I really didn't need this (and I KNOW hubby didn't!)

leesag Member Posts: 621 Member
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
As if I'm not stressed enough over blood work on Monday and my first 3 month check up.... here is a brief synopsis of the last week.... (Not including work stresses)

**hubby has a bunionectomy on Friday 10/1 (Note: He is a diabetic who thinks that Snickers bars and Lemonheads are required food groups)

**hubby carries on all weekend about the pain (I expected this) but begins complaining louder as the weekend goes on

**hubby runs a fever sunday night, calls doctor, I pick up anti-biotics at 11p.m.

**hubby sees doctor on monday....all is well.....(or is it?) at any rate, at this point hubby is happy

**hubby sees doctor again on Wednesday and....wait for it..... foot is infected, is admitted to hospital for IV antibiotics. After I spend some time with him getting him settled....I leave the hospital and head out to the nearest minute clinic. Stuffy nose, sore throat, fever, sinus pressure, many colored mucus...you get the picture. Hello antibiotics for me!

**Thursday night, docs operate at 7:30 p.m. The wound is now open and requires wet/dry packing.

**Friday morning we learn his dad is having a stress test, and his stepmom is in hospital with kidney stones. (Note: as of Friday night, I have had about 35 hours of sleep since the first surgery.)

**Hubby is staying in hospital through the weekend.

(Did I mention that he is NOT a pleasant person to be around when he is sick? Seriously, I left the hospital in tears at least twice!)

And for the kicker: My ex husband is celebrating his fiftieth birthday. He AND his girlfriend call me because I'm dropping off my daughter for his party...they invite me to stop in for a bit. I really miss his mom and his sister, so I do...Everyone was wonderful, and I did get to see some of the friends that he got custody of in the divorce (14 years ago)...but... can you say AWWWWWKWARD?!!!

So... Im sitting here on Saturday night. I've done laundry, cleaned, changed out the kitty litter (I'm assuming that my immune system is no longer totally compromised. It needed to be done and no one was home) I am going to be late turning in two assignments for a class, I still have papers to grade, record, average and interim reports to write. All of which I shall put off until tomorrow. It's 1:54 a.m. and my feet are propped up, I'm loading Texas Hold 'Em on Facebook and drinking a glass of wine.


But as I'm sitting here, I put all of this into perspective. This week could have been so much worse. Hubby is recovering now, my antibiotics are working, I look really good with short hair (ex-husband may be ex, but I still don't want him thinking, "yuck, glad she's gone!";) And the best part? I'm sitting in my living room, with a bottle of wine and a glass on the coffee table, and the remote is ALLL MINE! Muhahahaha

Sorry this is so long, I needed to put it into writing I think, to see the individual stresses aren't really all that major (except for Ken's infected wound, but even that seems to responding well now). I also needed to regain my sense of humor!

Now, ladies, if any of you has actually bothered to read this very long and very whiny post. God Bless You! You must be REALLY bored tonight!

Hugs and Smiles!



  • softD
    softD Member Posts: 69
    a good read!
    Haha! Yes, I'm probably not that busy....unable to sleep actually...nothing new there!!
    It's very therapeutic to put your feeling down in writing sometimes, and I hope this is one of those times for you. Sounds as though you have a handle on it all now anyway,
    so good on you...keep posting!
    I do hope that you are feeling much better and the anitbiotics are working
    Take care
    love Carolyn xx

    p.s. I hope hubby is better too xx
  • kikz
    kikz Member Posts: 1,345 Member
    Stay strong
    Yet more proof that men are NOT the stronger sex.

  • Hissy_Fitz
    Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834
    I hope I'm not laughing at
    I hope I'm not laughing at your expense, Leesa. I can't help it. I can so identify with the whiney husband. Mine is on his death bed if he gets a cold. It is always the worst cold, ever....in the history of the world. Last Wednesday, however, he dropped me off at chemo because an old friend of his was in town and wanted to play golf. It's just chemo, right?

    Seriously...I think it's my own fault that he can be so off-handed about my health issues. I have really worked at making him less freaked out by all the "mechanics" that go along with being a Cancer patient. Eventually anything becomes common place, I guess. My grandson's colonostomy, as a newborn, was devistating for a couple of months, then we go used to it. Instead of changing diapers, we just changed bags. No big deal.
  • vj1
    vj1 Member Posts: 150

    I hope I'm not laughing at
    I hope I'm not laughing at your expense, Leesa. I can't help it. I can so identify with the whiney husband. Mine is on his death bed if he gets a cold. It is always the worst cold, ever....in the history of the world. Last Wednesday, however, he dropped me off at chemo because an old friend of his was in town and wanted to play golf. It's just chemo, right?

    Seriously...I think it's my own fault that he can be so off-handed about my health issues. I have really worked at making him less freaked out by all the "mechanics" that go along with being a Cancer patient. Eventually anything becomes common place, I guess. My grandson's colonostomy, as a newborn, was devistating for a couple of months, then we go used to it. Instead of changing diapers, we just changed bags. No big deal.

    Wow! Just unload, it is good for the soul! Keep your sense of humor and yes we all have
    whiny males; but would not change him for the world. Hope your week is better!
  • Mwee
    Mwee Member Posts: 1,338 Member
    Hugs and smiles right back at ya
    You never seem to lose your sense of humor! I can't wait for this three month checkup to be over for you.... they are so STRESSFUL! My husband is such a baby when anything happens to him. He'd tell you he's tough, but no.. we're tough, he's a whiner. Having wine ( not whine ) of my own right now and sending hugs along to you.
  • kayandok
    kayandok Member Posts: 1,202 Member
    I am sitting on my deck, relaxing after a crazy week end. I loved reading your post, knowing you might feel a bit better knowing you could put it into writing. It sure has helped me many times. Hope hubby is doing better. You are amazing.
  • clynn13
    clynn13 Member Posts: 21
    I, for the life of me dont
    I, for the life of me dont know how you managed all of that and still had time for yourself. Sounds like you have one hell of a great personality to go and meet up with the ex, go see the hubby, and find the time to do housework, AND to write this, AMAZING. I hope you and your husband are doing well at this time. clynn
  • Tina Brown
    Tina Brown Member Posts: 1,036 Member
    Ha ha
    I had to smile as I read your "diary" of events because sometimes things like that have happened to me and you have to take a minute to catch your breath and wonder "What an earth................. haven't I had enough sh**** heaped upon me?"

    Glad to hear everything worked out well in the end

    Tina xx