I never liked the way NED danced anyway!



  • zinaida
    zinaida Member Posts: 221
    Mwee said:

    You rock, Zina!
    What a great result. I'm so happy for you.
    (((HUGS))) Maria

    Thanks, Maria! It is feels
    Thanks, Maria! It is feels so much better, when every one here knows what we go through and can help each other with support and good advise and with a shoulder, where every one can cry some times. Love you all, teal ladies. I love (((hugs)))! (((hugs))), Zina.
  • Tina Brown
    Tina Brown Member Posts: 1,036 Member
    Hi Ginny
    I've already posted to you but I am here in this with you. I'm kind of the other way round to you??? My CT scan shows very little or no change but my CA125 went from 71 to 1,280???? It is hard to get my head round it!!! I am having strange bowel stuff going on so I guess my cancer is there.

    I am to start on doxil soon on its own so we can support each other together.

    My doctor are straight down the middle and don't give me any positive stuff or pesimistic stuff either. She did say the scan was positive but I couldn't understand the rise in the numbers.

    Hugs to you Tina xx
  • Cafewoman53
    Cafewoman53 Member Posts: 735 Member
    The Dance
    I think I am one of the girls who won't get to dance with Ned and I am okay with that as long as I can show up and not fall on my face I will be happy ! Hey as long as the music is playing we don't have to dance with Ned to enjoy it.
    You are not a statistic and if I have learned anything it is, anyone has a chance to defy the odds with this disease why not you ? I plan on it ! Fight on ! Good Luck with your new treatment.
  • Nat671
    Nat671 Member Posts: 9

    Froggy....my doctor says
    Froggy....my doctor says 35-40% survive more than 5 years.

    Also,you have to remember that OC is usually diagnosed at age 60 or later. Some of the women who make up these numbers are young and healthy, but some are 85 years old and frail, have heart problems, Diabetes, etc. The ones who die within the first 2 years fall primarily into that second group.

    I know you were expecting this but that does not make it easier to swallow. I tell myself every time they draw blood that I will not be surprised if my number is elevated, but then I hold my breath when the nurse calls and says, "I have your lab results."

    I don't know a lot of women in "real life" who have OC, but I know two women personally who have survived over 10 years. Both were IIIc at diagnosis and one has been in treatment more than she has been NED, but she is alive and kicking and her QOL is great. Then there are the long-term survivors I've met on the Internet. One of them was diagnosed IIIc almost 20 years ago, before Carbo and the other drugs they use now. Just think of the odds she beat.

    Ovarian Cancer is relatively rare. Statistically, I shouldn't have gotten it in the first place - no family history; BRAC negative; multiple pregnancies, all in my 20's; nursed two of my children for at least a year. What can I say? Statistics define people, but not any one person.

    I don't really buy into the notion that a "positive attitude" will cure Cancer, but I am stubborn enough to believe that as long as I'm breathing, I have a fighting chance. As do you, Froggy.

    Big girl panties are over-rated. Go out and buy something red and sexy.


    Ms. Carlene,
    I find such solace in your example of people who you know that have survived years with OVC. I too defined the odds. I am 27 years old and I have an 11 year old son. I also had multiple pregnancies..and I nursed my son. When I took the genetics test my BRAC was also negative. Nevertheless, I was diagonsed with stage 3 OV in Nov. 2009. I also had a recurrence when I didn't enjoy being in remission. I am terrified that these stats that I read are correct and I will be a statistic. But when I hear of 10 and 20 years survials, it makes me have faith and hold on to that. I'm statrting a clinical trial that seems to be hopeful. So, I guess I will have to continue to be optimistic.

  • froggy1
    froggy1 Member Posts: 205

    Hi Ginny
    I've already posted to you but I am here in this with you. I'm kind of the other way round to you??? My CT scan shows very little or no change but my CA125 went from 71 to 1,280???? It is hard to get my head round it!!! I am having strange bowel stuff going on so I guess my cancer is there.

    I am to start on doxil soon on its own so we can support each other together.

