Tumor on Spine & Xeloda

unreal Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
My husband (age 51) was diagnosed 10 months ago with stage IV colorectal cancer. It was found due to a tumor on his spine causing enough pain to get him to the Dr. - he had surgery to relieve the pressure of the tumor then followed up with radiation to stablize it.
He has had 11 rounds of chemo - folfiri and one with Avastin that cause a perforation in his small intestine (18 days in the hospital) it did resolve itself. He recently spent another 15 days in the hospital for a diverting colostomy. It was required due to a full blockage of his large intestine. When he has sufficiently healed the onc wants to put him on Xeloda - I just don't know...when is enough enough? He is down over 40 lbs and each time he begins to "get back up" somehting else knocks him down.......Just wondering if anyone can give me honest feedback on Xeloda? My husband will do whatever it takes to fight this disease.


  • maglets
    maglets Member Posts: 2,576 Member
    wow unreal your hubby is having a really hard time....sorry to hear about.

    If I had to chose from all the chemo I have done it would be xeloda. because of the pill form it is convenient to take. the side effects for me were not too bad....I had stomach pain....some people on this board have had bad neuropathy in hands and feet but just as a general note I would say it is relatively easy to tolerate. Everybody does react differently of course.

    welcome to the forums

  • pepebcn
    pepebcn Member Posts: 6,331 Member
    maglets said:

    wow unreal your hubby is having a really hard time....sorry to hear about.

    If I had to chose from all the chemo I have done it would be xeloda. because of the pill form it is convenient to take. the side effects for me were not too bad....I had stomach pain....some people on this board have had bad neuropathy in hands and feet but just as a general note I would say it is relatively easy to tolerate. Everybody does react differently of course.

    welcome to the forums


    feel sorry can't help you with xeloda but
    welcome to the board, !
  • traci43
    traci43 Member Posts: 773 Member
    So sorry about your husband. Since he is still on first line chemo drugs and your husband is willing, keep going. (my 2 cents) They just might find a combo that works for him. Welcome to the boards!

    I'm about to start Xeloda along with irinotecan and avastin and am interested to hear what the board has to say.
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  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Sorry to hear about your husband. Xeloda wasn't bad for me and didn't have really any side effects from it. Hope that he feels better soon and he continues to fight. Keep us posted.

  • taraHK
    taraHK Member Posts: 1,952 Member
    xeloda avastin and 'battle plan'
    Sorry to hear about the difficulties your husband has been having.

    I have used Xeloda several times (with and without other drugs). Overall, I find it very convenient and very easy to tolerate. The only significant side effect I have is that it irritates my hands and feet ("hand-foot syndrome"). My hands get red and dry, my feet sometimes get blisters. I'm not able to hike or walk long distances. But, that's OK!

    When I finish the chemo regime I am on at the moment (Xeliri plus Avastin) I will probably be going on Xeloda alone "indefinitely" as a maintenance drug -- and I feel fine about that.

    BTW, I also have bone mets (spine and a few other spots). But they are shrinking! yea

  • karguy
    karguy Member Posts: 1,020 Member
    I did xeloda,and radiation at the same time,from the xeloda I had numbing of my fingers,but not really much else.My tumor was attached to my tailbone,and I lost 60 pounds total.And have a permanant colostomy bag,but thats better than the alternative.Good luck to your husband,and don't give up.
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    I did not have to have chemo, so I don't have advice on it, but it sounds to me like a situation where it would really make sense to keep going. Despite all the setbacks he's had, your doctor seems to feel your husband could do this, and the comments from others lead me to think the Xeloda wouldn't be totally awful.

    That said, welcome to the board, and let us know what you and your husband decide.

  • Lori-S
    Lori-S Member Posts: 1,277 Member
    I'm sorry that your husband is having such a tough time. I don't personally have experience with Xeloda but there are those who do, as you can see. This is a great place to get the information and the support you might need. I want to welcome you to the board and please keep us informed on how your husband and YOU are doing.
  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member
    Xeloda is definitely my chemo choice of drugs. I've had 10 rounds of Xeloda at full dose, 1500 mgs in morning 1500 mgs in evening, 14 days, 7 days off.
    No side effects.
    I'm 51, stage IV. I was also diagnosed 10 months ago, February 6, to be exact.
    Since I've just been on Xeloda for the past couple of months and no other chemo, sorrowfully for me, I gained 10 pounds. Alas. It sounds like the gain weight would be good thing for your husband though.
    Tell him to keep on fighting.
    The Xeloda is so much nicer then the other chemo's I've had.(I'm thinking I should be the xeloda poster girl, or old woman as the case may be).
    But in all seriousness, I wish him the best, and he and you will find Xeloda isn't the least bit scary and very doable!!
    Winter Marie
  • Left Coaster
    Left Coaster Member Posts: 25
    Taking Zeloda right now.
    Hello there,

    I am on Xeloda right now. This is my 4th 21 day cycle. I have stage IV colorectal cancer and have had APR surgery, colostomy, liver pump chemo, RFA, radiation, radioimmunotherapy and gamma knife to rid my dome of a singe met that caused a seizure episode which I have not had a repeat of.

    So honest experience with Xeloda, lets see ... diarrhea, insomnia, sensitivity to certain foods, and food temperature extremes and most severe side effect thus far is hand and foot syndrome. I have posted a couple pics of the hand and foot syndrome of my hand and foot in the expressions gallery.

    Overall I am "happy" to be taking a chemo pill instead of IV chemo therapy. I have had a love/hate relationship with chemotherapy in that the more severe the side effects from the chemo the greater reduction in the CEA and the tumors themselves. So I may be the extreme example of the worst of possible side effects from Xeloda. The list of side effects are long and may seem overwhelming. So far, I am living through them and working full time.
  • AnneCan
    AnneCan Member Posts: 3,673 Member
    I haven't had experience
    I haven't had experience with xeloda, but wanted to welcome you.