Liposarcoma on the left thigh
spindle cell sarcomawindcrest84 said:liposarcoma
I also had an extremely large liposarcoma removed from my left thigh in May, 2006. My doctor at Yale, Dr. Dieter Lindskog, who is amazing, did not recommend any follow up treatments of radiation or chemo. However he did alert me that these types of tumors have a chance of recurring and required that I have an MRI every 6 months. Now 4 years later I have another tumor in the same area. This tumor is much smaller in size and I still cant feel it but it is noticeable on the MRI. I am having it removed next week in an outpatient setting. I do not know what the follow ups will consist of yet but I will do another post once I do.
I have had a spindle cell sarcoma removed from my left thigh three times over the last six years. I have been through chemo, radiation and brachy therapy (not sure how to spell brachy). Spindle cell sarcomas like to move to the lungs, so I get CT scans there. We are currently moving away from the CT scans, and will continue with xrays. I return every four months for check ups. My next on is this week. Good luck to you.0 -
liposarcomaBeesley said:I just read your post and am wondering about your status. I had a large (20 cm x 10.5 cm x 5 cm) well-differentiated liposarcoma removed from my right thigh in August 2007. My orthopedic oncologist said that neither radiation nor chemotherapy were indicated with this type of sarcoma. He performed a wide excision, removing all of my rectus femoris as well of some tissue from other neighboring muscles. While losing so much muscle certainly has affected my mobility and function, I am thrilled to still have my life - and my leg - to boot! I wish you the very best and look forward to hearing from you.
Your case is similar to mine; I too had neither radiation nor chemotherapy and that was 38 years ago...i have a wide incision/scar...but that's ok with me...I stillhave my leg and ME!0 -
newly diagnosed - Liposarcomatishbeck said:spindle cell sarcoma
I have had a spindle cell sarcoma removed from my left thigh three times over the last six years. I have been through chemo, radiation and brachy therapy (not sure how to spell brachy). Spindle cell sarcomas like to move to the lungs, so I get CT scans there. We are currently moving away from the CT scans, and will continue with xrays. I return every four months for check ups. My next on is this week. Good luck to you.
I was diagnosed 2 weeks ago through a MRI. I have no insurance and been job hunting since I graduated from college May 2009. I haven't had a biopsy yet to confirm anything yet. The reason for that is probably the no insurance thing. So if anyone has any tips on finding financial assistance or a program I can apply for I would greatly appreciate it. I feel so lost right now on what to do or what I should be feeling right now. Any help would be appreciated!! Thanks.0 -
Liposarcomareneesings said:Yiannis,
I am a survivor of Liposarcoma (myxoid) of the left thigh as well.
Chemo is not a recommended therapy for this particular kind of cancer - it does not seem to effect the cancer. I am so sorry that your doctors did not know this.
I was mis-diagnosed the first time - the doctor told me it was a fat tumor. After my first surgery - he had the gall to walk to the waiting room and apologize to my mother (he had cut the major nerve running from my hip to my knee - I no longer have any feeling)... The one good thing he did was put in touch with a Liposarcoma specialist. Dr. W. Earl Brien. He is now at Cedars Sinai in Los Angeles. Dr. Brien is the best there is. He also sent me to the radiation therapist that he said he would go to himself. Dr. Brien informed me that chemo does not seem to work with liposarcoma, and that a very intense dose of radiation will work - I was stage 3 at the time. I had a second surgery and then went to radiation (only after the staples were removed and I could walk again - they removed 60% of my muscle).
I went through 8 weeks of radiation. Radiation does not feel bad at first. It will likely, after time, feel like a sunburn. You MUST take care of your skin, especially if you are fair. It makes you very tired physically, but I would recommend it on my own life. I would rather feel the pain of the sunburn and the exhaustion than the fear of losing my life.
Please also ask your oncologist or doctor about the chances of getting lymphedema and what to look for and how to prevent it from happening.
I have been cancer-free for 4 years and counting.
If I can help in any way, please let me know.