    My doctor are straight down the middle and don't give me any positive stuff or pesimistic stuff either. She did say the scan was positive but I couldn't understand the rise in the numbers.

    Hugs to you Tina xx

    back to you Tina
    This is the most fickle disease. With a CA125 of 14, I think I should be dancing. Yours is inconclusive. I'm afraid my CA125 readings aren't very accurate and I'm destined to CT's and PET's....
    I'm getting carbo, as well. So I guess I will be a bald-headed rash! LOL I'm not sure if they reduce the Doxil if you are on two. I sure hope so. I'm not too excited about this upcoming chemo. I am starting to remember how much trouble I had initially.
    Best of luck to you, Ginny
  • leesag
    leesag Member Posts: 621 Member

    The Dance
    I think I am one of the girls who won't get to dance with Ned and I am okay with that as long as I can show up and not fall on my face I will be happy ! Hey as long as the music is playing we don't have to dance with Ned to enjoy it.
    You are not a statistic and if I have learned anything it is, anyone has a chance to defy the odds with this disease why not you ? I plan on it ! Fight on ! Good Luck with your new treatment.


  • Hissy_Fitz
    Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834
    froggy1 said:

    Thanks Carlene
    Thanks for the encouragement. Were you a cheerleader in High School? LOL I deem you the official cheerleader for this board, effective now! You always have the good stats.
    Yeah, those red sexy panties will look great with my two red incisions, always did like monochromatic! Take care and prove maintenance works for some of us PLEASE
    BTW-My new doc doesn't believe in it(same group) Let's get together guys!

    Hugs, Froggy

    Ginny....I will gladly be
    Ginny....I will gladly be the cheerleader for the group, although I have been accused, at times, of not being "positive" enough. I maintain that I am realistically optimistic. And I hate surprises.

  • msfanciful
    msfanciful Member Posts: 559
    Hi Ginny,
    I haven't been

    Hi Ginny,

    I haven't been posting as much as I used to either, yet I do like to check in on all my sisters to make sure all is well...I couldn't help but to respond to your post and let you know it is very disheartening. You can read my profile if you like but I had had 3 recurrences since living with stage iv ovarian cancer and it can truly challenge ones' spirit.

    But you can get through this and believe it or not, it will get better.

    I will keep you in prayer my friend,


  • nancy591
    nancy591 Member Posts: 1,027 Member
    missed this!
    I can't believe I missed this discussion. I was on vacation from the 20th thru the 26th. So sorry to here this news. Like others have said, even if we suspect, it IS hard to hear. I've been battling a recurrence for one year now. My ca125 was in normal range at the time too. I had one 13mm area light up on a PET when my ct was clear. Unfortunately things have done nothing but progress for me. Now I have about 4 additional lymph nodes involved. Most recently my ca125 is jumping fast after a year of small ups and downs. QOL is still great though, no symptoms to speak of. I'll be looking for your posts.

  • froggy1
    froggy1 Member Posts: 205
    nancy591 said:

    missed this!
    I can't believe I missed this discussion. I was on vacation from the 20th thru the 26th. So sorry to here this news. Like others have said, even if we suspect, it IS hard to hear. I've been battling a recurrence for one year now. My ca125 was in normal range at the time too. I had one 13mm area light up on a PET when my ct was clear. Unfortunately things have done nothing but progress for me. Now I have about 4 additional lymph nodes involved. Most recently my ca125 is jumping fast after a year of small ups and downs. QOL is still great though, no symptoms to speak of. I'll be looking for your posts.


