Lookin for Tips Tips Tips! - T/C Chemo



  • Hi Stace & again, welcome. I
    Hi Stace & again, welcome. I came to this site while waiting my biopsy results & have found more peace & assurance & information here than anywhere else. We're here for you :)
    I love your attitude. I agree with you about facing things head on, taking care of business, as positively as you can, will help get you through this. Chemo sucks. Hardest thing I've done. Although nausea/vomiting was not really an issue for me, the sheer exhaustion I felt, at times literally too tired to hold my head up, was the worst of it. I also had (still have lingering around) alot of pain. I was on 4 rounds of AC, followed my 2 rounds of Taxotere. More so on the AC, I had TERRIBLE pain going down my spine, up to my neck, and across my shoulders. At first my Onc thought it was the neulasta, but the pain has stayed constantly through the chemo & only started to subside when I finished my AC treatments, so he said that it was a side effect of the chemo. I have been on percocets for the back pain since I started chemo. I still wake up every day in alot of pain, but it is starting to subside.
    One weird side effect I got on Taxotere was a bad rash/burn on the palms of my hands. I got it after both infusions I had of T. Started as redness on palms, spread to the tops of my hands & eventually my skin got really dry & peeled off. The first time I waited a few days until I called my Onc about it, they gave me steroids to take which did help, but the 2nd time I got the steroids right away & it prevented ALOT of the pain & peeling that I had with the 1st taxotere treatment. They told me it was a common taxotere side effect-my suggestion would be as soon as you get any side effects, to contact your Onc so they can get you any meds before the side effects get too bad.
    Please ask away any questions & concerns that you have, it's what we're here for :)

    Thanks Heather...
    I've been following you posts because you seem to handle alot like me too :) No that I don't give this beast the credit it's due but that's ALL it gets!

    Seeing people triumph here definitely gives me the confidence to head down the path -- there will always be the question of whether or not I needed to go through chemo (onc gave the choice because of my onco numbers ugh) but I couldn't NOT do everything possible to keep me healthy... including the "hair thang" -- I, too, would have more easily given up a "girl" than my hair but so far that's not an option :)

    Saw this am that your mom is have some issues with swelling -- will hope that you get her comfy soon :) Stength to you both xoxo
  • Stace
    Not much to add but good luck, With your positive attitude you are going to do well. I had 4 treatments/ every 3 weeks of t/c. (the same as you) After chemo I felt very tired for at least 5 days. The steriod med's made me feel wired but after that it's a come down time. That is when I felt tense, snappy, and couldn't sleep so I take Lorazapam and it does help. It hasn't effected my appetite!! I eat as usual maybe more. Also, May I suggest getting a couple of binders and subject dividers and keeping a journal of everything (biopsies, pharmacy reports for meds, etc. and also journal what you are feeling so you can check back with each chemo treatment.
    I refer to mine and journal often.
    I didn't have mouth issues except I do feel something on my tongue now and then and right away I rinsed my mouth with salt water and it does not errupt. I always rinse after brushing with biotene. I have 1 more chemo treatment to do yet.
    Hugs to Ya'
    You have come to the best board. We are always here to help.

    Annette, cheers to one more cocktail for you!!
    The light is shining bright for you Annette... follow the beacon, rock on sister and get'er done!

    I'm wondering if my daily celexa might come in handy with the crash of the steroids and am planning on asking the onc about them. Luke gets kudos (again dangit) for the three-ring binder idea. He got the eye-roll the first day he brought it home but now I use it to the fullest :) The journal, however, is a fabulous idea. I'll look for one (before he gets a chance ha!) on Wedneday during wig-shopping day. Thx for the tips :)

    Speaking of wigs... i was going to post a new thread for this but I found a pretty cool henna head tattoo on chemochicks.com. Anybody tried it? It's pretty daring but I figured it might add some funky to the free and breezy days spent at home? Anyway, Luke figures the onc will rule it out.. i think that's wishful thinking on his part because he scared sh''less that his wife is actually entertaining something so "out there.

    Blessings and hugs,