My mom was diagnosed with having a fatty mass in the right thigh. Later to find out that it was Myxoid Liposarcoma. After that we were referred to two doctors that were supposely formilar with this rare cancer. Ends up that we started this ordeal end of January 2010 an did not get her first round of chemo ifosifomide until March 30, 2010. Orginally it was suppose to be March 23, 2010 the doctor went on vacation and forgot to order the treatment at the hospital so they sent my mom back home. After two session of this chemo the doctor comes to the family and say that he talked to the doctor from IU Hospital and they feel chemo will not work and there is nothing else they feel will work. My mom currently has atleast 9-12 tumors now on her body and they refuse to do or try any other treatment. She just turned 56 and has no insurance I feel this is why they truly are not trying to help her. The first day of chemo the doctor told the family if it did not work he had other option the next day there were no options other than making her comfortable until she die.
Any direction would be helpful0 -
HelpLissa N Texas said:newly diagnosed - Liposarcoma
I was diagnosed 2 weeks ago through a MRI. I have no insurance and been job hunting since I graduated from college May 2009. I haven't had a biopsy yet to confirm anything yet. The reason for that is probably the no insurance thing. So if anyone has any tips on finding financial assistance or a program I can apply for I would greatly appreciate it. I feel so lost right now on what to do or what I should be feeling right now. Any help would be appreciated!! Thanks.
If you find out of any type of assistance for this type of cancer please forwarded the info to me at My mom does not have good insurance and because of that we are having a hard time finding a doctor that specialize in Liposarcoma to take her as a patient.
Thanks0 -
helpcbalfour said:Help
If you find out of any type of assistance for this type of cancer please forwarded the info to me at My mom does not have good insurance and because of that we are having a hard time finding a doctor that specialize in Liposarcoma to take her as a patient.
md anderson in houston has a sarcoma center. i'm trying to get my county's indigent health card so i can get a county doctor to refer me so i can get on their assistance program. you might call them and see if her insurance will do her any good there if not ask them what should you do next. also call the patient advocate foundation. they help find what's in your area for help. it just depends on your area. call 800-532-5274. american cancer society gave me alot of things to check out too. call them. they are very helpful0 -
lipo helpLissa N Texas said:newly diagnosed - Liposarcoma
I was diagnosed 2 weeks ago through a MRI. I have no insurance and been job hunting since I graduated from college May 2009. I haven't had a biopsy yet to confirm anything yet. The reason for that is probably the no insurance thing. So if anyone has any tips on finding financial assistance or a program I can apply for I would greatly appreciate it. I feel so lost right now on what to do or what I should be feeling right now. Any help would be appreciated!! Thanks.
My husband has been dealing with liposarcoma for 11 years. If you are in Texas I cannot stress how highly we recommend MD Anderson's Sarcoma Center. I hope you can work out the insurance issue.
Another resource I recommend is ACOR: You should be able to get information from the "lipo group", from folks who have this specific cancer and have explored treatment options. They may have experience in the lack of insurance issue.
FYI: my husband has had surgeries, radiation, and chemo. We think they have been effective (at least in our case they seem to be). Educate yourself on this subject as much as you can. Good luck getting in to MD Anderson, we really appreciate their care!
Best of luck Lissa.0 -
UPDATE :Overcomer09 said:Update ??
I just read your post and was wondering how you are doing today ? I'm so sorry to read about the cancer you had .
I was diagnosed with myxoid lipo sarcoma on my left thigh in July 08 .
Mine was low grade , slow growing type .
I had biopsy then surgery for 12 cm length x 4 cm transverse and approx. 5 cm in AP dimension , tumor at Wake Forest Baptist Hospital in NC. in August 08.
I was told then I wouldn't need any Radiation Treatments .
I had a small lipo tumor removed from my left elbo in Sept. It was just a fatty tumor.
I was then told I should already be on Radiation Treatments for the leg .
Dr. Wilson thought I was already getting them . I must've missed something here along the way since I'm the pateint and they are the medical personal in charge . Hello !!!
I began my first of 35 Treatments in late December 08 after going all this time , thinking I was ok and wouldn't need it .
I am doing good except for the 12 inch scar and fear of damage due to these Radiation Treatments now .
I pray you are ok and for all the posts I read on here about cancer .
It's a horrible invasive disease that destrys and disfigures and takes lives like no other . We need a cure for this disease or find the cause and prevention .
I did good with Radiation and was feeling great for a few months .
