Port question...

Help4Sis Member Posts: 53
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Good morning.

How long after treatment must a port stay in place? I know it could stay forever, but, if you want to have it removed, how long do you have to wait once treatments are complete?
THanks in advance.


  • Snowkitty
    Snowkitty Member Posts: 295
    I asked my onc and she told
    I asked my onc and she told me one year. Don't know if that's usual, but I don't mind.

  • Sher43009
    Sher43009 Member Posts: 602 Member
    It depends on what you want. My oncol. said I could have it out the week after treatment. My surgeon wants me to wait until my next mammogram in Nov. then decide. If you want it to be functional it has to be flushed every 4-6 weeks.
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    I had my port for about 6 months. I began chemo in May, started rads in August, and had the port removed in October after rads were finished. I know others have kept theirs longer. xoxoxoxoLynn
  • Pinkpower
    Pinkpower Member Posts: 437
    My surgeon had told me he
    My surgeon had told me he will remove mines as soon as Im done with my last treatment which will be nxt month. I cant wait. Personally, once I have it removed, then I'll feel like Im cancer free.

  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    So many variables
    Some have theirs out almost immediately. A lot depends on the type of cancer you have, the stage it is/was, your Dr and, of course, how you feel about it.

    Personally I have no intention having mine taken out until/unless my Drs say it HAS to be taken out (which they aren't likely to for quite some time). I'm IBC so the odds are not great for 5 yrs which means I have a greater than 1 in 2 chance of having a re-occurance within 5 years. To me, my port is like a little 'life saver' that I have always wih me in case the 'boat' decides to sink (I am petrified of big boats [ocean liner and bigger sizes, even tied to the pier - long story why] because they WILL sink). when it wss implanted (Aug. 25, '09) both surgeon and chemo Dr said at least a year - I saw chemo Dr a year after start of chemo (riding NED) and he wants to leve it; I see surgeon on the 16th and I'm pretty sure he's going to want to leave it. As I see it - as with any surgery there is some scaring so why take something out that is not any problem to stay where it is (other than every 4 weeks flushing it) possibly getting more scaring in the take out and then have to have one put back in thus causing more scaring.

    Not all surgeons are equal in their ability to place the port nor are we all built the same to make it easy. My port causes me no discomfort - bra strap does not cross it, seat belts don't cross it - in other wiords it's there but the only times i know it is when getting a bath or something similar.

    Again we are all so different!

  • Help4Sis
    Help4Sis Member Posts: 53
    Rague said:

    So many variables
    Some have theirs out almost immediately. A lot depends on the type of cancer you have, the stage it is/was, your Dr and, of course, how you feel about it.

    Personally I have no intention having mine taken out until/unless my Drs say it HAS to be taken out (which they aren't likely to for quite some time). I'm IBC so the odds are not great for 5 yrs which means I have a greater than 1 in 2 chance of having a re-occurance within 5 years. To me, my port is like a little 'life saver' that I have always wih me in case the 'boat' decides to sink (I am petrified of big boats [ocean liner and bigger sizes, even tied to the pier - long story why] because they WILL sink). when it wss implanted (Aug. 25, '09) both surgeon and chemo Dr said at least a year - I saw chemo Dr a year after start of chemo (riding NED) and he wants to leve it; I see surgeon on the 16th and I'm pretty sure he's going to want to leave it. As I see it - as with any surgery there is some scaring so why take something out that is not any problem to stay where it is (other than every 4 weeks flushing it) possibly getting more scaring in the take out and then have to have one put back in thus causing more scaring.

    Not all surgeons are equal in their ability to place the port nor are we all built the same to make it easy. My port causes me no discomfort - bra strap does not cross it, seat belts don't cross it - in other wiords it's there but the only times i know it is when getting a bath or something similar.

    Again we are all so different!


    Thanks for all your replies... my sister's bothers her, but, she's only had it for about 10 days and it had been used once so far.... She can't wait to be able to get rid of it....
  • mwallace1325
    mwallace1325 Member Posts: 806
    I finished chemo 10/29/09 and had my port taken out 3/1/10. I told my onc I was superstitious and was happy to leave it; he said he was superstitious too and take it out. It made me very happy cause frankly after chemo and radiation I didn't relish having to go in for monthly port flushes, kinda sick of the cancer center.

