I am taking you all on a trip - who's with me?



  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967
    aysemari said:

    Where are my single ladies???
    I am feeling left out (ok a little jealous) with all the making out in the back!!!
    Don't get me wrong it's encouraged actually. It helps contribute the positve aura.

    I will bring us some summer wine and a smorgasboard of goodies to pass around.
    And we can gossip about which lady has the hottest guy in the back.

    So just a few tips for light and carefree traveling, leave your baggage at home
    and dust off you inner child and drag her along if at first she resists! And definitely
    come hungry I hear they have the best eat-whatcha-really-want cuisine ever.

    Yeah, this is good turn out and I think we'll have FUN, just crazy, mind boggling,
    wet myself laughing Fun!

    Lets GOOOAA!!!


    The hottest guy on the bus, hands down
    ...is NED. All of the ladies here want to have him in their lives. And we dudes are all extremely cool with that.

    Here's hoping NED stays forever with the ladies he's already with, and that he hooks up as soon as possible with the ladies he's not with yet.

    And let the fun begin... gotta tell you, Ayse, I'm still laughing at that chemo weenie melting joke you made, even though I sleep with a former chemo chick every night!
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    chenheart said:

    LOL I am laughing so hard!!!
    LOL I am laughing so hard!!! You actually included the word BOTH? In case you meant me..I was just carried away by the thoughtfulness of Ayse, and of course, the words by an Actual Poet. My words were simply a silly afterthought...but if you thought the words were lovely~thank you very much, Kindred Spirit! I am smiling BIG! And if you didn't mean me, I am hiding in the corner with embarrassment. But this is the Internet~ no one will ever know! :-) LOL LOL LOL


    I am sure that you are part
    I am sure that you are part of the both. And I think that was a lovely poem. And it was heartfelt or Chenheartfelt as it were.
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    Does eat-whatcha-want mean
    Does eat-whatcha-want mean also, nota-pound-gained? What a utopia that would be! Save two seats for me and DH! Is the bus gonna be big enough?