I was blessed to be able to travel to Europe for 14 days in June of 09 .
It was all I could do to make the trip there and keep up with the group .
I notice I have started going down hill again . Fatigued and not feeling well most of the time . I had some severe side effects to Ambein and other drugs ordered by my DR. for Firbromyelgia . I have all but stop driving except when I have to go out .
Then I was putting on face cream one morning and notice I have a swelling in my left cheek of my face .
I've had CT scan with nothing showing . I had MRI of the face and scull which shows a brain tumor pressing on the Pons on right side on my brain .
Then I notice the swelling and tenderness was back in my elbo where the first benign tumor was removed only this time it is a little into the bend of my left elbo . X-ray shows a fullness there now . I have not gotten the results of a recent MRI done on that .
I went to see a Neurologists at Wake Forest Uni. He thinks I may have had the brain tumor for years but will wait 5 weeks to see if theres any growth , that will tell him if it is benign or a mastisis of the other tumors I had .
I was told I may need Gama Knife Surgery if the tumor is not cancer .
I am now waiting to see Dr. Ellis the first of Sept. again , about his recommendation for removal of brain tumor .
I am told the swelling in my elbo and face is probably from spread of the benign tumor .
As of right now no one seems to know who to send me to for the facial cheek swelling .
It is not painful but my face feels numb and tingles, kinda frozen in the upper region . I am told that the face swelling has nothing to do with the brain tumor .
Right now I am strickly walking by my faith in GOD !! I refuse to ponder or worry over this . Will give you updates as I get them myself .0 -
Hello1soonerfan said:HELP
I certainly can sympathise with you and understand and am myself going through another reacuurance of this type tumor/cancer . You can read my post to get more info .
GBY praying all goes well for you .0 -
Hello Overcomer09Overcomer09 said:UPDATE :
I did good with Radiation and was feeling great for a few months .
I was blessed to be able to travel to Europe for 14 days in June of 09 .
It was all I could do to make the trip there and keep up with the group .
I notice I have started going down hill again . Fatigued and not feeling well most of the time . I had some severe side effects to Ambein and other drugs ordered by my DR. for Firbromyelgia . I have all but stop driving except when I have to go out .
Then I was putting on face cream one morning and notice I have a swelling in my left cheek of my face .
I've had CT scan with nothing showing . I had MRI of the face and scull which shows a brain tumor pressing on the Pons on right side on my brain .
Then I notice the swelling and tenderness was back in my elbo where the first benign tumor was removed only this time it is a little into the bend of my left elbo . X-ray shows a fullness there now . I have not gotten the results of a recent MRI done on that .
I went to see a Neurologists at Wake Forest Uni. He thinks I may have had the brain tumor for years but will wait 5 weeks to see if theres any growth , that will tell him if it is benign or a mastisis of the other tumors I had .
I was told I may need Gama Knife Surgery if the tumor is not cancer .
I am now waiting to see Dr. Ellis the first of Sept. again , about his recommendation for removal of brain tumor .
I am told the swelling in my elbo and face is probably from spread of the benign tumor .
As of right now no one seems to know who to send me to for the facial cheek swelling .
It is not painful but my face feels numb and tingles, kinda frozen in the upper region . I am told that the face swelling has nothing to do with the brain tumor .
Right now I am strickly walking by my faith in GOD !! I refuse to ponder or worry over this . Will give you updates as I get them myself .
I hope that you are doing good; and overcoming your health challenges. I am a 56 yr old female who had been in extremely good health till I came face to face with sarcoma. I just want to share my sarcoma experience with you and the rest of the warriors on this site.
