Gotta see this one-The Gerson Cure-Juicing

PamPam2 Member Posts: 370 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi All
Just caught this older documentary on hulu, it's free on the internet. All about the Gerson cure, using juicing, detoxifying and using natural supplements. Very interesting documentary, and it follows a lot of what some of our 'juicers' here are doing. Been around a long time, but really suppressed in the US. It's worth a watch, just to realize the constant bombardment of toxins were are subjected to every day, and also the segments on how large farming methods degrade the quality of our food. I wonder how much one of those juicers they use cost? I'm going to search it out of curiosity. Heres the address for the video.
Happy watching


  • neon356
    neon356 Member Posts: 137 Member
    Just one more snake oil cure

    Just one more snake oil cure
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    know of it
    I've definitely heard about the Gerson clinic treatment. I live about an hour north of San Diego & there is an office in San Diego. The main treatment center is in Mexico. A woman at my church told me about it and that she went there years ago when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She never had surgery, radiation, chemo or any kind of traditional treatment- just went through the Gerson treatment & then her next scan showed all clear & she's been clear now for over 15 years. You hear stories like that and I know some of them are definitely true. It perks my ears up, for sure, as I'm realizing that after over 3 years of being on chemo, chemo isn't going to cure me & i'll have to be on it probably forever & then someday my body will shut down from the chemo itself and that's what will probably take me (or the fact that there's no other chemo or conventional treatment left for me).
    I actually started myself on something holistic this past week- "zapping" (google it), and taking numerous different herbs/supplements, buying organic, trying so hard to stay away from sugar (esp corn syrup), oxygenating, drinking alkaline water, & I am planning on adding Oxy-E and zeolite to the mix. In addition, I started a parasite cleanse. I have not had any sign of having parasites or worms, but there is a theory that people with cancer have parasites attacking in their tumors and anywhere in the body that is weak. I have no idea if I believe this or not, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to try it. I did check out the herbs used (cloves, black walnut tincture, and wormwood) for the cleanse & they do not seem to be harmful. I started taking major antioxidants of vitamin C, a health drink that is a mixture of acai berry juice, gogi juice, and mangosteen, am getting out the "Vitamineral Green" powder of many things (like wheat grass, barley juice, and about 20 other green things) & just bought and started on organic mushroom extract (which includes Miatake, shitake, Reiki, and some other kind of mushroom) I feel like this is the equivalent to juicing, which I have a hard time following through with due to the mess and time involved. I do plan on getting the juicer out and getting going on that again, too. I've based what I started on this week on from my book "An Anticancer Diet" by Robert Korczynski. This is different from the Anticancer book, which i also have. I started off doing some of these things a few months back, but stopped- this time I'm going to go for gusto, as I really believe I'm getting to the end or close to the end of drug/chemo options. And I realize that chemo is going to shut down my body and kill off my immune system, which is essential to have strong to fight off cancer and all other kinds of illness. I have flip flopped a lot, especially due to my struggles with not having my husband support me in all of this "alternative" stuff and trying to cook and eat healthier (note the chili dog comment in another thread:)
    BTW, the book has two lists, one of supplements to take for cancer and one of other things to get for health
    Supplements listed in the book:
    Vitamin B-12, Vitamin C, Multivitamin (I personally take a spray multivitamin for better absorption), colloidal silver (google it- all sorts of benefits), CoQ-10, MSM, Oxy-E (cellular oxygen booster), Elemental Ph (cellular calcium booster which is supposed to raise the ph level), blue green algae/chlorella, papaya pro (digestive enzyme), probiotics, Zeolite powder, and U-Fn 35% Kombu concentrate.
    I think the book was written before all the knowledge on the benefits of taking vitamin D-3, so add that (I take it also in a liquid spray form). I am personally also taking cimetidine (tagamet)- 800 mg/day, based on the study that supports that and shows that it can help prevent metastasis (or hopefully prevents further spreading for those of us who already are stage IV).

    Other good things to get: hemp seeds, coconut oil, peanut oil, walnut oil, vegan mayonnaise, green tea, for milk: soy, rice, almond, hemp or oat milk, oatmeal, stevia, grade B maple syrup, arrowroot powder, sea salt, Ezekial bread, salad ingredients, avocados, organic vegetables and fruits for consumption and juicing, brown rice, split peas, lentels, soy sauce, silken tofu, fresh and dried mushrooms.

    No, I have not talked to my onc yet about doing this all, because I know what he will say- he's actually fairly open to a lot of things, but I will go ahead and tell him what I'm doing when I have my next appt (which is Oct 1st). At the moment, I'm not majorly concerned if all this interferes w/ the chemo a bit, just because I have this gut feeling that the chemo isn't doing much for me anymore (based on my always a predictor CEA, which has been rising). My next scan will be the 1st week of November.

