Are your legs tired, Kindred Spirits? I did a 10K for us all in 100+ degree heat!



  • Miss Murphy
    Miss Murphy Member Posts: 302
    VickiSam said:

    ChenHeart .. You ARE my Inspiration .. to get up,
    get fit and MOVE, No two ways about it!! It's very easy to have our family members get up and get us a glass of water, or banana during our sucky days and time - movement is the only cure for chemo/rad side efforts! Still going to PT 3 x a week for chronic fatigue !

    How did you survivor with all that sweat dripping from all unmentionable places on your body??? You are a Trooper, with guts of steel. 100 plus degress, I live here in Southern California - experience first hand the thick and still air .. I like to describe it as .. opening an oven door .. after your oven been on for 1 hour at 450 degrees .. how did you do it? I know how .. you are the 50 foot women, of course - you can do anything .. silly me... You had that boost of energy from your doctors, just a few days before .. You were running on Cloud 9.

    Siobhan .. comes from good stock - get my cooking humor? When I spoke with Siobhan whom I am in awe of .. (cooking school wantabe - me) I felt her love for you, Chenheart by the way she spoke of your times in Long Beach - and the way she looked at you and continued to smile while re-living her story... she is so concerned, and filled with Love for you.

    Getting off my butt (tomorrow :-) 4 football games today), PT and yoga this week ...

    Vicki Sam

    ps Please let Siobhan know that I still can't figure out how to cook in my convection oven .. However, our new viking is improving my husband and son's stove top skills.

    Explains Everything!
    Now I know why I'm being a couch potato, hanging out on the sofa with my laptop watching it rain. It's because of Chen! Thanks for your superwoman effort on our behalf!

    Hugs, Sally
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    Thanks Chen
    My legs are sooooo tired I spent the last 4 days sleeping (had 3rd trt Tuesday). I'm so proud of you and others for all the support you give us fellow sisters.
    {{hugs}} Char
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    Bless you Chen and thank you
    Bless you Chen and thank you so much for representing those of us who can't make it out there! Big cyberhugs coming your way and now get some much deserved rest!