The @#$%! insurance company



  • John_32
    John_32 Member Posts: 71
    AMomNETN said:


    I'm sorry but this last post is way out of line. We are surviors who share what we need to share be it a blonde joke, pie recipes, or vent about insurance. This is not the forum to dicuss HealthCare Reform. All of us on this site know we need reform however we may differ on what it needed. Some of us have been lucky with insurance and others have been screwed. Your ideas while valid encompass more than just breast cancer treatment. If someone found your posts as offensive then they have the right to report it. Don't go off and a tangent and add book burning or anything else like that to you comments.


    My expressing dismay that
    My expressing dismay that someone is going around reporting as offensive, for the purpose of removal, every word I have written about two MAJOR breast cancer health crises pertaining to my wife and mother is "way out of line"? But you can call me rude and obnoxious and suggest that I have no right to defend myself from these blatant personal attacks, that's perfectly acceptable?

    <<Your ideas while valid encompass more than just breast cancer treatment.>>

    What I was REPLYING to goes to the heart of breast cancer treatment. Your entire post is a tangent.
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    John_32 said:

    I just realized that someone
    I just realized that someone has "flagged as offensive" every post I have written, including one where I merely thanked somebody for passing along a website where I can apply to get Arimidex for my mother at no cost. People should be able to post on this site something other than blonde jokes, pie recipes, or hugging emoticons without being censored as offensive. That's so abusive. This is a discussion forum about issues pertaining to breast cancer, and among the myriad issues is access to treatment. If you want to contest that statement, be my guest, but this "flag as offensive"--which I'm sure is what you'll do to this post as well--is so pathetic. Life does not come with a "flag as offensive" button, and if you are really someone who has dealt with cancer on some level in your life, I might have thought you would have realized that by now.

    if you are really someone who has dealt with cancer
    on some level in your life.
    On a different note. I remember seeing you post on the 6th that your wedding certificate was coming. Has it arrived? I hope that you paid the extra to have it overnighted to you. And why did you wait so long to request it? That would have been the first thing I would have done if I lost contact with my spouse. Have you been continuing to get in touch with your in-laws or the hospital? Did you go to the Canadian embassy to see what help they can give you as you said you would? I would think that you should be able to resolve all these issues soon. And then the person who should be helping her make her medical decisions will be by her side. I hope that you will soon be able to be there for her. It's where your focus should be right now. That and with your mom. You cannot resolve the healthcare system right now and certainly not this way. But you can be there for your mom and continue trying to reunit with your wife.
    If you wonder why I posted my subject line with something you just posted it's because honestly no one can ever really know if someone is the real deal or a fake online, can we? Perhaps you are not what you present yourself to be. I hope that you are and are not here to stir things up (we have had those before). One last question, were you this combative and hostile in dealing with your in-laws? Just wondering.
    The funny thing is that while I agree we need changes to our healthcare system, I'm appalled at your hostility. And so you have some of my background, my hubby and I lost both our jobs, our house, our car, and our fully paid (by his company) healthcare coverage. But I know that my ranting at cancer survivors will not correct any of that and that they are just trying to deal with this disease. Their rants about health care are directed at the insurance companies, the medical field, maybe even the system but it is not directed at each other. Oh gosh, now I have been sucked into this drama. I am done on this subject.
  • tommaseena
    tommaseena Member Posts: 1,769
    John_32 said:

    I just realized that someone
    I just realized that someone has "flagged as offensive" every post I have written, including one where I merely thanked somebody for passing along a website where I can apply to get Arimidex for my mother at no cost. People should be able to post on this site something other than blonde jokes, pie recipes, or hugging emoticons without being censored as offensive. That's so abusive. This is a discussion forum about issues pertaining to breast cancer, and among the myriad issues is access to treatment. If you want to contest that statement, be my guest, but this "flag as offensive"--which I'm sure is what you'll do to this post as well--is so pathetic. Life does not come with a "flag as offensive" button, and if you are really someone who has dealt with cancer on some level in your life, I might have thought you would have realized that by now.

