I'm worried about lymphedema.



  • webbwife50
    webbwife50 Member Posts: 394
    Try Not to Worry!
    Dear Kay, I do not suffer from any lyphodema myself, and my prayer will be that you do not either. It the meen time, please try not to worry. It just causes unwanted stress that you don't need right now. God bless you and keep you safe...alison
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member

    One day at a time
    I had my surgery Sept. 09 had sentinel node biopsy only 3 removed all were clear Yes I have lymphadema it showed up 2 weeks after radiation started. Pain for me is not a problem just feels heavy at times. I have to wear the glove and sleeve it cost about $300.00 a set they do wear out in 3-4 months. Most insurance will help pay for them. I went to a physical therapist for a while they do teach you how to do the massage I do it in the morning than put the sleeve and glove on for the day it keeps the swelling down Mine is miner compared to other,but still a pain to deal with. So I really don't know if it matters how many nodes they take out. They told me my chances of getting this was 1% go figure. Don't worry take it one day at a time and sometimes one hour at a time. You are strong and will get through this. Good Luck my prays are with you. Cindy

    I had a lumpectomy with the
    I had a lumpectomy with the sentinel node removal and have no lymphedema. I am sorry for those that do have it. I wish there were more options to help them. It seems that PT helps most.

    Good luck,

  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    Thanks everyone.. I do feel
    Thanks everyone.. I do feel better. I'll try and not worry about it. If it happens I'll deal with it then. I don't know what I would have done if it wasn't for all of you. And besides this will be a good reason to get a massage from my husband every night right!! He said he would what ever it took. Yeah me!! Could I get spoiled YES...LOL Love to all of you Kay
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    I have not had lymphdema
    I had surgery including lymph nodes...NEVER had an issue. I was told to not use left arm for BP or IV etc...I had surgery 2 x since and had 2 different anthologist each said it doest' matter-yet I STILL ONLY use right arm for blood work etc JUST IN case!

    so I am happy to tell you...I have had no issues since Jan 2008
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    I have not had lymphdema
    I had surgery including lymph nodes...NEVER had an issue. I was told to not use left arm for BP or IV etc...I had surgery 2 x since and had 2 different anthologist each said it doest' matter-yet I STILL ONLY use right arm for blood work etc JUST IN case!

    so I am happy to tell you...I have had no issues since Jan 2008

    I am right there with 'disneyfan2008' .. I too was instructed
    not to use my 'left' arm for blood pressure readings or IV's. What I find strange is that most of the medical staff just look at you with a blank stare when you .. indicated such!

    And thank you so much for letting me know that you've had no issues .. in 2 years ... !

    Strength and Courage

    Vicki Sam
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    VickiSam said:

    I am right there with 'disneyfan2008' .. I too was instructed
    not to use my 'left' arm for blood pressure readings or IV's. What I find strange is that most of the medical staff just look at you with a blank stare when you .. indicated such!

    And thank you so much for letting me know that you've had no issues .. in 2 years ... !

    Strength and Courage

    Vicki Sam

    bad veins
    When I go in for blood work I tell them very bad veins and can ONLY USE ONE arm..they will try and try on my right arm and then say OH LET me check other side..

    I even keep jacket on that arm (in cooler weather) but I TELL THEM as I walk in...still ask..usually get it from back on hand!
    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    VickiSam said:

    I am right there with 'disneyfan2008' .. I too was instructed
    not to use my 'left' arm for blood pressure readings or IV's. What I find strange is that most of the medical staff just look at you with a blank stare when you .. indicated such!

    And thank you so much for letting me know that you've had no issues .. in 2 years ... !

    Strength and Courage

    Vicki Sam

    Make Signs
    Dear Vicki,

    I have a lot of medical problems in addition to metastatic breast cancer. Whenever, I have surgery, I bring with me a large sign to put over my bed. "No Blood Drawn, No Blood Pressure, No Injections - Taken From Left Arm". What do they do, they go right the left arm, I glare at them, point to the sign, big enough to read and they quietly go to the right side. I have written the message on my left arm too.

    It always amazes me, that people can't read what is in front of them.

    When I had the tumor removed from the axilla (1st recurrence), I woke up with a band-aid on the left wrist.
    I looked at the nurse and inquired who did that? He said, "your surgeon did". Couldn't say a thing, because of all the awful things that could have happen didn't. We were both happy with the results. My tumor had wrapped around the large blood vein in the arm and had sucked in two nerves. Lucky for me it wasn't the large nerve to the arm, but two minor ones.