    Thanks Sharon and Nancy
    Thanks for your concern,
    I just finished my first round of carbo/doxil. So far, I seem to be weathering it ok, other than the first week. After reading all the "don'ts" on the Doxil sheet, I'm wondering what I can do...'guess I will figure it out.
    'Back to the weekly hospital visits for labs, doc, shots, etc. It was nice not having to do that for a while. Sometimes you even forget(well maybe for a second) that you have cancer.
    I just got all my hair back, 'guess that won't last long. 'Kind of bummed out about that.
    'Having a hard time being positive, my "bad" days will be Thanksgiving and Christmas, has happened for the past three years...
    Nancy, I think you may have been in my back yard. I live near Orlando. 'Thought you did WDW, or maybe another trip? We should have met for lunch. LOL Ginny
  • nancy591
    nancy591 Member Posts: 1,027 Member
    froggy1 said:

    Thanks Sharon and Nancy
    Thanks for your concern,
    I just finished my first round of carbo/doxil. So far, I seem to be weathering it ok, other than the first week. After reading all the "don'ts" on the Doxil sheet, I'm wondering what I can do...'guess I will figure it out.
    'Back to the weekly hospital visits for labs, doc, shots, etc. It was nice not having to do that for a while. Sometimes you even forget(well maybe for a second) that you have cancer.
    I just got all my hair back, 'guess that won't last long. 'Kind of bummed out about that.
    'Having a hard time being positive, my "bad" days will be Thanksgiving and Christmas, has happened for the past three years...
    Nancy, I think you may have been in my back yard. I live near Orlando. 'Thought you did WDW, or maybe another trip? We should have met for lunch. LOL Ginny

    You probably won't lose your hair. I didn't. I've been on chemo since January and have a full head of hair. The main drug for the hair loss is Taxol. I didn't have many s/e at all on Doxil. I would have happily stayed on it indefinately!! I'm sure you'll do the same. Yes, sometimes I can forget I have cancer.

    Yes, I was at WDW. Very hot, very nice, not too crowded. Ate wonderfully, I probably gained 5lbs. I try to do WDW annually.

    When do you start Doxil and what is your regimen.
  • froggy1
    froggy1 Member Posts: 205
    nancy591 said:

    You probably won't lose your hair. I didn't. I've been on chemo since January and have a full head of hair. The main drug for the hair loss is Taxol. I didn't have many s/e at all on Doxil. I would have happily stayed on it indefinately!! I'm sure you'll do the same. Yes, sometimes I can forget I have cancer.

    Yes, I was at WDW. Very hot, very nice, not too crowded. Ate wonderfully, I probably gained 5lbs. I try to do WDW annually.

    When do you start Doxil and what is your regimen.

    Hi Nancy
    I started Carbo/Doxil on the 26th. The first week felt like I was back in the Chemo saddle again, but I am starting to feel better. 'Doing infusion every 28 days, plan is for 6.. I have a lot of nausea issues. I have every drug they make for nausea, I think! LOL 'Trying to get back to all the little things you have to do, the L-glutemine, vitamins, labs, neulasta shots, etc.... I'm not sure when all the Doxil side effects appear, but so far nothing big. 'Keeping my fingers crossed.
    'Love WDW, we are thinking of getting annual resident passes again. That way we can just go down for an afternoon, when we want. I love the Christmas decorations.
    I thought the Carbo caused the hair loss. I got mine back on low dose maintenance Taxol, go figure. Wow, I would love to keep my hair. The "small" things make us happy sometimes... Take care, Ginny
  • Hissy_Fitz
    Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834
    froggy1 said:

    Hi Nancy
    I started Carbo/Doxil on the 26th. The first week felt like I was back in the Chemo saddle again, but I am starting to feel better. 'Doing infusion every 28 days, plan is for 6.. I have a lot of nausea issues. I have every drug they make for nausea, I think! LOL 'Trying to get back to all the little things you have to do, the L-glutemine, vitamins, labs, neulasta shots, etc.... I'm not sure when all the Doxil side effects appear, but so far nothing big. 'Keeping my fingers crossed.
    'Love WDW, we are thinking of getting annual resident passes again. That way we can just go down for an afternoon, when we want. I love the Christmas decorations.
    I thought the Carbo caused the hair loss. I got mine back on low dose maintenance Taxol, go figure. Wow, I would love to keep my hair. The "small" things make us happy sometimes... Take care, Ginny

    Low dose Taxol
    Low dose Taxol maintenance?????