    I did not
    I did not flag your posts as offensive.
    I am the one of some who posts jokes to lighten up our lives.
    We are going through so much as well as our caregivers and a bit of laughter helps some.

    It is a choice to read posts and reply.
    If you choose not to read a post that is your choice as well.

    My opinion which some may agree with and some disagree and it is their choice is that it isn't always the insurance company it is the hospital and how they bill things.

    My insurance company has been great through my whole ordeal and when fillings loosened because of the treatment my dentist wrote a letter and attached it to the bill so that my caps would be paid for because there was a clause in my policy that stated that they would cover anything to bring my body close to pre-cancer state.

    I know some don't have insurance and those that do need to pay attention to what they will cover and fight to get to as close to where they were before cancer.

    It is wonderful that in places like Europe and Canada their is universal health care but here in the USA it doesn't happen. Americans have to pay for their health care or a part of it or if you can't afford it then the individual states will tell you and your provider what they will cover and if they don't cover cancer treatments you are **** out luck.

    Sorry for my ranting.
    It felt good to get that off my chest.

  • John_32
    John_32 Member Posts: 71
    fauxma said:

    if you are really someone who has dealt with cancer
    on some level in your life.
    On a different note. I remember seeing you post on the 6th that your wedding certificate was coming. Has it arrived? I hope that you paid the extra to have it overnighted to you. And why did you wait so long to request it? That would have been the first thing I would have done if I lost contact with my spouse. Have you been continuing to get in touch with your in-laws or the hospital? Did you go to the Canadian embassy to see what help they can give you as you said you would? I would think that you should be able to resolve all these issues soon. And then the person who should be helping her make her medical decisions will be by her side. I hope that you will soon be able to be there for her. It's where your focus should be right now. That and with your mom. You cannot resolve the healthcare system right now and certainly not this way. But you can be there for your mom and continue trying to reunit with your wife.
    If you wonder why I posted my subject line with something you just posted it's because honestly no one can ever really know if someone is the real deal or a fake online, can we? Perhaps you are not what you present yourself to be. I hope that you are and are not here to stir things up (we have had those before). One last question, were you this combative and hostile in dealing with your in-laws? Just wondering.
    The funny thing is that while I agree we need changes to our healthcare system, I'm appalled at your hostility. And so you have some of my background, my hubby and I lost both our jobs, our house, our car, and our fully paid (by his company) healthcare coverage. But I know that my ranting at cancer survivors will not correct any of that and that they are just trying to deal with this disease. Their rants about health care are directed at the insurance companies, the medical field, maybe even the system but it is not directed at each other. Oh gosh, now I have been sucked into this drama. I am done on this subject.

    Wow. You are really looking
    Wow. You are really looking for a fight. I don't know who the hell you think you are but because we have a difference of opinion about universal healthcare you feel it's okay to suggest, first, that I am a pathological liar who has been posting about cancer on this site for months, and second, that if I am who I say I am I somehow deserve the unimaginable pain that I have been dealt this year ("were you this hostile dealing with your in-laws?"). I have had to watch my wife literally lose her mind to brain tumors and have her family somehow blame for me for her radical deterioration and now you are going to suggest I had it coming to me? Wow. You just probably said the most offensive thing anyone has ever said in the history of this website. Oh, and by the way, again whoever the hell you are, I have been doing everything humanly possible to get to my wife in Canada. I never imagined her parents could prevent me from seeing her in the hospital but as soon as that became clear I instantly applied for a copy of the marriage certificate, which takes time to process and send from a foreign country, but I am expecting it tomorrow.
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    John_32 said:

    Wow. You are really looking
    Wow. You are really looking for a fight. I don't know who the hell you think you are but because we have a difference of opinion about universal healthcare you feel it's okay to suggest, first, that I am a pathological liar who has been posting about cancer on this site for months, and second, that if I am who I say I am I somehow deserve the unimaginable pain that I have been dealt this year ("were you this hostile dealing with your in-laws?"). I have had to watch my wife literally lose her mind to brain tumors and have her family somehow blame for me for her radical deterioration and now you are going to suggest I had it coming to me? Wow. You just probably said the most offensive thing anyone has ever said in the history of this website. Oh, and by the way, again whoever the hell you are, I have been doing everything humanly possible to get to my wife in Canada. I never imagined her parents could prevent me from seeing her in the hospital but as soon as that became clear I instantly applied for a copy of the marriage certificate, which takes time to process and send from a foreign country, but I am expecting it tomorrow.

    This is unbelievable twist
    John and Susan used to care for each other even two weeks ago Look at previous posts What has been going on around here? Participants of this discussion have been involved in political confrontation and not even thinking what they are talking about.

    I posted about my insurance wants 65K from me. Unfortunately nobody nobody even said "Sorry". Am I missing something?

    Healthcare is a very important issue, because in order to survive cancer survivors need medical care and healthcare coverage regardless political affiliation. This is very inconvenient truth.

    Have a nice weekend everyone.
    New Flower
  • shelbyhome
    shelbyhome Member Posts: 145

    Website for Arimidex - TO GET DRUG FOR FREE

    Is there one for Aromasin??

    Is there one for Aromasin??
  • I did not
    I did not flag your posts as offensive.
    I am the one of some who posts jokes to lighten up our lives.
    We are going through so much as well as our caregivers and a bit of laughter helps some.

    It is a choice to read posts and reply.
    If you choose not to read a post that is your choice as well.

    My opinion which some may agree with and some disagree and it is their choice is that it isn't always the insurance company it is the hospital and how they bill things.

    My insurance company has been great through my whole ordeal and when fillings loosened because of the treatment my dentist wrote a letter and attached it to the bill so that my caps would be paid for because there was a clause in my policy that stated that they would cover anything to bring my body close to pre-cancer state.

    I know some don't have insurance and those that do need to pay attention to what they will cover and fight to get to as close to where they were before cancer.

    It is wonderful that in places like Europe and Canada their is universal health care but here in the USA it doesn't happen. Americans have to pay for their health care or a part of it or if you can't afford it then the individual states will tell you and your provider what they will cover and if they don't cover cancer treatments you are **** out luck.

    Sorry for my ranting.
    It felt good to get that off my chest.


    What have I learned?
    It was a simple rant, my personal frustration, and I thought this was a safe venue. I did get some valuable information, and I hope I thanked the ladies that provided it along the way.

    I can appreciate the different views, and I imagine others have their own frustrations. However, I'm disappointed by the petty and child-like behaviors I observed during this discussion. And by childlike, I mean not letting things go and sticking to the topic. "My nationally subsidized health insurance is better than yours" posturing is pretty silly and was a distraction from the topic.

    For myself, if I have nothing constructive nor substantive to give to a discussion, I will simply read and learn. I think I have mentioned this before...nothing nice to say, say nothing.

    I'm not sorry I posted the topic, but I am sorry it upset some people.

    I really don't fear that my only born is destined to indentured servitude, she's lousy at housecleaning anyway.
  • John_32
    John_32 Member Posts: 71

    This is unbelievable twist
    John and Susan used to care for each other even two weeks ago Look at previous posts What has been going on around here? Participants of this discussion have been involved in political confrontation and not even thinking what they are talking about.

    I posted about my insurance wants 65K from me. Unfortunately nobody nobody even said "Sorry". Am I missing something?

    Healthcare is a very important issue, because in order to survive cancer survivors need medical care and healthcare coverage regardless political affiliation. This is very inconvenient truth.

    Have a nice weekend everyone.
    New Flower

    "Healthcare is a very
    "Healthcare is a very important issue, because in order to survive cancer survivors need medical care and healthcare coverage regardless political affiliation."