  • John23
    John23 Member Posts: 2,122 Member
    lisa42 said:

    know of it
    I've definitely heard about the Gerson clinic treatment. I live about an hour north of San Diego & there is an office in San Diego. The main treatment center is in Mexico. A woman at my church told me about it and that she went there years ago when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She never had surgery, radiation, chemo or any kind of traditional treatment- just went through the Gerson treatment & then her next scan showed all clear & she's been clear now for over 15 years. You hear stories like that and I know some of them are definitely true. It perks my ears up, for sure, as I'm realizing that after over 3 years of being on chemo, chemo isn't going to cure me & i'll have to be on it probably forever & then someday my body will shut down from the chemo itself and that's what will probably take me (or the fact that there's no other chemo or conventional treatment left for me).
    I actually started myself on something holistic this past week- "zapping" (google it), and taking numerous different herbs/supplements, buying organic, trying so hard to stay away from sugar (esp corn syrup), oxygenating, drinking alkaline water, & I am planning on adding Oxy-E and zeolite to the mix. In addition, I started a parasite cleanse. I have not had any sign of having parasites or worms, but there is a theory that people with cancer have parasites attacking in their tumors and anywhere in the body that is weak. I have no idea if I believe this or not, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to try it. I did check out the herbs used (cloves, black walnut tincture, and wormwood) for the cleanse & they do not seem to be harmful. I started taking major antioxidants of vitamin C, a health drink that is a mixture of acai berry juice, gogi juice, and mangosteen, am getting out the "Vitamineral Green" powder of many things (like wheat grass, barley juice, and about 20 other green things) & just bought and started on organic mushroom extract (which includes Miatake, shitake, Reiki, and some other kind of mushroom) I feel like this is the equivalent to juicing, which I have a hard time following through with due to the mess and time involved. I do plan on getting the juicer out and getting going on that again, too. I've based what I started on this week on from my book "An Anticancer Diet" by Robert Korczynski. This is different from the Anticancer book, which i also have. I started off doing some of these things a few months back, but stopped- this time I'm going to go for gusto, as I really believe I'm getting to the end or close to the end of drug/chemo options. And I realize that chemo is going to shut down my body and kill off my immune system, which is essential to have strong to fight off cancer and all other kinds of illness. I have flip flopped a lot, especially due to my struggles with not having my husband support me in all of this "alternative" stuff and trying to cook and eat healthier (note the chili dog comment in another thread:)
    BTW, the book has two lists, one of supplements to take for cancer and one of other things to get for health
    Supplements listed in the book:
    Vitamin B-12, Vitamin C, Multivitamin (I personally take a spray multivitamin for better absorption), colloidal silver (google it- all sorts of benefits), CoQ-10, MSM, Oxy-E (cellular oxygen booster), Elemental Ph (cellular calcium booster which is supposed to raise the ph level), blue green algae/chlorella, papaya pro (digestive enzyme), probiotics, Zeolite powder, and U-Fn 35% Kombu concentrate.
    I think the book was written before all the knowledge on the benefits of taking vitamin D-3, so add that (I take it also in a liquid spray form). I am personally also taking cimetidine (tagamet)- 800 mg/day, based on the study that supports that and shows that it can help prevent metastasis (or hopefully prevents further spreading for those of us who already are stage IV).

    Other good things to get: hemp seeds, coconut oil, peanut oil, walnut oil, vegan mayonnaise, green tea, for milk: soy, rice, almond, hemp or oat milk, oatmeal, stevia, grade B maple syrup, arrowroot powder, sea salt, Ezekial bread, salad ingredients, avocados, organic vegetables and fruits for consumption and juicing, brown rice, split peas, lentels, soy sauce, silken tofu, fresh and dried mushrooms.

    No, I have not talked to my onc yet about doing this all, because I know what he will say- he's actually fairly open to a lot of things, but I will go ahead and tell him what I'm doing when I have my next appt (which is Oct 1st). At the moment, I'm not majorly concerned if all this interferes w/ the chemo a bit, just because I have this gut feeling that the chemo isn't doing much for me anymore (based on my always a predictor CEA, which has been rising). My next scan will be the 1st week of November.


    Lisa -

    For all that all that holistic "over the counter" stuff is costing you,
    only a small fraction of that amount would more than pay for
    Medicinal strength Chinese herbs, and visits to a doctor of TCM.

    There are no guarantees with anything we do, and there is much
    to be said for Juicing, and dietary changes, but don't be too hasty
    to overlook a thousands of year old science that continues to be
    practiced today in leading Asian hospitals.

    Good health to you!

  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    John23 said:

    Lisa -

    For all that all that holistic "over the counter" stuff is costing you,
    only a small fraction of that amount would more than pay for
    Medicinal strength Chinese herbs, and visits to a doctor of TCM.

    There are no guarantees with anything we do, and there is much
    to be said for Juicing, and dietary changes, but don't be too hasty
    to overlook a thousands of year old science that continues to be
    practiced today in leading Asian hospitals.

    Good health to you!


    John- PM?
    Hi John,

    Could you send me a PM with some specific information of where to go, etc? I'm sure you've already shared on other threads what you take, but I never really paid attention that carefully. I'm all ears now!!

