Are your legs tired, Kindred Spirits? I did a 10K for us all in 100+ degree heat!

chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
What a day!!! Exhilarating and exhausting all at the same time!! The Livestrong Gourmet Challenge was held today in my sweet little town~ it is the second year I have participated. One can either do a 10K walk/run, or a 30 or 62 mile bike ride, followed by a 4 course gourmet lunch.
You just knew I was gonna do the 10K, huh? Well, heck, I'm a sick old broad, so what did anyone expect? It was way to hot to run ( I don't think there were any runners in the group) and I am happy to say that I did the 10K in 1 hour and 35 minutes! YAY YAY YAY! Fortunately it wasn't a race! We could take our time and just do whatever pace we wanted. I kept at a good steady clip and was really happy with my time~ all things considered!

Siobhan volunteered her day off from school/work to work in the kitchen at the restaurant which hosted the event...bless her heart she cooked and worked so hard! I love that girl! :-) She didn't get home from work last night until afer midnight, but was volunteering by 8 this morning!

We were asked to observe a miniute of silence for those who we love who are fighting the in that 60 seconds I silently chanted CSN CSN always, I carry all of you with me.

So, in case you feel a bit worn out's just cuz it was soooo flippin hot!!!



  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    is that why I was so tired
    is that why I was so tired today????????I wore my livestrong bracelet for you Chen. we are so proud of you !you exemplfy what livestrong is all about!!!!
  • I wondered
    why I was out of breathe earlier and thinking I was having a hot flash. Nope it was just this strong motivated siser CHENHEART walking and burning in the sun for me.. Thanks Miss Lady!!! :)... Now I think I'm about to actually get up and walk to get my own water instead of asking my son..LOL
  • pscheer
    pscheer Member Posts: 56 Member
    Way to go! So, did you get
    Way to go! So, did you get emotional? I don't think I will be able to do the Komen race for the cure next Sat. in Houston because I get an infusion the day before, but, if I go, how do you keep from just crying the whole time?
  • beetle25
    beetle25 Member Posts: 150 Member
    pscheer said:

    Way to go! So, did you get
    Way to go! So, did you get emotional? I don't think I will be able to do the Komen race for the cure next Sat. in Houston because I get an infusion the day before, but, if I go, how do you keep from just crying the whole time?

    I was wondering why my legs
    I was wondering why my legs were so tired all day today. Way to go. I wear my livestrong band where ever I go. Will have to check and see when they will be in my area. Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • jennytwist
    jennytwist Member Posts: 896
    beetle25 said:

    I was wondering why my legs
    I was wondering why my legs were so tired all day today. Way to go. I wear my livestrong band where ever I go. Will have to check and see when they will be in my area. Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I remember reading about your race last year - another year! YAY for all of us! Thanks for being there for us - you make all of us look good!
    much love dear sister
  • KayNYC
    KayNYC Member Posts: 495 Member
    Now I know why I had all those hot flashes today
    I was walking a good bit too today but I actually needed a nap this afternoon. Now I know why... Congratulations on completion of your walk. You go girl! So proud of you; thank you for taking us along. You are an inspriation to us. Now I am glad that I wore my pink ribbon "new balance" shoelaces and Komen shirt today.
    Hugs, K
  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Hi Chen,
    10K in 1 hours and 35 minutes...WOW! You must have been moving. Good for you. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Hugs, Jean
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    I huff & puff at a 5K...go you!!!

    Thanks for keeping us with you in Spirit.

    Hugs back!

  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member

    I wondered
    why I was out of breathe earlier and thinking I was having a hot flash. Nope it was just this strong motivated siser CHENHEART walking and burning in the sun for me.. Thanks Miss Lady!!! :)... Now I think I'm about to actually get up and walk to get my own water instead of asking my son..LOL

    I love your response! ( and
    I love your response! ( and your picture too!) I hope you got up and got that glass of water!LOL
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    pscheer said:

    Way to go! So, did you get
    Way to go! So, did you get emotional? I don't think I will be able to do the Komen race for the cure next Sat. in Houston because I get an infusion the day before, but, if I go, how do you keep from just crying the whole time?

    Being emotional to me is
    Being emotional to me is not a negative, if tears run down my face, I say, let 'em! Reggie was so proud of me that HE got all teary-eyed! Fighting this Beast is nothing I ever wanted to do, it isn't any thing any of us want to do. But, as long as I am strong enough, healthy enough to move my feet, I will!I do everything for all of us~ that's why I chant CSN,CSN, CSN whenever I get the chance! It always helps me to focus.

    The restaurant owner, who puts this whole thing together stood to thank us right before the dessert was served. He started crying and had to stop and compose himself. We are literally fighting for our lives! Not all of us has cancer, of course, but no one is un-touched by the Beast~ the ripple effect reaches far. And to have people come out and donate time money and energy, well, that is indeed worthy of tears!

