Libby's Update

LPack Member Posts: 645
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Good Afternoon, Ladies!!

I have had 3 infusions of Doxil (dose is 50 or 55 which is a higher dose because of being on PARP clinical trial). After first infusion I had heartburn like pain in esophagus, had 2 shots of Neupagen for white count (already).

Second infusion I had constipation, mouth sores, some itching around chest from bra, some stomach pain. Had blood work on Sept 3rd did not find out that my hemoglobin was 6.1 until Tuesday after Labor Day - they scheduled me for blood transfusion. I went in local hospital for transfusion they first retook my counts and hemo was up to 10.8 - Praise the Lord! Had 3 shots to bring white count up for 3rd infusion.

Had ctscan after 2nd infusion showed no change and CA125 taken day of 3rd infusion which was Monday, September 13th. CA125 went from 363 down to 151 - Doxil is working for me.

So far 1 week and 5 days after 3rd infusion I am starting to feel some discomfort with my feet and none on my hands. I do keep lotion on my body as much as I can. I am beginning to feel that the mouth sores are going to be a problem again, but have swish and swallow. My sores are not on my gums but on the top of my tongue going down my throat. Which of course makes eating a problem BUT I have not had an eating problem like I did with Cisplatin (PTL).

Truthfully, I do not like having chemo running through my body all the time. Been on chemo it seems like almost 3 years, but I was considered NED for awhile. You just feel different don't you? I am surprised I enjoy food so well because I can smell chemo on my breath, my urine and it seems like the few sore like spots on my body oozes chemo.

But I can't complain, I have had energy to watch my granddaughter for a weekend (the weekend my hemoglobin was suppose to be 6.1), camp with my husband the last 4 days and ride our Harley, today to Columbus to watch our oldest grandson (6 yrs) play soccer, tomorrow leave for the Smokey Mtns for 5 days!

Our 3rd grandson is to be born January 24th and we just found out last week that our newest grandchild is to be born March 24th!!! Yippee! I am so Blessed. I pray to be able to enjoy all our grandchildren for many years! ☺

God is Good all the time, all the time God is Good!!

Now you are caught up on what is going on with me. And you already know that our computer crashed mostly due to opening up forwards emailed to us and a few other things. That kept us off the computer for about 3 weeks!

Living for Eternity,
Love you ladies,


  • newhopechurchli
    newhopechurchli Member Posts: 126
    Thank you for writing
    I was diagnosed 3 years ago and I remember seeing your name back then on this site. I appreciate reading your update ... seeing that you remain strong and encouraged in the Lord - I too believe that God is Good!! BTW..... Congratulations on your grandchild... I too just found out that my first grandchild will be born in April.
  • Mwee
    Mwee Member Posts: 1,338 Member
    So glad to hear that the Doxil is working for you, what wonderful news AND new grandchildren, too! Double YEAH!!!
    (((HUGS))) Maria