  • John23
    John23 Member Posts: 2,122 Member
    lisa42 said:

    John- PM?
    Hi John,

    Could you send me a PM with some specific information of where to go, etc? I'm sure you've already shared on other threads what you take, but I never really paid attention that carefully. I'm all ears now!!


    Lisa -
    On my "profile page" I started a "blog" with information,
    it's not much, but it's a start...

    TCM physicians are growing in numbers lately, but finding
    a good one is like finding a good western medicine physician.

    You should become familiar with what TCM is; the concept
    and basic science, and with that... you can better understand
    what to look for, when looking for TCM physician.

    There are physicians calling themselves TCM physicians, but
    if you find they're using the language and concept of western medicine,
    they are not practicing TCM. Instead all they're doing, is just using
    acupuncture and/or herbs to quell symptoms, not effect a cure of
    the underlying problem causing the symptoms.

    Let me know if I can assist further, after reading a few of the
    links on the blog.

    You can use TCM and/or herbs along with conventional chemo
    and radiation. They do exactly that in China, when requested.

    There's no "magic" or "snake oil" involved, TCM is simply different
    concept of providing good health. It seeks to cure health problems,
    not just stifle symptoms or cause one to take the "medicine" forever,
    as western medicine does.

    It's been around a lot longer than "western medicine"; has served
    billions upon billions more people, and is used today, just as it has
    been used for thousands of years.

    Happy reading !!

  • C Dixon
    C Dixon Member Posts: 201
    John23 said:

    Lisa -
    On my "profile page" I started a "blog" with information,
    it's not much, but it's a start...

    TCM physicians are growing in numbers lately, but finding
    a good one is like finding a good western medicine physician.

    You should become familiar with what TCM is; the concept
    and basic science, and with that... you can better understand
    what to look for, when looking for TCM physician.

    There are physicians calling themselves TCM physicians, but
    if you find they're using the language and concept of western medicine,
    they are not practicing TCM. Instead all they're doing, is just using
    acupuncture and/or herbs to quell symptoms, not effect a cure of
    the underlying problem causing the symptoms.

    Let me know if I can assist further, after reading a few of the
    links on the blog.

    You can use TCM and/or herbs along with conventional chemo
    and radiation. They do exactly that in China, when requested.

    There's no "magic" or "snake oil" involved, TCM is simply different
    concept of providing good health. It seeks to cure health problems,
    not just stifle symptoms or cause one to take the "medicine" forever,
    as western medicine does.

    It's been around a lot longer than "western medicine"; has served
    billions upon billions more people, and is used today, just as it has
    been used for thousands of years.

    Happy reading !!


    I have ordered a book


    I have ordered a book to read up on this. I don't want to go into an office looking like a dear in the headlights.

    Thanks for all your guidance,

  • John23
    John23 Member Posts: 2,122 Member
    C Dixon said:

    I have ordered a book


    I have ordered a book to read up on this. I don't want to go into an office looking like a dear in the headlights.

    Thanks for all your guidance,


    Catherine -
    Please let me know what book are you getting? And thank you
    for the "thank you". If I can be of help to anyone, it's thanks
    enough for me, to be able to help.

    To all reading this:

    Just a simple disclaimer (since I do have a few people on this
    forum that don't wish me well for my strong belief in TCM)

    I -do not- endorse any products that may be on the links I provide!
    Any links I post, I do so because I feel they explain things about
    the subject better than other websites I've visited.

    There is an awful lot of misinformation on websites that promote
    TCM, as well regarding other subjects, so please beware of what
    you read; parse things well.

    I found that taking a phrase or an entire sentence, and "googling"
    it, can often indicate how many times it's been copied into other
    websites. If they are all selling something, they are using copied
    material in an attempt to "prove" to prospective buyers that they
    are knowledgeable and informed. Are they? Probably not. Anyone
    can copy and paste! (I do it all the time)*(oops)

    Seriously, take what you read and let your own common sense
    help you decide it's merit. If it doesn't sound honest, it probably isn't.
    If it sounds too honest, and ends with trying to sell you something,
    it's probably a shill; some honesty mixed with some scam.

    Your life's at stake, don't fall for false propaganda.

    If they tell you it can kill cancer cells that they can't prove exist;
    If they can't tell you if it did kill cancer cells after you take it;
    If they tell you you have to assume that it will work..... and then
    tell you that you can't afford not to try it..... it just could be a scam!

    Best health to all!

  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hi Pam,

    The Gerson Method is what I based my colon cancer cure on along with TCM and a vegan/macro diet. I am NINE years cancer free with NO recurrences. It's NOT snake oil. Sorry. It's solid info that has helped many many folks to cure their cancer. And without all the side effects of cytotoxic chemicals...just sayin'...

    Hope you try it out. What do you have to lose?

    peace, emily the juice chick
  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member
    Yeah, a lot of us have been
    Yeah, a lot of us have been trying to plug the Gerson method on this site off and on for a while, and if one does just a little research on it, one can find dozens of cases where this method has cured cancers that have a 100% mortality. It works, you just have to stick with it for a minimum of two years.

