Sleep, sweet sleep - AT LAST

aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Has this happened to anyone else? I had taxotere and carboplatine and during chemo, I
experienced a lot of problems with my legs. They were very rubbery and heavy and the
joints always hurt. Now it's been 3 months since i am done with that regime and am
only using Herceptin.

So since sunday I have joint problems. It started with my left knee and I couldn't sleep
all night. By Monday the pain was shooting down to my ankle and foot as well as my hip.
Don't ask me how I could through work that day... then monday another sleepless night
and am as cranky and exhausted as can be. By now I can barely put weight on my left knee.
So I made an appointment, they gave me a cortizone shot (oucH). But I still feel it and the
sleeping pill wore off around 1 am, so I am trying not to be miserable. Found this Wislawa Symborska;

Four a.m.

The hour between night and day.
The hour between toss and turn.
The hour of thirty-year-olds.

The hour swept clean for rooster's crowing.
The hour when the earth takes back its warm embrace.
The hour of cool drafts from extinguished stars.
The hour of do-we-vanish-too-without-a-trace.

Empty hour.
Hollow. Vain.
Rock bottom of all the other hours.

No one feels fine at four a.m.
If ants feel fine at four a.m.,
we're happy for the ants. And let five a.m. come
if we've got to go on living.


  • heidijez
    heidijez Member Posts: 441
    don't you just love it. . .
    when you find a poem that says exactly what you feel?

    so sorry, sweet ayse, that you couldn't sleep. i have not been sleeping well either, but no longer want to take morphine at night.

    sending you lots of hugs, heidi
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    heidijez said:

    don't you just love it. . .
    when you find a poem that says exactly what you feel?

    so sorry, sweet ayse, that you couldn't sleep. i have not been sleeping well either, but no longer want to take morphine at night.

    sending you lots of hugs, heidi

    Yawn, what I'd do for quality sleep....
    Narcotics give me the "opium dreams"--very vivid dreams/nightmares that mess up my sleep. Sometimes 2 extra strength tylenol will knock me out (bad for my liver but ok for a one tme deal). Nyquil when I am desperate. Benadryl stimulates me so that's out. I am going to try melatonin one of these days. A dull book can be helpful. Any other sleep aids bedsides ambien, etc.?
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member

    Yawn, what I'd do for quality sleep....
    Narcotics give me the "opium dreams"--very vivid dreams/nightmares that mess up my sleep. Sometimes 2 extra strength tylenol will knock me out (bad for my liver but ok for a one tme deal). Nyquil when I am desperate. Benadryl stimulates me so that's out. I am going to try melatonin one of these days. A dull book can be helpful. Any other sleep aids bedsides ambien, etc.?

    Sorry you're not able to visit "teepytown"
    Lack of sleep is the worst because it makes it so hard to cope with everything else. Could your Herceptin therapy be the culprit? I hate taking sleep aids, but sometimes something like an Advil PM takes care of the pain and offers a little sleep.

    Hope you have a better night tonight, Ayse.

    Hugs, Renee
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    missrenee said:

    Sorry you're not able to visit "teepytown"
    Lack of sleep is the worst because it makes it so hard to cope with everything else. Could your Herceptin therapy be the culprit? I hate taking sleep aids, but sometimes something like an Advil PM takes care of the pain and offers a little sleep.

    Hope you have a better night tonight, Ayse.

    Hugs, Renee

    Just finished my 1 year of Herceptin, TCH killer chemo
    cocktail 12/20/09 .. Restless leg sydrome - is what I was told .. still suffering, and will for a while. Another side effort from chemo.

    I slept for a entire 8 hours .. last Wednesday, night -- what BLiss ..of course, I still was slightly drugged from surgery -- oh well, I get sleep when and where I can.

    I will fess up .. I normally sleep very well the night of .. my Yoga class -- nice, peaceful - sleep, normally about 6 hours.

    Strength and Courage:

    Vicki Sam
  • ms.sunshine
    ms.sunshine Member Posts: 707 Member
    VickiSam said:

    Just finished my 1 year of Herceptin, TCH killer chemo
    cocktail 12/20/09 .. Restless leg sydrome - is what I was told .. still suffering, and will for a while. Another side effort from chemo.

    I slept for a entire 8 hours .. last Wednesday, night -- what BLiss ..of course, I still was slightly drugged from surgery -- oh well, I get sleep when and where I can.

    I will fess up .. I normally sleep very well the night of .. my Yoga class -- nice, peaceful - sleep, normally about 6 hours.

