marines911 Member Posts: 68
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
It is confirmed that there is suspicious cells in the spinal cord fluid. Oncologist will see my wife after her MRI of the brain and would like to treat her outpatient, but Lesley does not seem that she is going to be able to do that in her current status. I hope that once they flush her bowels out and get some more fluids in her and some food; that she will begin to improve. I don't know if Lesley's body can take much more chemo, but ONC says that the chemo would be injected directly into her spinal cord and would not have to travel through entire body like the other chemo treatments.

Daughters went with their grandma for a week to try and get their minds of what is going on here. Hopefully we will get some good news once the MRI is done.

Thank you all for praying and all the wonderful words of encouragement, I/we all appreciate it and I will update you all again as I get word.



  • MomMichelle
    MomMichelle Member Posts: 93
    Please know that you and
    Please know that you and your family continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. I hope she will be feeling better after they flush her bowels and give her fluids. She is truly blessed to be married to such a great man. Keep your head up and keep believing.
  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    Thomas, Thank you so much
    Thomas, Thank you so much for keeping us posted. I wish I could be there with you at this time. I know Lesley, will feel better when she gets some fluid and food and her bowels flushed out. That will improve her strength a great deal. I'm praying for you both. We are all right there with you. Take care and give Lesley, a hugs for me. Kay
  • shy violet
    shy violet Member Posts: 167
    Dear Thomas, Thank you for
    Dear Thomas, Thank you for updating us, it is the first post I look for. I hope that things will stabilize and you and Lesley can hopefully start to see some improvement. Sending prayers and hugs, love shy
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    Better Day
    Praying for a better day for Lesley. xoxoxoxo Lynn
  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
    lynn1950 said:

    Better Day
    Praying for a better day for Lesley. xoxoxoxo Lynn

    Dear Thomas,
    Thanks for

    Dear Thomas,
    Thanks for keeping us posted. Prayers and hugs being sent.
  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    I have your, your

    I have your, your wife, and family in my prayers daily. Wishing you comfort and peace and lots of love for you and Lesley. I don't think I can even come up with the proper words of encouragement, I can't even begin to imagine what your family is going through, I can only offer my support and prayers and hopes & wishes for healing & comfort for you guys. What a blessing you are to your wife, I'm sure it means the world to her, I only wish that all of us women going through this would have the support of their husbands the way mine supports me, and the way you very obviously support your wife.
    Continued prayers sent your way
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Thomas, I am sending all the
    Thomas, I am sending all the positive thoughts your way. I sincerely hope that Lesley feels some relief and soon. You are a wonderful spouse and she is so lucky to have you by her side. Take care of yourself, too!
  • Pinkpower
    Pinkpower Member Posts: 437
    So sorry to hear the


    So sorry to hear the latest news. Praying for the best in the next treatment schedule for Lesley. Though we cant be there physically to help, please know that your family is always in our thoughts, hearts and prayers. Stay strong brother, and enjoy everyday of life.


  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967
    Always in our thoughts and prayers
    Thomas, we will continue to keep praying for Lesley, for you, and for all of your family. I really do think that Lesley will do a lot better once she gets rehydrated and moves her bowels. Don't ask me exactly how I know this, but I am speaking from experience as another husband of a a BC survivor. You both continue to amaze us all with your courage, your strength, and your faith in God. May God bless Lesley with the speedy cure she deserves!
  • creampuff91344
    creampuff91344 Member Posts: 988
    Aortus said:

    Always in our thoughts and prayers
    Thomas, we will continue to keep praying for Lesley, for you, and for all of your family. I really do think that Lesley will do a lot better once she gets rehydrated and moves her bowels. Don't ask me exactly how I know this, but I am speaking from experience as another husband of a a BC survivor. You both continue to amaze us all with your courage, your strength, and your faith in God. May God bless Lesley with the speedy cure she deserves!

    Sending Prayers
    Thomas, thank you for posting regarding Lesley, and how she is progressing. Joe is right in that getting liquid in your body, and having the bodily functions get back to somewhat normal will really help how she feels. I was in chemo treatment with a young lady who was having treatment for cancer in her spinal cord, and she had far less side effects than those of us who received infusions through the veins. Please continue to have faith, as this too shall pass. You are doing such a wonderful job, and I also send my prayers to you for strength to continue this fight. You two have really been through a lot, and we are all here to help you continue the journey. Keep us up to date......we are concerned and there for you two. Hugs, Judy
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Hi Thomas, first off big
    Hi Thomas, first off big hugs to your daughters and I hope they have a memorable week with Grandma. It sounds like Lesley has wonderful doctors who still have hope that they can give her a better quality of life which is of great value for all of you! You and yours continue to be in my prayers please tell Lesley we are here for all of you. All my chemo's have been in the vein but it makes sense that if it is injected right into the source it would give her less negative side effects and perhaps would give them greater positive results, praying that that is the case. Hugs to your lovely wife.

  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    Pinkpower said:

    So sorry to hear the


    So sorry to hear the latest news. Praying for the best in the next treatment schedule for Lesley. Though we cant be there physically to help, please know that your family is always in our thoughts, hearts and prayers. Stay strong brother, and enjoy everyday of life.



    Praying for good news with
    Praying for good news with her test. Please keep us updated.

    Hugs, Jan