    Lisa, i'm so thrilled you took the plunge, despite your husband's lack of support, and did your homework! After all the research i've done, i believe it doesn't matter what system you use as long as you're boosting your immune system to it's optimum. There are many things, or combinations of things that will do it.

    i know how much John favors TCM, and i'm sure that system works too, but like he mentioned, be sure you find a good one. The one i use hasn't done much for me holistically, though the acupuncture treatments are awesome. The only thing she told me to add to my diet is spirulina.

    One note about Gerson; they strongly recommend that if you've ever done chemo, don't do the coffee enemas without doctor supervision at first. The purpose of the coffee enemas is to detox the liver, and anyone who's done chemo has heavy doses of it stored there. I'm taking milk thistle to detox my liver.

    The cost for a weeks stay at the Gerson clinic in Mexico is $5500, and that includes the cost for a cargiver you have to bring with you. Most people only need to stay a week to learn the program, then they continue doing it at home.

    They have a 90% cure rate, and anyone who doubts this can travel to the institute located in downtown San Diego, and go through their records that they're happy to supply on site.

    Many of the treatments they utilize in Mexico work. i know someone who cured her bone cancer with oxygen therapy. We have to ask ourselves why something as simple as oxygen therapy is illegal here in the United States? It isn't harmful, so why?

    many hugs!
  • geotina
    geotina Member Posts: 2,111 Member

    Yeah, a lot of us have been
    Yeah, a lot of us have been trying to plug the Gerson method on this site off and on for a while, and if one does just a little research on it, one can find dozens of cases where this method has cured cancers that have a 100% mortality. It works, you just have to stick with it for a minimum of two years.

    Lisa, i'm so thrilled you took the plunge, despite your husband's lack of support, and did your homework! After all the research i've done, i believe it doesn't matter what system you use as long as you're boosting your immune system to it's optimum. There are many things, or combinations of things that will do it.

    i know how much John favors TCM, and i'm sure that system works too, but like he mentioned, be sure you find a good one. The one i use hasn't done much for me holistically, though the acupuncture treatments are awesome. The only thing she told me to add to my diet is spirulina.

    One note about Gerson; they strongly recommend that if you've ever done chemo, don't do the coffee enemas without doctor supervision at first. The purpose of the coffee enemas is to detox the liver, and anyone who's done chemo has heavy doses of it stored there. I'm taking milk thistle to detox my liver.

    The cost for a weeks stay at the Gerson clinic in Mexico is $5500, and that includes the cost for a cargiver you have to bring with you. Most people only need to stay a week to learn the program, then they continue doing it at home.

    They have a 90% cure rate, and anyone who doubts this can travel to the institute located in downtown San Diego, and go through their records that they're happy to supply on site.

    Many of the treatments they utilize in Mexico work. i know someone who cured her bone cancer with oxygen therapy. We have to ask ourselves why something as simple as oxygen therapy is illegal here in the United States? It isn't harmful, so why?

    many hugs!

    90% cure rate for what type of cancers and what stages of cancer. If the 90% cure rate is accurate, I would think the line would be a line 100 miles long to get into this place. Just asking, I have no opinion one way or another about the Gerson Clinic.

    I have read both good and bad about Gerson Clinic in Mexico but have never personally looked into it. Have you been there and if so, what was your experience.

    Thanks - Tina
  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member
    geotina said:

    90% cure rate for what type of cancers and what stages of cancer. If the 90% cure rate is accurate, I would think the line would be a line 100 miles long to get into this place. Just asking, I have no opinion one way or another about the Gerson Clinic.

    I have read both good and bad about Gerson Clinic in Mexico but have never personally looked into it. Have you been there and if so, what was your experience.

    Thanks - Tina

    Hi Tina!
    The 90% success rate is every and all cancers around the board. Since they treat cancer as simply a break down of the immune system, all cancers (and most other illnesses for that matter), can be cured with optimum nutirition (or by the methods they employ). From what i understand, the 10% failure is of patients who did not follow through for the recommended amount of time needed to kill every cancer cell, or they went on and off the program, never fully committing to it. If you look at what the program actually consists of, you can see why there isn't a line beating down the door to get in, though i believe there is a long waiting list to get into the clinic. it's a very, VERY, strict regime, but i'll never forget an interview i saw of a woman who had a type of ovarian cancer that had a 100% mortality rate. She did the Gerson program, and became the only known person to ever survive it. This was almost five years after the fact, and she looked amazing compared to her "height of sickness" pictures.