In 2003, I was diagnosed with a liposarcoma on my left upper tigh/abdominal area. It was a low grade, but the size of a well depeloped fetus. This tumor was resting in the cavity between my stomach and the hip bone. It was also well attached to my leg arteries, muscles and nerves. I had just lost my job so I had no medical coverage. I mention this because the quality of the medical care you can receive and the outcome has alot to do with it. I was able to get medical intervention after so much stress and anger building up in me; since you dont want to die, but seems like no one out there really cares (hospitals/doctors) if you dont have enough money to pay. My tumor was removed, incision ran from my upper thigh up to my waistline, then turn left to my back. 3 weeks after surgery I had to be admitted back into hospital since my incision was totally infected. It was left open to drain for a couple of weeks. It was turning black (tissue dying)they had to put me on the wound vac (one of the most painful experience)for 6 weeks. I also had to have wound care 3 times a week for 3 months. I developed lymphedema, nerve damage just from the surgery. It took me almost a whole year to be able to walk without assistance. No surgery or chemo given. The sarcoma came back in 2006 on the same area. I had surgery to remove it. An inch of my main artery had to be removed and replaced with a synthetic. I pretty much dont have any muscle left on my upper thigh. The doctor could not close me up since there was not enough of me on that area to do so. I had to have an incision in the middle of my upper body; from my upper pelvic are up to below my breast bone. That was for the doctor to remove a long flap of not just skin, but tissue and blood vessels to patch me up on my left upper thigh and pelvic area. This time I was given radiation and chemo (Adriamycin/Doxorubycin). I have really bad nerve damage/pain with numbness not just on the side of my surgeries but all throughout my body. I get feelings of extreme heat, tingling, including on one side of my face. I have chronic body pain (fibromyalgia). Last August, I had to have a total hip replacement on the side where I had the cancer and radiation; since my bone was just collapsing/necrosis. I hace constant problems with my urinary tract system. Due to that I just had an ultrasound done which shows that my kidneys and bladder are fine; but the US did detect a defined oval image adjacent to my spleen which could suggest a mass. I was sent to get a CT of my abdomen, my appt is not until 3 weeks from now. My whole self has been a mess, I cried, got angry, got sad, I am still like in a robotic state. I keep telling myself it could be nothing, but then again, the ulstrasound shows an image of something where there should be nothing.....I have alot of faith, and I know that God will not allow me to go through anything big by myself.
If I can help with any questions, or if you or anyone just feels like sharing feelings, etc. feel free please. I wish the best to you and everyone else reading my experience with liposarcoma. May God walk you through your journey and your experience with less to no pain pysically and spiritually.0 -
HEYSpirit2010 said:Hello Overcomer09
I hope that you are doing good; and overcoming your health challenges. I am a 56 yr old female who had been in extremely good health till I came face to face with sarcoma. I just want to share my sarcoma experience with you and the rest of the warriors on this site.
In 2003, I was diagnosed with a liposarcoma on my left upper tigh/abdominal area. It was a low grade, but the size of a well depeloped fetus. This tumor was resting in the cavity between my stomach and the hip bone. It was also well attached to my leg arteries, muscles and nerves. I had just lost my job so I had no medical coverage. I mention this because the quality of the medical care you can receive and the outcome has alot to do with it. I was able to get medical intervention after so much stress and anger building up in me; since you dont want to die, but seems like no one out there really cares (hospitals/doctors) if you dont have enough money to pay. My tumor was removed, incision ran from my upper thigh up to my waistline, then turn left to my back. 3 weeks after surgery I had to be admitted back into hospital since my incision was totally infected. It was left open to drain for a couple of weeks. It was turning black (tissue dying)they had to put me on the wound vac (one of the most painful experience)for 6 weeks. I also had to have wound care 3 times a week for 3 months. I developed lymphedema, nerve damage just from the surgery. It took me almost a whole year to be able to walk without assistance. No surgery or chemo given. The sarcoma came back in 2006 on the same area. I had surgery to remove it. An inch of my main artery had to be removed and replaced with a synthetic. I pretty much dont have any muscle left on my upper thigh. The doctor could not close me up since there was not enough of me on that area to do so. I had to have an incision in the middle of my upper body; from my upper pelvic are up to below my breast bone. That was for the doctor to remove a long flap of not just skin, but tissue and blood vessels to patch me up on my left upper thigh and pelvic area. This time I was given radiation and chemo (Adriamycin/Doxorubycin). I have really bad nerve damage/pain with numbness not just on the side of my surgeries but all throughout my body. I get feelings of extreme heat, tingling, including on one side of my face. I have chronic body pain (fibromyalgia). Last August, I had to have a total hip replacement on the side where I had the cancer and radiation; since my bone was just collapsing/necrosis. I hace constant problems with my urinary tract system. Due to that I just had an ultrasound done which shows that my kidneys and bladder are fine; but the US did detect a defined oval image adjacent to my spleen which could suggest a mass. I was sent to get a CT of my abdomen, my appt is not until 3 weeks from now. My whole self has been a mess, I cried, got angry, got sad, I am still like in a robotic state. I keep telling myself it could be nothing, but then again, the ulstrasound shows an image of something where there should be nothing.....I have alot of faith, and I know that God will not allow me to go through anything big by myself.