    That is the most intelligent thing anyone has said in this entire thread. For a lot of people half of the whole tragedy of having cancer in this country is not having any health insurance with which to seek treatment for it. And what has made me upset is so many of you dismissing that crushing reality as somehow "off topic" or uncomfortable to address, like it is not a valid concern in a discussion of breast cancer. I really cannot just sit by and watch someone regurgitate all of these half-baked rumors about scary Canadian socialized medicine and say, well, she has her opinion, and I have mine. If you look at my original post, the only thing that could come across as remotely judgmental was suggesting that people who have these severe misconceptions about nationalized health care should educate themselves more on the subject, and I even *apologized* if that sounded judgmental by noting that it was an issue that hit very close to home for me. What was unleashed was a subsequent barrage of petty admonitions to play nicely and personal attacks, the most recent of which was so beyond the pale that I am basically disgusted with this whole site now (which evidently was the intent).
  • Hubby
    Hubby Member Posts: 325
    I just read the rest of this thread after someone posted about the flagging in another thread.
    So in the words of Rodney King "Can't we all just get along?"

    And I am sorry you have to fight breast cancer and your insurance company at the same time.

  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    John_32 said:

    "Healthcare is a very
    "Healthcare is a very important issue, because in order to survive cancer survivors need medical care and healthcare coverage regardless political affiliation."

    That is the most intelligent thing anyone has said in this entire thread. For a lot of people half of the whole tragedy of having cancer in this country is not having any health insurance with which to seek treatment for it. And what has made me upset is so many of you dismissing that crushing reality as somehow "off topic" or uncomfortable to address, like it is not a valid concern in a discussion of breast cancer. I really cannot just sit by and watch someone regurgitate all of these half-baked rumors about scary Canadian socialized medicine and say, well, she has her opinion, and I have mine. If you look at my original post, the only thing that could come across as remotely judgmental was suggesting that people who have these severe misconceptions about nationalized health care should educate themselves more on the subject, and I even *apologized* if that sounded judgmental by noting that it was an issue that hit very close to home for me. What was unleashed was a subsequent barrage of petty admonitions to play nicely and personal attacks, the most recent of which was so beyond the pale that I am basically disgusted with this whole site now (which evidently was the intent).

    John,I apologize for my
    I apologize for my post. It's intent was not to accuse you of not being who you say you are but I can see in rereading my post that is the way it came off. I was simply trying to say that we have had people on here sometimes for months that were not what they said they were. I was offended by your remark that I included in the header. I truly am concerned about your wife and mother and was trying (obviously in a poor way) that you focus on them. And I only meant that perhaps if you have been defensive (unstandable) with your in-laws that might be, coupled with your wife's brain tumor and things she may have said while having issues of confusion, contributing to their being so overly protective of her. Again, I am sorry that I offended you. It so goes against my nature. Please chalk it up to writing and posting before editing. I really wish you and your wife well and I hope that you are soon reunited with her. Sometimes when any of us post, our intent gets lost in translation and perhaps that is also what has happened with things that you have posted on this thread as well.
    Again, sorry.
  • John_32
    John_32 Member Posts: 71
    fauxma said:

    John,I apologize for my
    I apologize for my post. It's intent was not to accuse you of not being who you say you are but I can see in rereading my post that is the way it came off. I was simply trying to say that we have had people on here sometimes for months that were not what they said they were. I was offended by your remark that I included in the header. I truly am concerned about your wife and mother and was trying (obviously in a poor way) that you focus on them. And I only meant that perhaps if you have been defensive (unstandable) with your in-laws that might be, coupled with your wife's brain tumor and things she may have said while having issues of confusion, contributing to their being so overly protective of her. Again, I am sorry that I offended you. It so goes against my nature. Please chalk it up to writing and posting before editing. I really wish you and your wife well and I hope that you are soon reunited with her. Sometimes when any of us post, our intent gets lost in translation and perhaps that is also what has happened with things that you have posted on this thread as well.
    Again, sorry.