    I have never gone to the clinic in Mexico, but i did go to the institute in San Diego, and got a lot of information there, including pricing, and some descriptions of the actual program. They were about to close, so i didn't have time to look through their case files, but i have since seen recorded interviews of many of the terminal patients who were still alive many years after their expiration date, thanks to Gerson. Some doctors who have witnessed these "miracles" have actually given up their medical practices to advocate for alternative treatments. I've seen an interview with a few of them, and they admit they would have their medical licenses revoked if they recommended a clinic like Gerson to a dying patient. Don recommended "A Beautiful Truth" which got me started, and there are several others that i can't remember the names of, but i can find them if you want to know. I rented some of them on Netflix. There is also a video entitled "The Gerson Method" which i haven't watched yet.

    I've already decided i don't have anywhere near the discipline required to follow Gerson's program, so i'm doing other things, and incorporating some of the Gerson methods i CAN do.

  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member

    Hi Tina!
    The 90% success rate is every and all cancers around the board. Since they treat cancer as simply a break down of the immune system, all cancers (and most other illnesses for that matter), can be cured with optimum nutirition (or by the methods they employ). From what i understand, the 10% failure is of patients who did not follow through for the recommended amount of time needed to kill every cancer cell, or they went on and off the program, never fully committing to it. If you look at what the program actually consists of, you can see why there isn't a line beating down the door to get in, though i believe there is a long waiting list to get into the clinic. it's a very, VERY, strict regime, but i'll never forget an interview i saw of a woman who had a type of ovarian cancer that had a 100% mortality rate. She did the Gerson program, and became the only known person to ever survive it. This was almost five years after the fact, and she looked amazing compared to her "height of sickness" pictures.

    I have never gone to the clinic in Mexico, but i did go to the institute in San Diego, and got a lot of information there, including pricing, and some descriptions of the actual program. They were about to close, so i didn't have time to look through their case files, but i have since seen recorded interviews of many of the terminal patients who were still alive many years after their expiration date, thanks to Gerson. Some doctors who have witnessed these "miracles" have actually given up their medical practices to advocate for alternative treatments. I've seen an interview with a few of them, and they admit they would have their medical licenses revoked if they recommended a clinic like Gerson to a dying patient. Don recommended "A Beautiful Truth" which got me started, and there are several others that i can't remember the names of, but i can find them if you want to know. I rented some of them on Netflix. There is also a video entitled "The Gerson Method" which i haven't watched yet.

    I've already decided i don't have anywhere near the discipline required to follow Gerson's program, so i'm doing other things, and incorporating some of the Gerson methods i CAN do.


    Hi Krista,

    You've got a lot of info, which I appreciated reading. Regarding my husband, last night he told me to go for whatever I think may help & he'd support me in doing it all and he'd try to be more supportive regarding our meals and foods. So I was very glad about that! Anyhow, I think what you said about Gerson being Very strict, I think you are right about just doing what you can do and not having to go pay the $5500- that's a lot of money! I'm not saying I'm giving up on chemo- I'm still afraid to completely do that- we'll see what happens. I'm still looking into Dr. Lenz's new treatment coming up- but I have heard that patients he's worked with before will probably have priority, so I don't know how much of chance I'd even have of getting in on it- but it's exciting, because it's supposed to directly affect the cancer stem cells. In the meantime I am absolutely going to still take supplements and boost my immune system as much as I can.

    Take care!
  • HeartofSoul
    HeartofSoul Member Posts: 729 Member

    Hi Tina!
    The 90% success rate is every and all cancers around the board. Since they treat cancer as simply a break down of the immune system, all cancers (and most other illnesses for that matter), can be cured with optimum nutirition (or by the methods they employ). From what i understand, the 10% failure is of patients who did not follow through for the recommended amount of time needed to kill every cancer cell, or they went on and off the program, never fully committing to it. If you look at what the program actually consists of, you can see why there isn't a line beating down the door to get in, though i believe there is a long waiting list to get into the clinic. it's a very, VERY, strict regime, but i'll never forget an interview i saw of a woman who had a type of ovarian cancer that had a 100% mortality rate. She did the Gerson program, and became the only known person to ever survive it. This was almost five years after the fact, and she looked amazing compared to her "height of sickness" pictures.

    I have never gone to the clinic in Mexico, but i did go to the institute in San Diego, and got a lot of information there, including pricing, and some descriptions of the actual program. They were about to close, so i didn't have time to look through their case files, but i have since seen recorded interviews of many of the terminal patients who were still alive many years after their expiration date, thanks to Gerson. Some doctors who have witnessed these "miracles" have actually given up their medical practices to advocate for alternative treatments. I've seen an interview with a few of them, and they admit they would have their medical licenses revoked if they recommended a clinic like Gerson to a dying patient. Don recommended "A Beautiful Truth" which got me started, and there are several others that i can't remember the names of, but i can find them if you want to know. I rented some of them on Netflix. There is also a video entitled "The Gerson Method" which i haven't watched yet.

    I've already decided i don't have anywhere near the discipline required to follow Gerson's program, so i'm doing other things, and incorporating some of the Gerson methods i CAN do.


    Is that what Gerson is
    Is that what Gerson is claiming, 90% success rate for every and all cancers and other illnesses too? And only those who didnt followup or commit to it made up the 10% failure rate? And it includes all stages?

