after chemo - scans and scared



  • laurissa
    laurissa Member Posts: 773
    Hey Heather
    I remember back in January after my last chemo and being nervous about my upcoming petscan. I worried for nothing, all was clear. Now I'm anxious again. Its been so long since I've been tested and another scan will be coming up. Been having headaches and dizzines which worries me. Maybe just sinus. You'll be fine, think positive. When is your scan?
  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    laurissa said:

    Hey Heather
    I remember back in January after my last chemo and being nervous about my upcoming petscan. I worried for nothing, all was clear. Now I'm anxious again. Its been so long since I've been tested and another scan will be coming up. Been having headaches and dizzines which worries me. Maybe just sinus. You'll be fine, think positive. When is your scan?

    I dont have a date

    I dont have a date yet. I just know from talking to my Onc at my last appt for blood counts that after my last chemo Thursday, then we'll do the scans & the other fun follow up stuff. I'm doing better at staying positive & not dwelling on it - talking about it with my close friends & family has helped, and of course all of your support & encouragement. Seems like we've had our share of sad news on the boards lately, I for one would love to bring some positives back on here!!
    And with that, I'm turning OFF my laptop for the afternoon! I've been feeling GREAT the past few days, and today we're taking our daughters to a pumpkin patch for a hayride, picking out pumpkins, gourds, and yard decorations, petting zoo, elephant ears, and play yard. And I can't wait!! I hope you ALL have a wonderful day today!
    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    Dear Heather,
    I've been

    Dear Heather,

    I've been scanned for 16 years and going. I am not scared being scanned, it's waiting for the results that is the problem. I don't wait long as I go to my medical records department and have the results as soon as they are typed up and sent to that department. Usually less than 24 hours.

    I must admit that walking into that department, it is hard to keep my decorum. I want to rip the report out of the lovely lady's hand. However, I do wait until I am in my car and then my eyes seek out the words "Impression". If it is good news reading the whole report will wait until I'm home or in a place better than the parking lot. If the news is bad, then I read the entire report.

    I've learn medical terminology and so now I can read through them without a problem. When my doctor's office calls, I am prepared. If the news isn't good then I'm ready with where do I go from here. Don't waste their time or mine absorbing the information. That I do alone.

    We all are scared, it's perfectly normal to be. You have had your treatments and no doubt the scan will show that you are NED. May you enjoy NED for a life time. All good wishes to you.

  • Jennifer1961
    Jennifer1961 Member Posts: 137
    Just went through this myself.
    Just try to be positive and keep busy. I also had no lymph nodes and my scans were clear. I was stage 2a, due to size of tumor (about 3 cm)