Here's a little good news

fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I am happy to be listing some good news right now. We can all use some. It has been a very stressful week and there has been some very sad, bad news on our board. I wish everyone was receiving good news and hope that things will improve for all on our board.
Den and I returned from the cardiologist. While he does have some blockage, the medicine that he started just days ago have lowered his pulse. They are increasing it to lower it more. The cardiologist felt that he could have the hernia operation. The chance of a heart attack, he felt, was really, really low. He did order an echo for next week. If that does not show anything contrary, Den will do the hernia surgery and then in a month see the cardiologist again. If the meds are working we will continue with them and he will be monitored. He may consider an angioplasty at that time. The cardio said that while Den could do that now, it would not change the percentage for a heart attack during the hernia surgery but it would delay it for possibly several months. The hernia is giving Den a lot of trouble so we are going with that surgery first. We feel very confident with this doctor. I am taking a positive attitude that the echo will be just fine. If not, then we will deal with that at the time. Thanks for all the prayers and good wishes, I am sure that those prayers did their part.


  • cookie97
    cookie97 Member Posts: 200
    That's fabulous news...
    My am I glad to hear some good news for a change. Congratulations to you and your husband may everything else go as swimmingly.
    Thanks for sharing.

    Peace and Love to us all,
  • shy violet
    shy violet Member Posts: 167
    Wow Stef, So happy you have
    Wow Stef, So happy you have some progress, and news going in the right direction...hope the echo is good news, shy
  • mwallace1325
    mwallace1325 Member Posts: 806
    Prayers and good thoughts
    are with you and Den through all of this. I'm so glad to hear that you got some good news. I'm really glad the report is good, meds are working and Den will soon be feeling better. Also the stress level on you both will go down soon.
    Please let us know as things progress.

    Have a good week end.

  • Marsha Mulvey
    Marsha Mulvey Member Posts: 597 Member

    Prayers and good thoughts
    are with you and Den through all of this. I'm so glad to hear that you got some good news. I'm really glad the report is good, meds are working and Den will soon be feeling better. Also the stress level on you both will go down soon.
    Please let us know as things progress.

    Have a good week end.


    Wow Stef! That is a significant turn-around in a short period of time. Your good news is welcome here. As posted by others, it's been a tough week on the bosrds. Hopefully, yours is the FIRST OF MANY positive stories to come. Best wishes to both you and Den, Thoughts and prayers continue.
  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    Good news, Stef,
    and I'm happy for both you and Den.

  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    sbmly53 said:

    Good news, Stef,
    and I'm happy for both you and Den.


    Thank you all for the good
    Thank you all for the good wishes and I am truly grateful for all of you.
    Marsha I was surprised also that the medication had an affect so quickly. I would have thought it would take weeks. But then I remember that cholesterol meds can start showing changes in a very short time also. I'm just glad that we or rather he doesn't need surgery for this right now.
    I just wish that all the other's had better news. It makes my heart hurt to see so many with mets. The most I can do is to keep them and all of you in my prayers.
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    Great news!
    And I'll continue sending positive energy.

    Hugs to you and Den,

  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    fauxma said:

    Thank you all for the good
    Thank you all for the good wishes and I am truly grateful for all of you.
    Marsha I was surprised also that the medication had an affect so quickly. I would have thought it would take weeks. But then I remember that cholesterol meds can start showing changes in a very short time also. I'm just glad that we or rather he doesn't need surgery for this right now.
    I just wish that all the other's had better news. It makes my heart hurt to see so many with mets. The most I can do is to keep them and all of you in my prayers.

    Best wishes to you and Den!
    Best wishes to you and Den! YOU TWO are in my prayers. xoxoxoxoxo Lynn
  • Sunrae
    Sunrae Member Posts: 808

    Great news!
    And I'll continue sending positive energy.

    Hugs to you and Den,


    Stef, glad to hear your
    Stef, glad to hear your news. Wanted to let you know that heart blockage showed up in my heart cath procedure last Feb, one was 100% and another 80%. The cardiologist did a rotary blade procedure and balloon angioplasty and opened up one artery enough for me to have my masectomy. He now thinks I don't have to have a bypass and can be treated with medication. I'm in rads now and haven't had any problems with the heart. Sounds like Den can have the hernia surgery and he'll be fine. Hoping to hear more good news from you soon.
  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967
    Much more than a LITTLE good news
    This is a LOT of good news, Stef! I thank God for the positive developments in Den's case, and I'm also grateful to Den for giving us all something to cheer about today!