    That means people with the most advanced stages of the most resistent cancers such as pancreatic, small cell lung and Mesothelioma, Gliomas/Astrocytoma Brain tumors, melanoma, throat, ovarian, Hepatocellular Carcinoma (Liver Cancer), Non Hodgkins Lymphoma, Multiple Myloma, Leukimia, Gastric, bone, stomach, and osteosarcoma would also be included. It also means the top diseases, which are listed below, would also fall within Gerson's category.

    1. Diseases of the heart
    2. Cancer - Malignant tumors spanning over 250 types and subtypes
    3. Cerebrovascular diseases (stokes)
    4. Chronic lower respiratory diseases
    5. Diabetes mellitus (type 1)
    6. Influenza and pneumonia
    7. Alzheimer's disease
    8. Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis
    9. Septicemia (blood poisoning)
    10. Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis
    11. Primary hypertension and hyertensive renal disease (kidney)
    12. Parkinson's disease
    13 Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
    14. Autoimmune diseases which there are over 80 such as Lupus and RA

    There are more than 100 common diseases

    The World Health Organization WHO has codes for doctors to use when diagnosing them. Their total amount of codes are 14,199, but I think there are more diseases being discovered all the time, and I think there are many illnesses, especially rare or exotic ones, that the WHO has not classified yet. ICD means International Classification of Diseases. The latest book of those codes is version #10

    A localized disease is one that affects only one part of the body, such as athlete's foot or an eye infection.

    A disseminated disease has spread to other parts; with cancer, this is usually called metastatic disease.

    A systemic disease is a disease that affects the entire body, such as influenza or high blood pressure.
  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member
    neon356 said:

    Just one more snake oil cure

    Just one more snake oil cure

    I completely agree with you.
  • Is that what Gerson is
    Is that what Gerson is claiming, 90% success rate for every and all cancers and other illnesses too? And only those who didnt followup or commit to it made up the 10% failure rate? And it includes all stages?

    That means people with the most advanced stages of the most resistent cancers such as pancreatic, small cell lung and Mesothelioma, Gliomas/Astrocytoma Brain tumors, melanoma, throat, ovarian, Hepatocellular Carcinoma (Liver Cancer), Non Hodgkins Lymphoma, Multiple Myloma, Leukimia, Gastric, bone, stomach, and osteosarcoma would also be included. It also means the top diseases, which are listed below, would also fall within Gerson's category.

    1. Diseases of the heart
    2. Cancer - Malignant tumors spanning over 250 types and subtypes
    3. Cerebrovascular diseases (stokes)
    4. Chronic lower respiratory diseases
    5. Diabetes mellitus (type 1)
    6. Influenza and pneumonia
    7. Alzheimer's disease
    8. Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis
    9. Septicemia (blood poisoning)
    10. Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis
    11. Primary hypertension and hyertensive renal disease (kidney)
    12. Parkinson's disease
    13 Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
    14. Autoimmune diseases which there are over 80 such as Lupus and RA

    There are more than 100 common diseases

    The World Health Organization WHO has codes for doctors to use when diagnosing them. Their total amount of codes are 14,199, but I think there are more diseases being discovered all the time, and I think there are many illnesses, especially rare or exotic ones, that the WHO has not classified yet. ICD means International Classification of Diseases. The latest book of those codes is version #10

    A localized disease is one that affects only one part of the body, such as athlete's foot or an eye infection.

    A disseminated disease has spread to other parts; with cancer, this is usually called metastatic disease.

    A systemic disease is a disease that affects the entire body, such as influenza or high blood pressure.

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  • HeartofSoul
    HeartofSoul Member Posts: 729 Member
    unknown said:

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    It is possible to get
    It is possible to get alternative therapies covered by medical insurance - in fact, it has been done in one state. In 1993, Washington passed a state law requiring insurance policies to provide coverage for treatments and services by every category of licensed health care providers, starting in 1996. Washington currently licenses naturopathic doctors, acupuncturists, chiropractors, certified dietitians and nutritionists, massage therapists and midwives.

    Washington is the exception, however. Presently, only eleven states have laws that protect patient access to alternative therapies from licensed physicians: Alaska, Colorado, Georgia, Massachusetts, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas and Washington. Further, individual states vary widely in the licensing of health care practitioners other than M.D.'s - providers such as naturopaths, acupuncturists, homeopaths, etc., must also be recognized and their services included in insurance coverage. In addition, wording in insurance law and policies has to be defined by statute, so that, for example, "medical necessity" is something determined by the physician on a case-by-case basis, instead of by an insurance underwriter

    Other Options

    If your insurance plan does not offer coverage for acupuncture, chiropractic, or other alternative therapies, you may still have options, such as:

    •Partial Coverage: Of the mainstream medical insurance companies which do not cover alternative medicine, many offer what they call “partial coverage” or an “affinity program.” Generally this means that you will be provided with a discount card or code that can be used with participating providers to get a discount of 20-30% off the cost of holistic wellness care or services.