    I appreciate your apology
    I appreciate your apology and I also apologize for my own heated words to you. But I have reread your post, particularly where you discuss your personal circumstances (losing your job, your house, your car, and your health insurance) and I have to wonder why your anger was directed at someone who is seemingly in as much distress as YOU are, and who was countering unfair attacks against a healthcare system that would NEVER deny coverage to people in our circumstances, and yet display no anger toward those who were mocking it. Here again, someone has written that they have seemingly lost EVERYTHING, including their house and healthcare, and there was not a single expression of concern for the information about yourself that you have revealed. If a woman on this site reports having a lot of gas as a side effect of some drug she is taking, there about 85 instant replies offering hugs and kisses and prayers, but if someone writes that they or a loved one has stage IV cancer and lost their job and health insurance and home, or that the insurance company is demanding $65K from them immediately or they'll deny coverage, the response is indifference, like it's their own fault for losing their job and their health insurance. Mention that your mother, who is stage IV, lost her health insurance? No, don't do that, that's makes us uncomfortable, that reminds us what a profoundly inequitable society we live in, and how our healthcare system is looked down upon by the rest of the civilized world, THAT is political, THAT is "off topic." In a post below your own description of the nightmare circumstances you have faced, someone else responded by noting that "my insurance company has been great through my whole ordeal..."! That's like walking up to a homeless person and regaling them with descriptions of your new luxury condo in Soho. Anyway, I am sorry for the circumstances you have faced, and I have tremendous empathy having been there myself, and I only hope there will be more solidarity in this country of people who are in major distress joining together so that they are not so powerless and can fight against the banks and insurance companies that run our government. But much of the country just seems tone-deaf.
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    John_32 said:

    I appreciate your apology
    I appreciate your apology and I also apologize for my own heated words to you. But I have reread your post, particularly where you discuss your personal circumstances (losing your job, your house, your car, and your health insurance) and I have to wonder why your anger was directed at someone who is seemingly in as much distress as YOU are, and who was countering unfair attacks against a healthcare system that would NEVER deny coverage to people in our circumstances, and yet display no anger toward those who were mocking it. Here again, someone has written that they have seemingly lost EVERYTHING, including their house and healthcare, and there was not a single expression of concern for the information about yourself that you have revealed. If a woman on this site reports having a lot of gas as a side effect of some drug she is taking, there about 85 instant replies offering hugs and kisses and prayers, but if someone writes that they or a loved one has stage IV cancer and lost their job and health insurance and home, or that the insurance company is demanding $65K from them immediately or they'll deny coverage, the response is indifference, like it's their own fault for losing their job and their health insurance. Mention that your mother, who is stage IV, lost her health insurance? No, don't do that, that's makes us uncomfortable, that reminds us what a profoundly inequitable society we live in, and how our healthcare system is looked down upon by the rest of the civilized world, THAT is political, THAT is "off topic." In a post below your own description of the nightmare circumstances you have faced, someone else responded by noting that "my insurance company has been great through my whole ordeal..."! That's like walking up to a homeless person and regaling them with descriptions of your new luxury condo in Soho. Anyway, I am sorry for the circumstances you have faced, and I have tremendous empathy having been there myself, and I only hope there will be more solidarity in this country of people who are in major distress joining together so that they are not so powerless and can fight against the banks and insurance companies that run our government. But much of the country just seems tone-deaf.

