want children bc took that option away. You are young and the hair situation or lack of can be extremely annoying. My sil suffered with cancer for 10 years and was bald most of that time. She wore wigs and turbans or went bald. It's all doable even if it does su*k! I just had chemo #5 yesterday and have 1 more to go. I don't think I'll need rads. There are lots of ladies here though who have had rads and can share their experience. I have kept a journal since being dx with bc. Wishing you well.
    {{hugs}} Char
  • kya911
    kya911 Member Posts: 157

    sorry for all you are going through
    Also sorry about friends vanishing at your time of need. I must say I had great friends and family. Vent away-

    I have said a few times on this site JOURNALS helped me. I did not think at the time they did...but on occassion I look back and read them. I kept in in my car (my down time when alone) & jotted things before work, lunch break etc. Can't hurt to give it a try.

    I'll be thinking of you!

    Welcome Mel. Sorry you have
    Welcome Mel. Sorry you have to be here.
    These ladies are amazing. In any way we can we will help each other get all this behind us.
    Peace & Blessings
  • Miss Murphy
    Miss Murphy Member Posts: 302
    Vent Away
    Hi Mel!

    Welcome and Sorry. Wow,you've been thru a lot in the past few months. We all need to vent now and again and that's why this board is so terrific - you can always get a response from one or more who have been there done that and can offer support, encouragement, or try and answer questions for you. We are all so individual in how we go thru our various treatments and how we react to the various drugs. Breast cancer is definitely not a one size fits all. But we all support each other on our journeys. Take care, take a deep breath and hang in there.

    Hugs, Sally
  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175
    Vent Away cuz We all "GET IT"
    Vent Away cuz we all "GET IT"
    Welcome to the board Mel...this is one place you can go where someone has been there and done that and can feel just what your going thru. Im just sorry you have to be here.
  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member
    jo jo said:

    Vent Away cuz We all "GET IT"
    Vent Away cuz we all "GET IT"
    Welcome to the board Mel...this is one place you can go where someone has been there and done that and can feel just what your going thru. Im just sorry you have to be here.

    That"s a lot. Glad you found us. We will listen and answer questions and wait with you. Sorry you're part of the club, but welcome!


  • chriskaput
    chriskaput Member Posts: 109
    Melissa, I know what you are going through! My journey started in early May of this yr. I have had all the tests, finished chemo. (4 rounds of AC and 12 weeks of Taxol) and I am now ready for my lumpectomy on Monday. I am scared. Scared to find out what I will hear after the surgery and what else they may find. It will not be over there. Then 7 weeks of rads after that. I am tired of my bald head and it depresses me to walk around with my wig on. I want my hair back so much.
    So yes, Melissa we are all here to support each other cause only we pink sisters can relate to each other. Our family and friends don't have a clue what we are going through.

    All the best.
    Hugs, Chris.
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    I just want to hug you!!!!
    I am sooo sorry you're having to deal with all this. It certainly IS overwhelming and we all understand what you're going through. I'm also sad to hear about your Grandparents.

    We're ALL here for you so please never feel alone. I think many people just don't know how to deal with cancer so the easiest thing for them to do is avoid or steer clear. I felt that at work too. To a few, you would have thought I had the plague but I know what fear can do to people. Some deal with it, some run away.

    It will help connecting with all these beautiful people who can spiritually hold your hand through this. I'm glad you joined.

    Praying for you,

  • ladyg
    ladyg Member Posts: 1,577
    Glad you found us but
    sorry you needed to. This is a great place to get information, ask questions and vent all you want. We have all done it and we do understand your feelings. Sorry to hear your friends vanished on you but you now have all of us to call friends.

  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Warm Welcome, Mel
    We're all here to support & encourage each other. As another member has very often written - this is a "safe place to land"... Even if blessed with caring family & friends - only those who actually travel the journey understand all that it entails.

    Breaks my heart to read of your young age - 35 - at diagnosis. I was 45 when diagnosed - 7+ years ago - and was told, back then, that I was "extremely young" for breast cancer.

    You are about halfway through your chemo regimen. At that same point, I actually considered quitting. "Hit the wall" - so to speak. Was told by my own med pros that this is quite common, it is - for most - the lowest point during the course of invasive treatment (surgery/chemo/rads).

    So, visit often. The board is open 24/7, there's almost always someone here. Vent and complain all you may need and/or want... Yes, we understand. Many here are where you are, others - like me - are further along, longer term survivors. Doesn't matter. The experiences unite us all. And, I'll also suggest that you speak openly and honestly with your doctors/nurses about how you're feeling. Hopefully, they'll have some suggestions and advice to help you through.

    With best wishes, and...

    Kind regards, Susan
  • mellk
    mellk Member Posts: 10
    to you all for welcoming me I do feel a bit better today.

    In response to smalldoggroomer -> thank you for asking about my grandparents. Unfortunatley they are both rapidly declining like I said, both mentally and physically. All of my family live in other states so it is hard not being able to spend time with them. When I first started chemo my parents, my sister and grandparents were planning to take turns spending a week with me until it was over and the 2nd day my grandparents were hear my grandmother fell in my backyard and broke her hip.

    After that my sister was supposed to come and she kept insiting on dragging her new boyfriend. I asked her many, many times to please not do that, and that if she wanted to vacation with him to please do that, but do not bring some guy I dont know to my house particularly when I was just adjusting to being bald. She brought him anyway and I had to ask them to leave.

    But today I have tried to focus on the positive.
  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175