  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member

    I finished chemo 10/29/09 and had my port taken out 3/1/10. I told my onc I was superstitious and was happy to leave it; he said he was superstitious too and take it out. It made me very happy cause frankly after chemo and radiation I didn't relish having to go in for monthly port flushes, kinda sick of the cancer center.


    My flushes aren't done at
    My flushes aren't done at the CCI but rather at my local VA Clinic so it's just like going in for a blood draw or 'whatever' to me.

  • heidijez
    heidijez Member Posts: 441
    don't want my port out either
    like susan (rague) i have ibc and love my port. at my last appointment with my oncologist, i asked about the port, more out of curiosity than anything else. he says he has no plans on removing it - with my type of cancer, unfortunately, reoccurrence is too frequent. so the port stays. it does not bother me in any way - it is so handy for ct scans, pet scans, blood draws, etc.

    we are all different, with different comfort levels. before breast cancer, i was really concerned about my looks, wanted to look perfect every time i stepped out the door. now i have no problem going out with no hair (just fuzz, c'mon hair, get your act together), only one breast, and the port sticking out on my right clavicle.
  • tommaseena
    tommaseena Member Posts: 1,769
    heidijez said:

    don't want my port out either
    like susan (rague) i have ibc and love my port. at my last appointment with my oncologist, i asked about the port, more out of curiosity than anything else. he says he has no plans on removing it - with my type of cancer, unfortunately, reoccurrence is too frequent. so the port stays. it does not bother me in any way - it is so handy for ct scans, pet scans, blood draws, etc.

    we are all different, with different comfort levels. before breast cancer, i was really concerned about my looks, wanted to look perfect every time i stepped out the door. now i have no problem going out with no hair (just fuzz, c'mon hair, get your act together), only one breast, and the port sticking out on my right clavicle.

    mixed emotions
    I will be having my port out on the 14th, I finished Herceptin treatment 7/30. I have mixed emotions about my port removal--I think mostly I am scared about the procedure which I shouldn't be but I am. Thoughts go through my mind like,"What if I need a port again?" "Can't I just live the rest of my life with a port?"

    I know these thoughts are just foolish but I am scared because when they put it in I felt everything because it was done under conscious sedation and I will be having it out under general anesthesia and I won't feel what they are doing.

    When my port was placed it took a little while before it felt comfortable.

  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member

    mixed emotions
    I will be having my port out on the 14th, I finished Herceptin treatment 7/30. I have mixed emotions about my port removal--I think mostly I am scared about the procedure which I shouldn't be but I am. Thoughts go through my mind like,"What if I need a port again?" "Can't I just live the rest of my life with a port?"

    I know these thoughts are just foolish but I am scared because when they put it in I felt everything because it was done under conscious sedation and I will be having it out under general anesthesia and I won't feel what they are doing.

    When my port was placed it took a little while before it felt comfortable.


    Not foolish
    The thoughts of "What if -" or "Can't I just - " are not foolish at all. They are real concerns - more so for some of us than for others based on our type of cancer and the stage it was/is.

  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    My last Herceptin infusion was in August. I had my port removed less than a month after the infusion. My oncologist said there was no reason to keep it as I was done, done, done with treatment. Good luck with your journey!
  • ms.sunshine
    ms.sunshine Member Posts: 707 Member

    My last Herceptin infusion was in August. I had my port removed less than a month after the infusion. My oncologist said there was no reason to keep it as I was done, done, done with treatment. Good luck with your journey!

    My onc. told me 2 years. It
    My onc. told me 2 years. It doesn't bother me at all. Now that this came up it reminds me I need to have it flushed.
  • Help4Sis
    Help4Sis Member Posts: 53

    My onc. told me 2 years. It
    My onc. told me 2 years. It doesn't bother me at all. Now that this came up it reminds me I need to have it flushed.

    Thanks to you all for your
    Thanks to you all for your replies. I really appreciate it.