If I can help with any questions, or if you or anyone just feels like sharing feelings, etc. feel free please. I wish the best to you and everyone else reading my experience with liposarcoma. May God walk you through your journey and your experience with less to no pain pysically and spiritually.
I'm so sorry to hear about all your sufferings and the lack of compassion and medical care . I had insurance but it only paid 80% of my radiation treatments .
I know the feeling of fustration .
My left cheek is almost twice the size of my right and no one seems to know what to do about it . It is affecting my eye and vision also . I had a CT Scan and it shows nothing , therefore they say it is nothing !!
The brain tumor has nothing to do with this because it is on the right side .
They ignoring the swelling and loss of feeling in my face .
I'm being treated for fibromyelgia and I also was told I have anklosing sponylitus .
Just keep the faith in GOD because doctors are only flesh and blood human beings and can do so much . God can do miracles and I have seen them done . We need one now . GBY0 -
I have a MLS and am thinking about not doing chemoonhold said:lipo help
My husband has been dealing with liposarcoma for 11 years. If you are in Texas I cannot stress how highly we recommend MD Anderson's Sarcoma Center. I hope you can work out the insurance issue.
Another resource I recommend is ACOR: You should be able to get information from the "lipo group", from folks who have this specific cancer and have explored treatment options. They may have experience in the lack of insurance issue.
FYI: my husband has had surgeries, radiation, and chemo. We think they have been effective (at least in our case they seem to be). Educate yourself on this subject as much as you can. Good luck getting in to MD Anderson, we really appreciate their care!
Best of luck Lissa.
Hello everyone,
I am the mother of a 5 month old baby boy and have been diagnosed with a MLS in the back of my right calf, right below the back of my knee. I am just about to finish 25 treatments of radiation and will have surgery with wide margins about a month from now. The MD's want to have me do two to two and a half months of in-patient chemo four days out of seven. I have been doing research on this type of cancer (I have a doctorate) and I am finding that chemo is not thought to be helpful in this situation. What is the experience of any or all of you? I am very glad to have found this website. Thanks!0 -
How are you doing?Overcomer09 said:HEY
I'm so sorry to hear about all your sufferings and the lack of compassion and medical care . I had insurance but it only paid 80% of my radiation treatments .
I know the feeling of fustration .
My left cheek is almost twice the size of my right and no one seems to know what to do about it . It is affecting my eye and vision also . I had a CT Scan and it shows nothing , therefore they say it is nothing !!
The brain tumor has nothing to do with this because it is on the right side .
They ignoring the swelling and loss of feeling in my face .
I'm being treated for fibromyelgia and I also was told I have anklosing sponylitus .
Just keep the faith in GOD because doctors are only flesh and blood human beings and can do so much . God can do miracles and I have seen them done . We need one now . GBY
I hope you are doing well considering our situations. I have numbness, tingling and heat sensations all throught my body including my face. They did the CT of my brain but it came out normal. They also did a CT of my abdomen and pelvic area. The mass that had shown in the previous ultrasound next to the spleen IS NOT THERE? That is a great thing thank God, but it makes me wonder how wrong can these tests may diagnose sometimes? They did find 2 rib fractures? I havent fallen or hurt they are doing a full bone scan to check for osteoporosis and to see why I have those fractures. Again, it could be damage from the chemo. I now feel that the severe pain I had been having which they had told me it was a kidney stone; it was really more from the rib fractures. They also found two 5mm nodules on the lower right lobe of my lung. They recommended to have another CT done in 3 months to see if they are growing. They told me right now they were too small to characterize. I do have really bad chronic pain in my body; but I am alive and I focus on that every single day! I hope you are feeling betterI also believe there is such a thing as miracles, God has the last word on everything! Let hang in there....God is not ready for us yet. You stay Blessed Always, Carmen
0 -
liposarcomamelanie45229 said:I have a MLS and am thinking about not doing chemo
Hello everyone,
I am the mother of a 5 month old baby boy and have been diagnosed with a MLS in the back of my right calf, right below the back of my knee. I am just about to finish 25 treatments of radiation and will have surgery with wide margins about a month from now. The MD's want to have me do two to two and a half months of in-patient chemo four days out of seven. I have been doing research on this type of cancer (I have a doctorate) and I am finding that chemo is not thought to be helpful in this situation. What is the experience of any or all of you? I am very glad to have found this website. Thanks!
