Let's bring some perspective to the Board

aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I was REALLY (Yes I know it's in caps) disappointed about the thread on
health care. Up until now, I really thought any person can come here, post
their thoughts and start a discussion. A discussion that stimulates thinking
and reveals other viewpoints than your own. And it is a given that not all
can agree on everything, but isn't that the beauty of a discussion board?
It's nice to have your feather's ruffled up once in a while.

I was amazed that given our diagnosis and knowing the difficult situations
that some find themselves in, there wasn't more empathy on this topic. I
would like to remind you that no one asked or deserves to have cancer. But
everyone deserves to be given a fighting chance.

What is it, we are too sick to care now? Is that our excuse? i personally don't
agree with that. I really hope that this post was not something that makes
people walk away from the board but rather a learning step towards how to
approach important topics, topics that concern us all. I realize this is not a
political discussion board but all of us are effected by this topic. And it
would give us a unique view on how everyone was treated by their insurance
companies. We are not discussing the next president here.

On a lighter note it is nice to have all those fluffier topics on here. I really
enjoy them and I really, really appreciate all the tips and care and treatments.
But I do think very highly of all of you and think we are capable of brainstorming
and exchanging ideas without having to aim below the belt.

Yours dearly very highly thinking you,


  • shy violet
    shy violet Member Posts: 167
    Open your windows...for the
    Open your windows...for the morning air shall be awash with angels
  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    Well said Ayse & so true
    Well said Ayse & so true :)
  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    Well said Ayse. As Shy
    Well said Ayse. As Shy Violet suggested, we do need some airing out. Ahhh, I can feel the breeze.
  • carriesoup
    carriesoup Member Posts: 144
    beautifully said, ayse.
    beautifully said, ayse. thank you for the breath of fresh air.


    carrie :)
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    15569...and about to go up any second!
    What is that series of numbers, you ask? Ok...so you didn't ask~ but I'm tellin' ya anyway! It is, at the time of this writing, the number of posts on this board! Not the boards total, but just the BC board! So, I don't know about any of you, but given that number of us posting, responding, I'd say the ups and downs we find here are miniscule! True, feathers get ruffled, some try and sell us on alternatives, or rope us into being part of a survey or a class assignment, but for the most part we are solid,empathetic, compassionate, smart, kick-a$$ women ( and a few men) who are being as brave as we can be in the face of...cancer.
    The anonymous nature of the boards and it being the internet and international in scope will attract any who want to be here. Those who try to get us to participate in something may simply not know that there is another ACS venue to address that type of participation. Some are indeed tying to sell us something and are sceptical of anything traditional and have a big agenda. Those I instantly flag and rest assured that they will not be on our boards long enough to do lasting harm.
    In the time I have been a part of the CSN family (2003) I have seen a few vindictive ones, lots of depressed and angry souls, and even, sad to say, a few imposters who messed with our sympathetic minds/hearts and truly wreaked havoc with us.

    So....15569+ and counting! I know why I am part of this family, andwhy I keep coming back to read, and share. 99.9% of you are my Kindred Spirits, and I value you and love you sight unseen. As I also know you do me.

    The tiny minority who upset our balance for a few days? They have more issues than BC to deal with, and in my opinion, they are to be pitied. But that's just me!

    I love you, sisters!

  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    chenheart said:

    15569...and about to go up any second!
    What is that series of numbers, you ask? Ok...so you didn't ask~ but I'm tellin' ya anyway! It is, at the time of this writing, the number of posts on this board! Not the boards total, but just the BC board! So, I don't know about any of you, but given that number of us posting, responding, I'd say the ups and downs we find here are miniscule! True, feathers get ruffled, some try and sell us on alternatives, or rope us into being part of a survey or a class assignment, but for the most part we are solid,empathetic, compassionate, smart, kick-a$$ women ( and a few men) who are being as brave as we can be in the face of...cancer.
    The anonymous nature of the boards and it being the internet and international in scope will attract any who want to be here. Those who try to get us to participate in something may simply not know that there is another ACS venue to address that type of participation. Some are indeed tying to sell us something and are sceptical of anything traditional and have a big agenda. Those I instantly flag and rest assured that they will not be on our boards long enough to do lasting harm.
    In the time I have been a part of the CSN family (2003) I have seen a few vindictive ones, lots of depressed and angry souls, and even, sad to say, a few imposters who messed with our sympathetic minds/hearts and truly wreaked havoc with us.