  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175 Member
    Hi Kay
    Just wanted to put in

    Hi Kay
    Just wanted to put in my two cents...i had my lymphnodes removed on my right side and i DO NOT have lymphedema but my doc ordered me a sleeve because i was going into high altitudes. High altitudes as mountains or being in airplanes ect is one of the things that can set it off. So mine was for preventative reasons and my insurance picked up my tab for it but it was about $80-$100.
    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member

    bad veins
    When I go in for blood work I tell them very bad veins and can ONLY USE ONE arm..they will try and try on my right arm and then say OH LET me check other side..

    I even keep jacket on that arm (in cooler weather) but I TELL THEM as I walk in...still ask..usually get it from back on hand!

    Hard Stick, but a Vein Finder Can Help
    I have bad veins too. I state that I am a hard stick, one try and you will find someone else. My last ct scan, they really had a hard time. Did you know there is a device known as a vein finder? It was cool, sort of like a scanner for barcodes. They place the device over your arms, voila! the veins can be seen.

    I keep my arm that can't be touch with the sleeve on. I only remove the sleeve of the arm they can touch.
    Of course, that is only when it's cold out.


  • sal314
    sal314 Member Posts: 599 Member
    Never Had Lymphedema
    but know many that do. Though that doesn't mean you will have issues. I only two nodes removed from under my arm and two from my chest. My doctor still recommended I wear a sleeve anytime I fly to reduce the risk of getting it. The first couple of years after my surgery he also didn't want me lifting more than 15 lbs. But that may have changed...it was 7 years ago.

    You might want to check with insurance about the sleeve. Many plans will pay for them! And I thought they lasted a lot longer than 4 months! But I really don't know.

    ANyway, in dealing with BC, there are things that will/won't happen. The main thing is to stay alive! And if taking all of your nodes and having a risk of lymphadema is part of it, so be it!! You still want to be around:) As far massaging goes, I think initally you have to do it several times a day. And you can learn to do it yourself. Though I think a good lymphadema massage therapist should be used for the first several months after your surgery.

    Good luck. I'll be praying you won't have any issues with lymphadema!

    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    sal314 said:

    Never Had Lymphedema
    but know many that do. Though that doesn't mean you will have issues. I only two nodes removed from under my arm and two from my chest. My doctor still recommended I wear a sleeve anytime I fly to reduce the risk of getting it. The first couple of years after my surgery he also didn't want me lifting more than 15 lbs. But that may have changed...it was 7 years ago.

    You might want to check with insurance about the sleeve. Many plans will pay for them! And I thought they lasted a lot longer than 4 months! But I really don't know.

    ANyway, in dealing with BC, there are things that will/won't happen. The main thing is to stay alive! And if taking all of your nodes and having a risk of lymphadema is part of it, so be it!! You still want to be around:) As far massaging goes, I think initally you have to do it several times a day. And you can learn to do it yourself. Though I think a good lymphadema massage therapist should be used for the first several months after your surgery.

    Good luck. I'll be praying you won't have any issues with lymphadema!


    No Time Limit

    There is no time limit when one can develop lymphedema. One can be dx with the condition many, many years out. I have begun now 16 years out, and have a mild form. I had 2 lymph node dissections, one with mastectomy, one for a good size tumor in the axilla, 4 bouts of cellulitis, bad enough to be hospitalized, radiation and until recently, did not have lymphedema. I will risk it again with surgery to repair a supraspinatus torn tendon early next year.

    I have travel (air wise) intensely without compression sleeve. Seven years out, you still can develop it.

    Best Doris
  • Brooklynchele
    Brooklynchele Member Posts: 123
    I had a lumpectomy followed by a partial mastectomy with the sentinel lymph node removed (just the one). I developed lymphedema of the breast only (none in the arm). I am currently treating with an occupational therapist that is showing me massage techniques to aid in the removal of the lymph fluid and helping the lymph system work. The technique involves activating the lymph nodes by making small "rainbow-like" pressure across the chest and under the arms. It's been helping so far. You can get more info on:

  • racergirl
    racergirl Member Posts: 50
    A book on the subject
    Kay, I ordered this book, Lymphedema - A Breast Cancer Patient's Guide to Prevention and Healing, from amazon.com and have read some of it. I found the book in the resource library on this site. It seem to be inforamative, as well as, giving instruction on massage technique if/when you need it. Wish you the best, Patti
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    lymph nodes (few) removed
    and no problems-almost 2 yrs later...