  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175 Member
    Chen you wore me
    Chen you wore me tired now....i had hot flash galore today and it was cool and rainy here....thanks for informing us why we are all feelin this rippling affect!
    And you even made it in an awesome time...way to go Chen...Wooo Hoooo!!!
    Im glad your on our side of this fight!

    Tell Siobhan she is AWESOME for all the hard work she is doing for little ol' us!
  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    Hooray for Chenheart!!!
    Chenheart you are absolutely AMAZING! I remember you talking about participating in this worthy cause at the RE-Union Luncheon. Thank you for representing us CSN Gals.
  • ladyg
    ladyg Member Posts: 1,577
    You must have been going pretty fast. I thought I did good when I did a 5K in 1 hour and 17 minutes. I must be really pookie!
    At least now I know why my feet hurt tonight. Thanks for taking all of us with you.

  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    I knew there was a reason I
    I knew there was a reason I was so tired today. I'm just not used to the long walks in the hot sun but glad I was there with you. Seriously, you amaze me always. And your Shiobhan is a true little angel. What a true chip off the old block is she. Well, I don't know about you but I have to go to bed now, just exhausted but a good exhausted.
    Hugs right back to you
  • Marsha Mulvey
    Marsha Mulvey Member Posts: 597 Member
    fauxma said:

    I knew there was a reason I
    I knew there was a reason I was so tired today. I'm just not used to the long walks in the hot sun but glad I was there with you. Seriously, you amaze me always. And your Shiobhan is a true little angel. What a true chip off the old block is she. Well, I don't know about you but I have to go to bed now, just exhausted but a good exhausted.
    Hugs right back to you

    job well done
    I did get a little tired today but that was because of our local Komen Race. Though I didn't chant "CSN", I carried everyone with me in heart and mind. It was an awesome day here as I'm sure it was for you. Congratulations on a job well done, and thank you.
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member

    job well done
    I did get a little tired today but that was because of our local Komen Race. Though I didn't chant "CSN", I carried everyone with me in heart and mind. It was an awesome day here as I'm sure it was for you. Congratulations on a job well done, and thank you.

    Thank you also for

    Thank you also for carrying all of us with you on your race as well.
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    fauxma said:

    Thank you also for

    Thank you also for carrying all of us with you on your race as well.

    and a big hug from me.You alway amaze me Claudia.
    New Flower
  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    Know I know why I was so tired!!
    Your the best Chenheart, So inspirational. I want to be just like you IF I ever grow up. How in the world do you do it? My muscles feel like rubber most of the time. I could never walk that far. Plus I wouldn't be able to breath. Maybe when chemo is done I can do it.
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member

    job well done
    I did get a little tired today but that was because of our local Komen Race. Though I didn't chant "CSN", I carried everyone with me in heart and mind. It was an awesome day here as I'm sure it was for you. Congratulations on a job well done, and thank you.

    HOORAY and congrats to you
    HOORAY and congrats to you Marsha for doing the SG Komen! I have always been interested in that too~ maybe niext year I will try that one! Thanks for thinking of us...though truly , at a venue like that it would be almost impossible NOT to, huh?

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    Know I know why I was so tired!!
    Your the best Chenheart, So inspirational. I want to be just like you IF I ever grow up. How in the world do you do it? My muscles feel like rubber most of the time. I could never walk that far. Plus I wouldn't be able to breath. Maybe when chemo is done I can do it.

    ChenHeart .. You ARE my Inspiration .. to get up,
    get fit and MOVE, No two ways about it!! It's very easy to have our family members get up and get us a glass of water, or banana during our sucky days and time - movement is the only cure for chemo/rad side efforts! Still going to PT 3 x a week for chronic fatigue !

    How did you survivor with all that sweat dripping from all unmentionable places on your body??? You are a Trooper, with guts of steel. 100 plus degress, I live here in Southern California - experience first hand the thick and still air .. I like to describe it as .. opening an oven door .. after your oven been on for 1 hour at 450 degrees .. how did you do it? I know how .. you are the 50 foot women, of course - you can do anything .. silly me... You had that boost of energy from your doctors, just a few days before .. You were running on Cloud 9.

    Siobhan .. comes from good stock - get my cooking humor? When I spoke with Siobhan whom I am in awe of .. (cooking school wantabe - me) I felt her love for you, Chenheart by the way she spoke of your times in Long Beach - and the way she looked at you and continued to smile while re-living her story... she is so concerned, and filled with Love for you.

    Getting off my butt (tomorrow :-) 4 football games today), PT and yoga this week ...

    Vicki Sam

    ps Please let Siobhan know that I still can't figure out how to cook in my convection oven .. However, our new viking is improving my husband and son's stove top skills.