Hi melanie45229,
I was treated for a liposarcoma of the right deltoid muscle this past winter, and would ask if the doctors you are seeing are experts in sarcoma? If not, you need to make a change to an oncologist who specializes in this area. I have learned that oncologists who do not specialize in sarcomas do not have the requisite knowledge to treat them, and will often recommend chemo which as you note is often not indicated. Please get a 2nd opinion.0 -
Need good advice on Lipoma vs. LiposarcomaGini61 said:Lipoma or Liposarcoma
Hello, its been very informative to read everyones postings. I havent yet been diagnosed with Liposarcoma, am still waiting for my appointment with my surgeon following an MRI. Its now been 2 weeks since my surgeon suspected a sarcoma and cancelled my surgery originally diagnosed as a lipoma, its been nerve racking!! Initially I was terrified, somehow now I am almost prepared.
It is located on my left upper thigh and I am very worried if its a sarcoma how this will affect my mobility and function. I have read they do quite a wide excision of healthy tissue. Also very concerned about the long term effects of radiation. I know I am definately going to refuse chemo.
I wish you all well! Good luck everyone.
Hello,this is a very informative site. I am an almost 34 year old female and a mother of 4 small children. I discovered a small lump inside my right thigh 2 month ago that was almost pea size and now it is the size of a large grape. I went to see a doctor who said he wasn't sure if it was a lipoma or a cyst. He sent me to get an ultrasound done and I was not satisfied with the doctor doing it because it was a rush job. He only took me because my insurance is undergoing changes and before he even did the ultrasound discussed surgery.He did the ultrasound and had me out of the office in less than 5 min. I had to ask him why he wasn't yet giving me the ultrasound. He told me it was just a lipoma, but if it got bigger he needed to take it out. Should I have any other tests done? From what I read, MRIs are necessary and an ultrasound machine should be present during the removal of such a growth. My husband is military and we live overseas and the doctors told me that they can just remove it in the office and I think this is wrong. What type of doctor should do this? A general surgeon an orthopedic oncologist? Is there a size at which only they take it out on? I have no pain with this growth, but am concerned if it continues to grow at the rate it has, I may let it go to far. The military docs encourage me to remove it though even though they think it is just a lipoma and biopsy it, but from what I read..if it turns out otherwise then I may have some major issues after with re-removal. Also, this doc said that you can tell right away on an ultrasound by the way it looks if it is a lipoma or liposarcoma. Is this true? Please, any good advice is very much needed. The military system for spouses tends to look for the cheapeast way to rectify any problem and I am the whole world to my 4 small children whose dad is always deployed. Please offer me any useful advise on these questions. Thank you.0 -
Sarcoma expertsmelanie45229 said:I have a MLS and am thinking about not doing chemo
Hello everyone,
I am the mother of a 5 month old baby boy and have been diagnosed with a MLS in the back of my right calf, right below the back of my knee. I am just about to finish 25 treatments of radiation and will have surgery with wide margins about a month from now. The MD's want to have me do two to two and a half months of in-patient chemo four days out of seven. I have been doing research on this type of cancer (I have a doctorate) and I am finding that chemo is not thought to be helpful in this situation. What is the experience of any or all of you? I am very glad to have found this website. Thanks!
