3rd round of A/C and neulasta...i hate you!

a long time client of ours came in today. i haven't seen her in a few months, though she knows whats going on with me. (she's friends with 1 of our receptionists) i was telling her my story of the last few months. she actually said to me, "carrie, i'd kill myself if it was me." that the was one of the strangest responses i've ever gotten. made me feel really bad for her.
it put a lot of thoughts in my head.

seofseof said:Hopefully
Hopefully you will be able to get through all of your treatments without such drastic measures!
Hang in there and it will get better. seof
hahaha. i think so
just couldn't believe she said that to me! wow!0 -
we are survivors. That was a thoughtless comment made by someone who doesn't know what we're dealing with. Hopefully, you put her comment in one ear and out the other. Don't ever give up. You will get through chemo. I have chemo #4 tomorrow and Neulasta the next day and yes I'll be hurting and sleeping a lot. But next week it will be better and I just hold on to that.
{{hugs}} Char0 -
I had 4 A/Cs with the neulasta so I know how you're feeling. By my 3rd treatment I was down for the count for a week not just the weekend. Each treatment was different. It will get better just make sure you drink even more now. Many of us get dehydrated after the 3rd of 4th A/C because of the fatigue, not fun.
I agree it was a strange comment you received. Some people don't know what to say to us so they put their foot in their mouths. BC makes you realize how precious life is.
Hang in there.
Sher0 -
Carrie,carriesoup said:seof
hahaha. i think so
just couldn't believe she said that to me! wow!
Do not worry what
Do not worry what people say. Believe me they say alot of strange things. You are doing great! You don't feel great, but you will make it and be better for it. Keep away from negative people and you keep thinking positive thoughts. Hugs to you.
Rhonda0 -
What an unthinking
What an unthinking thing to say. You should have looked at her and said, That you hadn't considered that option and did she have any suggestions how you should go about offing yourself? Okay, that would just be lowering yourself to her level. I always think of these snappy retorts well after the fact and I would never actually say them but gosh, there are times when it would be so great to just say something that would bring them up short. Treatments are harsh enough without the thoughtless comments. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers as you complete your treatments.
Stef0 -
steffauxma said:Carrie,
What an unthinking
What an unthinking thing to say. You should have looked at her and said, That you hadn't considered that option and did she have any suggestions how you should go about offing yourself? Okay, that would just be lowering yourself to her level. I always think of these snappy retorts well after the fact and I would never actually say them but gosh, there are times when it would be so great to just say something that would bring them up short. Treatments are harsh enough without the thoughtless comments. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers as you complete your treatments.
isn't that the truth! i always have snappy comebacks after the fact. i'm not the kind of person to say anything though. of course i hadn't considered the option! and maybe she didn't mean it to come out like that. it's just one of those comments that sets you back, ya know?
water, water, water. cheers!
carrie0 -
I do think that most ofcarriesoup said:stef
isn't that the truth! i always have snappy comebacks after the fact. i'm not the kind of person to say anything though. of course i hadn't considered the option! and maybe she didn't mean it to come out like that. it's just one of those comments that sets you back, ya know?
water, water, water. cheers!
I do think that most of these comments just pop out. I am sure in her mind she felt what she was saying was "I could never be as brave as you". Too bad she didn't actually say that. I guess the best thing to do is to take the high road and chalk it up to speaking before thinking. I know I have on occasion suffered from foot in mouth disease.
Here's a toast to your completion of treatment.
Stef0 -
You have my admiration for
You have my admiration for working through all this. I'm on medical leave and just don't know how ya'll get through those loooong 8 hour days.
Ask your doc about claritin for the neulasta. I know it's recommended by the manufacturer for neupegin, and I think for neulasta too. I'm on the neupagin, take the claritin once a day and have very little achiness now.
As for what the client said, she's probably rewording everything in her mind too. I know when I've put my foot in my mouth, I can't get it out of my head till I apologize to anyone involved. It just goes round and round in my head, along with everything I really wanted to say.
Get some rest now.
Linda0 -
One more AC?
For Donna, the AC was much harder than the Taxol that followed; but she made it through. The Taxol had side effects, but not the "fog" of the AC. And she was off all summer, if she had to work, I don't know what she would have done. Down days and down weeks were normal for her.
You can do this!!!
Bob0 -
Neulast kicked my a$$ hard!!