    Stef & John
    I am so glad that you apologized to each other and clear on what has happened. I wish other participants of this discussion go back , read and apologize too.
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    John_32 said:

    I appreciate your apology
    I appreciate your apology and I also apologize for my own heated words to you. But I have reread your post, particularly where you discuss your personal circumstances (losing your job, your house, your car, and your health insurance) and I have to wonder why your anger was directed at someone who is seemingly in as much distress as YOU are, and who was countering unfair attacks against a healthcare system that would NEVER deny coverage to people in our circumstances, and yet display no anger toward those who were mocking it. Here again, someone has written that they have seemingly lost EVERYTHING, including their house and healthcare, and there was not a single expression of concern for the information about yourself that you have revealed. If a woman on this site reports having a lot of gas as a side effect of some drug she is taking, there about 85 instant replies offering hugs and kisses and prayers, but if someone writes that they or a loved one has stage IV cancer and lost their job and health insurance and home, or that the insurance company is demanding $65K from them immediately or they'll deny coverage, the response is indifference, like it's their own fault for losing their job and their health insurance. Mention that your mother, who is stage IV, lost her health insurance? No, don't do that, that's makes us uncomfortable, that reminds us what a profoundly inequitable society we live in, and how our healthcare system is looked down upon by the rest of the civilized world, THAT is political, THAT is "off topic." In a post below your own description of the nightmare circumstances you have faced, someone else responded by noting that "my insurance company has been great through my whole ordeal..."! That's like walking up to a homeless person and regaling them with descriptions of your new luxury condo in Soho. Anyway, I am sorry for the circumstances you have faced, and I have tremendous empathy having been there myself, and I only hope there will be more solidarity in this country of people who are in major distress joining together so that they are not so powerless and can fight against the banks and insurance companies that run our government. But much of the country just seems tone-deaf.

    I have purposely stayed out
    I have purposely stayed out of this, but now I am angry and offended. John, you now have about 14 rants on this site alone. You do not have breast cancer and you have no earthly idea what it is like yo be a survivor. Ranting at women who are physically and emotionally reeling is beyond inappropriate. Perhaps it is time to find a caregivers support group because you are certainly not supporting anyone here but yourself.
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member

    I have purposely stayed out
    I have purposely stayed out of this, but now I am angry and offended. John, you now have about 14 rants on this site alone. You do not have breast cancer and you have no earthly idea what it is like yo be a survivor. Ranting at women who are physically and emotionally reeling is beyond inappropriate. Perhaps it is time to find a caregivers support group because you are certainly not supporting anyone here but yourself.

    For what it is worth, I am a strong proponent of universal healthcare.

    But this has been a terrible week on the MB, lots of bad news, many hurting people. It is time to be supportive or to move on.
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    John_32 said:

    I appreciate your apology
    I appreciate your apology and I also apologize for my own heated words to you. But I have reread your post, particularly where you discuss your personal circumstances (losing your job, your house, your car, and your health insurance) and I have to wonder why your anger was directed at someone who is seemingly in as much distress as YOU are, and who was countering unfair attacks against a healthcare system that would NEVER deny coverage to people in our circumstances, and yet display no anger toward those who were mocking it. Here again, someone has written that they have seemingly lost EVERYTHING, including their house and healthcare, and there was not a single expression of concern for the information about yourself that you have revealed. If a woman on this site reports having a lot of gas as a side effect of some drug she is taking, there about 85 instant replies offering hugs and kisses and prayers, but if someone writes that they or a loved one has stage IV cancer and lost their job and health insurance and home, or that the insurance company is demanding $65K from them immediately or they'll deny coverage, the response is indifference, like it's their own fault for losing their job and their health insurance. Mention that your mother, who is stage IV, lost her health insurance? No, don't do that, that's makes us uncomfortable, that reminds us what a profoundly inequitable society we live in, and how our healthcare system is looked down upon by the rest of the civilized world, THAT is political, THAT is "off topic." In a post below your own description of the nightmare circumstances you have faced, someone else responded by noting that "my insurance company has been great through my whole ordeal..."! That's like walking up to a homeless person and regaling them with descriptions of your new luxury condo in Soho. Anyway, I am sorry for the circumstances you have faced, and I have tremendous empathy having been there myself, and I only hope there will be more solidarity in this country of people who are in major distress joining together so that they are not so powerless and can fight against the banks and insurance companies that run our government. But much of the country just seems tone-deaf.

