Supplements to strengthen immunity?

Help4Sis Member Posts: 53
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Did anyone take any natural supplements to boost immunity while getting chemo? My sister has something called "Immunity Take Care" made by New Chapter, but, onc did not recommend she take them?


  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Typically a lot of our oncs
    Typically a lot of our oncs don't want us to even take the normal vitamins we were taking before dx. My understanding is this can affect the effectiveness of the chemo. My advice would be to go with the recommendation of her docs. The immune system will be compromised by the chemo. Does she also get the Nuelasta shot the day after chemo? This is given to help build the white blood cells.
  • Annette 11
    Annette 11 Member Posts: 380
    info. on suppliments during chemo
    I searched and read alot about taking supplements or vit. during chemo from very reputable doctors and I deceided against it. They can interfere with your chemo and your blood counts. I have always eaten well and healthy so I just continue that practice. My appetite has not been effected during the two chemo's I have had so far. I have 2 more chemo's remaining. I also bought the book Chemo therepy for dummies at the book store and they don't endorse supplements either. Chemo nurse took blood before therapy this past week and wbc, rbc and platlets actually went up, so that is very good. I believe having homemade lentil soup everyday, cream of wheat farina for breakfast everyday and steak once a week and fish and chicken (all high in iron) and of course veggies, fruit, nuts, yogart has helped.
    I'm sure others may be doing well on supplements. I would also like to hear if others are taking suppliments and what brand? I pondered over this decision also for awhile before starting treatment.
    Please check msnbc. I think the video from a doctor on there was convincing to me.
    Good Luck to your sister.
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    Check with her DR!
    Everything should be cleared with her Dr or the staff. So many things can effect how the different chemos work. I was given a notebook full of general info at my lesson before first chemo. I was also given A/C specific info then thta would go in ther notebook and when I started Taxol I was given Taxol specific info also. I also had to take all the bottles of everything I take in with me to be reviewed. My Tylenol, Super B Vit., Potasium, Vit. D and Calcium were all approved but my multi vitamin wasn't - it had too many anti-oxidants in it. Was told not to take anti-oxidants, garlic pills (but cooking with fresh was OK which I use a lot in my cooking), stay away from soy (a little soy sauce OK), and to stay away from grapefruit (not hard for me as I HATE them).

    Everything really does need to be checked as so many things inter-react and not always for the good.

  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    My onc didn't want me taking
    My onc didn't want me taking multivitamins. Everything needs to be ok'd by onc. You need to be careful that anything doesn't interfere with chemo.
  • shy violet
    shy violet Member Posts: 167
    That would be true for
    That would be true for smoothies too, I used to like Jamba Juice smoothies but during chemo I could not have any supplements or boosts...only the fruit stuff...
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member

    That would be true for
    That would be true for smoothies too, I used to like Jamba Juice smoothies but during chemo I could not have any supplements or boosts...only the fruit stuff...

    I agree with the previous posts in that you should
    always check with your doctor. My onc. said "No supplements with antioxidants because they interfere with the chemo" So, I cut those out. Also, she would not let me eat ANY fresh uncooked fruit or veggies without a peel because she felt that if I was unlucky enough to contract E.Coli or Salmonella (which can't be washed off) it would be really dangerous. For me, that was the worst because I love salad. She actually said lettuce was one of the worst offenders as far as E.Coli is concerned as well as any type of berries. So, I limited myself to bananas and oranges (which I washed first and then peeled).

    If you have faith and trust in your doctors, follow their advice.

    Hugs, Renee
  • carriesoup
    carriesoup Member Posts: 144
    Rague said:

    Check with her DR!
    Everything should be cleared with her Dr or the staff. So many things can effect how the different chemos work. I was given a notebook full of general info at my lesson before first chemo. I was also given A/C specific info then thta would go in ther notebook and when I started Taxol I was given Taxol specific info also. I also had to take all the bottles of everything I take in with me to be reviewed. My Tylenol, Super B Vit., Potasium, Vit. D and Calcium were all approved but my multi vitamin wasn't - it had too many anti-oxidants in it. Was told not to take anti-oxidants, garlic pills (but cooking with fresh was OK which I use a lot in my cooking), stay away from soy (a little soy sauce OK), and to stay away from grapefruit (not hard for me as I HATE them).