I agree with the last post. When I went to an Oncologist that was not a specialist in Sarcoma she told me to do 18 weeks of chemo. But when I went to an Oncologist which specialized in Sarcoma she advised me not to do chemo at this time. I think it is always a good idea to get 2 opinions.0 -
radiation after surgery
My husband was diagnosed with a pleomorphic differentiated sarcoma tumor in his gluteus maximus muscle. His surgery removed the tumor and whole muscle. He had 34 radiation treatments after healing from the surgery. No chemo. He got along quite well with the radiation. Only during the last two weeks and a couple of weeks afterward did he experience the "sunburn" and fatigue. His sarcoma came back in his lungs a year later, but not at the surgical site. Good luck.0 -
4Wade4Us4Wade4Us said:radiation after surgery
My husband was diagnosed with a pleomorphic differentiated sarcoma tumor in his gluteus maximus muscle. His surgery removed the tumor and whole muscle. He had 34 radiation treatments after healing from the surgery. No chemo. He got along quite well with the radiation. Only during the last two weeks and a couple of weeks afterward did he experience the "sunburn" and fatigue. His sarcoma came back in his lungs a year later, but not at the surgical site. Good luck.
I had essentially the same type of cancer. They had to remove my entire rectus femorus muscle in my left thigh (the large front muscle) along with the tumor. I had daily radiation for 6 weeks and am now doing fine! The reason they don't use chemo in these types of cancers is because, even with the big guns, this cancer is super resistant so it's not effective.
My oncologist had MRI's done of my leg every 6 months and CT's of my lungs every 3 months for the first 2 years. Now I only have to go in every 4 months for these tests. I know this type of cancer matastisizes to the lungs, which is why he's being so thorough with those scans.
Please let us know how your husband is doing.0 -
Dear, First of all I pray for your health. My mother is being infected with the same liposorcoma in the left thigh, we have been advised to operate her, we did the same and did post op chemio 4 cycles that badly effected her health, she is now 61 years old. After chemio we did ct and MRI and all reports were clear, after exact 2 months we have found a similar cist just some centimeters away but in between under legs where operation was not called at start and asked to do radiation, we did but still after that liposorcoma remains there with burned skin. Than we have been asked to operate it, we did it second time. Now Pet scan report after operation's 2 months later shows the last both places where operation held still have disease in there, also a small nodule showed there, we are now asked to do chemio again but we are really confused and worried. After second operation blood veins were not healed the way it should be and blood got thicker, now we are working on stabilizing the PTT NRI of her blood. After that we will go for chemio.
Liposorcoma as far as my research says we have to operate this every time it gets appear any where. Radiation and chemio just slows down its nature of being malignant, its not the cure. If your doc is asking for post op radiation than you can give it a try, wish you health and good luck. If you need to contact me further, you can email me at
Hamza0 -
My mother has gone through this same scenario, please consult specialist oncologist for this, because lipsorcoma if got cutted or removed, it become malignant and expand.turner4 said:Need good advice on Lipoma vs. Liposarcoma
Hello,this is a very informative site. I am an almost 34 year old female and a mother of 4 small children. I discovered a small lump inside my right thigh 2 month ago that was almost pea size and now it is the size of a large grape. I went to see a doctor who said he wasn't sure if it was a lipoma or a cyst. He sent me to get an ultrasound done and I was not satisfied with the doctor doing it because it was a rush job. He only took me because my insurance is undergoing changes and before he even did the ultrasound discussed surgery.He did the ultrasound and had me out of the office in less than 5 min. I had to ask him why he wasn't yet giving me the ultrasound. He told me it was just a lipoma, but if it got bigger he needed to take it out. Should I have any other tests done? From what I read, MRIs are necessary and an ultrasound machine should be present during the removal of such a growth. My husband is military and we live overseas and the doctors told me that they can just remove it in the office and I think this is wrong. What type of doctor should do this? A general surgeon an orthopedic oncologist? Is there a size at which only they take it out on? I have no pain with this growth, but am concerned if it continues to grow at the rate it has, I may let it go to far. The military docs encourage me to remove it though even though they think it is just a lipoma and biopsy it, but from what I read..if it turns out otherwise then I may have some major issues after with re-removal. Also, this doc said that you can tell right away on an ultrasound by the way it looks if it is a lipoma or liposarcoma. Is this true? Please, any good advice is very much needed. The military system for spouses tends to look for the cheapeast way to rectify any problem and I am the whole world to my 4 small children whose dad is always deployed. Please offer me any useful advise on these questions. Thank you.
See my post to view my story, if you need any further information, you can contact me at hbn1984@gmail.com0
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