    •Special Offers: For the uninsured and first timers, shop around for fee structure that suits you. However, it is vital that you find someone who is licensed/certified and is comfortable with.

    •Comparison Shop: If you haven’t yet begun your treatment, spend some time calling around to various practitioners to compare pricing. While it’s true that you get what you pay for, it’s also true that some people charge more than others for similar service. Ask friends and co-workers for referrals, as well.
  • PamPam2
    PamPam2 Member Posts: 370 Member
    The juicer
    I found the Norwalk juicer/press on the internet, the home model is $2,500.00! But when you think about it, that's a heck of a lot less than even one chemo treatment, but then again insurance or medicaid probably wouldn't help pay for it either.
  • snommintj
    snommintj Member Posts: 601
    PamPam2 said:

    The juicer
    I found the Norwalk juicer/press on the internet, the home model is $2,500.00! But when you think about it, that's a heck of a lot less than even one chemo treatment, but then again insurance or medicaid probably wouldn't help pay for it either.

    It saddens me to hear nonsensical claims of cures. 90% cure rate is effing BS. I won't say the Gerson method isn't helpful but some claims on here need to be scrutinized. There have been several studies conducted regarding Gerson therapy patients. By most accounts, an extended life is about what you can expect with stage 4.

    Gerson Therapy Cancer Survival Studies

    1. 36 patients with Colon cancer that had metastasised to the liver where placed on the Gerson Diet against 36 control patients with similar diagnosis, not on the Gerson Diet. Mean survival with Gerson Diet: 28.6 months. Mean survival without Gerson Diet: 16.2 months. Duration of treatment unknown. [Study conducted by Germany’s Lechner P, Kronberger J. Erfahrungen mit dem einsatz der diat-therapie in der chirurgischen onkologie. Akt.Ernahr-Med 1990;15:72-8.]

    2. 153 patients with Melanoma cancer were treated with the Gerson Diet. All 14 early stage (I and II) patients were disease free at 17 years, compared to survival rates reported in the literature of 80% - 95%. Of the 35 stage III patients, the five-year survival rate was 71%, compared to survival rates reported in the literature of 27% to 42% (p=0.002). Of the 18 stage IV patients, the five-year survival was 39%, compared to 6% to 20% in the literature (p<0.001). Not included in this analysis were 53 patients who were lost to follow-up. [Study conducted by Hildenbrand G, Hildenbrand L. Five year survival rates of melanoma patients treated by diet therapy after the manner of gerson: A retrospective review. Alternative Therapies 1995 Sep;Vol 1(4).

    These aren't the only studies out there. Clearly there is an advantage but I'm not getting a 90% cure rate.
  • HeartofSoul
    HeartofSoul Member Posts: 729 Member
    snommintj said:

    It saddens me to hear nonsensical claims of cures. 90% cure rate is effing BS. I won't say the Gerson method isn't helpful but some claims on here need to be scrutinized. There have been several studies conducted regarding Gerson therapy patients. By most accounts, an extended life is about what you can expect with stage 4.

    Gerson Therapy Cancer Survival Studies

    1. 36 patients with Colon cancer that had metastasised to the liver where placed on the Gerson Diet against 36 control patients with similar diagnosis, not on the Gerson Diet. Mean survival with Gerson Diet: 28.6 months. Mean survival without Gerson Diet: 16.2 months. Duration of treatment unknown. [Study conducted by Germany’s Lechner P, Kronberger J. Erfahrungen mit dem einsatz der diat-therapie in der chirurgischen onkologie. Akt.Ernahr-Med 1990;15:72-8.]

    2. 153 patients with Melanoma cancer were treated with the Gerson Diet. All 14 early stage (I and II) patients were disease free at 17 years, compared to survival rates reported in the literature of 80% - 95%. Of the 35 stage III patients, the five-year survival rate was 71%, compared to survival rates reported in the literature of 27% to 42% (p=0.002). Of the 18 stage IV patients, the five-year survival was 39%, compared to 6% to 20% in the literature (p<0.001). Not included in this analysis were 53 patients who were lost to follow-up. [Study conducted by Hildenbrand G, Hildenbrand L. Five year survival rates of melanoma patients treated by diet therapy after the manner of gerson: A retrospective review. Alternative Therapies 1995 Sep;Vol 1(4).

    These aren't the only studies out there. Clearly there is an advantage but I'm not getting a 90% cure rate.</p>

    this is a post from the EC
    this is a post from the EC board from member ColeenB on Aug 6 on Thread "Dr Gerson"
    or see thread under the same EC board titled "Shelly~Haven't heard~wouldn't waste my $~Sorry no such luck" dated June 27 3:53am by a very respected member.

    Its amazing how facts get in the way of exuberent disillusionment such as 90% cure rates, just read below

    A good source for me is to use wikipedia and then follow up anything on there with their footnotes. You can read the original source documents... if you want to...