    I asked my doctor if my consolidation therapy was low dose and he said,"No, not really...it's about 7/8 the strength of what you were getting the first time around."

    Were your Taxol treatments every 4 weeks? Do you know what dosage you were getting?


    PS....I can't say I have gotten my hair back, but since I went from every 3 wks Carbol/Taxol to every 4 wks Taxol only, I do have some peach fuzz. No eyebrows, though, and MAYBE little tiny nubs where my eyelashes belong, but I'm not sure.
  • LPack
    LPack Member Posts: 645

    For those who "know" me, they know I don't look at stats at all. We are all so different and I have seen those whose CA125 have been way up that are still in NED and those with low numbers still in recurrence.

    I have a small area in the rectoidjunction and it has stayed basically the same size since I was not dancing with NED (which by the way did not last long either). And I do love to dance!!

    January 2008 Stage 3C, NED by Nov/Dec 2008(but on Hexalen), recurrence by July 2009 and on chemo ever since. My body IS tired of chemo and I look it too!! ☺

    My original onc/gyn told me the other day (when she called to see how I was doing) that being on Doxil was not going to cure me but just give me more time! I usually come back with something but did not that time. She was always upfront (which is the kind of doctor I want)and I was always letting her know Who was in charge of my coming and going from this earth! ☺

    My new onc/gyn does not say much. He is the number one doctor at the James Cancer center for women. Did tell me I was a good candidate for the PARP inhibitor Trial. And here we are..........

    I will be a 3 year survivor in 2 months and 25 days. I am thankful to still be here with my family and friends. What a great support group here!

    Ginny, just grit those teeth and LIVE life to the fullest.

  • Hissy_Fitz
    Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834
    LPack said:


    For those who "know" me, they know I don't look at stats at all. We are all so different and I have seen those whose CA125 have been way up that are still in NED and those with low numbers still in recurrence.

    I have a small area in the rectoidjunction and it has stayed basically the same size since I was not dancing with NED (which by the way did not last long either). And I do love to dance!!

    January 2008 Stage 3C, NED by Nov/Dec 2008(but on Hexalen), recurrence by July 2009 and on chemo ever since. My body IS tired of chemo and I look it too!! ☺

    My original onc/gyn told me the other day (when she called to see how I was doing) that being on Doxil was not going to cure me but just give me more time! I usually come back with something but did not that time. She was always upfront (which is the kind of doctor I want)and I was always letting her know Who was in charge of my coming and going from this earth! ☺

    My new onc/gyn does not say much. He is the number one doctor at the James Cancer center for women. Did tell me I was a good candidate for the PARP inhibitor Trial. And here we are..........

    I will be a 3 year survivor in 2 months and 25 days. I am thankful to still be here with my family and friends. What a great support group here!

    Ginny, just grit those teeth and LIVE life to the fullest.


    Is that what it sounds like it is?
  • LPack
    LPack Member Posts: 645

    Is that what it sounds like it is?

    Rectosigmoid junction is the proper term! I just abbreviated!

    The rectum and sigmoid colon considered as a unit; the term is also applied to the junction of the sigmoid colon and rectum.

    This has been my recurring area and continues to be. I also had Ascites my last CTscan which was a first for me in my battle.

    Had 2nd CTscan Friday (after 2 more infusions of Doxil) so we will see what the tumor looks like now. Doxil is much more of a slow release chemo so .....................

    Have a great day Charlene,
    Libby ☺
  • azgrandma
    azgrandma Member Posts: 609 Member
    LPack said:

    Rectosigmoid junction is the proper term! I just abbreviated!

    The rectum and sigmoid colon considered as a unit; the term is also applied to the junction of the sigmoid colon and rectum.

    This has been my recurring area and continues to be. I also had Ascites my last CTscan which was a first for me in my battle.

    Had 2nd CTscan Friday (after 2 more infusions of Doxil) so we will see what the tumor looks like now. Doxil is much more of a slow release chemo so .....................

    Have a great day Charlene,
    Libby ☺

    so sorry to hear this
    I am so sorry to hear this news