Neulasta kicked my a$$ hard!! Hydrocodone in strong doses was the only way I got through the neulasta pain. It was not fun but it does go away, sounds like you may only have one more A/C and then you wont need that shot if you have another chemo (I had 4 a/c and 11 taxol). I too took a medical leave and admire your ability to work. Remember that people say stupid things and most times don't mean any harm. We are going to be over sensitive to what people say anyway because of all we are going through. However; on that one I would have said "gee thanks for the idea but I think I'll fight". Hang in there Carrie, it gets better and remember to take care of yourself, try not to do too much, warm bubble baths did me wonders too. Oh, and yes claritin does help immensely, I used that along with hydrocodone.
Big Hugs,
Kari0 -
My third A/C hit me hard,
My third A/C hit me hard, too. I was wiped out pretty much the entire time. And the Neulasta is always an issue for me on the weekend after I get it. I got my fourth and final A/C course yesterday and will be getting that blasted Neulasta shot this afternoon. I've got four courses of Taxotere to go, plus a year of Herceptin. I'm hoping these will both be easier than the A/C. But I'm dreading the next two weeks, considering how hard A/C #3 was. It is what it is, though, and I just do my best to keep going. I have to give you kudos for managing to work through it! I have the luxury of being able to stay home and I cannot imagine having to get up and work 8 hrs when I can barely manage to move!
I'm amazed at what your client said! Like you said, makes me feel sorry for her. But then, we all think we know what we'd do in a situation like this BEFORE we're actually in it. I used to think I was a terribly weak person. I just didn't know how I would hold up in any real crisis. Then my sister was dx'd with stage IV lung cancer. She lost that fight within a few months. She lived in TX and I'm in IN, so I could not be there with her through the entire fight. I did go down and spend time with her, though, and I was so scared that I'd just fall apart. But I didn't. I did whatever she needed me to do, including changing the dressing on her pic line, administering her meds, advocating for her with Dr.'s and nurses when she was admitted to the hospital because she was anemic. I learned through that journey that I was much stronger than I ever realized. I also learned to lean on and trust God. The point is, now that I am the cancer patient, I know that I can do this. I am strong enough not to let it tear me down. You are too, I think. Most of us are. I would hope that if your client was ever in our situation she, too, would realize that she's strong enough to fight this monster.
Wow, sorry for the length of this post. Guess I'm feeling chatty! LOL
Just know you can beat this thing. You're a strong warrior! And don't let anything anyone else says ever bring you down. They don't know what they'd do until they're here themselves.
God bless you!
Jenn0 -
i had my A/C treatment lastwinsomebulldog said:My third A/C hit me hard,
My third A/C hit me hard, too. I was wiped out pretty much the entire time. And the Neulasta is always an issue for me on the weekend after I get it. I got my fourth and final A/C course yesterday and will be getting that blasted Neulasta shot this afternoon. I've got four courses of Taxotere to go, plus a year of Herceptin. I'm hoping these will both be easier than the A/C. But I'm dreading the next two weeks, considering how hard A/C #3 was. It is what it is, though, and I just do my best to keep going. I have to give you kudos for managing to work through it! I have the luxury of being able to stay home and I cannot imagine having to get up and work 8 hrs when I can barely manage to move!
I'm amazed at what your client said! Like you said, makes me feel sorry for her. But then, we all think we know what we'd do in a situation like this BEFORE we're actually in it. I used to think I was a terribly weak person. I just didn't know how I would hold up in any real crisis. Then my sister was dx'd with stage IV lung cancer. She lost that fight within a few months. She lived in TX and I'm in IN, so I could not be there with her through the entire fight. I did go down and spend time with her, though, and I was so scared that I'd just fall apart. But I didn't. I did whatever she needed me to do, including changing the dressing on her pic line, administering her meds, advocating for her with Dr.'s and nurses when she was admitted to the hospital because she was anemic. I learned through that journey that I was much stronger than I ever realized. I also learned to lean on and trust God. The point is, now that I am the cancer patient, I know that I can do this. I am strong enough not to let it tear me down. You are too, I think. Most of us are. I would hope that if your client was ever in our situation she, too, would realize that she's strong enough to fight this monster.
Wow, sorry for the length of this post. Guess I'm feeling chatty! LOL
Just know you can beat this thing. You're a strong warrior! And don't let anything anyone else says ever bring you down. They don't know what they'd do until they're here themselves.