    I try so hard to see both
    I try so hard to see both sides of an issue. Many here have adequate or even great healthcare. They are fighting this disease and might be fearful that changes to the system can have a direct impact on their healthcare. I would be feel that way in their shoes. Is our system flawed? Yes. Are there things to be admired about other healthcare systems? Yes Are there things about our private healthcare that are good? Yes. Can we make any changes here in the board? No. My situation was tough and we sacrificed much so that I can afford my cobra payments. Den was 70 when he was laid off and went on medicare which has been a blessing for us. I have many years until I can switch and my cobra stops in February. We will figure out what we need to do to maintain some kind of coverage from then until I reach 65. But the ladies here aren't responsible for the systems or my healthcare. These post are opinions that everyone is giving, but it is a volatile issue for sure. I don't think that anyone expressed a sentiment that they didn't care about your mom's circumstances or your wifes. At times we all get defensive of that which is working for us. It can be the nature of the beast to be self involved and that is okay. Each of us must make our on way through this, the best we can. I choose to deal with the healthcare issue by getting involved at other places, the polls, getting out and speaking to people. I don't bring it to the board because there is so much on so many plates and for me, it's just not the right venue. As far as all the light hearted things we have here, the suggestions we give each other for everything from how do you deal with chemo to I have gas pains. I think that is why most of us are here. We seek advise, support, humor, and so much more from each other. We cry together when someone is in pain and yes, we laugh at silly jokes. I cannot express enough what the people on this board have given me. The cyber hugs are real for me. The prayers and good thoughts lift my spirit. And most importantly for me, I can often share thoughts and feelings that I cannot share anyway else. Does this mean I agree with every post? No. But most of the time I just read those and then move on, something I should have done this time. Do I flag posts? No. Do I care if someone flags one of mine? No. Have I ever been flagged? Yes. Did I move on? Sure did. Heated arguments on a board just create havoc and disharmony. We won't fix healthcare on this board but we can fracture friendships and that would be sad. So that being said, my circumstances while they may seem a nightmare, were not the tragedy that they might seem. My cup is neither half full or half empty but I still am happy I have the glass. Please know that my heart truly goes out to you with you wife and your mom. I hope that both have some satisfactory resolution. No one deserves this disease or it's collateral damage.
  • John_32
    John_32 Member Posts: 71
    fauxma said:

    I try so hard to see both
    I try so hard to see both sides of an issue. Many here have adequate or even great healthcare. They are fighting this disease and might be fearful that changes to the system can have a direct impact on their healthcare. I would be feel that way in their shoes. Is our system flawed? Yes. Are there things to be admired about other healthcare systems? Yes Are there things about our private healthcare that are good? Yes. Can we make any changes here in the board? No. My situation was tough and we sacrificed much so that I can afford my cobra payments. Den was 70 when he was laid off and went on medicare which has been a blessing for us. I have many years until I can switch and my cobra stops in February. We will figure out what we need to do to maintain some kind of coverage from then until I reach 65. But the ladies here aren't responsible for the systems or my healthcare. These post are opinions that everyone is giving, but it is a volatile issue for sure. I don't think that anyone expressed a sentiment that they didn't care about your mom's circumstances or your wifes. At times we all get defensive of that which is working for us. It can be the nature of the beast to be self involved and that is okay. Each of us must make our on way through this, the best we can. I choose to deal with the healthcare issue by getting involved at other places, the polls, getting out and speaking to people. I don't bring it to the board because there is so much on so many plates and for me, it's just not the right venue. As far as all the light hearted things we have here, the suggestions we give each other for everything from how do you deal with chemo to I have gas pains. I think that is why most of us are here. We seek advise, support, humor, and so much more from each other. We cry together when someone is in pain and yes, we laugh at silly jokes. I cannot express enough what the people on this board have given me. The cyber hugs are real for me. The prayers and good thoughts lift my spirit. And most importantly for me, I can often share thoughts and feelings that I cannot share anyway else. Does this mean I agree with every post? No. But most of the time I just read those and then move on, something I should have done this time. Do I flag posts? No. Do I care if someone flags one of mine? No. Have I ever been flagged? Yes. Did I move on? Sure did. Heated arguments on a board just create havoc and disharmony. We won't fix healthcare on this board but we can fracture friendships and that would be sad. So that being said, my circumstances while they may seem a nightmare, were not the tragedy that they might seem. My cup is neither half full or half empty but I still am happy I have the glass. Please know that my heart truly goes out to you with you wife and your mom. I hope that both have some satisfactory resolution. No one deserves this disease or it's collateral damage.

