Exchange Surgery Veterans

slynch Member Posts: 82
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I had my exchange surgery on October 13th. What a relief to get the expanders out. Already can tell a great deal of difference. My question for the veterans who have had implants for a while. Does it ever feel normal again -- where you can't tell something weird is in your body or will I always be able to tell?


  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    I havn't had exchange
    I havn't had exchange surgery, but just wanted to push your question up to the top of the board as I know someone out there can answer this. Ladies where are you?
  • shelbyhome
    shelbyhome Member Posts: 145
    I had my exchange on
    I had my exchange on Sept.10th and it does feel so much better than those horrible expanders, and I too would like to know if they ever you ever get used to them and can you sleep on your stomach at some point??? Hugs :)
  • Dawne.Hope
    Dawne.Hope Member Posts: 823
    Not sure yet! :)
    I had my exchange at the end of July. It feels sooo much better. I am able to lay on my side, have yet to sleep on my stomach. For the first time since my BMX I was able to get onto my stomach and do a few things in my yoga class on Monday. Yes, it took time to get on my tummy, and no it didn't really feel good. Need more time, I think! :)

    My left side has always been my trouble side. It's the side the cancer was on, it's the side that hurt so badly doing my fills. And it is the side that still feels like there is something in there. My right side feels great. I think it is going to take time. From the things I've read it can take up to a year for all the internal healing to take place. They've cut muscles, cut nerves, and it just takes time to heal. As our scars are healing outwardly, there is even more healing that is taking place on the inside. Patience is something we've had to learn since this whole bc began and it is something that we continue to need as we heal.
  • GreeneyedGirl
    GreeneyedGirl Member Posts: 1,077

    Not sure yet! :)
    I had my exchange at the end of July. It feels sooo much better. I am able to lay on my side, have yet to sleep on my stomach. For the first time since my BMX I was able to get onto my stomach and do a few things in my yoga class on Monday. Yes, it took time to get on my tummy, and no it didn't really feel good. Need more time, I think! :)

    My left side has always been my trouble side. It's the side the cancer was on, it's the side that hurt so badly doing my fills. And it is the side that still feels like there is something in there. My right side feels great. I think it is going to take time. From the things I've read it can take up to a year for all the internal healing to take place. They've cut muscles, cut nerves, and it just takes time to heal. As our scars are healing outwardly, there is even more healing that is taking place on the inside. Patience is something we've had to learn since this whole bc began and it is something that we continue to need as we heal.

    15 mo out~
    from my exchange and I know there is something "there" but it has become a part of me now. I can sleep on my tummy for a short time, I prop one leg up, and use a pillow for support. I find tho that I still toss and turn a bit to get comfortable. Probably my biggest "issue" is doing chores like vacuuming~ it is a challenge to use my left side like I used to since the latissimus flap. I do what i can, and adjust as I need to. But, it does feel different to do some things.
    Hope this helps in some way~