    Everything really does need to be checked as so many things inter-react and not always for the good.


    what in antioxidants are bad? my onc approved all my other vitamins. i just bought acai supplements (i used to take them regularly, but stopped) that i started taking this week. eek! i won't take them anymore if it's not good for me. just wondering why? i am also on A/C right now. then 12 treatments of taxol.


    carrie :)
  • pscheer
    pscheer Member Posts: 56 Member

    what in antioxidants are bad? my onc approved all my other vitamins. i just bought acai supplements (i used to take them regularly, but stopped) that i started taking this week. eek! i won't take them anymore if it's not good for me. just wondering why? i am also on A/C right now. then 12 treatments of taxol.


    carrie :)

    I work for surgeons at one
    I work for surgeons at one hospital and get my chemo and rad at MD Anderson (a different place). Both places told me that antioxidents stop the chemo from binding with the cells chemo is meant to kill. So, antioxidents if you are healthy are good because they keep the radicals from binding, but when you get cancer, you need to let the cells bind so the cancer can kill them. I'm not wording this exactly right, but my drs all said this is not the time to do anything but eat a normal healthy diet, do not add supplements. I was going to eat a lot of antioxident filled food and they said, just eat normal healthy meals.
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member

    what in antioxidants are bad? my onc approved all my other vitamins. i just bought acai supplements (i used to take them regularly, but stopped) that i started taking this week. eek! i won't take them anymore if it's not good for me. just wondering why? i am also on A/C right now. then 12 treatments of taxol.


    carrie :)

    The way it was explained to
    The way it was explained to me - very simplistically - is that anti-oxidants attack and go after 'nasty stuff' in our body. The chemo is 'nasty stuff' that is being put in our body for a reason - to kill the cancer - so anti-oxidants will interfere with the chemo doing it's job.

    Of course - do whatever your Dr. tells you - there are different opinions among Drs. That's what my Dr. (and the nurse who did my Education before chemo started) told me.

    I hope Taxol is nicer to you than it was to me. The 4 A/C weren't bad but the 12 Taxol were.

  • carriesoup
    carriesoup Member Posts: 144
    Rague said:

    The way it was explained to
    The way it was explained to me - very simplistically - is that anti-oxidants attack and go after 'nasty stuff' in our body. The chemo is 'nasty stuff' that is being put in our body for a reason - to kill the cancer - so anti-oxidants will interfere with the chemo doing it's job.

    Of course - do whatever your Dr. tells you - there are different opinions among Drs. That's what my Dr. (and the nurse who did my Education before chemo started) told me.

    I hope Taxol is nicer to you than it was to me. The 4 A/C weren't bad but the 12 Taxol were.


    Rague #2 :)
    well, that does make sense. that was dumb of me, starting another supplement. luckily it was my off week. next treatment of A/C is tomorrow. so far the A/C hasn't been that bad. uh oh! i hope the taxol isn't terrible. uggg. well, everyone is different, we never know how our bodies will respond. gotta keep positive :)

    thanks for your information, i appreciate it!