    These last posts have
    These last posts have actually brought tears to my eyes which is extremely rare. I know you are all suffering a terrible disease and it has never been my intention rant at anyone though I did feel ranted at, as well, and that obviously makes a person defensive. We are all under high stress because of this disease, even those who are only a husband or son of someone facing this disease can be deeply affected by its consequences, and what it has done to my wife, who I love very deeply, and her family, is excruciatingly painful, whether or not anyone thinks that is valid. My marriage certificate has still not come from Ontario and because of the weekend and holiday I will have to wait until Tuesday. I find myself deeply jealous of the Marine husband on this site who, though in the midst of so much tragedy, can at least be by his wife's side without impediment. I find myself angry at a society that thinks if you have cancer but lost your job, as recently happened to my mother, you can just go and die. And I guess it is alright for others to pretty much express that sentiment on these boards, but not alright for anyone to take issue with that. Anyway, this has actually been far more hurtful or unsupportive to me than anyone else, and I don't need that, not at what is already the darkest period of my life. So, Cynthia, and everyone, you can have your clubhouse back and best of luck to you. I have received some supportive words along the way and I thank you for that.

  • Eil4186
    Eil4186 Member Posts: 949
    Skeezie said:

    Well Lighthouse I absolutely totally disagree with you
    about socialized medicine. Who do you think pays for it? the government? And where do they get the $$$. From the tax payers. All of these countries with socialized medicine pay unbeliveable taxes. The the governmnent decides who gets what. In Canada there are too many stories of people having to wait 6 mo or more for an MRI so they come over here to get taken care of immediately. I just read in teh Windsor Star, a Windsor Ontario newspaper (we live right across the river from Canada) that there was something like a ratio of 1 doc to 100,000 patients. They have all these little prompt care clinics where people go when they are sick but that they are very concerned that people are not getting reguilar preventative care. No such thing as a "free" lunch. I rmember a girl, from Canada, on this board a few months ago asking what Neulasta was that we were all talking about. Another thought, the government screws up every program they try and have, take a look at the schools, Medicare, Social Security and jon and ya really think they could do a good job? No way.

    I'll continue to fight with Medicare and BC/BS and get good care instantly. I read last Jan that a Mayo Family Clinic in Arizona was not going to see anymore Medicare patients after 1-1-10 because of the Medicare cuts. They are a family practice clinic. Oh and I have neighbors who lived in Sweden for 2 years and just got back 2 yrs ago, they didn't have a lot of good stuff to say about their "free" medical care. Oh and in Canada, you still pay a monthly premium for health care along with very high taxes. Like 17 or 18% on merchandise in Ontario. And that doesn't include any other tax. Nothing is free.

    I agree/ Socialized medicine
    I agree/ Socialized medicine =waiting months to years for treatment. My Aunt lives in Ireland and she wanted a reconstruction after her bilat mast. She had to wait 5yrs. Another friend in Ireland needed a biopsy of her uterous and had to wait 6mos!!!!!! Forget that ****.


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