    Strength and Courage:

    Vicki Sam

    I was like that
    Leg pain, couldn't stand up straight. No relief no matter what. I take glucosamine, and fish oil for joints. I swear it works for me. If I go 3 days without taking it the pain comes back. As long as I take the supplements I feel fine.
    May want to try it.
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    Sorry your in pain and
    Sorry your in pain and grouchy from lack of sleep. Did getting to the gym help? Thank you for sharing a wonderful poem, as I'm often up at 4am.

    Hugs to you,

  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member

    Sorry your in pain and
    Sorry your in pain and grouchy from lack of sleep. Did getting to the gym help? Thank you for sharing a wonderful poem, as I'm often up at 4am.

    Hugs to you,


    Gosh, I really love you guys!
    Thank you so much for caring and I will try those supplements.

    I am still hurting... so here's what I did to make me feel better.
    I got my VERY first haircut.. hihi AND hold on tight ladies... my
    cute hairdresser flirted with me!! I felt like my sexy self again, YEAH
    then I hobbled home.. lol But I am still smiling, I had so much fun.

    Here's to deep, relaxing and recuperative sleep to all of us and of
    course sweet dreams!

  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    aysemari said:

    Gosh, I really love you guys!
    Thank you so much for caring and I will try those supplements.

    I am still hurting... so here's what I did to make me feel better.
    I got my VERY first haircut.. hihi AND hold on tight ladies... my
    cute hairdresser flirted with me!! I felt like my sexy self again, YEAH
    then I hobbled home.. lol But I am still smiling, I had so much fun.

    Here's to deep, relaxing and recuperative sleep to all of us and of
    course sweet dreams!


    A haircut and a

    A haircut and a flirtation. WHOO HOO That's a boost to the self esteem. Sweet dreams to you.
  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    fauxma said:

    A haircut and a

    A haircut and a flirtation. WHOO HOO That's a boost to the self esteem. Sweet dreams to you.

    I can't even tell you just HOW wonderful I feel this morning!!!!

    Granted I had to take a sleeping pill but I slept through the whole
    night and woke up feeling like a million bucks. Can't stop smiling... LOL

    Loving life!!!

  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    I was on the same cocktail as you. I remember my knees and hips HURTING me. At first I thought I was coming down with arthritis, but then realized it was the chemo. I put a homeopathic salve on my knees to ease the pain. It helped, temporarily.

    The side effects of all these drugs are such a drag. I told a friend that I felt like I had so many drugs coursing through my veins that I GLOWED at night. I am a walking, breathing, talking mini 3 Mile Island. I kid... the drugs did their job. I celebrated my 1st year Cancerversary on June 1st.

    You will get through this, hang in there. Hugs and blessings to you.

    PS Glad to hear the Sand Man paid you a visit and you were able to get some shut eye-YEAH!
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member

    I was on the same cocktail as you. I remember my knees and hips HURTING me. At first I thought I was coming down with arthritis, but then realized it was the chemo. I put a homeopathic salve on my knees to ease the pain. It helped, temporarily.

    The side effects of all these drugs are such a drag. I told a friend that I felt like I had so many drugs coursing through my veins that I GLOWED at night. I am a walking, breathing, talking mini 3 Mile Island. I kid... the drugs did their job. I celebrated my 1st year Cancerversary on June 1st.

    You will get through this, hang in there. Hugs and blessings to you.

    PS Glad to hear the Sand Man paid you a visit and you were able to get some shut eye-YEAH!

    Ayse--you go girlfriend!
    No surprise to me that your hairdresser flirted--you are one foxy chick! Glad to hear you got some sleep--it does wonders. Gives you a whole new outlook.

    Keep being foxy.

    Hugs, Renee
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    missrenee said:

    Ayse--you go girlfriend!
    No surprise to me that your hairdresser flirted--you are one foxy chick! Glad to hear you got some sleep--it does wonders. Gives you a whole new outlook.

    Keep being foxy.

    Hugs, Renee

    love the new pic! You go girl!
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    my sleep patterns have been altered too. Sleep is so important for our health. I'm glad you were finally able to get a good night's sleep even if you had to take something to do so. As for aching joints, I have osteoarthritis for which I take a script, Glucosamine/Chondroitin and fish oil. I still hurt and chemo & Neulasta shot sure don't help. I'm swollen right now and my knees ache since we've had 3 days in a row of rain! Ugh! Sounds like the haircut had fringe benefits. lol
    {{hugs}} Char
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    aysemari said:

    I can't even tell you just HOW wonderful I feel this morning!!!!

    Granted I had to take a sleeping pill but I slept through the whole
    night and woke up feeling like a million bucks. Can't stop smiling... LOL

    Loving life!!!


    Good to hear that you had a
    Good to hear that you had a good night's sleep. It is so hard on our bodies when our sleep is interupted. So pills or not, it's great.