    So....15569+ and counting! I know why I am part of this family, andwhy I keep coming back to read, and share. 99.9% of you are my Kindred Spirits, and I value you and love you sight unseen. As I also know you do me.

    The tiny minority who upset our balance for a few days? They have more issues than BC to deal with, and in my opinion, they are to be pitied. But that's just me!

    I love you, sisters!


    Well Put
    My dear Chen that was well put. When put into perspective we are far more compassionate and caring then the reverse. Like any "family" there will be moments when things do not go smoothly, that does not mean we do not have respect for one another it just means we "had a moment" like all do so lets move on and be the oh so awesome group of Kindred Spirits we are!

  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    Yes, it was below the belt
    you said it well. I know I promised to let it go. Unfortunately, it was not "just the one person" ... Lack of compassion and open mind among many. I do not know why I have been so disturbed by that discussion, maybe because I tried to stop it or because I was the one who asked for empathy ...I guess I better eat cake now.

    New Flower
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    There will always be a
    There will always be a difference of opinion between people. The subject matter is strongly felt and most of us have experiences which help develop our opinion. We all have battle scars from dealing with cancer and other problems with life. I've read how to stop a flame war and the only way is to not post. No matter what.
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    Thanks, Ayse, for putting
    Thanks, Ayse, for putting into words what many of us are feeling. xoxoxoxo Lynn
  • shy violet
    shy violet Member Posts: 167
    Umm took my own advice and
    Umm took my own advice and opened the windows...forgot I live in Florida now and one needs to leave screen door closed...chasing frogs, lizards and mosquitos now...darn!!!
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    lynn1950 said:

    Thanks, Ayse, for putting
    Thanks, Ayse, for putting into words what many of us are feeling. xoxoxoxo Lynn

    I must of missed something - oh well, I find it best not
    to dwell on the negative, and push for the positive. I also encourge freedom speech - regardless of grammer, or mispelling. Caps for me, do not get hot and bother. If a subject is too much, or I don't share the same opinion of the writer -- I browse to another topic ..

    -- What gets me hot and bothered is the fact that every 69 SECONDS 1 women will die from breast cancer - 10/17/10 - Susan G. Komen --

    We are ALL WARRIORS fighting a battle, 1 day at a time, 1 step at a time. We are connected by this absolutely wonderful FORUM - here ACS.... 15,583 topics/posting strong...

    Vicki Sam
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member

    Umm took my own advice and
    Umm took my own advice and opened the windows...forgot I live in Florida now and one needs to leave screen door closed...chasing frogs, lizards and mosquitos now...darn!!!

    Reptiles, amphibians

    Reptiles, amphibians and insects oh my. Sounds like a twisted line from Wizard of Oz. Well, get a broom and chase them out. Maybe even cackle as you do and say I'll get you too my pretty. Are they really a problem in Florida? I always think gators when I think of wht would be a problem in Florida and then only if you lived close to water. But it is a tropical climate so what was I thinking. LOL
  • shy violet
    shy violet Member Posts: 167
    fauxma said:

    Reptiles, amphibians

    Reptiles, amphibians and insects oh my. Sounds like a twisted line from Wizard of Oz. Well, get a broom and chase them out. Maybe even cackle as you do and say I'll get you too my pretty. Are they really a problem in Florida? I always think gators when I think of wht would be a problem in Florida and then only if you lived close to water. But it is a tropical climate so what was I thinking. LOL

    lol stef, you sound so me
    lol stef, you sound so me when I first moved here from california...aha you just gave me an idea for a new thread...love, shy
    ps I kindly omitted the arachnids from this post... : O
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member

    lol stef, you sound so me
    lol stef, you sound so me when I first moved here from california...aha you just gave me an idea for a new thread...love, shy
    ps I kindly omitted the arachnids from this post... : O

    I wondered where they were.
    I wondered where they were. We have lots of those in Alameda. Little Charlottes mostly, thank goodness. And we have lots of squirrels that love to sit outside our bedroom window and drive the cats crazy.