    carrie :)
  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    hmm I wonder about drinking
    hmm I wonder about drinking green tea, as that is a good source of anti-oxidants...anyone have any info on that? My morning cup (ok 2...) of coffee was upsetting my stomach so I switched to tea in the morning, and i usually have a cup or 2 of it throughout the day. I've also been taking my multivitamins throughout my chemo....i'll stop now because i still have 1 more chemo left but now i'm worried i've done something wrong this whole time...ooh there goes my paranoid mind wandering again now!!
  • Annette 11
    Annette 11 Member Posts: 380
    Green tea!
    I drink green tea also in the morning! Is this OK? I'm sure others are drinking it too??
  • carriesoup
    carriesoup Member Posts: 144

    hmm I wonder about drinking
    hmm I wonder about drinking green tea, as that is a good source of anti-oxidants...anyone have any info on that? My morning cup (ok 2...) of coffee was upsetting my stomach so I switched to tea in the morning, and i usually have a cup or 2 of it throughout the day. I've also been taking my multivitamins throughout my chemo....i'll stop now because i still have 1 more chemo left but now i'm worried i've done something wrong this whole time...ooh there goes my paranoid mind wandering again now!!

    my onc knew that i was taking a multi along with a few others. he didn't say anything about my multi. they only told me to stop taking st johns wort. it interacts negatively with a lot of different drugs. hopefully, it's not a big deal!
    i wonder about green tea too! after chemo, coffee makes me dizzy (too much caffeine, never thought i'd say that!) so i drink green tea too. guess, i better ask!


    carrie :)
  • pscheer
    pscheer Member Posts: 56 Member

    hmm I wonder about drinking
    hmm I wonder about drinking green tea, as that is a good source of anti-oxidants...anyone have any info on that? My morning cup (ok 2...) of coffee was upsetting my stomach so I switched to tea in the morning, and i usually have a cup or 2 of it throughout the day. I've also been taking my multivitamins throughout my chemo....i'll stop now because i still have 1 more chemo left but now i'm worried i've done something wrong this whole time...ooh there goes my paranoid mind wandering again now!!

    I take multivitamins and my
    I take multivitamins and my onc didn't have a problem with it, but he didn't want me doing a bunch of other supplements and as I mentioned in an earlier posts, didn't want me trying to purposely eat a lot of antioxident loaded food. He didn't ask to see the vitamins, so now i'm a little worried too. lol if only we could channel our worries into energy. Lots of things have antioxidents, so if you drank green tea, but didn't eat a bunch of berries, maybe it all evens out. Just lay off the green tea until you ask your dr., but try,, and i can't believe i'm saying this, try not to worry. I hate when people tell me not to worry.
  • waffle8
    waffle8 Member Posts: 234

    Green tea!
    I drink green tea also in the morning! Is this OK? I'm sure others are drinking it too??

    green tea
    Is it decaf? I drink a lot of green tea....I was allowed to take all of my vitamins during treatments... My list is long...The only thing they vetoed was this herb for vomiting/nausea....I am always amazed by the different doctor advice....
  • turquoisea
    turquoisea Member Posts: 14
    Rague said:

    The way it was explained to
    The way it was explained to me - very simplistically - is that anti-oxidants attack and go after 'nasty stuff' in our body. The chemo is 'nasty stuff' that is being put in our body for a reason - to kill the cancer - so anti-oxidants will interfere with the chemo doing it's job.

    Of course - do whatever your Dr. tells you - there are different opinions among Drs. That's what my Dr. (and the nurse who did my Education before chemo started) told me.

    I hope Taxol is nicer to you than it was to me. The 4 A/C weren't bad but the 12 Taxol were.


    I had the same question..!
    My oncologist also explained very simplistically, the effect of anti-oxidants in chemo and suggested not over-consume them. He told me just to keep balanced diet. I do take a cup of green tea since all this started, but that is to avoid taking coffee. I understand that in general we should avoid caffeine, so if you drink green tea, make sure it is decaf.

    One supplement I took during chemo was Milk Thistle. My oncologist didn’t prevent me from taking them, but he didn’t believe there were any benefits from it either. This supplement promotes healthy liver function, so I thought it would be a good help for liver during chemo. This supplement is also known to help reduce hot flushes, which we can also get from some chemos. There are no scientific studies proving the benefits for taking this, so it is only a matter of having faith..! Remember that this is a relatively cheap supplement (not profitable for pharmaceuticals) and therefore not officially promoted, so as long as there is no proof of it beeing bad, I am up for it!