    Max Gerson (18 October 1881–8 March 1959) was a German physician who developed the Gerson Therapy, an alternative dietary therapy which he claimed could cure cancer and most chronic, degenerative diseases. Gerson described his approach in the book A Cancer Therapy: Results of 50 Cases. However, when Gerson's claims were independently evaluated by the National Cancer Institute (NCI), it was found that Gerson's records lacked the basic information necessary to systematically evaluate his claims. The NCI concluded that Gerson's data showed no benefit from his treatment.[1] The therapy is considered scientifically unsupported and potentially hazardous.[2][3]

    Gerson Therapy

    Gerson's therapy required the patient to consume a raw plant based diet and to drink an 8-ounce glass of fresh organic juices every waking hour. Coffee and castor oil enemas were among several types of prescribed enemas, and some patients were given hydrogen peroxide orally and rectally. Rectal ozone was also applied. Dietary supplements include vitamin C and iodine. The diet prohibited the drinking of water and consumption of berries and nuts, as well as use of aluminium vessels or utensils.[5]
    Initially, patients were required to drink several glasses of raw calf liver extract daily. Following an outbreak of Campylobacter infection linked to the Gerson clinic's extract, which sickened and killed several of the clinic's patients,[6] carrot juice was substituted.
    Animal products and fats and oils were excluded (except for the raw calf liver extract and flax-seed oil), as were supposed sources of toxicity, including tobacco, salt, alcohol, fluorides, pesticides, food additives, and pharmaceuticals. Foods were to be fresh, organically grown and unprocessed. The therapy claimed to reverse any ill effects of exposure to environmental toxins over the course of 6–18 months, and Gerson believed it would be effective against most chronic diseases including tuberculosis, fibromyalgia, most forms of advanced cancer, arthritis (both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis), and diabetes.
    Gerson's claims of success attracted some high-profile patients, as well as other alternative medicine practitioners. Gerson's daughter, Charlotte Gerson, continued to promote the therapy, founding the "Gerson Institute" in 1977.

    Gerson's therapy has not been independently tested or subjected to randomized controlled trials, and thus is illegal to market in the United States.[1] The Gerson Institute claims that Gerson's observational studies and case reports are anecdotal evidence of the efficacy of the treatment.[7] In his book, Gerson cites the "Results of 50 Cases"; however, the U.S. National Cancer Institute reviewed these 50 cases and was unable to find any evidence that Gerson's claims were accurate.[3] Gerson Institute staff published a case series in the alternative medical literature; however, the series suffered from significant methodological flaws, and no independent entity has been able to reproduce the Gerson Institute's claims.[3]

    Independent anecdotal evidence suggests that the Gerson Therapy is not effective against cancer. When a group of 13 patients sickened by elements of the Gerson Therapy were evaluated in hospitals in San Diego in the early 1980s, all of them were found to still have active cancer.[6] The Gerson Institute's claimed "cure rates" have been questioned; an investigation by Quackwatch found that the Institute's claims of cure were based not on actual documentation of survival, but on "a combination of the doctor's estimate that the departing patient has a 'reasonable chance of surviving,' plus feelings that the Institute staff have about the status of people who call in."[8] In 1994, a study published in the alternative medical literature described 18 patients treated for cancer with the Gerson Therapy. Their median survival from treatment was 9 months. Five years after receiving the Gerson treatment, 17 of the 18 patients had died of their cancer, while the one surviving patient had active non-Hodgkin lymphoma.[9]
    The American Cancer Society reports that "[t]here is no reliable scientific evidence that Gerson therapy is effective in treating cancer, and the principles behind it are not widely accepted by the medical community. It is not approved for use in the United States."[2] In 1947, the National Cancer Institute reviewed 10 "cures" submitted by Gerson; however, all of the patients were receiving standard anticancer treatment simultaneously, making it impossible to determine what effect, if any, was due to Gerson's therapy.[10] A review of the Gerson Therapy by Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center concluded: "If proponents of such therapies wish them to be evaluated scientifically and considered valid adjuvant treatments, they must provide extensive records (more than simple survival rates) and conduct controlled, prospective studies as evidence."[3]

    Safety concerns
    Coffee enemas have contributed to the deaths of at least three people in the United States. Coffee enemas "can cause colitis (inflammation of the bowel), fluid and electrolyte imbalances, and in some cases septicaemia."[11] The recommended diet may not be nutritionally adequate.[12] The diet has been blamed for the deaths of patients who substituted it for standard medical care.[13]
  • Jerez
    Jerez Member Posts: 1
    neon356 said:

    Just one more snake oil cure

    Just one more snake oil cure

    Common sense tells me it is not snake oil
    One has to have the will to live to get well. Pain and suffering, as with chemo etc does not exactly qualify to motivate a person to live.
    Feeling better does.
    To me it's a no brainer that getting intense nutrition would heal.
    I'm planning on taking the Gerson Workshop to learn as much as possible and to not only use it myself but to aid others who want to use the protocol.
    I say use both chemo and Gerson if unsure. But my bets on life, not killing to heal.