God bless you!
i had my A/C treatment last Tuesday, and i still feel bad. I had some diarreah, and mostly my right side hurts a lot, i hate the stomach cramping. Luckily, i am on disability, although sometimes i wish i had kept my job0 -
A person not going through
A person not going through this really has no idea what they would do. We have all given advise to others before, but now it comes from a different place. I think that no one knows how they will really deal with until they are faced with it. My angle is humor, because we have all been told laughter is the best medicine.
I am sorry that you are achy, my last treatment did something like that to me, so with my next one tomorrow, the DR is also giving me Predinsone, he said it sould help the aches. We will see. Good luck, and hugs to you.
Patti0 -
How in the world you
How in the world you are going through this and working amazes me. All of you who are working AND going through chemo are really an inspiration. AC is a butt-kicker, that's for sure. It was harder on me than the Taxotere has been, but then the T has it's own fun little side effects...you are getting through it though!!
I think alot of people have no tact when it comes to talking with people who are dealing with things like cancer. Obviously your customer was one of them!
We went out Sunday night for my birthday. About 6 or 7 of my friends came out, and we were all sitting outside, listening to the bands, enjoying the weather, i even had 2 drinks. So my best friend and her husband got there. Sit down, she asks me how i'm feeling, I told her i was feeling good, just a little tired. "Yeah, you look tired" she tells me...Crapped on the whole rest of my night! Some people just don't get it
Heather0 -
Carrie .. How you are holding down a full time job is beyondHeatherbelle said:Carrie-
How in the world you
How in the world you are going through this and working amazes me. All of you who are working AND going through chemo are really an inspiration. AC is a butt-kicker, that's for sure. It was harder on me than the Taxotere has been, but then the T has it's own fun little side effects...you are getting through it though!!
I think alot of people have no tact when it comes to talking with people who are dealing with things like cancer. Obviously your customer was one of them!
We went out Sunday night for my birthday. About 6 or 7 of my friends came out, and we were all sitting outside, listening to the bands, enjoying the weather, i even had 2 drinks. So my best friend and her husband got there. Sit down, she asks me how i'm feeling, I told her i was feeling good, just a little tired. "Yeah, you look tired" she tells me...Crapped on the whole rest of my night! Some people just don't get it
me. Secondly, to have an aquiantance make such a statement, makes me angry - you are fighting a BEAST that takes 1 women's life - every 69 seconds! People are cruel, without thinking about it.
Shake it off, and get your SASS back, girl! ---Living or dying ... hummmm, I know, I chose to live :-) What a bimbo, dumb bitccccccch
TCH, rounds 3, 4, 5 and 6 killed me ... could not work, so I give you KUDOS and offer you strength and prayers.
Vicki Sam0 -
"Kids Say the Darndest Things"? Ok, maybe I'm showing my age. But anyway I think that's how adults act sometimes when they "discover" we have had/have cancer. It's tempting to reply with a snarky remark but really why bother?
Like you, I have been trying to work through this as much as I can. This Friday will be my first day actually back in the office in a couple of weeks. When my co-workers found out several of them said "Oh, you're fine now?" So tempting to respond... The truth is that I will be going back because the doctors have discontinued my treatment because it was causing more physical illnesses/conditions than I had before! Would someone that hasn't gone through what we face understand that? I think the answer is probably very few would.
I truly believe that people are good and well-meaning even if they are misguided sometimes. Carrie, I think that it is very possible that your client's remark was really her trying to tell you that she would not be as strong as you after all she said she would have killed herself. Try to take it as a compliment. You are strong.
Hang in there and keep the faith!
Michele0 -
PeopleVickiSam said:Carrie .. How you are holding down a full time job is beyond
me. Secondly, to have an aquiantance make such a statement, makes me angry - you are fighting a BEAST that takes 1 women's life - every 69 seconds! People are cruel, without thinking about it.
Shake it off, and get your SASS back, girl! ---Living or dying ... hummmm, I know, I chose to live :-) What a bimbo, dumb bitccccccch
TCH, rounds 3, 4, 5 and 6 killed me ... could not work, so I give you KUDOS and offer you strength and prayers.
Vicki Sam
say stupid stuff.
I had to update my medical records at the dentist and the receptionist read it, said, oh, my, cancer, how awful, and I thought I was gonna get a butt load of sympathy (it was a bad day and I was sorta in the mood for some:). Nope. She proceeded to tell me in great detail about her dog's cancer and impending leg amputation.
I think you rock -- look at you, working and posting to us and trying to be a real person going through a tough time. You go!!!
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